163 research outputs found

    Biomass Estimation, Carbon Storage and Energy Content of Three Virgin Jungle Reserves in Peninsular Malaysia

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    Suatu kajian terhadap biomasa, penyimpanan Carbon dan kandungan energi telah dilakukan di tiga Virgin Jungle Reserve (VJR) yang mewakili zona geografi yang berbeda, yaitu Mata Ayer VJR, Perlis, Bukit Bauk VJR, Terengganu dan Gunung Pulai VJR, Johor, Semenanjung Malaysia. Plot tunggal seluas 2 hektar (100 m x 200 m) telah dibuat di masing-masing VJR. Plot kemudian dibagi menjadi 50 subplot seluas 20 x 20 m2. Semua pohon > 5 cm setinggi dada, telah ditandakan dengan alumunium bernomor, diukur dan spesimen voucher dikumpulkan. Hasilnya menunjukkan kepadatan pohon di Mata Ayer VJR sebanyak 1171 individu/ha, Bukit Bauk VJR sebanyak 1351 individu/ha dan Gunung Pulai VJR sebanyak 1035 individu/ha. Jumlah biomasa di atas tanah, Mata Ayer VJR = 402.6 t/h, Bukit Bauk VJR = 551.2 t/ha dan Gunung Pulai VJR = 320.6 t/ha. Sedangkan jumlah penyimpanan Carbon di atas tanah untuk Mata Ayer VJR = 201.3 t/h, Bukit Bauk VJR = 250.6 t/h dan Gunung Pulai VJR = 160.3 t/ha. Kandungan energi di atas tanah untuk Mata Ayer VJR = 154.97 toe, Bukit Bauk VJR=212.17 toe, dan Gunung Pulai VJR = 123.41toe


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    Ficus magnoliifolia (nunu pisang) has an important role in ecology. Ecological on the other hand, Moma community in the Toro village, Central Sulawesi use it for their daily need. Ecological aspect of nunu pisang is important for its conservation due to its sustainable utilization. The aims of this research were to determine and describe the vegetation composition, the distribution pattern and habitat factors of nunu pisang in Pangale forest by terraced path method. Data was analyzed by vegetation analysis, distribution pattern, diversity index, similarity index of communities, association interspecies and habitat factors. The research was conducted from January to March 2015. The result showed that nunu pisang found in the growth stage of epiphytes, hemyepifit, strangler, and tree but mostly in tree. The distribution pattern of nunu pisang’s tree was clumped. Its associations with other species were very low (<0,22) and low (0,27). The important habitat factor of nunu pisang were soil temperature, soil moisture and trees density

    Keanekaragaman Hayati Flora Di Indonesia

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    Indonesia merupakan negara kepuluauan seluas sekitar 9 juta km2 yang terletak diantara dua samudra dan dua benua dengan jumlah pulau sekitar 17.500 buah yang panjang garis pantainya sekitar 95.181 km. Kondisi geografis tersebut menyebabkan negara Indonesia menjadi suatu negara megabiodiversitas walaupun luasnya hanya sekitar 1,3% dari luas bumi. Dalam dunia tumbuhan, flora di wilayah Indonesia termasuk bagian dari flora dari Malesiana yang diperkirakan memiliki sekitar 25% dari spesies tumbuhan berbunga yang ada di dunia yang menempati urutan negara terbesar ketujuh dengan jumlah spesies mencapai 20.000 spesies, 40%-nya merupakan tumbuhan endemik atau asli Indonesia. Negara Indonesia termasuk negara dengan tingkat keterancaman dan kepunahan spesies tumbuhan tertinggi di dunia. Saat ini tercatat sekitar 240 spesies tanaman dinyatakan langka, diantaranya banyak yang merupakan spesies tanaman budidaya. Selain itu, sekitar 36 spesies pohon di Indonesia dinyatakan terancam punah, termasuk kayu ulin di Kalimantan Selatan, sawo kecik di Jawa Timur, Bali Barat, dan Sumbawa, kayu hitam di Sulawesi, dan kayu pandak di Jawa serta ada sekitar 58 spesies tumbuhan yang berstatus dilindungi


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    Suatu kajian terhadap biomasa, penyimpanan Carbon dan kandungan energi telah dilakukan di tiga Virgin Jungle Reserve (VJR) yang mewakili zona geografi yang berbeda, yaitu Mata Ayer VJR, Perlis, Bukit Bauk VJR, Terengganu dan Gunung Pulai VJR, Johor, Semenanjung Malaysia. Plot tunggal seluas 2 hektar (100 m x 200 m) telah dibuat di masing-masing VJR. Plot kemudian dibagi menjadi 50 subplot seluas 20 x 20 m2. Semua pohon > 5 cm setinggi dada, telah ditandakan dengan alumunium bernomor, diukur dan spesimen voucher dikumpulkan. Hasilnya menunjukkan kepadatan pohon di Mata Ayer VJR sebanyak 1171 individu/ha, Bukit Bauk VJR sebanyak 1351 individu/ha dan Gunung Pulai VJR sebanyak 1035 individu/ha. Jumlah biomasa di atas tanah, Mata Ayer VJR = 402.6 t/h, Bukit Bauk VJR = 551.2 t/ha dan Gunung Pulai VJR = 320.6 t/ha. Sedangkan jumlah penyimpanan Carbon di atas tanah untuk Mata Ayer VJR = 201.3 t/h, Bukit Bauk VJR = 250.6 t/h dan Gunung Pulai VJR = 160.3 t/ha. Kandungan energi di atas tanah untuk Mata Ayer VJR = 154.97 toe, Bukit Bauk VJR=212.17 toe, dan Gunung Pulai VJR = 123.41toe.Kata kunci : Biomasa, Carbon, Virgin Jungle Reserve, Semenanjung Malaysi

