2,835 research outputs found

    On the Efficacy of Artifice

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    Jason E. Hill is a doctoral candidate in art history at the University of Southern California, where his dissertation considers the art and photography of PM. His research has been supported by fellowships from the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS, the Terra Foundation, and the Swann Foundation. In June 1940, the progressive New York City tabloid PM published an image from the Soviet/German front that had just been transmitted by radio from Moscow to New York. The wartime exigencies of communications across Europe and the primitive state of the radiophoto technology at the time of transmission combined to produce in this image a striking hybridity, manifest in its status as both photographic and, because visibly retouched, handmade. Activating the very inability to identify its medium, PM deployed this image as a component within its larger project of challenging the prevailing, and often dubious, journalistic discourse of photographic objectivity. In PM’s pages, this radiophoto was shown to function not as objective reportage, but rather as merely another gambit in the wartime photojournalistic contest of credibility

    Whole Farm Economic Evaluation of No-Till Rice Production in Arkansas

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    Rice in Arkansas is typically produced using intensive tillage. No-till rice has been studied, but the research focus has been limited to impacts on yields and per acre net returns. This analysis evaluates the profitability of no-till rice at the whole-farm level using both enterprise budget analysis and linear programming.Crop Production/Industries,

    Judith Brodie (ed.), Shock of the News

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    With shifting emphases and varying degrees of success, a spate of recent exhibitions—most notably Warhol : Headlines at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. in 2012, The Last Newspaper at the New Museum in 2010, Antiphotojournalism at La Virreina in 2010, and Covering the Real at the Kunstmuseum Basel in 2005—have taken on the question of the visual arts’ engagement with the material, culture, and procedures of journalism. But for all these exhibitions’ considerable merit in advancin..

    De l’efficacité de l’artifice.

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    En juin 1940, le tabloïd progressiste new-yorkais PM publie une image du front germano-soviétique récemment transmise par radio de Moscou à New York. Les conditions de communications à travers le territoire européen en temps de guerre et la technologie de la radiophotographie encore tâtonnante au moment de la transmission confèrent à cette image un caractère hybride, résultat d’une prise de vue photographique et de la main du retoucheur. En exploitant l’indétermination même du médium, PM fait de cette image l’un des arguments de son vaste projet de remise en cause du discours journalistique sur l’objectivité photographique qui, souvent suspect, prévaut alors dans la presse. Le tabloïd ne montre pas cette radiophotographie à titre de reportage objectif, mais plutôt comme un stratagème de plus dans la course à la crédibilité qui anime le photojournalisme durant cette période de conflit.In June 1940, the progressive New York City tabloid PM published an image from the Soviet/German front that had just been transmitted by radio from Moscow to New York. The wartime exigencies of communications across Europe and the primitive state of the radiophoto technology at the time of transmission combined to produce in this image a striking hybridity, manifest in its status as both photographic and, because visibly retouched, handmade. Activating the very inability to identify its medium, PM deployed this image as a component within its larger project of challenging the prevailing, and often dubious, journalistic discourse of photographic objectivity. In PM’s pages, this radiophoto was shown to function not as objective reportage, but rather asmerely another gambit in the wartime photojournalistic contest of credibility

    Cetacean AcousticWelfare in Wild and Managed-Care Settings: Gaps and Opportunities

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    Cetaceans are potentially at risk of poor welfare due to the animals’ natural reliance on sound and the persistent nature of anthropogenic noise, especially in the wild. Industrial, commercial, and recreational human activity has expanded across the seas, resulting in a propagation of sound with varying frequency characteristics. In many countries, current regulations are based on the potential to induce hearing loss; however, a more nuanced approach is needed when shaping regulations, due to other non-hearing loss effects including activation of the stress response, acoustic masking, frequency shifts, alterations in behavior, and decreased foraging. Cetaceans in managedcare settings share the same acoustic characteristics as their wild counterparts, but face different environmental parameters. There have been steps to integrate work on welfare in the wild and in managed-care contexts, and the domain of acoustics offers the opportunity to inform and connect information from both managed-care settings and the wild. Studies of subjects in managed-care give controls not available to wild studies, yet because of the conservation implications, wild studies on welfare impacts of the acoustic environment on cetaceans have largely been the focus, rather than those in captive settings. A deep integration of wild and managed-care-based acoustic welfare research can complement discovery in both domains, as captive studies can provide greater experimental control, while the more comprehensive domain of wild noise studies can help determine the gaps in managed-care based acoustic welfare science. We advocate for a new paradigm in anthropogenic noise research, recognizing the value that both wild and managed-care research plays in illustrating how noise pollution affects welfare including physiology, behavior, and cognition

