378 research outputs found

    Democratizing the City. Democratic configurations and imagination

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    Voice alterations after thyroid surgery without recurrent laryngeal nerve injury

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    Voice alterations after thyroid surgery remain unclear since previous research show diverse results. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in speech and voice range profiles after thyroid surgery in patients without recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and further investigate whether possible self-reported voice outcomes are confirmed by acoustic measurements. Videostrobolaryngoscopy, self-evaluation questionnaires, and recordings of speech and voice range profiles were used to assess 18 participants preoperatively and two months postoperatively. The results showed that self-reported voice complaints increased significantly after surgery. The results also revealed that speaking fundamental frequency decreased significantly but that the frequency and intensity range did not differ significantly after surgery. However, half of the participants (56 %) did show a reduced frequency range after surgery. Patients undergoing thyroid surgery should be informed about the substantial risk of a reduced frequency range and that voice complaints are common after surgery even though the recurrent laryngeal nerve is intact.Det är idag inte fastställt hur röstens omfång påverkas efter tyreoideakirurgi då tidigare studier visar olika resultat. Den aktuella studiens syfte var att undersöka om röstomfånget förändras efter tyreoideakirurgi utan skada på nervus laryngeus recurrens samt om eventuella subjektiva röstbevär bekräftas av akustiska mätningar. Studien inkluderade 18 deltagare som genomgick tyreoideakirurgi. Deltagarna undersöktes med videostrobolaryngoskopi, gjorde egenskattningar av rösten samt spelades in med tal- och maxfonetogram preoperativt samt två månader postoperativt. Resultaten visade att deltagarna upplevde en signifikant ökning av röstbesvär efter operation. Resultaten visade vidare att grundtonsmedelvärde i tal minskade signifikant efter operation men att frekvens- och intensitetsomfånget inte förändrades signifikant. Hälften av deltagarna (56 %) uppvisade dock ett reducerat maximalt röstomfång efter operation. Det är viktigt att informera patienter som genomgår tyreoideakirurgi att det finns en betydande risk att frekvensomfånget kan reduceras och att det är vanligt med självupplevda röstbesvär efter operation även om inte nervus laryngeus recurrens skadats

    Reinventing Information Literacy: Wikipedia and Medical Education

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    Poster presented at Hawaii Library Association 2019Much evidence attests to the value of Wikipedia in the classroom but relatively few instructors challenge their students to contribute to the online encyclopedia. Increasingly, medical schools are participating in education partnerships with Wiki Edu to have students develop and/or improve health science articles (1). Medical students are ideal contributors to health science Wikiprojects due to their technical expertise and attention to detail. Additionally, editing medicine-related articles provides a novel opportunity for embedding information literacy concepts into the medical education curriculum

    Práticas contra-hegemônicas; interação dinâmica entre agonismo, commoning e design estratégico

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    Today we can see new policies that suggest more participatory models to address societal challenges. The interest in design and different forms of urban labs is also increasing. This includes participatory design (PD) that has moved out of the workplace into the urban territory. In this paper we will argue that the main contribution from PD is to set up processes that can support and critically reflect on local democracy in relation to these challenges. We will look closer into the notions of commoning and agonism, two concepts that both contest the concept of participation and expand what could be required to constitute local democracy. Through a project journey spanning over seven years, we will discuss how these concepts could be used to guide processes of infrastructuring in democratic urban development processes. However, working with them poses several obstacles, including tensions between them as well as with the notion of strategic design. We will argue that in order to introduce them in a strategic design perspective, you need to consider long-term interventions and diverse levels of engagement as well as different phases where agonistic and commoning approaches are alternated with more strategic engagements of developing networks with powerful alliances.Keywords: participatory design, democracy, infrastructuring, agonism, commoning.Hoje podemos ver novas políticas que sugerem modelos mais participativos para enfrentar os desafios da sociedade. O interesse no design e em diferentes formas de laboratórios urbanos também está aumentando. Isto inclui o design participativo (PD) que saiu do local de trabalho e se deslocou para o território urbano. Neste artigo vamos argumentar que a principal contribuição do PD é a criação de processos que podem apoiar e refletir criticamente sobre a democracia local em relação a estes desafios. Aprofundaremos as noções de commoning e agonismo; dois conceitos que tanto contestam o conceito de participação quanto expandem o que poderia ser necessário para a constituição de uma democracia local. Discutiremos, por meio da observação de um projeto de sete anos, como esses conceitos poderiam ser usados para orientar os processos de infraestruturação em processos democráticos de desenvolvimento urbano. No entanto, eles trazem consigo vários obstáculos, entre as quais as tensões entre eles, bem como com a noção de design estratégico. Sustentaremos que, para que eles sejam introduzidos em uma perspectiva de design estratégico, torna-se necessário considerar intervenções de longo prazo e diversos níveis de envolvimento, bem como diferentes fases onde abordagens agonistas e de commoning se alternam com os compromissos mais estratégicos da construção de redes com alianças poderosas.Palavras-chave: design participativo, democracia, infraestruturação, agonismo, commoning

