38 research outputs found

    Changes in qualities and abilities of Japanese teachers through participation in Global Lesson Study on mathematics

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    [Purpose] The authors aim to determine the effects of Global Lesson Study (GLS) - a two-year, one-cycle program defined as “international cooperative lesson study through international exchange among teachers using ICT” - on intercultural competence for lesson study based on pre- and post-survey conducted for Japanese teachers. [Design/methodology/approach] In accordance with the GLS program, mathematics lesson studies on mathematics between Japanese and Singaporean elementary school teachers were conducted over a two-year period. Questionnaire surveys on intercultural competence for lesson study was conducted using 7-point Likert scale and descriptive questions with Japanese teachers (N 5 5). Analysis of Wilcoxon’s signed rank test and correlation analysis were conducted. [Findings] Followings are identified as the effects of GLS for Japanese teachers: (1) Japanese participants felt improvement of their competence in areas of attitude, internal outcomes and outward impact. (2) Participating in a GLS led to the improvement of Japanese teachers’ qualities and abilities for subject teaching related tomathematics education. (3) Improvement of intercultural competence for lesson study was related to each other, and GLS led to improvement of these competences. (4) It was meaningful to have a two-year period to assimilate and adjust to independent experience of the host and guest. [Originality/value] The GLS led to teacher empowerment among this sample, not only as cooperative research, but also at the individual level of teachers where participants continued to develop lessons based on the GLS learning after study completion. This has important implications for the implementation and dissemination of the GLS

    The Potential of the Global Lesson Study as PDCA+E : Verification through a Case Study in Mathematics

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    In this study, based on the Global Lesson Study (GLS) program, an mathematics lesson study was conducted between teachers in Japan and Singapore, with Japan as the host school. In the process of the GLS, it was confi rmed that the GLS functions as a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and that it is eff ective to implement the GLS in a two-year cycle when it is implemented among in-service teachers. As an “Extension”, we proposed the following two points: (1) the possibility of action research by combining survey research and classroom practice, and (2) the possibility of a “GLS package” in the context of international educational cooperation

    Transformation of Mathematics Classes through Global Lesson Studies

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    In this study, based on the Global Lesson Study (GLS) program, a mathematics lesson study was conducted between teachers in Japan and Singapore, with Singapore as the host school. During the GLS process, the childrenʼs ideas̶diff ered greatly between the two countries̶were shared, and the lesson plans were improved to move toward integrated learning, which could not have been conceived during the in-school research discussions in Singapore, and then, the improvements were refl ected in the lessons. This suggests that GLS is eff ective in improving the teaching of Mathematics

    ザンビア キョウワコク ノウソンブ ニオケル チョウサ ホウコク

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    In order to find out the challenges in education, we conducted the school survey and mathematic lessons on circumference ratio or triangle in one public and three community schools in a rural area in Zambia from 18th to 28th March in 2013. Additionally, the lesson on water was conducted in one basic school and the environmental data were collected on the water as part of the preliminary study on the design of area-based environmental education program according to the concept of Education for Sustainable Development(ESD). We reported here the outline of our activities and discussed the challenges in education in this area with some recommendations for the improvement

    Practical study on environmental education based on the concept of education for sustainable development (ESD) in a rural area of Zambia

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    "Education for sustainable development (ESD)" has been globally promoted with the rise of our concern of socio-ecological risk standing on the outcomes from United Nations Decade of ESD (UNDESD) from 2005 to 2014. The aim of ESD is to raise the good adults or citizens, who have the will, attitude and skills to contribute to build a sustainable society. On the basis of the idea of ESD and collaborating with teachers of three schools in a rural area of Zambia, we conduct our practical study on the development of site-specific environmental education program. It is the three-year research from FY 2013 to FY 2015 of Japan (April 2013-March 2015). Our research purpose is "What EE program would be possible and acceptable to the teachers of schools in a rural area of Zambia?" Then the research questions are "how to link the environmental elements of life in this area with learning activities in the EE program?" and "How does the developed EE program relates to the idea of ESD?" We developed the EE program with lesson plans focusing on water as well as its supplementary materials including environmental quality data (annual change in air temperature and water quality), the booklet entitled as "Story of Mukuyu". In this paper, the structure of our developed environmental education program as well as its relation to the learning in the ESD are primarily described

    フィリピン サンスウ キョウイク ニオケル ジドウ ノ ツマズキ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ

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    In this paper, we present the result of our analysis on the mathematic test that was conducted in public schools of the Republic of Philippines. We focused on clarifying difficulties that students in Philippines are facing. At the same time, we tried to find hidden issues that are not so obvious from the cross sectional analysis. While the Philippines\u27 new mathematics curriculum guideline-that is recently undergone huge educational reform for K to 12-enforces raising students\u27 critical thinking and problem solving skills, we found that due to the formulated solving methods, students do not fully understand the concepts of, for example, "sizes of angles" and "largeness/smallness of fractions". It is, therefore, urgent to train teachers so that they can understand various problems students are facing and give appropriate advice to each of them. We hope this paper will be a stepping-stone for clarifying current educational situation and improving qualities of teachers and education for future through educational cooperation

    ボリビア タミンゾクコク ニオケル ヨウジ キョウイク ノ カノウセイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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    パプアニューギニア PNG キョウイン ヨウセイコウ ノ ジュギョウ カイゼン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : サンスウカ ジュギョウ カンサツリョク ニ カンスル ニホン ト PNG ノ ヒカク オ トオシテ

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    本研究では,算数授業観察力及び算数授業実践力の2 つの観点に関するPNG の教員養成校の学生と日本の現職小学校教員の調査結果の比較を通して,教員養成校において実施されている授業研究に関する授業改善を行うための重要観点・項目を明らかにすることを目的とする.調査結果の分析と考察の結果,「算数科の授業過程」を算数授業観察力の育成のための授業改善における最重要観点として抽出した.また,「指導方法(導入の工夫)」,「授業過程(既習内容の活用)」,「授業過程(個人思考と集団思考)」,「指導方法(探求活動の設定)」,「発問(即時発問)」の5項目を算数授業観察力の育成のための授業改善における最重要項目として抽出した.さらに,PNG の場合,算数授業観察力の得点と算数授業実践力の得点の間に,比較的強い相関があることを明らかにした

    ザンビア キョウワコク ノウソンブ ノ ガッコウ デ ミラレル ジュギョウ コウセイ ノ ルイジセイ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ : ヒカク セイド ブンセキ オヨビ クリティカル・リアリズム ノ シテン カラ

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    We have conducted lesson development workshops, observations and demonstrations of Social and Development Studies (SDS) lessons from November 2013 in three schools in a rural area of Zambia. It revealed a clear difference in composition between lessons of teachers in rural schools and that demonstrated by us in terms of positioning of hands-on activities. Furthermore, as long as the lessons we observed in two out of three schools, all four SDS lessons had nearly the same lesson composition regardless of schools, topics and grades. In this paper, we discussed how we can grab nearly same pattern of lessons by applying comparative institutional analysis as well as critical realism theories and significance of their application in research of international development in education