47 research outputs found

    Developing a method of collecting purchase probability data in telephone interviews : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Studies in Marketing at Massey University

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    Purchase predictions is an important issue for both commercial and academic researchers. The Juster Scale is an eleven point purchase probability scale designed to collect purchase probability data in face-to-face interviews. The Verbal Purchase Probability scale is a variation of the Juster Scale designed specifically for use in telephone interviews. The main focus of this study was to investigate ways in which the accuracy of predictions obtained using the Verbal Purchase Probability scale. This was achieved by testing two procedures designed to improve predictions: using respondent recall of previous purchase behaviour prior as a guide to making predictions; and a double question procedure where respondents were first asked to make purchase predictions for a longer time period (eight weeks), then for the time period of interest (four weeks). It was found that the technique using respondent recall as a guide was not effective at improving predictions, asking the prediction questions over the two time periods was. Other findings included; that purchase level predictions could not be made with any less data than, the probability of purchasing any products, the number of product most likely to be bought and the probability of purchasing exactly that number without a significant reduction in the accuracy of the prediction. It was found that using respondent recall to test the accuracy of predictions resulted in significantly understated error. Accurate recall at the time of making a prediction lead to more accurate purchase level predictions being made, but not purchase rate predictions. "Non-users" had significantly larger errors in their purchase level predictions than "users", this lead to a new method of estimating purchase levels by assuming non-users have a zero purchase probability and thus the predicted purchase level is equal to the purchase level of users

    Juridical Review of Community Forest Utilization Business Permits (IUPHKm) in the Kibuk HKm Group in Agung Lawangan Subdistrict North Dempo District

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    The 1945 Constitution in Article 33 mandates that the earth and water and the wealth contained therein are controlled by the state and used as much as possible for the prosperity of the people at large. Therefore, it is necessary to implement sustainable development that is environmentally friendly.The scope of development to be achieved is so broad, it must be implemented in stages and continuously. Development will certainly bring changes in society. With the changes in development and the increasing population, it should be adapted to the use of existing natural resources for the sake of the continuity of life of the community itself, both now and in the future. ¬Kibuk 94 Social Community Forest (HKM) was formed in In 2017 based on the Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry No. 5756/MENLKH-PSKL/PKPS/PSL 0/10/2017 concerning the Granting of Community Forest Utilization Business Permits to Kibuk Farmer Groups Covering an Area of ​​400 (Four Hundred) Hectares in the Protected Forest Area in Ahung Village Lawangan, North Dempo District, Pagar Alam City, South Sumatra ProvinceThe topographic conditions are relatively sloping and undulating with the general soil type being Andosol. The garden area is at an altitude of around - 1,800 meters above sea level with an average annual rainfall of 2,500 mm-3000 mm. The wet season is 10 months and the dry season is 2 months, with air humidity ranging from 60% - 85% with air temperatures ranging from 150C - 260C. The types of plants in the protected area are in the coffee (Arabica) plantation area, Pokat Plant

    Tinjauan Yuridis Strategi Promosi Satu Harga Dalam Transaksi Jual Beli Pada Toko Wd Collection Kota Pagar Alam

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    Promotion as the main element in marketing, promotion is carried out as an effort to increase sales by holding meetings, demonstrations, placing advertisements, both electronic advertisements and advertisements in the form of banners and specially packaged to attract buyers. The tight competition in the field of buying and selling products has given rise to a one-price promotion strategy, such as the Rp. 35.000,- department store on Jl. Colonel H. Burlian Simpang Manna Kota Pagar Alam. The heat is carried out by placing a large banner on the store and reading all Rp. 35,000, - the banner is installed both inside the store and outside the store with a striking banner color so that it attracts people's attention to enter the store even though there are also products that are sold at a price of more than 35,000 ,- the problem studied in this research is about the promotion strategy of one price 35,000,- and what is the juridical view on the promotion strategy of one price that conducts a convenience store of Rp. 35,000,-. The results of the juridical review research on the one-price promotion strategy tend to have an element of fraud because in fact there are goods that are sold not at a price of Rp. 35,000, - but if it is punched from a juridical one-price sale and purchase according to civil law is valid if fulfilled the provisions of Article 1320 Civil law regarding the validity of the agreement. &nbsp