    Djurägarens upplevelse av djursjukskötarens bemötande vid besöket på kliniken

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    Veterinary medicine is not merely an area of occupation but also an area of business. In a business the customer service is its identity and brand and more importantly what makes the client choose and recommend the clinic to other potential customers. The licensed veterinary nurse is habitually the one who first meets the clients at the clinic. Therefore it is particularly important for the licensed veterinary nurse at the clinic to offer high-quality customer service. The object of this study was to understand and elucidate how the pet owners experience the encounter with the licensed veterinary nurse at different stages in their contact with the clinic. Starting from the first phone call when booking the appointment, to when they first arrive at the clinic and all through the appointment ending with the overall feeling of satisfaction with the encounter they have experienced. This was done by a questionnaire handed to the pet owner at the arrival at the clinic. Thirty pet owners responded from three different clinics. The mean value for the overall experience, on a scale of 1-5, was 4,79 which is excellent. Important for the pet owners during the encounter was the expression the personnel display. At the telephone contact accurate, knowledgeable and a happy voice were characteristics of importance. When arriving at the clinic these characteristics were smiles, eye contact and a personal meeting together with just being seen. After the appointment, at payment and last counseling, accuracy and knowledgeable were again of great importance according to the respondents. The environment in the waiting area was described frequently using descriptions for the mood. This was generally positive descriptions like comfortable, friendly and cozy. The cleanliness and complementary services like coffee, tea and a corner for children were all appreciated by the respondents. A few respondents commented that the room was boring and sterile with no color or art. In accordance with previous studies the pet owners in this study stated that if personnel communicated about delays they understood and accepted the delay better than if no communication occurred. This increased the chances of having a satisfied pet owner after the appointment even if a delay was present. The same is true for adequate and satisfying information given throughout the appointment, from a pet owner point of view. It is relatively easy for the personnel to become unaware to how customers are met in the daily profession, especially if the personnel have been employed for a long period of time. It is beneficial to continuously use a questionnaire to evaluate how the customer service works at the clinic. This gives another perspective on what the personnel see every day and can generate excellent ideas for improvement

    ”Fotboll och Jämställdhet” - En kvalitativ undersökning om sex aktiva fotbollsspelares syn på jämställdhet inom fotbollen.