    Creating a Culture of Voting in Direct and Generalist Practice: Training Field Instructors

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    Social workers have an ethical responsibility to be engaged in policy change, regardless of their practice area or specialization. Voter engagement and the importance of political power through voting is often overlooked in the literature as a valid and important component of social work practice. Creating a culture of nonpartisan voter engagement in practice settings can help empower individuals who have been historically and intentionally disenfranchised from our electoral system. Training for field instructors, faculty, and field staff is a key aspect of voter engagement in social work education. Unfortunately, social work education is unlikely to include substantive content on voter engagement or its connection to social work practice and impact. This article presents one component of a model for integrating voter engagement into social work education: the provision of training for field instructors on nonpartisan voter engagement at two universities over two years. Evaluation findings suggest that pre-existing levels of political efficacy affect the reaction of field instructors to nonpartisan voter engagement training. Furthermore, findings indicate that field instructors who receive voter engagement training are more likely to serve as resources for their students and to consider voter engagement as part of their own practice. We offer evidence on the important role field educators can play in the success of the larger national effort to integrate voter engagement in social work education. Increasing awareness of what social workers, nonprofit, and public agencies are allowed--or even required--to do is a critical first step

    Seasonal Movements and Distribution of Steller’s Eiders (Polysticta stelleri) Wintering at Kodiak Island, Alaska

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    We used satellite telemetry in 2004–06 to describe the annual movements and habitat use of a segment of the Pacific population of Steller’s Eiders (Polysticta stelleri) that winters at Kodiak Island, Alaska. Information about broad-scale patterns of seasonal distribution and links among annual cycle stages is critical for interpreting population trends and developing conservation strategies. We captured birds in Chiniak Bay at Kodiak Island in late February and early March and monitored the movements after departure from Kodiak Island of 24 satellite-tagged birds: 16 after-second-year (ASY) age class females, one second-year age class female, and seven ASY males. All birds used the same intercontinental migration corridor during spring, but routes and chronology of spring migration appeared to vary by year and among individuals. Sixteen of the 24 birds that were tracked migrated to breeding areas along the Arctic coast of Russia from the Chukotka Peninsula to the Taymyr Peninsula; five birds, assumed to be non-breeding, spent the summer in nearshore waters of Russia and Alaska; and the remaining three birds either died during spring migration or had failed transmitters. Thirteen birds were tracked to molt sites that were broadly distributed along the coast of Alaska. Molt sites included St. Lawrence Island, the Kuskokwim Shoals, Kamishak Bay, and three sites along the Alaska Peninsula. Twelve of these 13 birds returned to Kodiak Island to winter, and a single male wintered on the Alaska Peninsula. Steller’s Eiders marked during winter at Kodiak Island were widely distributed during the breeding season, but a large proportion of marked birds returned to molting and wintering areas in two years of the study.De 2004 à 2006, nous avons recouru à la télémétrie satellitaire pour décrire l’utilisation de l’habitat et les mouvements annuels d’un segment de la population d’eiders de Steller (Polysticta stelleri) dans la région du Pacifique, eiders qui hivernent sur l’île Kodiak, en Alaska. Il est essentiel d’obtenir des données sur les tendances à grande échelle de la répartition saisonnière et des liens entre les divers stades du cycle annuel de ces oiseaux afin d’être en mesure d’interpréter leurs tendances démographiques et d’élaborer des stratégies de conservation. Nous avons capturé des oiseaux dans la baie Chiniak de l’île Kodiak vers la fin février et le début mars. Après notre départ de l’île Kodiak, nous avons surveillé les mouvements de 24 oiseaux pistés par satellite : 16 femelles de plus de deux ans, une femelle de deux ans et sept mâles de plus de deux ans. Tous les oiseaux ont emprunté le même couloir de migration intercontinental au printemps, mais les routes et la chronologie de la migration printanière semblaient varier d’une année à l’autre et d’un individu à l’autre. Seize des24 oiseaux pistés ont migré vers des aires de reproduction situées le long de la côte arctique de la Russie, depuis la presqu’île de Tchoukotkae jusqu’à la presqu’île de Taïmyr; cinq oiseaux, probablement non reproducteurs, ont passé l’été dans les eaux côtières de la Russie et de l’Alaska, tandis que les trois autres oiseaux sont morts pendant la migration printanière ou étaient dotés de transmetteurs défectueux. Treize oiseaux ont été repérés à des sites de mue largement répartis le long de la côte de l’Alaska. Parmi ces sites, notons ceux de l’île Saint-Laurent, du haut-fond de Kuskokwim, de la baie de Kamishak et de trois autres sites le long de la péninsule de l’Alaska. Douze de ces 13 oiseaux sont retournés à l’île Kodiak pour passer l’hiver, et un seul mâle a hiverné dans la péninsule de l’Alaska. Les eiders de Steller qui ont été marqués à l’île Kodiak pendant l’hiver étaient largement répartis pendant la saison de reproduction, mais une grande proportion d’oiseaux pistés sont retournés aux aires de mue et d’hivernage au cours des deux années visées par l’étude

