10 research outputs found
La cigüeña negra, Ciconia nigra, en concentraciones postnupciales y migratorias ibéricas : fenología, actividad y estructura de edades
Las concentraciones migratorias y postnupciales de cigüeña negra han sido objeto de estudio en 22 localidades de las provincias de Ciudad Real, Cáceres y Badajoz (centro y oeste de España). Entre 2003 y 2006 se visitaron periódicamente distintos tipos de humedales con presencia habitual de la especie durante los pasos migratorios, desde el 21 de julio hasta el 10 de octubre. En 174 de las 339 visitas realizadas se detectó la presencia de cigüeña negra. El número promedio registrado de ejemplares por bando resultó de 11,3 ejemplares. Las fechas en que se contabilizaron más individuos, tanto en valores absolutos como relativos, correspondieron al período del 11 al 20 de septiembre. La mayor parte de los ejemplares datados (69,1%) resultaron adultos (plumaje de más de 3 años de edad), seguidos por jóvenes del año (20,2%) e inmaduros-subadultos (10,6%, 2-3 años de edad). A lo largo de todo el período migratorio se mantuvo constante la proporción de edades, salvo en el mes de octubre, cuando se incrementó la presencia aves juveniles. Durante las horas centrales del día se registró el mayor número relativo de aves sedimentadas en los humedales estudiados. Entre las 13:00 h y las 16:00 h (GMT + 2h) se censó el 62,7% de las cigüeñas negras presentes. Alrededor de la mitad de los individuos (52,5%) emplearon las áreas de concentración estudiadas para descansar y sestear
La Caridad/Solidaridad vista desde los portales cibernéticos y blogs
La Red de los Portales Web es muy amplia y creo que existe una responsabilidad a la hora de hablar de Solidaridad y de Caridad. Muchas veces no somos conscientes de lo que hay detrás, los miles de seguidores que pueden tener cada uno de estos portales, generando una corriente de influencia que tiene mucha trascendencia a efecto de lo que hacen las Cofradías. A día de hoy puede verse perfectamente que una noticia de una Cofradía, que no esté dentro del orden o del decoro, recibe miles de críticas, dejándose patente que detrás de todo esto hay una gran repercusión. La Caridad y Solidaridad desde el punto de vista de los Portales Webs, los blogs, están muy ligada a las Cofradías, pero creo que también se tienen desde ellos una gran responsabilidad, porque no es solo el hecho de lo cofrade, tenemos una responsabilidad final, somos todos cristianos y debemos de hacer algo con respecto a la Solidaridad y la Caridad
Spatial mark-resight models to estimate feral pig population density
opulation size is a highly important parameter for wildlife management and conservation. However, its estimation can be challenging when a portion of the population is undetectable. Spatially explicit capture-recapture models are a precise approach to estimate wildlife population density while accounting for imperfect detection, but all animals must be individually identifiable. Spatial mark-resight models (SMR) allow the estimation of population sizes when only some individuals can be identified. This is the case in feral pigs (Sus scrofa), where some individuals are recognizable by natural marks. We compared two SMR approaches to estimate feral pig population density: SMR for an unknown number of marked individuals (SMR-UM) and SMR for a known number of marked individuals (SMR-KM). Both approaches are applicable in species with some individuals recognisable by natural marks, such as feral pigs. The SMR-KM is similar to a process of capture-mark-recapture of fewer individuals, which can be used in species with non-recognisable individuals (e.g., wild boar, S. scrofa). First, we fitted a SMR-UM using the complete capture history (individuals/traps/days) for all recognisable individuals (n=33) and the latent capture history (traps-days) for unmarked individuals throughout the entire sampling occasion (66 days). Secondly, we fitted SMR-KM dividing the sampling occasions into two periods: the sighting period (25 days) to identify individuals (n=13), and the resighting period (41 days) in which we used the complete capture and latent capture histories of the marked and unmarked individuals, respectively. We estimated very similar densities with the two approaches for feral pigs in our study area: 13.27 (SD=3.07) (8.12-20.02 95\% BCI) and 12.87 (SD=2.21) (8.96-17.59 95\% BCI) pigs/km2, for SMR-UM and SMR-KM, respectively. Our results indicate that SMR models are an effective tool to monitor feral pig populations, as well as similar non-individually identifiable species, by tagging a small sample of the population.J.J. was supported by the CSIC-TRAGSATEC agreement (REF: 14MNES012). J.F.C.-M. is highly grateful to CONACYT for providing a mobility grant for a 3-month internship at IREC. P.A. is supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) through a “Ramón y Cajal” contract (RYC-2012-11970) and partially by the AGL2016-76358-R grant (MINECO-FEDER, UE).Peer Reviewe
Factors influencing the presence of the cinereous vulture Aegypius monachus at carcasses: food preferences and implications for the management of supplementary feeding sites
We studied the factors that determine the presence of the cinereous vulture Aegypius monachus at 134 carcasses experimentally distributed in Special Protection Areas for Birds (SPA) in western and central Spain. Our goals were to assess the use of these carcasses and by-products in order to find out the cinereous vulture's food preferences and thus provide recommendations for the management of specific vulture restaurants for this species. Our results suggest that the number of cinereous vultures that come to feed on the carcasses is related to the quantity of biomass present and to the types of pieces of the provided food. Cinereous vultures prefer individual, medium-sized muscular pieces and small peripheral scraps of meat and tendon. The time that elapses before the cinereous vultures begin to consume a carcass depends on the biomass delivered, the number of pieces into which it is divided, and the type categories of the provided food. The population density of the species in our study area and the breeding stage seem to determine the time invested in feeding at the carcasses. These results may help managers to optimise the creation of vulture restaurants and favour their use by cinereous vultures.Our study was carried out within the framework of the monitoring programme of the LIFE 03/
