112 research outputs found

    Indigo plant improves serum lipid profiles

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    We investigated the effects of Polygonum tinctorium Lour (PTL), a plant commonly known as indigo, on biological parameters in an animal model of high-fat diet-induced obesity. Wistar rats fed a high-fat diet and treated with PTL showed lower serum levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol levels and a higher serum levels of HDL cholesterol than those in Wistar rats fed a high-fat diet without PTL treatment. The weight of mesenteric fat in PTL-treated rats was decreased compared to that in control rats not treated with PTL. In addition, energy metabolic rate in the dark period, but not in the light period, in PTL-treated rats was higher than that in control rats. Although a significant difference was not observed, body weight in PTL-treated rats tended to be decreased compared to that in control rats. The results show that PTL improves serum lipid profiles in Wistar rats with high-fat diet-induced obesity


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    今日,海外旅行や海外赴任者・移住者は年々増加の傾向を示している.これらの人々に対し,看護はどのような役割を担い,看護を提供することができるのかについて検討していく必要がある. 今後,海外にでかける,海外で生活する人々に対する医療や看護について教授する一助として,A大学の看護学生に行った海外渡航者の医療に関する講義から,学生が何を学んだかとして記述したレポートを分析した.その結果,学生はこの科目を履修することにより海外渡航者として必要な知識を学習し,そこにおける看護の重要性について学んでいた.今後,学生が海外渡航者の医療や看護に対して,さらに認識や知識を深めるとともに,看護の視野を拡大できるように授業内容を検討することが必要である.The number of Japanese people who take tours overseas, are stationed in overseas offices, or who emigrate to other countries has recently been increasing, year by year. This study was intended to shed light on what roles nurses can play and what kinds of nursing services they can provide to these people. The author recently analyzed reports submitted by A University nursing students after they had received classroom lessons about medical care for overseas travelers. The goal of the analysis was to obtain hints about how to teach students about medical and nursing care for people who are going to take tours overseas or live in other countries. The analysis revealed that attending these lessons had enabled the students to expand their knowledge of overseas travel and to learn the importance to these people of nursing care. The results suggest that it is necessary to select lecture topics carefully with a view to facilitating expansion of the students' mental horizons concerning nursing, so that what the students learn will be of great help when they work in the internationalized community that is now emerging across the world


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    今日,海外旅行や海外赴任者・移住者は年々増加の傾向を示している.これらの人々に対し,看護はどのような役割を担い,看護を提供することができるのかについて検討していく必要がある. 今後,海外にでかける,海外で生活する人々に対する医療や看護について教授する一助として,A大学の看護学生に行った海外渡航者の医療に関する講義から,学生が何を学んだかとして記述したレポートを分析した.その結果,学生はこの科目を履修することにより海外渡航者として必要な知識を学習し,そこにおける看護の重要性について学んでいた.今後,学生が海外渡航者の医療や看護に対して,さらに認識や知識を深めるとともに,看護の視野を拡大できるように授業内容を検討することが必要である.The number of Japanese people who take tours overseas, are stationed in overseas offices, or who emigrate to other countries has recently been increasing, year by year. This study was intended to shed light on what roles nurses can play and what kinds of nursing services they can provide to these people. The author recently analyzed reports submitted by A University nursing students after they had received classroom lessons about medical care for overseas travelers. The goal of the analysis was to obtain hints about how to teach students about medical and nursing care for people who are going to take tours overseas or live in other countries. The analysis revealed that attending these lessons had enabled the students to expand their knowledge of overseas travel and to learn the importance to these people of nursing care. The results suggest that it is necessary to select lecture topics carefully with a view to facilitating expansion of the students' mental horizons concerning nursing, so that what the students learn will be of great help when they work in the internationalized community that is now emerging across the world

    Association between gefitinib and hemorrhagic cystitis and severely contracted bladder: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gefitinib remains an excellent treatment option for patients with a variety of cancers, including non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, clinicians must be aware of the potential of gefitinib to cause an inflammatory reaction in the skin, lungs and bladder.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>We present a case on hemorrhagic cystitis and severaly contracted bladder in a patient with NSCLC on gefitinib.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Further studies are needed to substantiate the association of gefitinib therapy with hemorrhagic cystitis and contracted bladder.</p


