86 research outputs found

    Multiple rearrangements and low inter- and intra-species mitogenome sequence variation in the Heterobasidion annosum s.l. species complex

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    IntroductionMitochondria are essential organelles in the eukaryotic cells and responsible for the energy production but are also involved in many other functions including virulence of some fungal species. Although the evolution of fungal mitogenomes have been studied at some taxonomic levels there are still many things to be learned from studies of closely related species. MethodsIn this study, we have analyzed 60 mitogenomes in the five species of the Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato complex that all are necrotrophic pathogens on conifers. Results and DiscussionCompared to other fungal genera the genomic and genetic variation between and within species in the complex was low except for multiple rearrangements. Several translocations of large blocks with core genes have occurred between the five species and rearrangements were frequent in intergenic areas. Mitogenome lengths ranged between 108 878 to 116 176 bp, mostly as a result of intron variation. There was a high degree of homology of introns, homing endonuclease genes, and intergenic ORFs among the five Heterobasidion species. Three intergenic ORFs with unknown function (uORF6, uORF8 and uORF9) were found in all five species and was located in conserved synteny blocks. A 13 bp long GC-containing self-complementary palindrome was discovered in many places in the five species that were optional in presence/absence. The within species variation is very low, among 48 H. parviporum mitogenomes, there was only one single intron exchange, and SNP frequency was 0.28% and indel frequency 0.043%. The overall low variation in the Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato complex suggests a slow evolution of the mitogenome

    Den skrÀddarsydda sanningen: En kvalitativ studie om den alternativa mediesajten Avpixlats strategiska kommunikation

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    The aim of this study is to increase the understanding of how the alternative media site Avpixlat strategically communicates its image of Swedish society, how this image is perceived by its readers and what implications it might have for democracy. With a dialectic approach, the communication has been examined from both sender and reader perspectives, using rhetoric- and reception analyses. The empirical material consists of articles from Avpixlat, including readers’ comments, which have been compiled through qualitative textual analyses and analyzed hermeneutically. The empirical evidence has thereafter been contextualized through relevant theories and concepts within the research fields of social sciences and strategic communi- cation, including public opinion-forming, discourse theory, trust, post-modernism and deliberative democracy. The analysis and the results show that Avpixlat’s democratic potential is reflected in the fact that the site is challenging dominating societal discourses while creating conditions for trust within its group of readers. In tandem, Avpixlat maintains, through its strategic communication, discourses that are strongly characterized by mistrust in different actors in society, which might be democratically problematic. Furthermore, the site is arguing on the basis of positivistic premises, resulting in a lack of shades. This, combined with oppositional voices being actively censored, by not being published in the site’s comment fields, can be said to undermine the possibilities of deliberation and thereby a multifocal exchange of ideas.Denna studie Ă€mnar att öka förstĂ„elsen för hur den alternativa mediesajten Avpixlat strategiskt kommunicerar sin bild av det svenska samhĂ€llet, hur denna uppfattas av sajtens lĂ€sare och vilka implikationer det kan fĂ„ för demokratin. I ett dialek- tiskt förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt undersöks kommunikationen utifrĂ„n sĂ„vĂ€l sĂ€ndar- som lĂ€sarperspektiv, med hjĂ€lp av retoriska- och receptionsanalytiska metoder. Studiens empiriska material bestĂ„r av artiklar frĂ„nAvpixlat samt anslutande lĂ€sar- kommentarer, vilka insamlas genom kvalitativa textanalyser och analyseras hermeneutiskt. Empirin kontextualiseras dĂ€refter utifrĂ„n relevanta teorier och begrepp inom samhĂ€llsvetenskapen samt inom forskningsfĂ€ltet strategisk kommu- nikation, dĂ€ribland opinionsbildning, diskursteori, tillit, postmodernism och deliberativ demokrati. Analys och resultat visar att Avpixlats demokratiska potential Ă„terspeg- las i det faktum att sajten utmanar dominerande samhĂ€llsdiskurser, samtidigt som sajten skapar förutsĂ€ttningar för stark inomgruppslig tillit. Samtidigt upprĂ€tthĂ„ller Avpixlat, genom sin strategiska kommunikation, diskurser prĂ€glade av stark misstro mot olika samhĂ€llsaktörer, vilket kan utgöra ett demokratiskt problem. Vidare argu- menterar sajten utifrĂ„n positivistiska premisser, vilket resulterar i en avsaknad av nyanser. Detta, i kombination med att oppositionella röster aktivt censureras frĂ„n att komma till uttryck i sajtens kommentarsfĂ€lt, kan sĂ€gas undergrĂ€va möjligheterna till deliberation och dĂ€rmed ett allsidigt meningsutbyte

