45 research outputs found

    Food Filtering Process of Daphnia Carinata King to Assess the Water Soluble Detergent

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    Abstract. Water organisms such as zooplankton and fish were used quite often as indicators for water quality in connection with chemically toxic substance in water. Several criteria could be use such as LC50, population index, and physiological phenomena. Bioassay that rely on this physiological phenomena was meant to measure the sublethal effect of the suspected toxic substance on the organisms. Further development of sublethal bioassay using filtering rate of Daphnia carinata (Cooley, 1977; McMahon, 1966) has taken place for a certain detergent. Yeasts cells tagged with 32P were used as food for Daphnia carinata and the filtering rate was measured from the radioactivity of these crustaceans after a certain period of feeding time. Comparison was made between the feeding rate in the medium with and without the detergent and they appeared to be different. Sari. Organisme air seperti zooplankton dan ikan telah sering digunakan untuk menafsirkan kehadiran senyawa kimia yang terlarut dalam air sehubungan dengan masalah kualitas air. Kriteria untuk menyatakan kehadiran tersebut dapat dinyatakan dalam bentuk LC50, indeks populasi, dan gejala fisiologis. Uji hayati yang menggantungkan pada gejala fisiologis ini mempunyai sasaran untuk mengukur dampak subletal suatu senyawa terhadap organisme. Perkembangan lebih lanjut adalah penggunaan laju penyaringan dari Daphnia carinata (Cooley, 1977; McMahon 1966) untuk menafsirkan kehadiran sejenis detergen. Dalam hal ini laju penyaringan diukur dengan menghitung jumlah rugi yang bertanda 32p yang termakan oleh udang tersebut. Dilakukan pembandingan antara laju penyaringan Daphnia yang berada pada medium tanpa dan dengan detergen

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat (fly ash) untuk Mencegah Cemaran Mikrobiologis dan Kimiawi Sampah Kota pada Ekosistem Rawa

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    The research on the utilization of solid waste (fly ash) has been conducted to avoid the further effect of microbial and of the municipality solid waste in the wetland ecosystem. The purpose of this research is to utilize the fly ash, the solid waste of the PLTU industry, as protective layer (geosynthetic liners/GCLs) at waste disposal areas in order to avoid microbial and chemical pollution to the environment. During the research, ponds with 6x6x4 m in size was added with GCLs (layer of 30 sacs of fly ash 25 kg/sac at each 2 meters of pile waste) and a control pond. The result shows that fly ash with the composition of SiO2 (42,92 %) and AlO2  (29,45%) can be utilized as a protective layer (geosynthetic liners), because after 3 weeks it can minimize the contamination of bacteria (total decrease of coliform bacteria > 50%) to the environment, and also reduce some toxic compound, especially heavy metal such as Pb (30,1%) and Cu (43,54%), and the content of nitrate (32,1%). Hence fly ash has economic and ecological values as a protection layer at the solid waste disposal area to avoid the environmental contamination of bacteria’s and chemicals

    Kinetic and Thermodynamic Adsorption of Cr(VI) onto Dried Oscillatoria Splendida in Aqueous Solution

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    Kinetic and thermodynamic adsorption study of Cr(VI) ion in aqueous solutions by dried Oscillatoria Splendida biomass was investigated in the batch system. The Oscillatoria Splendida was isolated and cultured from algae swamp ecosystem in South Sumatera. The adsorption properties of Cr(VI) onto dried Oscillatoria Splendida biomass was studied by the influences of contact time, initial Cr(VI) ion concentration and temperature of reaction. The experimental results were the rate of adsorption followed the second-order kinetic model with the rate of reaction k2 is 0.00181 mg g-1 min-1 and the adsorption thermodynamic agree to the Langmuir’s model with amount of  Cr(VI) removed from aqueous solution increased with increasing  Cr(VI) concentration with the higher adsorption energy was 8.46 kJ/mol at 50 °C

    Blood clams community (Anadara granoasa) in The Eastern Coastal Waters of Banyuasin Regency South Sumatera

