

看護学生は入学初期から学習する看護学や,日常生活の中で多様な体験や経験を積むことにより,看護に対する見方・考え方を変えながら,自らの看護観を形成していく.今回,看護学生が入学時と,1年間看護学やその関連科目,教養科目などを学習した1年終了時における看護の見方・考え方について学生の記述内容を分析した.その結果,看護学生は入学後1年間の学習や経験などが加味され,看護に関する認識を新たにしたり深めたりしていた.この認識の変化には,専門科目である看護学概論や看護理論の影響が大きいと考えられた.なぜならば看護学生は,1年間に学習した看護学概論や看護理論の科目の中で捉えた看護の考え方をベースに看護の認識を深めていた.Nursing students develop their own view of nursing through learning of nursing and accumulating diverse experiences during daily living after entering nursing school. The present study was undertaken to analyze the result of the descriptive survey designed to investigate changes in the students awareness of nursing during the first year of the nursing school (i.e., after one year of learning nursing, nursing-related subjects and subjects for general education). This survey revealed that the nursing students accumulated knowledge and experience and deepened thir awareness of nursing during the one year period. These changes in their awareness seem to be particularly related to education of nursing-specific subjects (introduction and theories of nursing). The students deepened their awareness of nursing on the basis of the views they learned from these nursing-specific subjects

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