790 research outputs found

    Speculative bubbles: The state of a rarely studied question

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    Este trabajo examina la literatura sobre burbujas especulativas. En el mismo se incluyen tanto los trabajos teóricos, destinados a conocer el origen de las burbujas y sus consecuencias, como los trabajos empíricos, destinados fundamentalmente a definir procedimientos econométricos para la detección de burbujas y a aplicarlos. También repasamos la discusión sobre si es posible considerar racional el comportamiento de los agentes en situaciones de burbujas. Las principales conclusiones que obtenemos son que existe una clara separación entre los estudios teóricos y empíricos que ha impedido el avance de la investigación sobre burbujas y que esta se encuentra también muy limitada por la tendencia de los investigadores a mantener los modelos y supuestos de los estudios pioneros. Ambas razones nos hacen pensar que la investigación sobre burbujas tendrá un importante desarrollo en el futuroIn this study, an examination is made in the literature as regards speculative bubbles. It includes both theoretical studies, aimed at understanding the origins of bubbles and their consequences, and empirical studies, directed essentially at defining econometric procedures for the detection of bubbles and to applying them. A review of the discussion is also made, including whether it is possible to consider the behavior of subjects in bubble situations as rational. The principal conclusions reached are that there exists a clear separation between theoretical and empirical studies, which has prevented advances in research into bubbles, which is also very restricted by the tendency of researchers to maintain the models and assumptions of the pioneering studies. These two reasons lead us to believe that research into bubbles willundergo significant development in the futur

    Deep levels in a-plane, high Mg-content MgxZn1-xO epitaxial layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy

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    Deep level defects in n-type unintentionally doped a-plane MgxZn1−xO, grown by molecular beam epitaxy on r-plane sapphire were fully characterized using deep level optical spectroscopy (DLOS) and related methods. Four compositions of MgxZn1−xO were examined with x = 0.31, 0.44, 0.52, and 0.56 together with a control ZnO sample. DLOS measurements revealed the presence of five deep levels in each Mg-containing sample, having energy levels of Ec − 1.4 eV, 2.1 eV, 2.6 V, and Ev + 0.3 eV and 0.6 eV. For all Mg compositions, the activation energies of the first three states were constant with respect to the conduction band edge, whereas the latter two revealed constant activation energies with respect to the valence band edge. In contrast to the ternary materials, only three levels, at Ec − 2.1 eV, Ev + 0.3 eV, and 0.6 eV, were observed for the ZnO control sample in this systematically grown series of samples. Substantially higher concentrations of the deep levels at Ev + 0.3 eV and Ec − 2.1 eV were observed in ZnO compared to the Mg alloyed samples. Moreover, there is a general invariance of trap concentration of the Ev + 0.3 eV and 0.6 eV levels on Mg content, while at least and order of magnitude dependency of the Ec − 1.4 eV and Ec − 2.6 eV levels in Mg alloyed samples

    Topological defects and misfit strain in magnetic stripe domains of lateral multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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    Stripe domains are studied in perpendicular magnetic anisotropy films nanostructured with a periodic thickness modulation that induces the lateral modulation of both stripe periods and inplane magnetization. The resulting system is the 2D equivalent of a strained superlattice with properties controlled by interfacial misfit strain within the magnetic stripe structure and shape anisotropy. This allows us to observe, experimentally for the first time, the continuous structural transformation of a grain boundary in this 2D magnetic crystal in the whole angular range. The magnetization reversal process can be tailored through the effect of misfit strain due to the coupling between disclinations in the magnetic stripe pattern and domain walls in the in-plane magnetization configuration

    Water Markets in Spain: Performance and Challenges

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    Law 46/1999 incorporated formal water markets into the Spanish legal and regulatory framework, allowing spot water markets and the creation of water banks. The implementation of water markets in Spain aimed at improving the efficiency of water use by reallocating water towards uses with higher added value. However, the performance of water markets in Spain has been rather disappointing, since they have been operative only during drought periods, and even under these extreme scarcity situations, trading activity counted for less than 5.0% of total water use. The narrowness of the market suggests that there are some barriers hampering their effective functioning. This paper examines the evolution and performance of water markets in Spain, relying on a transaction costs analysis framework. This analysis allows the identification of the main factors impeding water markets from operating effectively as a water reallocation tool. This analysis also provides some guidelines on how to overcome these obstacles and, thus, how to improve the efficiency of water use

    Controlled nucleation of topological defects in the stripe domain patterns of Lateral multilayers with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy: competition between magnetostatic, exchange and misfit interactions

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    Magnetic lateral multilayers have been fabricated on weak perpendicular magnetic anisotropy amorphous Nd-Co films in order to perform a systematic study on the conditions for controlled nucleation of topological defects within their magnetic stripe domain pattern. A lateral thickness modulation of period ww is defined on the nanostructured samples that, in turn, induces a lateral modulation of both magnetic stripe domain periods λ\lambda and average in-plane magnetization component MinplaneM_{inplane}. Depending on lateral multilayer period and in-plane applied field, thin and thick regions switch independently during in-plane magnetization reversal and domain walls are created within the in-plane magnetization configuration coupled to variable angle grain boundaries and disclinations within the magnetic stripe domain patterns. This process is mainly driven by the competition between rotatable anisotropy (that couples the magnetic stripe pattern to in-plane magnetization) and in-plane shape anisotropy induced by the periodic thickness modulation. However, as the structural period ww becomes comparable to magnetic stripe period λ\lambda, the nucleation of topological defects at the interfaces between thin and thick regions is hindered by a size effect and stripe domains in the different thickness regions become strongly coupled.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Acrodermatitis enteropática: tratamiento con Zinc

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    Se presenta un nuevo caso de Acrodermatitis Enteropática en un lactante de 2,5 meses de vida, fruto de embarazo gemelar bivitelino pretérmino (36 S), de aparición gradual desde los 15 días de vida. Había seguido lactancia artificial exclusivamente desde su nacimiento, al igual que su hermano gemelo que no presentó la enfermedad. Entre los exámenes complementarios destacaba una importante hipozincemia, fosfatasas alcalinas descendidas, alteraciones en la inmunidad celular, rasgos de inmadurez cerebral en el EEG y discreta atrofia vellositaria en la muestra biópsica intestinal. El Tratamiento con sulfato de Zinc a la dosis de 10 mg/Kg/día hizo remitir el cuadro clínico y analítico en pocos días. A los 4 meses de edad abandonó el tratamiento, reapareciendo a los 22 días los síntomas digestivos y cutáneos; la zincemia en ese momento era elevada (175 mcg/dl). Esta falta de relación entre la zincemia y la clínica sugiere que en la Acrodermatitis Enteropática el defecto de transporte del Zn afecta no sólo al enterocito sino también a otras células del organismo y que el criterio para mantener el tratamiento y fijar la dosis debe ser clínico y no analítico

    Ensayo de fertilización foliar sobre regenerado de pino rodeno en Cuéllar (Segovia)

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    El regenerado de Pinus pinaster Ait. en la tierra de pinares segoviana presenta frecuentemente, en estado de monte bravo, un desarrollo deficiente de la guía y de las ramas del tercio superior de la copa. El objetivo del presente estudio es tratar de determinar si este deficiente desarrollo está relacionado con alguna carencia nutricional. Para ello se realiza un ensayo de fertilización foliar y se analiza su influencia sobre la Longitud de las acículas y la Longitud de los ramillos desarrollados en el periodo vegetativo siguiente a la fertilización. Se consideran cuatro localizaciones diferentes y tres tratamientos distintos (Testigo, T, sin fertilización; fertilización simple, F; y fertilización doble, FF)