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    1年次の看護学生におこなった基礎看護学実習において,今後の実習のあり方を検討するために,学生が臨床の看護をどのように認知したかについて,学生のレポートを分析した.学生の臨床の看護に関する認知は,ナイチンゲールやヘンダーソンがいう看護のメタパラダイムに焦点化して看護をとらえていることが明らかとなった.看護学概説の統合として位置づけられるこの実習から,学生は理論を通して看護の実践場面をみることができており,知識を統合する実習として有効であると判断できた.First-year nursing students practiced nursing in a clinical setting during their first clinical training experience. After the training experience, the students submitted a report on how they found clinical nursing. The author analyzed their reports to investigate how the students perceived nursing in a clinical setting, with the goal of improving methods of clinical training. The analysis revealed that the students tended to view nursing from a point of view similar to the meta-paradigm proposed by two theoreticians of nursing, Nightingale and Henderson. The students achieved the target of clinical training, i.e., the opportunity to make a link between clinical practice and the knowledge about nursing they had learned in the classroom. The current clinical training experience was thus judged to be valid


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    看護学生は入学初期から学習する看護学や,日常生活の中で多様な体験や経験を積むことにより,看護に対する見方・考え方を変えながら,自らの看護観を形成していく.今回,看護学生が入学時と,1年間看護学やその関連科目,教養科目などを学習した1年終了時における看護の見方・考え方について学生の記述内容を分析した.その結果,看護学生は入学後1年間の学習や経験などが加味され,看護に関する認識を新たにしたり深めたりしていた.この認識の変化には,専門科目である看護学概論や看護理論の影響が大きいと考えられた.なぜならば看護学生は,1年間に学習した看護学概論や看護理論の科目の中で捉えた看護の考え方をベースに看護の認識を深めていた.Nursing students develop their own view of nursing through learning of nursing and accumulating diverse experiences during daily living after entering nursing school. The present study was undertaken to analyze the result of the descriptive survey designed to investigate changes in the students awareness of nursing during the first year of the nursing school (i.e., after one year of learning nursing, nursing-related subjects and subjects for general education). This survey revealed that the nursing students accumulated knowledge and experience and deepened thir awareness of nursing during the one year period. These changes in their awareness seem to be particularly related to education of nursing-specific subjects (introduction and theories of nursing). The students deepened their awareness of nursing on the basis of the views they learned from these nursing-specific subjects

    Development of the Anger Coping Behaviors Style Scale for High School Students

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    The reliability and validity of the Anger Coping Behaviors Style Scale for High School Students were examined in this study. In the analysis, we used the data of senior high school students in A Prefecture (n=3360) who had no missing values on the survey items. We extracted the following four factors using exploratory factor analysis: Support seeking, Situation analysis, Escape, and Violence. Then, we examined the factorial validity of the scale using confirmatory factor analysis, which indicated that an oblique factor model consisting of these four factors fitted the data(CFI: Comparative Fit Index=0.955, RMSEA: Root Mean Square Error of Approximation=0.070). The results of statistical analysis supported the reliability and validity of the Anger Coping Behaviors Style Scale for High School Students developed in this study

    A Case Report of Matrix-Producing Carcinoma of the Breast during Lactation : A secondary publication

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    Matrix-producing carcinoma (MPC) of the breast is relatively rare. We report on a case of MPC of the breast during lactation. A female in her 30s noticed a lump in the upper inner and outer quadrants of her left breast 9 months into her pregnancy. She came hospital at one month after delivery. Ultrasonography revealed a hypoechoic tumor with an unclear border region. An MRI revealed a breast tumor approximately 19 mm in size, with dynamic studies demonstrating early contrast and ring enhancement. A core needle biopsy was performed, resulting in an histopathological diagnosis of invasive carcinoma [Estrogen receptor-, Progesterone receptor-, Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2(HER2)-; stage I, T1cN0M0]. Breast-conserving surgery and a sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) were performed. The SLNB was negative for cancer. Chemotherapy (FEC100, DTX75) and radiotherapy were performed as adjuvant therapies. Seventeen months after surgery, the patient is recurrence-free