    Texture Coding in the Rat Whisker System: Slip-Stick Versus Differential Resonance

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    Rats discriminate surface textures using their whiskers (vibrissae), but how whiskers extract texture information, and how this information is encoded by the brain, are not known. In the resonance model, whisker motion across different textures excites mechanical resonance in distinct subsets of whiskers, due to variation across whiskers in resonance frequency, which varies with whisker length. Texture information is therefore encoded by the spatial pattern of activated whiskers. In the competing kinetic signature model, different textures excite resonance equally across whiskers, and instead, texture is encoded by characteristic, nonuniform temporal patterns of whisker motion. We tested these models by measuring whisker motion in awake, behaving rats whisking in air and onto sandpaper surfaces. Resonant motion was prominent during whisking in air, with fundamental frequencies ranging from approximately 35 Hz for the long Delta whisker to approximately 110 Hz for the shorter D3 whisker. Resonant vibrations also occurred while whisking against textures, but the amplitude of resonance within single whiskers was independent of texture, contradicting the resonance model. Rather, whiskers resonated transiently during discrete, high-velocity, and high-acceleration slip-stick events, which occurred prominently during whisking on surfaces. The rate and magnitude of slip-stick events varied systematically with texture. These results suggest that texture is encoded not by differential resonant motion across whiskers, but by the magnitude and temporal pattern of slip-stick motion. These findings predict a temporal code for texture in neural spike trains

    A burst chasing x-ray polarimeter

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    Gamma-ray bursts are one of the most powerful explosions in the universe and have been detected out to distances of almost 13 billion light years. The exact origin of these energetic explosions is still unknown but the resulting huge release of energy is thought to create a highly relativistic jet of material and a power-law distribution of electrons. There are several theories describing the origin of the prompt GRB emission that currently cannot be distinguished. Measurements of the linear polarization would provide unique and important constraints on the mechanisms thought to drive these powerful explosions. We present the design of a sensitive, and extremely versatile gamma-ray burst polarimeter. The instrument is a photoelectric polarimeter based on a time-projection chamber. The photoelectric time-projection technique combines high sensitivity with broad band-pass and is potentially the most powerful method between 2 and 100 keV where the photoelectric effect is the dominant interaction process. We present measurements of polarized and unpolarized X-rays obtained with a prototype detector and describe the two mission concepts; the Gamma-Ray Burst Polarimeter (GRBP) for the U.S. Naval Academy satellite MidSTAR-2, and the Low Energy Polarimeter (LEP) onboard POET, a broadband polarimetry concept for a small explorer mission