1,382 research outputs found

    Measurement of Satellite Impact Test Fragments for Modeling Orbital Debris

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    There are over 13,000 pieces of catalogued objects 10cm and larger in orbit around Earth [ODQN, January 2009, p12]. More than 6000 of these objects are fragments from explosions and collisions. As the earth-orbiting object count increases, debris-generating collisions in the future become a statistical inevitability. To aid in understanding this collision risk, the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office has developed computer models that calculate quantity and orbits of debris both currently in orbit and in future epochs. In order to create a reasonable computer model of the orbital debris environment, it is important to understand the mechanics of creation of debris as a result of a collision. The measurement of the physical characteristics of debris resulting from ground-based, hypervelocity impact testing aids in understanding the sizes and shapes of debris produced from potential impacts in orbit. To advance the accuracy of fragment shape/size determination, the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office recently implemented a computerized measurement system. The goal of this system is to improve knowledge and understanding of the relation between commonly used dimensions and overall shape. The technique developed involves scanning a single fragment with a hand-held laser device, measuring its size properties using a sophisticated software tool, and creating a three-dimensional computer model to demonstrate how the object might appear in orbit. This information is used to aid optical techniques in shape determination. This more automated and repeatable method provides higher accuracy in the size and shape determination of debris

    Intercalative Stacking: A Critical Feature of DNA Charge-Transport Electrochemistry

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    In electrochemistry experiments on DNA-modified electrodes, features of the redox probe that determine efficient charge transport through DNA-modified surfaces have been explored using methylene blue (MB^+) and Ru(NH_3)_6^(3+) as DNA-binding redox probes. The electrochemistry of these molecules is studied as a function of ionic strength to determine the necessity of tight binding to DNA and the number of electrons involved in the redox reaction; on the DNA surface, MB^+ displays 2e^-/1H^+ electrochemistry (pH 7) and Ru(NH^3)_6^(3+) displays 1e^- electrochemistry. We examine also the effect of electrode surface passivation and the effect of the mode (intercalation or electrostatic) of MB^+ and Ru(NH_3)_6^(3+) binding to DNA to highlight the importance of intercalation for reduction by a DNA-mediated charge-transport pathway. Furthermore, in experiments in which MB^+ is covalently linked to the DNA through a σ-bonded tether and the ionic strength is varied, it is demonstrated that intercalative stacking rather than covalent σ-bonding is essential for efficient reduction of MB^+. The results presented here therefore establish that efficient charge transport to the DNA-binding moiety in DNA films requires intercalative stacking and is mediated by the DNA base pair array

    The Perceived Stressors and Coping Skills of Graduate Students: A Developmental and Validation Study

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    This article outlines the development and validation of two instruments evaluating common stressors and coping skills as perceived by graduate counseling students. The review of the literature illustrated a need for the development of measures to provide empirical support in regard to the stressors and coping skills of graduate students in counseling programs. Exploratory factor analyses were applied to the two respective scales to evaluate the constructs. Recommendations and limitations are offered to further the development of psychometric properties within the scales

    Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort

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    It remains unclear whether causal, rather than merely correlational, relationships in molecular networks can be inferred in complex biological settings. Here we describe the HPN-DREAM network inference challenge, which focused on learning causal influences in signaling networks. We used phosphoprotein data from cancer cell lines as well as in silico data from a nonlinear dynamical model. Using the phosphoprotein data, we scored more than 2,000 networks submitted by challenge participants. The networks spanned 32 biological contexts and were scored in terms of causal validity with respect to unseen interventional data. A number of approaches were effective, and incorporating known biology was generally advantageous. Additional sub-challenges considered time-course prediction and visualization. Our results suggest that learning causal relationships may be feasible in complex settings such as disease states. Furthermore, our scoring approach provides a practical way to empirically assess inferred molecular networks in a causal sense

    Forested Wetlands of the Southern United States: A Bibliography

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    The term forested wetland covers a variety of forest types including mangroves, cypress/tupelo swamps, bottomland hardwoods, pocosins and Carolina bays, flatwoods, and mountain fens. These forests are dominated by woody species that have morphological features, physiological adaptations, and/or reproductive strategies enabling them to achieve maturity and reproduce in an environment where the soils within the rooting zone may be inundated or saturated for various periods during the growing season. Although alluvial floodplains occur along most streams of the United States, they are most extensive in the Atlantic Coastal Plain, Gulf Coastal Plain, and Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Only about half of the original floodplain forests remained by the 1930s, and conversion to agriculture continued at an accelerated pace during the 1960s and 1970s.The purpose of this bibliography is to provide a detailed listing of references for students and researchers of the varied studies conducted in these forest types

    Проблеми управління фінансовою безпекою підприємства

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    Expanding urbanization in estuaries and the increase in pollutants from anthropogenic point sources can affect nearby benthic assemblages. Using a paired impact-control design, we assessed the effects of pollution from anthropogenic point sources (marinas, storm-water drains, sewage outfalls and fish farms) on algal and sessile invertebrate recruits to pavers placed in an industrialized Tasmanian estuary. Species number and cover of native recruits were lower after 12 months at sites outside marinas relative to paired control sites, whereas non-native and cryptogenic recruits were significantly higher outside marinas and near sewage outfalls. The cover of fast-growing, opportunistic species was significantly higher at sites near fish farms and sewage outfalls, and the cover of native species was also greater at sites near sewage outfalls relative to the paired control sites. Our results suggest an increased management focus on controlling pollution from marinas and sewage outfalls is warranted to limit the spread of non-native and cryptogenic species

    Rescue of secretion of rare-disease associated misfolded mutant glycoproteins in UGGT1 knock-out mammalian cells

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention of misfolded glycoproteins is mediated by the ER-localised eukaryotic glycoprotein secretion checkpoint, UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyl-transferase (UGGT). The enzyme recognises a misfolded glycoprotein and flags it for ER retention by re-glucosylating one of its N-linked glycans. In the background of a congenital mutation in a secreted glycoprotein gene, UGGT-mediated ER retention can cause rare disease, even if the mutant glycoprotein retains activity (“responsive mutant”). Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, we investigated here the subcellular localisation of the human Trop-2-Q118E, E227K and L186P mutants, which cause gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy (GDLD). Compared with the wild type Trop-2, which is correctly localised at the plasma membrane, these Trop-2 mutants are retained in the ER. We studied fluorescent chimeras of the Trop-2 Q118E, E227K and L186P mutants in mammalian cells harbouring CRISPR/Cas9-mediated inhibition of the UGGT1 and/or UGGT2 genes. The membrane localisation of the Trop-2 Q118E, E227K and L186P mutants was successfully rescued in UGGT1-/- cells. UGGT1 also efficiently reglucosylated Trop-2-Q118E-EYFP in cellula. The study supports the hypothesis that UGGT1 modulation would constitute a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of pathological conditions associated to misfolded membrane glycoproteins (whenever the mutation impairs but does not abrogate function), and it encourages the testing of modulators of ER glycoprotein folding quality control as broad-spectrum rescue-of-secretion drugs in rare diseases caused by responsive secreted glycoprotein mutants