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    Abstract: This research aimed to study existence of blood clams population and the environmental factors that affect them. This research was conducted in the coastal waters of Banyuasin in February 2015. The blood clamp sample was collected using Ekman Grab at low tide. From the observation in the research site, the highest population density was 60 ind/m2 with clay substrate texture, while the lowest density was 20 ind/m2 on the dusty clay substrate. Blood clams population was not found on the sand substrate texture station. Morphometric data showed that the blood clam population in the research site, including the medium category with b < 3 growth pattern (allometric negative). The results of PCA analysis proved that the habitat texture and sediment organic habitats were dominant factors besides the chemical physics environmental factors of the waters (temperature, salinity, pH).Keywords: Blood clams, density, morphometric, PCA Abstrak (Indonesian): Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari keberadaan  populasi kerang-darah dan faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan pesisir Banyuasin pada bulan Februari 2015. Sampel kerang-darah diambil dengan mengunakan Ekman Grab pada saat air surut. Dari hasil pengamatan pada lokasi penelitian, kepadatan populasi kerang-darah tertinggi  adalah 60 ind/m2 dengan tekstur substrat lempung, sedangkan kepadatan terendah adalah 20 ind/m2 pada substrat lempung berdebu. Populasi kerang-darah tidak ditemukan pada stasiun dengan tekstur substrat pasir. Data morfometrik menunjukan bahwa populasi kerang-darah di lokasi penelitian termasuk kategori sedang dengan pola pertumbuhan  b < 3 (allometrik negatif). Hasil analisis PCA membuktikan bahwa tekstur habitat dan bahan organik sedimen merupakan faktor dominan disamping faktor lingkungan fisika kimia perairan (suhu, salinitas, pH).Kata kunci: Kerang-darah, kepadatan, morfometrik, PC

    Community involvement as a strategy for accountability corporate performance rating assessment program (Proper)

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    Program Performance Rating (PROPER) is believed to encourage environmental requirements for business activities in environmental protection and management. The basic principle of the implementation of the PROPER is to encourage compliance of companies in environmental management through the instrument of information in the form of incentives and disincentives. Incentives in the form of image for companies that have good environmental management performance and disincentive given the reputation for poor environmental management system. In reality its implementation PROPER found weaknesses that lead to the assumption that the outcome of the PROPER not transparent, less credible and accountable in the public eye. This study aims to reveal what caused PROPER transparent, less credible and accountable in the eyes of society, then answer how the strategy should be done to improve the credibility PROPER. The approach taken in this study is a qualitative approach, with survey respondents are people around the range-1 PROPER participating companies in the city of Palembang. Data collection techniques include in-depth interviews, observation and documentation, while the technique of data analysis include: data reduction, data presentation, data interpretation, and conclusions. The results showed that 1) PROPER not transparent, less credible and accountable in the public eye due to no disclosure of information from the government and the company to the public regarding PROPER so that differences in perceptions create public dissatisfaction over the implementation and results of PROPER assessment. 2) Involvement of the public through publications in general and given the right to express an opinion on the objection period to answer what is the PROPER public discontent in the implementation and produce policies that are transparent, credible and accountable

    Biodiversity of Birds in the Green Urban Area of Petrochemical Industry, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Abstract: The study on "The Biodiversity of Birds in the Region of Green Open Space (GOS) of The Petrochemical Industry, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia" was conducted from August to September 2014 with the objective to determine the diversity of bird species. The method used to inventory bird species was Indice Ponctuels' Abondance (IPA) method. The results of the study revealed that there were at least 19 species of birds included in 14 families, in which four of the bird species were the species protected by the law, namely Halcyonchloris, Haliasturindus, Halcyonsmyrnensis, and Nectariniajugularis. The plant species as the habitat of the birds included Pterocarpus indicus Willd. (16.74%), Polyalthialongifolia Sonn. (14.02%), Cocosnucifera L. (12.98%), Elaeisguineensis Jacq. (7.76%) and Mangiferaindica L. (7.71%) with the diversity index of 2.96. These data prove that the area of green urban industry can also serve as a habitat for wildlife such as birds provided that the management of the green open space remains the concern of the industry.Key words:  Birds Biodiversity, Urban Industrial AreaAbstrak (indonesian): Penelitian “Keanekaragaman Burung di Kawasan  Ruang  Terbuka  Hijau  (RTH) Industri petrokimia, Palembang, Sumatra Selatan, Indonesia” dilakukan pada bulan Agustus sampai dengan September 2014 bertujuan  untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis burung,. Metode yang digunakan metode Indice Ponctuels’ Abondance (IPA) untuk inventarisasi jenis burung. Hasil penelitian mencatat terdapat minimal 19 jenis burung yang tercakup dalam 14 famili., dimana diantaranya tercatat 4 jenis burung yang merupakan jenis yang sudah dilindungi undang-undang  yaitu Halcyon chloris, Haliastur indus, Halcyons myrnensis, dan Nectarinia jugularis. Jenis tumbuhan sebagai habitat burung tercatat Pterocarpus indicus Willd. (16,74%), Polyalthialongi folia Sonn. (14,02%), Cocosnucifera L. (12,98%), Elaeisguineensis Jacq. (7,76%) dan Mangiferaindica L. (7,71%) dengan indeks keanekaragaraman (diversity index)  2,96. Data ini membuktikan bahwa pada kawasan green urban industry juga dapat berfungsi sebagai habitat satwa seperti burung dengan catatan pengelolaan ruang terbuka hijau tetap menjadi perhatian industri.Kata Kunci: keragaman burung, daerah industri perkotaa