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    Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja sebagai suatu proses kegiatan yang dimulai dengan tahap perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengendalian yang bertujuan untuk membudayakan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja di Puskesmas. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui (1) pengaturan dan pelaksanaan sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja; (2) pelaksanaan tentang perlindungan hukum bagi tenaga kesehatan di Puskesmas Bulu kabupaten Sukoharjo; (3) hambatan dan kemudahan yang dihadapi oleh pihak Puskesmas Bulu dalam pelaksanaan sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja serta perlindungan hak tenaga kesehatan di Puskesmas Bulu kabupaten Sukoharjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder, melalui wawancara kepada kepala Puskesmas dan koordinator K3 Puskesmas sebagai narasumber dan dokter, perawat sebagai responden serta studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pengaturan dan Pelaksanaan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) Puskesmas Bulu Serta Perlindungan Hak Tenaga Kesehatan di Puskesmas Bulu secara substansi sudah sesuai dengan amanat peraturan perundang-undangan dan telah bertanggung jawab dalam menyediakan dan memberikan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang layak, aman, nyaman dan terjamin melalui penerapan dan pelaksanaan SMK3. Perlindungan hukum bagi tenaga kesehatan diberikan jaminan sosial berupa BPJS Kesehatan bagi ASN dan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan bagi Non ASN; upah/gaji yang sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah daerah dan penyediaan alat perlindungan diri/ APD seperti masker, handscoon, sepatu boots dan lain-lain, kalibrasi alat-alat kesehatan dan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala serta pemberian vaksinasi bagi tenaga kesehatan yang berisiko. Faktor yang menghambat efektifitas pelaksanaan SMK3 Puskesmas terletak pada sistem struktural dan tanggungjawab tim kerja K3 dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, kurangnya melakukan sosialisasi SOP dan sosialisasi kebijakan K3 serta kurangnya pengawasan/ monitoring pelaksanaan kegiatan K3 Puskesmas

    Kualitas Pelayanan di Perseroan Terbatas Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Palangkaraya

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    This research aims to determine the implementation and factors that become a barrier and supporter in the quality of service in the company's local pawnshop (Persero) Palangkaraya branch of central Kalimantan. The type of research used is qualitative research methods with descriptive analytical techniques. Researcher's position in qualitative research, the researcher is a planner, Data collector Executor, analysis, data interpreter and eventually, researchers become the reporter of the results of his research. The data source in this study is the employees of the company's limited pawnshop (Persero) Palangkaraya branch that serves customers and customers. Based on the results of the research can be explained that the service of the company's pawnshop (Persero) Palangkaraya Branch Central Kalimantan, a barrier factor encountered (1) the number of complaints from the customer about the timeliness that resulted in Quality of service to limited liability company. Pawnshop (Persero) Palangkaraya Branch still not quality. (2) Accuracy of service is not good, because there are still employees who are less thorough in the transaction to the customer. (3) Polite and friendly attitude given by the officers of the limited liability company (Persero) Palangkaraya branch to the community. (4) is still a lack of convenience in service so that customers feel complicated in dealing in the company of Pawnshop Limited (Persero) Palangkaraya branch. (5) Still lacks the support of existing facilities and infrastructures. (6) Still, the lack of participation in the community