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    Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur fotbollsspelare ser på jämställdhet utifrån träningskläder, träningsmöjligheter och löner för kvinniga och manliga fotbollsspelare. Jag använder ett genusperspektiv och tar min utgångspunkt i det som jag anser är ett problem nämligen att flickor missgynnas på olika sätt inom fotbollen i Sverige Jag valde att göra en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning och intervjuat sex fotbollsspelare varav tre var kvinnor och tre är män. Resultatet av den insamlade empirin analyserades med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus teori om den manliga dominansens och Iris Youngs teori om hur kvinnliga och manliga beteende växer fram. Studien visar att fotbollsspelare vet vad jämställdhet är och intervjupersonerna anser också att dam- och herrlag ska ha samma rättigheter när det kommer till träningstider, träningsplaner och tvättning. Men när det kommer till jämställdhet och lön inom fotbollen skiljer svaren sig ur ett genusperspektiv. De manliga intervjupersonerna tycker inte att kvinnor och män ska tjäna lika mycket pengar. De kvinnliga intervjupersonerna hoppas att lönen blir jämbördig i framtiden. De anser att de gör samma jobb och att kvinnor tjänar för lite och män för mycket för samma jobb

    What could the Railway teach us about Progress?

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    Propelled by steel, charcoal and steam the railway once carried the story of progress and the rise of the developed modern society. While the orient express nurtured a vivid, mythical aura during more than a hundred years, it seems like future stories about the railway mainly gravitate around hyperloops and increased speed. How come the narratives around railways have become so futile? How come imaginaries about progress have got stuck? With the help of critical imagination and the method of design fiction, this article will set out on an imaginary journey to re-storying the future railway and discuss how this could help us rethink progress. Alternative paths will be explored that allow room for stories depicting train rides in slower paces and complex rhythms and materials, a rich melting pot for diverse and vivid sub-cultures, bottom up grassroot services, experimental sharing cultures, touring theater companies, maker movements, and new citizen-driven cooperatives

    Global Journalist: Fair trade and subsidizing rich farmers

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    On this September 11, 2003 Global Journalist program interviewees discussed how subsidizing farmers in rich countries is affecting the developing world. Are small holder farmers benefiting from the subsidy? What would be the solution to a fair trade for small holder farmers all over the world? Host: Betty Winfield. Guests: Claudio Tognolli, Sonja Hillgren, Tim Colebatch, Elizabeth Becker. Producers: Sara Andrea Fajardo, Radha Ravi (?), and Un Teck Han (?). Directors: Pat Akers

    Punishment in the slammer: penal spectatorship among college students.

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    Master of ArtsDepartment of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social WorkSpencer D. WoodThis thesis focuses on how citizens engage in the punishment of criminals in their everyday lives through means that seem neutral and largely invisible. It is at a distance that citizens are able to voyeuristically make sense of punishment, while using their position of privilege to engage in individualistic judgment. The consumption of punishment by everyday citizens is often experienced in a variety of forms, such as watching television, navigating the internet, playing video games, reading periodicals, and touring prisons. These experiences amount to a set of practices that tend to both exclude and punish. Each of these practices provide opportunities for the researcher interested in understanding penal spectatorship to observe the everyday consumption of punishment. The focus of this research project seeks to untangle the extent to which citizens engage in multiple forms of penal spectatorship in their everyday lives. One media form which encompasses aspects of the penal spectatorship theory is a mug shot newspaper called The Slammer. This project asks specific questions about The Slammer, in addition to more general questions about penal spectatorship. Specifically, I utilize content analysis to provide a descriptive context regarding the perceived gender and race among mug shots on the front cover of the magazine. Second, a survey was administered to 15,000 undergraduate students at Kansas State University for the purposes of measuring their exposure to mug shot newspapers, understanding of how citizens perceive the legitimacy of mug shot newspapers, their overall engagement in penal spectatorship avenues, whether the citizen feels punishment is justified and necessary for individuals who commit crimes, and finally citizen's opinions regarding the media portrayal of life in prisons and criminals and their crimes. In addition, the survey is comprised of three versions in order to conduct an experiment. Depending on the version of the survey, respondents were either given accurate, inaccurate, or no information pertaining to the mug shot individuals name and charged crime. The experiment seeks to measure respondents' perceptions of the individuals portrayed in The Slammer mug shots and the factors that may influence their perceptions. Furthermore, I work to develop composite indicators of key theoretical concepts developed among cultural criminologists. The results provide empirical evidence consistent with theorized overall growth in penal spectatorship