    The Rapid Changes of the Landscape Structure of the Meranti-Dangku Tropical Lowland Forest in the South Sumatra Province, Indonesia

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    The fragmentation of forest vegetation cover can be measured quantitatively, using tools that can characterize the geometry and spatial properties of the patch or patches of mosaic, which depicts the forest loss and the changes in the temporal pattern.   The aims of this paper are to observe the process of the forest fragmentation, to find out the changes of spatial patterns of habitat continuum by applying the spatial dynamics change analysis of the forest fragmentation phases, and to provide the comprehensive approach in determining the rapid change of the forest landscape structure in the spatial transformation process, based on the decision tree models.  We find three phases of the forest fragmentation were identified, namely dissection, dissipation, and attrition.  This study shows that the production forest area and a wildlife conservation area that contiguous or borders, has the same phases in the process of fragmentation of the forest, but both have a difference of the magnitude of forest loss.  We find there are at least five effects of forest fragmentation to the landscape structure, those are  increasing in a number of habitat patches, decreasing in a size of habitat patches, reduction in a habitat amount, increasing in a dispersion and interspersion of patch types, and reduction in a size of spatial connectedness between patches.Keywords: fragmentation, landscape metrics, spatial transformation

    The Relationship of Culture Media Composition and Chemical Composition on Spirulina sp for Metal Ion Adsorbent

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    The analysis relationship of Spirulina sp medium with chemical composition has been conducted. Chemical analysis was performed using X-Ray Fluorescence analysis. Furthermore, potention of Spirulina sp as adsorbent of metal ions was analyzed using FTIR spectroscopy. The results showed that metals such as Zn, Fe, Mn, Ca, Cu, and Mo were mainly metals in Spirulina sp. These metals were not correlated with cultivated medium of Spirulina sp. Analysis of potention Spirulina sp as metal ions adsorbent showed that Spirulina sp has functional groups –C=O and –OH as ligand. Intercation of metal ions Cu(II) and Cr(III) with Spirulina sp indicated that metal ions bond to –C=O functional group.Keywords: Spirulina sp, media composition, chemical content, metal ion, adsorptionAbstrak (Indonesian): Telah dilakukan analisis hubungan komposisi media Spirulina sp dengan kandungan kimia yang dimilikinya. Analisis kandungan kimia dilakukan dengan X-Ray Fluorescence. Selanjutnya potensi Spirulina sp sebagai adsorben dalam mengikat ion-ion logam dianalisis menggunakan spektroskopi FTIR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa logam Zn, Fe, Mn, Ca, Cu, dan Mo merupakan logam utama yang terkandung dalam Spirulina sp. Logam-logam tersebut diasumsikan tidak berasal dari medium tumbuh Spirulina sp. Analisis terhadap potensi Spirulina sp sebagai adsorben logam berat menunjukkan bahwa Spirulina sp memiliki gugus fungsional -C=O dan –OH yang potensial sebagai ligan. Interaksi ion logam Cu(II) dan Cr(III) dengan Spirulina sp menunjukkan bahwa ion logam terikat pada gugus –C=O.Kata kunci: Spirulina sp, komposisi media, kandungan kimia, ion logam, adsorps

    Adsorption of procion red and congo red dyes using microalgae Spirulina sp

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    Adsorption of procion red and congo red dyes using microalgae Spirulina sp was conducted. Spirulina sp was obtained by cultivation and production in laboratory scale. Spirulina sp was used as adsorbent for adsorption of dyes. Adsorption process was studied by kinetic and thermodynamic in order to know the adsorption phenomena. The results showed that kinetically congo red is reactive than procion red on Spirulina sp. On the other hand, thermodynamically procion red was stable than congo red on Spirulina sp which was indicated by adsorption capacity, enthalpy, and entropy. &nbsp