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    Sande Berlapis bagian dari Hukum Gadai Tanah yang masih eksis saat ini di Daerah Besemah di Kota Pagar Alam Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Adapun yang menjadi objek Sande pada Masyarakat Hukum Adat Besemah di Kota Pagar Alam adalah tanah dan bukan tanah. Sande bagi masyarakat Besemah di Kota Pagar Alam merupakan langkah dalam mengatasi masalah ekonomi tanpa harus takut kehilangan objek Sande dan merupakan budaya pada Masyarakat Hukum Adat Besemah di Kota Pagar Alam. Sande berlapis pada Masyarakat Hukum Adat Besemah di Kota Pagar Alam terjadi atas keinginan pemegang Sande untuk membayar harga kepada pemberi Sande dan mengharuskan pemberi Sande menyerahkan tanahnya kepada pemegang gadai dengan dipenuhinya ketentuan yang berlaku bagi Sande, sementara tanahnya sudah tergadai lebih dahulu kepada pihak lain. Penguasaan benda Sande tidak selamanya harus dikeluarkan dari kekuasaan pemberi Sande, akan tetapi dapat tetap dikuasai oleh pemberi Sande yang disebut dengan Tating Tanpa Kuasa, sedangkan Sande yang objeknya harus dikeluarkan dari pemegang Sande disebut Tating Kuasa.Tating tanpa kuasa ini merupakan salah satu karakter khas lembaga Sande pada Masyarakat Hukum Adat Besemah di Kota Pagar Alam sehingga penjual Sande dapat menggadaikan kembali tanahnya baik dengan persetujuan maupun tanpa persetujuan pembeli Sande. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang Perlindungan Hukum Pemegang Sande Berlapis Pada Masyarakat Hukum Adat Besemah di Kota Pagar Alam yang masih berlangsungpada saat ini. Tim peneliti melakukan penelitian hukum empiris dengan pendekatan budaya/ etnografi approachdan pngumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi dengan menggunakan Purposive Sampling dan Snow Ball.Kata Kunci : Hukum adat bersemah,Sande, Masyarakat Bersema

    Entrepreneurship ETR300 Da Coconut Eclipse / Daphne Hini Anak Giang... [et al.]

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    The name of our company is De Coconut Eclipse. The business is in the form of partnership which consists of five members. Each partner contributes certain amount of capital as agreed in the agreement. The main activity is producing the coconut based product that is homemade jam that can be used for people as a bread filling. Since there are only small numbers of jam producer, we decided to take the opportunity to enter this business field to maximize the benefit of coconut and to commercialize it becoming a coconut jam and sell it throughout the region. There is no sleeping partner and all are entitled to participate in the business management. We agreed that Matthew Kana as the General Manager, Norelfira Binti Mahsin as Administrative Executive, Olivia De Vega as the Marketing Executive, Daphne Hini as the Operation Executive and Valeni Tia Basil as the Financial Executive. The selection of General Manager is based on consensus among all partners and selected based on experience, skills and ability. The management team will be led by the General Manager and the other executives. The General Manager is responsible in planning, leading, organizing and controlling the business. The Administrative Executive is responsible for the job that related to the administration such as planning and arranging the remuneration schedule of salary and wages. The Operational Executive is responsible for the entire job that related to the operation and will supervise and coordinate the operation of the business. The Marketing Executive will be responsible to create the marketing plan, identifying the customer's need and demand, identifying the competitors, target market and market size and also forecasting the future market. Lastly, the Financial Executive will be handling the financial matters such as preparing the budget and financial statement for expenses of each departments and controlling the flow of the money of the organization

    A multi-criteria multi-actors assessment of performance energy concerning energy projects of renovation : case of Condominium housing touched by the phenomenon of fuel poverty.

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    Le phénomène de la Précarité Energétique (PE) ne cesse de gagner du terrain, il concerne 20,4% de la population françaises en 2016 contre 18,4% en 2013 (ONPE ; 2016). Ce constat oblige une attention particulière à la question de la performance énergétique des bâtiments.Malheureusement, cette performance est limitée aujourd’hui à la seule question de l’efficacité énergétique, or, il faudra prendre en compte la sobriété énergétique et le comportement des acteurs pour atteindre une vraie performance. Pour ce faire, nous avons mobilisé le parc de la copropriété qui est un parc avec une gouvernance complexe où la prise de décision commune pour voter les travaux est difficile à atteindre. Afin de répondre à ce problème complexe, une démarche délibérative établissant un dialogue entre les acteurs de la copropriété (syndic, conseil syndical, copropriétaires résidents et copropriétaires bailleurs), mais aussi avec les autres parties prenantes portant des connaissances sur la rénovation énergétique des bâtiments (architecte, thermicien, chargés d’opérations ...etc.), permettrait d’une part d’accompagner les copropriétaires à comprendre et à s’approprier les défis de la performance énergétique et d’une autre part de faire une évaluation pour comprendre comment les copropriétaires prennent des décisions sur des choix de performance énergétique dans une situation de précarité énergétique.Le défi de cette démarche est qu’à travers ce dialogue et évaluation, les copropriétés puissent faire des décisions performantes pour les travaux de rénovation même quand plusieurs de ces copropriétaires sont en situation de PE.The phenomenon of fuel poverty continues to grow, it is affecting 20.4% of the French population in 2016 against 18.4% in 2013 (ONPE, 2016). This situation requires special attention to the issue of energy performance in buildings energy.Unfortunately, this performance, nowadays is only limited to the question of energy efficiency, it will be necessary to consider the energy saving and the behavior of the actors to achieve true performance. In order to do this, we have mobilized the park of the condominium housing which is a park with complex governance where common decision-making votes for needed tasks is difficult to achieve. To address this complex problem, a deliberative approach establishing a dialogue between co-owners (the managing office, union council, resident co-owners and lessor co-owners) but also with other stakeholders with knowledge on buildings energy renovation (Architect, heat engineer, operation manager…etc.), would enable the co-owners to understand and appropriate the challenges of energy performance and to make an assessment to understand how the co-owners take decisions on energy performance choices in a situation of fuel poverty.The challenge of this approach is that through this dialogue and evaluation, the condominiums housing can make efficient decisions for renovations even when several of its co-owners are in a fuel poverty situation