    KECENDERUNGAN POPULASI Rafflesia zollingeriana Kds. DI TAMAN NASIONAL MERU BETIRI, JAWA TIMUR (Population Trend of Rafflesia zollingeriana Kds. in Meru Betiri National Park, East Java)

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    Rafflesia zollingeriana Kds. is icon for the conservation of flora in Meru Betiri National Park. Population of R. zollingeriana in the last fifteen years tend to decrease. This condition due to natural disaster and illegal utilization of the flower.Key words : Rafflesia zollingeriana, conservation, flora, Meru Betiri National Par

    Analisis Faktor Ekologi Tumbuhan Langka Rotan Beula Ceratolobus Glaucescens Blume Di Cagar Alam Sukawayana Sukabumi Jawa Barat

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    Indonesian forest possesses a huge number of rare plants species but support of data and information that have supported preservation action was not available optimally. One of rare plant is rotan beula (Ceratolobus galucescens Blume). The aims of this study is to determine the structure, composition, and diversity vegetation which grows at habitat of rotan beula; to know the population condition of rotan beula; and to identify the ecological factors of rotan beula. Data was collected from 7 of circular plot sample. The width of every circular plot was 0.1 ha. The processing and analysis of data was done using Minitab's program version 14. The result showed the condition of rotan beula populations was well, they still grow normally. This conditions was described with young age (446 individuals) is more than the total of Rotan beula in old age (162 individuals). The sustainability of rotan beula population at Sukawayana Natural Reserve (SNR) was being threatened by society activity surround the SNR. The other, the abundance of Rotan beula was affected by density of pole level (n=7; t=7.81; p=0.001) and relative humidity of air (n=7; t=12.10; p=0.000). It can be formulated with regression: rotan beula density = -1155 + 0.154 density of pole + 13.9 relative humidity of air. The R2 value of formulation was 98,53%

    Pendekatan Eksplorasi Berbasis Intuisi Pada Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis

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    . Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis antara siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran pendekatan eksplorasi berbasis intuisi dengan siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional berdasarkan PAM. Data diperoleh melalui instrumen tes dan nontest yang diberikan kepada 74 siswa SMP kelas VIII yang terdiri dari 37 siswa pada kelas eksperimen, dan 37 siswa pada kelas kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data bahwa terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis antara siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran pendekatan eksplorasi berbasis intuisi dengan siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional secara keseluruhan berdasarkan PAM (pandai, cukup, lemah). Aktivitas guru dan siswa pada saat pembelajaran dengan pendekatan eksplorasi berbasis intuisi telah terlaksana dengan baik. Pendekatan eksplorasi berbasis intuisi dapat memfasilitasi proses intuisi, penemuan konsep, dan aplikasi konsep sehingga kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa lebih baik dari pada pembelajaran konvensional.


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    Kemang (Mangifera kemanga Blume.) is a local fruit and has become the identity flora of Bogor Regency based on Decree of the Regent's Number 522/185/Kpts/1996. Currently, the existence of kemang is rare, and it is worried about becoming extinct. This study aimed to identify the ethnobotany of kemang in the community of  Bogor Regency and to develop a conservation strategy for kemang as the identity flora of Bogor Regency. The research was carried out from April-July 2021 in Kemang District, Sukaraja District, and Leuwiliang District. Based on criteria, the research was conducted through deeply personal interviews with the local community. The characteristic of the respondent was individual who has kemang and gardeners whose gardens contain kemang. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. Based on interviews with 30 respondents, kemang was identified by looking at leaf color, leaf shape, stem, flower, and fruit compared to mango (Mangifera indica). Kemang mainly was found growing in gardens (74%). Kemang propagation was done by seed. The most used parts were fruit (43%) and shoots (39%). Both parts were consumed directly in a fresh form. Besides having a role as a food ingredient, kemang has potential as an antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-degenerative. The reason people still maintain kemang because the existence of kemang is getting rare, and the selling price of kemang fruit is relatively high compared to other types of mango. In addition, kemang can also prevent soil erosion. The conservation strategies of kemang are optimizing the socialization and publication of kemang benefit, developing kemang cultivation, and developing kemang as a local fruit commodity.    Key words: conservation strategy, ethnobotany, kemang, local fruit, rar
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