236 research outputs found

    Studies on the Spherical Bodies Containing Anthocyanins in Plant cells, IV. : A Survey of the Occurrence of Anthocyanoplasts in the Hypocotyls in some Plant Species.

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    A survey was conducted on the occurrence of anthocyanoplasts using the hypocotyls of 16 families comprising 35 species, of which the names appear in Table 1. The present survey resulted in the discovery that anthocyanoplasts were recognized in the hypocotyls of 21 species. The sizes of the anthocyanoplasts, their shapes and their colors found here closely resembled those in the hypocotyls of radish previously reported on by YASUDA et al. (1985). However, there were some differences between the anthocyanoplasts found here and those of radish. Especially the morning glory hypocotyl data were strikingly different from those obtained from radish, as is shown below. 1. The relationship between the pigment level in the hypocotyls and the frequency with which anthocyanoplasts appear in them. Anthocyanoplast appeared during whole period of pigment formation of morning glory, while in contrast anthocyanoplasts only appeared in the hypocotyls of radish during the first half of pigment formation. 2. The relationship between the numbers of anthocyanoplasts per cell and their diameters The relationship between them was rather complicated, suggesting that fusion of several smaller anthocyanoplasts and the division of larger anthocyanoplasts occurred alternatively during the developmental course of anthocyanoplasts. This differs very markedly from the hypocotyls of radish which showed fusion only in their developmental stages. It was also found that the anthocyanoplasts in the hypocotyls of morning glory have the ability to display light reaction in anthocyanin biosynthesis exactly like the hypocotyls of radish.Article信州大学理学部紀要 27(1): 15-21(1992)departmental bulletin pape


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    プリアジャステッドアプライアンスで治療したClass I叢生患者における前歯の移動と安定性

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    プリアジャステッドアプライアンスで治療されたClass I不正咬合患者36例(17.70±7.80歳)を抜歯群24例(男児3例、女児21例、17.30±7.10歳)と非抜歯群12例(男児4例、女児8例、18.40±9.40歳)に分け、治療前後の上顎前歯および下顎前歯の移動を評価した。抜歯群では、上顎および下顎切歯が後方に移動し、舌側傾斜がみられたが、下顎中切歯の歯軸は適切であり、condylar incisal angleは約90°であった。非抜歯群では上顎中切歯が前方に移動したが、下顎切歯のlabial proclinationによりcondylar incisal angleは減少した。切歯~第2大臼歯までの歯の平均幅、アーチレングスディスクレパンシー、irregularity indexは抜歯群の方が有意に大きかった。以上から、プリアジャステッドアプライアンスで治療したClass I叢生は、両群において保定時に良好な閉塞を示したが、上顎および下顎中切歯の移動には群間差がみられるため、症例に応じて治療戦略を変えるべきであることが示された


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    Formation and Electrical Evaluation of a Single Metallized DNA Nanowire in a Nanochannel

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    A novel fabrication process was developed for a single silver nanowire using DNA metallization in a nanochannel, and the electrical properties of this nanowire were evaluated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. After being isolated using a nanochannel measuring 500 nm in depth and 500 nm in width, a single λDNA molecule was electrostatically stretched and immobilized between two electrodes separated by a gap of 15 μm by applying an AC voltage of 1 MHz and 20 Vp‐p. Then, naphthalene diimide molecules terminally‐labeled with galactose moieties were intercalated into the λDNA, and the reduction of silver ions along the λDNA led to its metallization with silver. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed that two nanowires having different average widths of 154 nm and 250 nm were formed in two individual nanochannels. The nanowires showed the linear current‐voltage characteristics, and their combined resistance was estimated to be 45.5 Ω. The complex impedance of the nanowires was measured, and an equivalent circuit was obtained as a series connection of a resistance and a parallel resistance‐constant phase element circuit. Impedance analysis revealed that the nanowire included silver grain boundaries, and the bulk resistivity of silver grain was estimated to be 8.35×10−8 Ωm

    Comparación de la probabilidad de falla y el factor de seguridad aplicado en el diseño de zapatas aisladas aplicadas a edificaciones inmobiliarias de Lima utilizando métodos probabilísticos basados en el coeficiente de confiabilidad y el método de Monte Carlo

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    Se presenta la propuesta de un factor probabilístico para determinar el porcentaje de falla que se puede presentar en cimentaciones superficiales, en nuestro caso zapatas. En este articulo presentaremos una comparación entre el factor de seguridad (F.S), definido por la norma E050 Suelos y Cimentaciones, y la probabilidad de falla. Este método se ejecutará a través de la simulación de datos de entrada, tales como peso específico, cohesión, ángulo de fricción y solicitación de carga. Para este proceso de simulación se aplicará el método Monte Carlo. Una vez obtenido los valores de la resistencia del suelo, teniendo en cuenta su distribución normal, y la solicitación, se comenzará a analizar las probabilidades de fallar mediante las curvas de densidad de la resistencia y solicitación. Finalmente analizaremos la relación que se dará entre el F.S y la probabilidad de falla para observar su comportamiento al aumentar los parámetros para la resistencia.The proposal of a probabilistic factor is presented to determine the percentage of failure that can occur in shallow foundations, in our case footings. In this article we will present a comparison between the safety factor (F.S), defined by the standard E050 Soils and Foundations, and the probability of failure. This method will be executed through the simulation of input data, such as specific weight, cohesion, angle of friction and load stress. For this simulation process, the Monte Carlo method will be applied. Once the soil resistance values ​​have been obtained, considering its normal distribution and the stress, the probabilities of failure will begin to be analyzed using the strength and stress density curves. Finally, we will analyze the relationship that will occur between the F.S and the probability of failure to observe the behavior when increasing the parameters for resistance.Trabajo de investigació


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