    The Common Teaching methods of Social Studies and National Studies Teachers and how much they go with the most favored Strategy

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    This study aimed at knowing the difference between the strategies followed by the social studies teachers and the national studies teachers and how much do they go with the most favored strategies for the their students. The first contains the common teaching Instrument strategies and the other instrument contains the most favored strategies and both reliability and validity were done for both instruments. After that the instruments were distributed on (1071) students in the literature stream. The results of the study were as the following : that the most common teaching strategies among the social studies teachers and national studies teacher were the strategies that shows the role of the learner and that the least teaching strategies used is the strategies that balance between the learner and the teacher. It also showed that the most favored teaching strategies among the students were the strategies that shows the role of the teacher and the least favored among students were the strategies that balance between the teacher and the leaner. The results also showed that there is no consistency between the common teaching strategies and the strategies favored by the leanerer in terms of the strategies that show the learners role and the balance between the teacher and the leanerer. But it showed consistency between the common strategies and the favored strategies by leanerer that show the role of the teacher. The Researcher gave a number of suggestions from the most important is to hold training setions for both the social studies and national studies teachers to train them on teaching through the most favored strategies of their students

    Molecular epidemiology and susceptibility to antifungal agents of oropharyngeal Candida isolates from patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

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    HIV positive patients are susceptible to a wide array of microbial infections. The oral cavity and perioral areas are common anatomical sites that microbial infections affect causing severe mucosal and skin lesions. Oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC) in HIV-positive individuals is still common, although newer antiretroviral therapies, such as HAART/PI-HAART, had initially a positive impact on limiting erythematous and pseudomembranous candidiasis. The present study aimed at evaluating (a) the influence of newer antiretroviral therapies in the frequency of OPC and their impact on the yeast species responsible, by comparing populations of HIV/AIDS individuals prior to, and after, establishment of HAART; (b) record antifungal susceptibility trends of isolates from patients before and after the introduction of HAART; (c) resolve the molecular base of the most common and prominent resistance patterns. At first, the Candida species OPC infection frequencies was established from 349 AIDS patients in the G. Gennimatas General Hospital Special Infections Unit, followed by recording outcomes of antifungal regimens. The 271 OPC Candida spp. isolated from a total of 665 samples were characterized by standard phenotypic methods