30 research outputs found

    Analisis Penyebab Anak Putus Sekolah Di Desa Kungkai Baru, Kabupaten Seluma, Bengkulu

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    The research aims to determine the causes of children dropping out of school in Kungkai Baru Village, Seluma, Bengkulu. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The technique of determining the informants in the study was carried out by purposive sampling. Data analysis was carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. In the results, it was concluded that there were still problems with children dropping out of school caused by internal factors and external factors. The internal factors are due to motivation and interest in children. While external factors include: the economic condition of parents, inadequate road infrastructure, limited information and knowledge related to the importance of education for children and parents as well as the influence of the environment and relationships on childrenKeywords : Children; Educational Problems; Drop Out AbstrakPenelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab anak putus sekolah di Desa Kungkai Baru, Seluma, Bengkulu. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa: wawancara, observasi, serta dokumentasi. Teknik penentuan informan pada penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pada hasil diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa masih terdapat persoalan anak putus sekolah yang disebabkan oleh faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Adapun faktor internal karena motivasi dan minat pada anak. Sedangkan faktor eksternal diantaranya : kondisi ekonomi orang tua, infrastruktur jalan yang belum memadai, keterbatasan pengetahuan dan informasi terkait pentingnya pendidikan pada anak dan orang tua serta pengaruh lingkungan dan pergaulan pada anak.Kata Kunci : Anak; Masalah Pendidikan; Putus Sekola


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    Ekonomi kreatif menjadi salah satu sektor usaha yang berkembang di era global saat ini. Perkembangan tersebut memberikan peluang bagi mahasiswa untuk ikut ambil tidak hanya sebagai konsumen namun juga sebagai pelaku usaha. Sebagai kaum intelektual, mahasiswa memiliki peranan dalam mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif. Hal ini merupakan potensi yang dinilai strategis dalam membentuk kemandirian dan meningkatkan perekonomian bangsa. Namun, kesadaran mahasiswa sebagai aktor yang memiliki potensi tersebut dapat dikatakan belum sepenuhnya berjalan maksimal. Berbagai kendala dan hambatan yang dihadapi seringkali muncul dari pola pikir dan sikap mahasiswa yan g b elum mampu memposisi kan “ diri” seb agai agen p erub ahan . Oleh sebab itu, optimalisasi peran menarik perhatian untuk dilakukan melalui internalisasi kreativitas sebagai pola berpikir dan bertindak bagi mahasiswa. Disisi lain, dukungan tenaga pendidik selaku fasilitator di institusi pendidikan tinggi serta optimisme masyarakat dalam merespon kreativitas mahasiswa menjadi salah satu upaya dalam mengoptimalkan peran mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif di era globalisasi saat ini


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    Abstract : Asean Economic Community (AEC) is a part of social change will be faced by the nation of Indonesia. On a global scale, MEA is began to the development of strategic sectors such as economic development, the application of information technology and the creation of a conducive socio-cultural in masyarakat.In  life, education became the main focus  in producing quality human resources. Thus, intelligently filling of opportunities and face the challenges MEA.Therefore, participatory learning, which is based on the individual's involvement in a whole series of learning becomes important to develop. Teachers as educators function as a facilitator and partner simultaneously. The taps in the expression is opened widely and integrative bagisetiap individuals.In the process of the development of participatory learning, experience and reasoning thinking as bases in sharpening social sensitivity is intended to respond to social change. So that individuals are able to see and understand the social reality as a whole. In addition, individuals should be able to read or potential opportunities in the face of the MEA. Thus, the potential will be able to thrive in both the local and global scale. Through the development of participatory education learning, learners are encouraged to be able to be personally critical, creative and innovative. With so may increase the human resources that are responsive and adaptive to social change.Abstrak : Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) merupakan bagian dari perubahan sosial yang akan segera dihadapi oleh bangsa Indonesia. Dalam skala global,MEAakanmenitikberatkan pada upaya pengembangan sektor strategis seperti pembangunan ekonomi, penerapan teknologi informasi dan penciptaan sosial budaya yang kondusif dalam kehidupan masyarakat.Untuk itu,pendidikan menjadi lokus utama yang dinilaiberkontribusi dalam menghasilkan sumber daya manusia berkualitas. Sehingga, mampu secara cerdas mengisi peluang sekaligus menghadapi tantangan MEA.Oleh sebab itu, pembelajaran partisipatif yang bertumpu pada keterlibatan individu dalam seluruh rangkaian pembelajaran menjadi penting untuk dikembangkan. Guru sebagai tenaga pendidik menjalankan fungsi sebagai fasilitator sekaligus patner secara bersamaan. Keran dalam berekspresi dibuka secara luas dan integratif bagisetiap individu. Dalam proses pengembangan pembelajaran partisipatif,pengalaman dan penalaran berpikir menjadi basis dalam mengasah kepekaan sosial yang ditujukan untuk merespon perubahan sosial. Sehingga individu mampu melihat dan memahami realitas sosial secara utuh.Disamping itu, individu diharapkan mampu membaca peluang ataupun potensi diri dalam menghadapi MEA. Dengan demikian, potensi akan dapat berkembang baik dalam skala lokal maupun global. Melalui pengembangan pembelajaran pendidikan partisipatif, peserta didik didorong untuk dapat menjadi pribadi yang kritis, kreatif serta inovatif.Dengan begitu dapat meningkatkan sumber daya manusia yang responsif dan adaptif terhadap perubahan sosial

    Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Pesisir Berkelanjutan Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Berbasis Pengetahuan Lokal

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    The research aims to describe the management of coastal marine resources of the people of Kungkai Baru Village, Seluma Regency, Bengkulu-Indonesia Province, in the river estuary area with nature reserve status. Research methods apply an exploratory qualitative approach to explore the focus of the problem. The data was obtained through a process of non-participant observation and in-depth interviews. Informants are determined based on purposive sampling techniques so that selected fishers, indigenous figures, and community leaders who have lived for a long time and live in Kungkai Baru Village. Research data analysis adopts Miles and Huberman's Interactive Model, including data reduction, presentation, and inference. Research produces information that the management of coastal marine resources in the Kungkai estuary is carried out using non-machined fishing gear such as nets, waring, canoes, and memorable fishing gear called belik. This study found that local knowledge-based fishing gear used by anglers is a form of sustainable management of coastal marine resources in Muara Kungkai

    Mastery Of Online Learning Techniques by Teachers During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has changed many settings, one of which is in the educational process. Through the Circular Letter of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number 4 of 2020, the learning process is carried out with an online learning model. This study aims to describe the implementation of online learning and mastery of online learning techniques by teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic, which previously SMAN 02 Bengkulu City had not implemented online learning but was a cyber school that should have been implemented for a long time.  This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of the study were analyzed using functional structural theory proposed by Talcott Persons. The determination of informants was carried out using purposive sampling techniques. The research produced information that the implementation of online learning was carried out using whatsapp groups, google classroom, and several other social media such as Instagram, YouTube. Learning methods from teachers such as making videos, presentations via zoom, and collecting writing assignments through whatsapp groups. Mastery of online learning techniques for teachers does not experience much difficulty because teachers only follow in accordance with learning policies during the Covid-19 pandemic, besides that teachers at SMAN 02 Bengkulu City have high motivation or willingness to face challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic


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    Indonesia has culture diversity considered as national asset. But, if culture diversity is not managed well, it will trigger gap, conflict, disunity and violence. Therefore, the attempt to reconstruct four nationality pillars is essential. The goal is to give concept of be-Indonesian as integrative, comprehensive, and also become the foundation to enhance national unity. Four nationality pillars are: Pancasila as national ideology, basic law of 1945 as national constitution, Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) as the form of the country and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as the national motto. The target of this program is students in 3 senior high schools and vocational high school in Bengkulu city. The methods in community service activities are workshops through the provision of material which begins with pre-test activities and ends with post test, FGD, and mentoring. After the activity, the knowledge of the students about the four nationality pillars has increased significantly. From the activities conducted in 2 schools, it is found that the average increase of students' knowledge about the four pillars of nationality increased up to 30.8% and 38.7%. Each school always disseminates knowledge about the four nationality pillars through teaching in each school. The distribution of knowledge about the four nationality pillars is not only done among students, but also for the teachers. The goal is to be able to reconstruct and internalize the four nationality pillars as an effort to strengthen the soul of nationalism and minimize acts of violence that can be a potential for radicalism and national division.  Keywords: Four Nationality Pillars, Nationalism, Studen

    Sosialisasi Pengetahuan Mengenai Kesehatan Reproduksi Seksual Bagi Remaja Di Desa Kungkai Baru, Kecamatan Air Periukan, Kabupaten Seluma, Bengkulu

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    Problem about free sex, HIV/AIDS and sexual transmitted infection is due to minimum knowledge in adolescent about sexual reproduction health. In fact, knowledge about sexual reproduction is an important factor in attempt to make physical and mental health of adolescent.  For that reason, socialization about sexual reproduction for adolescent is necessary. This activity was intended for adolescent in Kungkai Baru village, Air periukan sub district, Seluma Region. In addition, this activity was conducted as an attempt to support the existing Posyandu Remaja (adolescent health service center). The final purpose of this activity is that to give openness of knowledge and horizon about the importance of sexual reproduction health for adolescent in Kungkai Baru village, Air periukan sub district, Seluma Region, Bengkulu.Permasalahan mengenai free sex, HIV/AIDS dan masalah infeksi menular seksual salah satunya dipicu oleh masih minimnya pengetahuan pada remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi seksual. Padahal pengetahuan mengenai Kesehatan Reproduksi Seksual menjadi hal yang penting dalam mewujudkan generasi remaja yang sehat secara fisik dan mental. Oleh karenanya diperlukan sosialisasi mengenai kesehatan reproduksi seksual bagi remaja. Kegiatan ini ditujukan kepada remaja di Desa Kungkai Baru, Kecamatan Air Periukan, Kabupaten Seluma. Disamping itu, kegiatan ini dilakukan sebagai upaya mendukung keberlangsungan program Posyandu Remaja yang ada di wilayah tersebut. Sosialisasi pengetahuan diberikan dalam bentuk ceramah dan diskusi secara interaktif dengan para remaja. Adapun tujuan akhir dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan keterbukaan wawasan dan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya kesehatan reproduksi seksual bagi remaja di Desa Kungkai Baru, Kecamatan Air Periukan, Seluma, Bengkulu