51 research outputs found

    Fully Consistent Density Functional Theory Determination of the Insulator-Metal Transition Boundary in Warm Dense Hydrogen

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    Using conceptually and procedurally consistent density functional theory (DFT) calculations with an advanced meta-GGA exchange-correlation functional in ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, we determine the insulator-metal transition (IMT) of warm dense fluid hydrogen over the pressure range 50 to 300 GPa. Inclusion of nuclear quantum effects via path-integral molecular dynamics (PIMD) sharpens the metallic transition and lowers the transition temperature relative to results from Born-Oppenheimer (BO) MD. BOMD itself gives improved agreement with experimental results compared to previous DFT predictions. Examination of the ionic pair correlation function in the context of the abrupt conductivity increase at the transition confirms a metallic transition due to the dissociation of molecular hydrogen that coincides with an abrupt band gap closure. Direct comparison of the PIMD and BOMD results clearly demonstrates an isotope effect on the IMT. Distinct from stochastic simulations, these results do not depend upon any ad hoc combination of ground-state and finite-T methodologies

    First-principles equation of state of CHON resin for inertial confinement fusion applications

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    A wide-range (0 to 1044.0 g/cm3 and 0 to 109 K) equation-of-state (EOS) table for a CH1.72O0.37N0.086 quaternary compound has been constructed based on density-functional theory (DFT) molecular-dynamics (MD) calculations using a combination of Kohn-Sham DFT MD, orbital-free DFT MD, and numerical extrapolation. The first-principles EOS data are compared with predictions of simple models, including the fully ionized ideal gas and the Fermi-degenerate electron gas models, to chart their temperature-density conditions of applicability. The shock Hugoniot, thermodynamic properties, and bulk sound velocities are predicted based on the EOS table and compared to those of C-H compounds. The Hugoniot results show the maximum compression ratio of the C-H-O-N resin is larger than that of CH polystyrene due to the existence of oxygen and nitrogen; while the other properties are similar between CHON and CH. Radiation hydrodynamic simulations have been performed using the table for inertial confinement fusion targets with a CHON ablator and compared with a similar design with CH. The simulations show CHON outperforms CH as the ablator for laser-direct-drive target designs

    A Study of the Diverse T Dwarf Population Revealed by WISE

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    We report the discovery of 87 new T dwarfs uncovered with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and three brown dwarfs with extremely red near-infrared colors that exhibit characteristics of both L and T dwarfs. Two of the new T dwarfs are likely binaries with L7+/-1 primaries and mid-type T secondaries. In addition, our follow-up program has confirmed 10 previously identified T dwarfs and four photometrically-selected L and T dwarf candidates in the literature. This sample, along with the previous WISE discoveries, triples the number of known brown dwarfs with spectral types later than T5. Using the WISE All-Sky Source Catalog we present updated color-color and color-type diagrams for all the WISE-discovered T and Y dwarfs. Near-infrared spectra of the new discoveries are presented, along with spectral classifications. To accommodate later T dwarfs we have modified the integrated flux method of determining spectral indices to instead use the median flux. Furthermore, a newly defined J-narrow index differentiates the early-type Y dwarfs from late-type T dwarfs based on the J-band continuum slope. The K/J indices for this expanded sample show that 32% of late-type T dwarfs have suppressed K-band flux and are blue relative to the spectral standards, while only 11% are redder than the standards. Comparison of the Y/J and K/J index to models suggests diverse atmospheric conditions and supports the possible re-emergence of clouds after the L/T transition. We also discuss peculiar brown dwarfs and candidates that were found not to be substellar, including two Young Stellar Objects and two Active Galactic Nuclei. The coolest WISE-discovered brown dwarfs are the closest of their type and will remain the only sample of their kind for many years to come.Comment: Accepted to ApJS on 15 January 2013; 99 pages in preprint format, 30 figures, 12 table

    High contrast imaging at the LBT: the LEECH exoplanet imaging survey

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    In Spring 2013, the LEECH (LBTI Exozodi Exoplanet Common Hunt) survey began its ∼\sim130-night campaign from the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) atop Mt Graham, Arizona. This survey benefits from the many technological achievements of the LBT, including two 8.4-meter mirrors on a single fixed mount, dual adaptive secondary mirrors for high Strehl performance, and a cold beam combiner to dramatically reduce the telescope's overall background emissivity. LEECH neatly complements other high-contrast planet imaging efforts by observing stars at L' (3.8 μ\mum), as opposed to the shorter wavelength near-infrared bands (1-2.4 μ\mum) of other surveys. This portion of the spectrum offers deep mass sensitivity, especially around nearby adolescent (∼\sim0.1-1 Gyr) stars. LEECH's contrast is competitive with other extreme adaptive optics systems, while providing an alternative survey strategy. Additionally, LEECH is characterizing known exoplanetary systems with observations from 3-5μ\mum in preparation for JWST.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Proceedings of the SPIE, 9148-2

    The LEECH Exoplanet Imaging Survey: Limits on Planet Occurrence Rates Under Conservative Assumptions