comprising microscopy culture and carbohydrate assimilation tests. The in vitro resistance of single colonies to fluconazole, voriconazole, amphotericin B, 5-fluorocytocine, itraconazole, ketoconazole and caspofungin were determined using both E-test and the CLSI reference microdilution method (M27 A2). Successive sampling in 19 patients with recurring candidiasis yielded 32 yeast isolates, of which 22 were C. albicans. This species was prominent in all cases, regardless patients undergoing non-HAART or HAART antiretroviral therapy. Interestingly, Candida non-albicans occurred significantly more frequently (p > 0.5) in high viral load and/or low CD4 counts in patients with OPC. PCR-sequencing of fluconazole-resistant C. albicans isolates revealed homogenous resistance genotypes (MDR-, ACT1+, CDR +, ERG11+), without any point mutations, while resistance within C. albicans isolates was 22,4% compared to 44% for Candida non-albicans isolates, in accordance with international data. Furthermore, the study on C. albicans fluconazole-resistant and fluconazole-susceptible identification of specific subtypes by PFGE-Not1 RFLP showed that fluconazole resistance is not correlated with any specific C. albicans subtype. Overall, C. albicans were found 100% susceptible to voriconazole. As different Candida species show variable susceptibility to antifungals, species level identification of isolates followed by susceptibility testing can assist targeted antifungal therapy in HIV/AIDS patients with OPC, regardless the antiretroviral regimens administered.Ο ιός HIV ευθύνεται για ένα ευρύ φάσμα μικροβιακών λοιμώξεων. Το στόμα και η περιστοματική περιοχή αποτελούν θέσεις συχνής εκδήλωσης βλαβών σε ασθενείς μολυσμένους με τον ιό, με το εύρος των βλαβών σχεδόν πάντα εξαιρετικά μεγάλο. Μια εκ των βλαβών είναι η καντιντίαση του στόματος, βλάβη η οποία είναι δυνατόν να εκδηλωθεί με δύο τουλάχιστον κλινικές μορφές: 1. Ως ερυθηματώδης μορφή, κλινικά εκδηλούμενη ως ερυθρή περιοχή που συνήθως εντοπίζεται στη ραχιαία επιφάνεια της γλώσσας και στην υπερώα. Μερικές φορές συνυπάρχουν λευκές κηλίδες ή πλάκες. 2. Ως ψευδομεμβρανώδης μορφή, η οποία εκδηλώνεται με λευκές ή υποκίτρινες κηλίδες ή πλάκες, που μπορεί να εντοπίζονται σε κάθε περιοχή του στόματος και που αποκολλώνται αφήνοντας ερυθρή επιφάνεια. Κατά την πρώτη πρόοδο, διερευνήθηκε η συχνότητα των λοιμώξεων από είδη Candida στη στοματοφαρυγγική κοιλότητα ασθενών με AIDS που παρακολουθούνταν στη Μονάδα Ειδικών Λοιμώξεων του Π.Γ.Ν.Α. «Γ. Γεννηματάς» και εκτιμήθηκε η ανταπόκριση των ασθενών στην χορήγηση αντιμυκητιασικής αγωγής. Προσδιορίσθηκε η συχνότητα της in vitro αντοχής των αιτιολογικών παραγόντων της στοματοφαρυγγικής καντιντίασης στην φλουκοναζόλη (η οποία αποτελεί και το φάρμακο εκλογής για χημειοπροφύλαξη στους ασθενείς αυτούς) και ακολούθησε η εκτίμηση της ανταπόκρισης τους στην αγωγή. Κατά την πρώτη φάση της διδακτορικής διατριβής, ελήφθησαν στοματοφαρυγγικά επιχρίσματα από 145 ασθενείς με AIDS σταδίων Β2, B3 και C3. Σε 22 από τους 145 ελήφθησαν διαδοχικά δείγματα κατά τη διάρκεια της θεραπείας και μετά το πέρας αυτής. Τα δείγματα ελέγχονταν με άμεση μικροσκοπική εξέταση και καλλιέργεια στα εκλεκτικά και διαφοροποιητικά θρεπτικά υποστρώματα Malt extract agar και Sabouraud dextrose agar με χλωραμφαινικόλη, καθώς και σε CHROMAgar Candida®. Η