12 research outputs found

    Dehydration and denitrification in the Arctic polar vortex during the 1995-1996 winter

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    Geophys. Res. Letts., 25, 501-504.Dehydration of more than 0.5 ppmv water was observed between 18 and 19 km (0~450~465 K) at the edge of the Arctic polar vortex on February 1, 1996. More than half the reactive nitrogen (NOy) had also been removed, with layers of enhanced NOy at lower altitudes..

    Simultaneous use of relaxed eddy accumulation and gradient flux techniques for the measurement of sea-to-air exchange of dimethyl sulphide

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    The sea-to-air flux of the biogenic volatile sulphur compound dimethyl sulphide was assessed with the relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) and the gradient flux (GF) techniques from a stationary platform in the coastal Atlantic Ocean. Fluxes varied between 2 and 16 µmol m-2 d-1. Fluxes derived from REA were on average 7.1±5.03 µmol m-2 d-1, not significantly different from the average flux of 5.3±2.3 µmol m-2 d-1 derived from GF measurements. Gas transfer velocities were calculated from the fluxes and seawater DMS concentrations. They were within the range of gas transfer rates derived from the commonly used parameterizations that relate gas transfer to wind speed.

    Observations of large reductions in NO/NOy ratio near the mid-latitude tropopause and the role of heterogeneous chemistry

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    Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 23, No. 22, pp. 3223-3226, November 1, 1996.During the 1993 NASA Stratospheric Photochemistry, Aerosols and Dynamics Expedition (SPADE), anomalously low nitric oxide (NO) was found in a distinct sunlit layer located above the mid-latitude tropopause..

    Modeling the inorganic bromine partitioning in the tropical tropopause layer over the eastern and western Pacific Ocean

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    The stratospheric inorganic bromine (Br) burden arising from the degradation of brominated very short-lived organic substances (VSL) and its partitioning between reactive and reservoir species is needed for a comprehensive assessment of the ozone depletion potential of brominated trace gases. Here we present modeled inorganic bromine abundances over the Pacific tropical tropopause based on aircraft observations of VSL from two campaigns of the Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment (ATTREX 2013, carried out over the eastern Pacific, and ATTREX 2014, carried out over the western Pacific) and chemistry-climate simulations (along ATTREX flight tracks) using the specific meteorology prevailing. Using the Community Atmosphere Model with Chemistry (CAM-Chem) we model that BrO and Br are the daytime dominant species. Integrated across all ATTREX flights, BrO represents ~43 and 48% of daytime Br abundance at 17 km over the western and eastern Pacific, respectively. The results also show zones where Br/BrO > 1 depending on the solar zenith angle (SZA), ozone concentration, and temperature. On the other hand, BrCl and BrONO were found to be the dominant nighttime species with ~61 and 56 % of abundance at 17 km over the western and eastern Pacific, respectively. The western-to-eastern differences in the partitioning of inorganic bromine are explained by different abundances of ozone (O), nitrogen dioxide (NO), total inorganic chlorine (Cl), and the efficiency of heterogeneous reactions of bromine reservoirs (mostly BrONO and HBr) occurring on ice crystals.Peer Reviewe

    High resolution simulation of recent Arctic and Antarctic stratospheric chemical ozone loss compared to observations

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    Simulations of polar ozone losses were performed using the three-dimensional high-resolution (1° × 1°) chemical transport model MIMOSA-CHIM. Three Arctic winters 1999–2000, 2001–2002, 2002–2003 and three Antarctic winters 2001, 2002, and 2003 were considered for the study. The cumulative ozone loss in the Arctic winter 2002–2003 reached around 35% at 475K inside the vortex, as compared to more than 60% in 1999–2000. During 1999–2000, denitrification induces a maximum of about 23% extra ozone loss at 475K as compared to 17% in 2002–2003. Unlike these two colder Arctic winters, the 2001–2002 Arctic was warmer and did not experience much ozone loss. Sensitivity tests showed that the chosen resolution of 1° ×1° provides a better evaluation of ozone loss at the edge of the polar vortex in high solar zenith angle conditions. The simulation results for ozone, ClO, HNO3, N2O, and NOy for winters 1999–2000 and 2002–2003 were compared with measurements on board ER-2 and Geophysica aircraft respectively. Sensitivity tests showed that increasing heating rates calculated by the model by 50% and doubling the PSC (Polar Stratospheric Clouds) particle density (from 5 × 10-3 to 10-2 cm-3) refines the agreement with in situ ozone, N2O and NOy levels. In this configuration, simulated ClO levels are increased and are in better agreement with observations in January but are overestimated by about 20% in March. The use of the Burkholder et al. (1990) Cl2O2 absorption cross-sections slightly increases further ClO levels especially in high solar zenith angle conditions. Comparisons of the modelled ozone values with ozonesonde measurement in the Antarctic winter 2003 and with Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement III (POAM III) measurements in the Antarctic winters 2001 and 2002, shows that the simulations underestimate the ozone loss rate at the end of the ozone destruction period. A slightly better agreement is obtained with the use of Burkholder et al. (1990) Cl2O2 absorption cross-sections