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    We present the results of the largest L′L^{\prime} (3.8 μ3.8~\mum) direct imaging survey for exoplanets to date, the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer (LBTI) Exozodi Exoplanet Common Hunt (LEECH). We observed 98 stars with spectral types from B to M. Cool planets emit a larger share of their flux in L′L^{\prime} compared to shorter wavelengths, affording LEECH an advantage in detecting low-mass, old, and cold-start giant planets. We emphasize proximity over youth in our target selection, probing physical separations smaller than other direct imaging surveys. For FGK stars, LEECH outperforms many previous studies, placing tighter constraints on the hot-start planet occurrence frequency interior to ∼20\sim20 au. For less luminous, cold-start planets, LEECH provides the best constraints on giant-planet frequency interior to ∼20\sim20 au around FGK stars. Direct imaging survey results depend sensitively on both the choice of evolutionary model (e.g., hot- or cold-start) and assumptions (explicit or implicit) about the shape of the underlying planet distribution, in particular its radial extent. Artificially low limits on the planet occurrence frequency can be derived when the shape of the planet distribution is assumed to extend to very large separations, well beyond typical protoplanetary dust-disk radii (≲50\lesssim50 au), and when hot-start models are used exclusively. We place a conservative upper limit on the planet occurrence frequency using cold-start models and planetary population distributions that do not extend beyond typical protoplanetary dust-disk radii. We find that ≲90%\lesssim90\% of FGK systems can host a 7 to 10 MJupM_{\mathrm{Jup}} planet from 5 to 50 au. This limit leaves open the possibility that planets in this range are common.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figures, accepted to A

    First Light LBT AO Images of HR 8799 bcde at 1.65 and 3.3 Microns: New Discrepancies between Young Planets and Old Brown Dwarfs

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    As the only directly imaged multiple planet system, HR 8799 provides a unique opportunity to study the physical properties of several planets in parallel. In this paper, we image all four of the HR 8799 planets at H-band and 3.3 microns with the new LBT adaptive optics system, PISCES, and LBTI/LMIRCam. Our images offer an unprecedented view of the system, allowing us to obtain H and 3.3$ micron photometry of the innermost planet (for the first time) and put strong upper-limits on the presence of a hypothetical fifth companion. We find that all four planets are unexpectedly bright at 3.3 microns compared to the equilibrium chemistry models used for field brown dwarfs, which predict that planets should be faint at 3.3 microns due to CH4 opacity. We attempt to model the planets with thick-cloudy, non-equilibrium chemistry atmospheres, but find that removing CH4 to fit the 3.3 micron photometry increases the predicted L' (3.8 microns) flux enough that it is inconsistent with observations. In an effort to fit the SED of the HR 8799 planets, we construct mixtures of cloudy atmospheres, which are intended to represent planets covered by clouds of varying opacity. In this scenario, regions with low opacity look hot and bright, while regions with high opacity look faint, similar to the patchy cloud structures on Jupiter and L/T transition brown-dwarfs. Our mixed cloud models reproduce all of the available data, but self-consistent models are still necessary to demonstrate their viability.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Two Small Temperate Planets Transiting Nearby M Dwarfs in K2 Campaigns 0 and 1

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    The prime Kepler mission revealed that small planets (<4 R_⊕) are common, especially around low-mass M dwarfs. K2, the repurposed Kepler mission, continues this exploration of small planets around small stars. Here we combine K2 photometry with spectroscopy, adaptive optics imaging, and archival survey images to analyze two small planets orbiting the nearby field-age M dwarfs, K2-26 (EPIC 202083828) and K2-9. K2-26 is an M 1.0 ± 0.5 dwarf at 93 ± 7 pc from K2 Campaign 0. We validate its planet with a day period of 14.5665 and estimate a radius of 2.67_(-0.42)^(+0.46)R_⊕. K2-9 is an M2.5 ± 0.5 dwarf at 110 ± 12 pc from K2 Campaign 1. K2-9b was first identified by Montet et al.; here we present spectra and adaptive optics imaging of the host star and independently validate and characterize the planet. Our analyses indicate K2-9b is a 2.25_(-0.96)^(+0.53)R_⊕ planet with a 18.4498 day period. K2-26b exhibits a transit duration that is too long to be consistent with a circular orbit given its measured stellar radius. Thus, the long transits are likely due to the photoeccentric effect and our transit fits hint at an eccentric orbit. Both planets receive low incident flux from their host stars and have estimated equilibrium temperatures <500 K. K2-9b may receive approximately Earth-like insolation. However, its host star exhibits strong GALEX UV emission which could affect any atmosphere it harbors. K2-26b and K2-9b are representatives of a poorly studied class of small planets with cool temperatures that have radii intermediate to Earth and Neptune. Future study of these systems can provide key insight into trends in bulk composition and atmospheric properties at the transition from silicate dominated to volatile rich bodies

    LEECH: A 100 Night Exoplanet Imaging Survey at the LBT

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    In February 2013, the LEECH (LBTI Exozodi Exoplanet Common Hunt) survey began its 100-night campaign from the Large Binocular Telescope atop Mount Graham in Arizona. LEECH nearly complements other high-contrast planet imaging efforts by observing stars in L' band (3.8 microns) as opposed to the shorter wavelength near-infrared bands (1-2.3 microns). This part of the spectrum offers deeper mass sensitivity for intermediate age (several hundred Myr-old) systems, since their Jovian-mass planets radiate predominantly in the mid-infrared. In this proceedings, we present the science goals for LEECH and a preliminary contrast curve from some early data.Comment: IAUS 299 Proceeding
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