NAT/E/0050 project ’Conservación del águila imperial ibérica, buitre negro y cigüeña negra’ (Conservation of the Spanish imperial eagle, cinereous vulture and black stork), implemented by the Fundación CBD-Habitat in conjunction with the autonomous communities of Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura and Madrid, and the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino
(Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs). It was co-funded by the European Commission.Peer reviewe
Factors influencing the presence of the cinereous vulture Aegypius monachus at carcasses: food preferences and implications for the management of supplementary feeding sites
We studied the factors that determine the presence of the cinereous vulture Aegypius monachus at 134 carcasses experimentally distributed in Special Protection Areas for Birds (SPA) in western and central Spain. Our goals were to assess the use of these carcasses and by-products in order to find out the cinereous vulture's food preferences and thus provide recommendations for the management of specific vulture restaurants for this species. Our results suggest that the number of cinereous vultures that come to feed on the carcasses is related to the quantity of biomass present and to the types of pieces of the provided food. Cinereous vultures prefer individual, medium-sized muscular pieces and small peripheral scraps of meat and tendon. The time that elapses before the cinereous vultures begin to consume a carcass depends on the biomass delivered, the number of pieces into which it is divided, and the type categories of the provided food. The population density of the species in our study area and the breeding stage seem to determine the time invested in feeding at the carcasses. These results may help managers to optimise the creation of vulture restaurants and favour their use by cinereous vultures.Our study was carried out within the framework of the monitoring programme of the LIFE 03/
NAT/E/0050 project ’Conservación del águila imperial ibérica, buitre negro y cigüeña negra’ (Conservation of the Spanish imperial eagle, cinereous vulture and black stork), implemented by the Fundación CBD-Habitat in conjunction with the autonomous communities of Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura and Madrid, and the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino
(Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs). It was co-funded by the European Commission.Peer reviewe
Enseñar y aprender en época de cambios : XXVI Premios Francisco Giner de los Ríos a la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa
En esta edición de los Premios Giner de los Ríos se ha reconocido con el Premio Especial el trabajo llevado a cabo a lo largo de quince años por el profesorado del área de ciencias, junto a sus alumnos, en el estudio de la calidad de las aguas del río Guadalquivir a su paso por Sevilla. En Educación Infantil se ha premiado una webquest basada en la metodología constructivista que consigue el desarrollo de todas las competencias del alumnado e investiga cómo es la vida en la sabana, tundra-polo, selva y desierto. La primera experiencia premiada en Educación Primaria reconoce el esfuerzo de una comunidad educativa en la elaboración de un largometraje sobre Astronomía. La segunda es la creación y puesta en práctica del programa ELIGe©, que ayuda a los alumnos con TEA a la elección de actividades cotidianas, y a la comprensión y expresión de emociones básicas. En Ciencia y Tecnología, se ha premiado el Proyecto bambú, bosquete con variedades de esta planta para trabajar. En Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, se ha reconocido el valor de una experiencia que transmite al alumnado la idea de que la lengua es la herramienta que permite proyectar una imagen de lo que somos, queremos y anhelamos. En Otras Materias y Áreas Curriculares se ha galardonado un trabajo cuyo objetivo es la enseñanza al alumnado del trabajo autónomo y el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa. En la modalidad de Trabajos de Aplicación de Conocimientos en Distintos Ámbitos Personales o Sociales, se ha galardonado un proyecto de Formación Profesional que aborda tres objetivos: la integración curricular del desarrollo de proyectos de empresa y simulaciones de entornos reales de trabajo; el cambio en la dinámica del aula con el uso intensivo de la web 2.0; y el cambio en el rol del alumno, que pasa de receptor a creador de conocimiento.MECDES
Chronic coronary syndromes without standard modifiable cardiovascular risk factors and outcomes: the CLARIFY registry
Background and Aims:
It has been reported that patients without standard modifiable cardiovascular (CV) risk factors (SMuRFs—diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension, and smoking) presenting with first myocardial infarction (MI), especially women, have a higher in-hospital mortality than patients with risk factors, and possibly a lower long-term risk provided they survive the post-infarct period. This study aims to explore the long-term outcomes of SMuRF-less patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD).
CLARIFY is an observational cohort of 32 703 outpatients with stable CAD enrolled between 2009 and 2010 in 45 countries. The baseline characteristics and clinical outcomes of patients with and without SMuRFs were compared. The primary outcome was a composite of 5-year CV death or non-fatal MI. Secondary outcomes were 5-year all-cause mortality and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE—CV death, non-fatal MI, or non-fatal stroke).
Among 22 132 patients with complete risk factor and outcome information, 977 (4.4%) were SMuRF-less. Age, sex, and time since CAD diagnosis were similar across groups. SMuRF-less patients had a lower 5-year rate of CV death or non-fatal MI (5.43% [95% CI 4.08–7.19] vs. 7.68% [95% CI 7.30–8.08], P = 0.012), all-cause mortality, and MACE. Similar results were found after adjustments. Clinical event rates increased steadily with the number of SMuRFs. The benefit of SMuRF-less status was particularly pronounced in women.
SMuRF-less patients with stable CAD have a substantial but significantly lower 5-year rate of CV death or non-fatal MI than patients with risk factors. The risk of CV outcomes increases steadily with the number of risk factors