    Gender and Administration

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    Summary Public administration in development has been a poor instrument for implementing gender policies. Rural development administration in particular has tended to be indifferently accountable to female ‘publics’ in agrarian economies. Conventionally, this particular feature of institutional failure is explained by the suggestion that public administrations reflect gender relations in society. This paper, however, argues that the role of public administration in the organization of gender provokes questions about the gender of organization. It sketches out the conceptual premises for a theory of the gender of organization, looking at the way organizational structures, cultures, and purposes institutionalize male dominance. This perspective may help illuminate the processes and relationships through which other inequalities, such as those of class, race, and the North?South divide, are reproduced in public administration. RĂ©sumĂ© Le Genre et l'insuccĂšs des institutions dans le dĂ©veloppement: l'organisation du Genre et le Genre dans l'organisation Au sein du dĂ©veloppement, les administrations publiques ont constituĂ© un outil peu utile pour la mise en oeuvre des politiques relatives au genre. Les administrations de dĂ©veloppement rural notamment ont eu tendance Ă  comptabiliser de maniĂšre indiffĂ©rente les ‘publics’ fĂ©minins dans les Ă©conomies agraires. Classiquement, et notoirement, cette caractĂ©ristique de l'insuccĂšs des institutions est expliquĂ©e par la suggestion que les administrations publiques reflĂštent les rapports entre les genres dans la sociĂ©tĂ©. Le prĂ©sent article, par contre, revendique que le rĂŽle des administrations publiques dans l'organisation des genres soulĂšve certaines questions le genre dans l'organisation mĂȘme. L'auteur Ă©bauche les prĂ©misses d'une Ă©ventuelle thĂ©orie du genre dans l'organisation, et examine comment les structures, les cultures et les objectifs mĂȘmes de ces organisations tendent Ă  institutionnaliser la dominance masculine. Cette perspective veut aider Ă  mettre en lumiĂšre des procĂ©dĂ©s et des rapports par l'influence desquels d'autres inĂ©galitĂ©s, par exemples celles des classes, des races et du partage nord?sud, viennent Ă  se reproduire dans les administrations publiques. Resumen El GĂ©nero y las fallas institucionales en el desarrollo: la organizaciĂłn del gĂ©nero y el gĂ©nero de la organizaciĂłn La administraciĂłn pĂșblica en el desarrollo ha sido un instrumento muy pobre para la implementaciĂłn de criterios relativos al gĂ©nero. En las economĂ­as agrarias en particular la administraciĂłn del desarrollo rural tiende a ser poco responsable para con el ‘pĂșblico’ femenino. Tradicionalmente, este rasgo caracterĂ­stico del fracaso institucional se explica sugiriendo que la administraciĂłn pĂșblica refleja las relaciones entre los sexos en la sociedad. Este artĂ­culo, sin embargo, argumenta que el papel de la administraciĂłn pĂșblica en la organizaciĂłn del gĂ©nero suscita interrogantes sobre el gĂ©nero de la organizaciĂłn. Se bosquejan las premisas conceptuales para una teorĂ­a del gĂ©nero en la organizaciĂłn, analizando la forma en que las culturas, estructuras organizativas y objetivos institucionalizan la dominaciĂłn masculina. Esta perspectiva puede arrojar luz sobre los procesos y relaciones a travĂ©s de los cuales otras desigualdades — clase, raza, la divisiĂłn Norte?Sur — se reproducen en la administraciĂłn pĂșblica

    SamhÀllsförÀndring i Sverige 1976 - Intervjuundersökningen

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    The study tries to find out what interaction there is between employees working situation and working conditions and their perception of and attitudes towards different types of changes in society. The study is made in two steps, first all 1294 respondents answered the questionnaire and then 164 of them were interviewed in the second step.Syftet med undersökningen var att kartlÀgga vilka samband som finns mellan anstÀlldas arbetssituation/arbetsförhÄllanden och deras uppfattning av och instÀllning till olika typer av samhÀllsförÀndring. En viktig del av undersökningen var utnyttjandet av s.k. hotbilder. Materialet samlades in i tvÄ steg, dÀr det första utgörs av ett frÄgeformulÀr som besvarades av 1294 respondenter. I steg tvÄ genomfördes intervjuer med 164 av respondenterna i steg ett

    SamhÀllsförÀndring i Sverige 1976 - EnkÀtundersökningen

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    The study tries to find out what interaction there is between employees working situation and working conditions and their perception of and attitudes towards different types of changes in society. The study is made in two steps, first all 1294 respondents answered the questionnaire and then 164 of them were interviewed in the second step.Syftet med undersökningen var att kartlÀgga vilka samband som finns mellan anstÀlldas arbetssituation/arbetsförhÄllanden och deras uppfattning av och instÀllning till olika typer av samhÀllsförÀndring. En viktig del av undersökningen var utnyttjandet av s.k. hotbilder. Materialet samlades in i tvÄ steg, dÀr det första utgörs av ett frÄgeformulÀr som besvarades av 1294 respondenter. I steg tvÄ genomfördes intervjuer med 164 av respondenterna i steg ett

    SamhÀllsförÀndring i Sverige 1976 - EnkÀtundersökningen

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    The study tries to find out what interaction there is between employees working situation and working conditions and their perception of and attitudes towards different types of changes in society. The study is made in two steps, first all 1294 respondents answered the questionnaire and then 164 of them were interviewed in the second step.Syftet med undersökningen var att kartlÀgga vilka samband som finns mellan anstÀlldas arbetssituation/arbetsförhÄllanden och deras uppfattning av och instÀllning till olika typer av samhÀllsförÀndring. En viktig del av undersökningen var utnyttjandet av s.k. hotbilder. Materialet samlades in i tvÄ steg, dÀr det första utgörs av ett frÄgeformulÀr som besvarades av 1294 respondenter. I steg tvÄ genomfördes intervjuer med 164 av respondenterna i steg ett