φαινοτυπική ταυτοποίηση στηρίχθηκε στη μικροσκοπική μελέτη της μορφολογίας κάθε απομονούμενου στελέχους μετά από ανάπτυξη στα ειδικά θρεπτικά υποστρώματα και μετά από αξιολόγηση της αφομοιωτικής ικανότητας των υδατανθράκων κάθε στελέχους. Μονές αποικίες από κάθε στέλεχος ελέγχονταν με πρότυπη μεθοδολογία (M27 A2, CLSI) και με E-test ως προς την ευαισθησία τους στα ακόλουθα αντιμυκητιακά φάρμακα: κετοκοναζόλη, ιτρακοναζόλη, φλουκοναζόλη, βορικοναζόλη, φλουροκυτοσίνη, αμφοτερικίνη Β, και καπσοφουνγκίνη. Κατά την δεύτερη φάση, και κατά τη χρονική περίοδο 1995-2005, είχαν μελετηθεί συνολικά 349 ασθενείς και είχαν ληφθεί 665 κλινικά δείγματα. Εκ των 665 δειγμάτων 237 (35,6%) ήταν θετικά για Candida. Εκ των θετικών δειγμάτων απομονώθηκαν συνολικά 271 στελέχη ειδών Candida. 19 ασθενείς παρουσίασαν επιμένουσα, υποτροπιάζουσα λοίμωξη υπό αγωγή με φλουκοναζόλη και από αυτούς απομονώθηκαν συνολικά 32 στελέχη ζυμοειδών μυκήτων (22 εξ’ αυτών Candida albicans) λόγω συναπομόνωσης πλέον του ενός είδους. Με δύο εξαιρέσεις, όλες οι συναπομονώσεις αφορούσαν και Candida albicans , κάτι που αποδεικνύει την ευρύτατη εξάπλωσή της στο στοματικό περιβάλλον και ως χλωρίδα και ως παθογόνο. Το είδος C. albicans ήταν αυτό που απαντήθηκε πιο συχνά, είτε ο ασθενής δεν ελάμβανε καμία αγωγή (69,2%), είτε έκανε λήψη αναστολέων πρωτεασών (ΑΠ-PIs) (62,9%) ή άλλης αγωγής (77,4%). Σημειώνεται ότι η απομόνωση Candida μη-albicans στις καλλιέργειες επιτήρησης ασθενών που παρακολουθούντο στη Μονάδα Ειδικών Λοιμώξεων έχει υψηλή συχνότητα και απομονώνεται από ασθενείς με υψηλό Ιικό Φορτίο. Έλεγχος με PCR ακολουθούμενη από αλληλούχηση απέδειξε ότι τα γονίδια αντοχής στη φλουκοναζόλη ανθεκτικών στελεχών της C. albicans ήταν σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις τα ίδια (απουσίαζε σταθερά το MDR ενώ εμφανίζονταν τα ACT1, CDR, ERG11), χωρίς πολυμορφισμούς στις αλληλουχούμενες περιοχές. Η μελέτη μοριακής επιδημιολογίας ανθεκτικών στελεχών Candida albicans στη φλουκοναζόλη έγινε με πολυμορφισμό μήκους περιοριστικού θραύσματος DNA, μετά από ηλεκτροφόρηση σε παλλόμενο πεδίο (PFGE-RFLP). Για τα 13/22 στελέχη Candida albicans που απομονώθηκαν με αντοχή στη φλουκοναζόλη δεν καταγράφηκε συσχέτιση συγκεκριμένων υποτύπων με την αντοχή στη φλουκοναζόλη. Γενικώς αντοχές των C. albicans στη φλουκοναζόλη καταγράφτηκαν σε ποσοστό 22,4% επί του συνόλου των ελεγχθέντων στελεχών και 44% για τα στελέχη των Candida μη-albicans. Το ποσοστό αυτό δεν διαφέρει από τα ποσοστά που αναφέρονται διεθνώς για στελέχη που απομονώνονται από την ομάδα των HIV/AIDS ασθενών. Αξιοσημείωτο είναι ότι η τριαζόλη, βορικοναζόλη, παρουσιάζει εξαιρετικά χαμηλές τιμές ελάχιστης ανασταλτικής συγκέντρωσης έναντι των C. albicans (ευαισθησία 100% στη βορικοναζόλη), ενώ αντοχές (MIC >1 μg/ml) καταγράφτηκαν για στελέχη Candida μη-albicans (15% αντοχή στη βορικοναζόλη). Οι τιμές που καταγράφτηκαν δεν διαφέρουν από τα διεθνώς αναφερόμενα δεδομένα. Εξ’ αυτών η C. krusei παρουσιάζει συγγενή αντοχή στην φλουκοναζόλη και το φάρμακο αυτό κρίνεται ακατάλληλο για την αντιμετώπιση της ενώ η C. dubliniensis και C. tropicalis αναπτύσσουν αντοχή μετά από την έκθεση τους στο φάρμακο. Συνεπώς, η ταυτοποίηση κατά είδος ακολουθούμενη από αντιμυκητόγραμμα κρίνονται απαραίτητα σε ασθενείς με ιστορικό στοματοφαρυγγικής καντιντίασης οφειλόμενης σε C. dubliniensis και C. tropicalis