33 research outputs found

    Comparison of Grain-Size Profile and Depositional Process in Mandeh and Nyalo Bar, Mandeh Bay, West Sumatera, Indonesia

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    Shipwreck of MV Boelongan Nederland situated in offshore of Mandeh Bay of West Sumatera is announced as potential area for tourism destination. Many studies were produced in term of its archeological and historical side but there is no significant work in sedimentological aspect. It is critical to understand depositional process of study area regarding the design of construction to minimize the impact of dynamic activity of waves within the area. Moreover, some areas along Mandeh Bay are covered by Cubadak Island as a protection for wave action derived from Indian Ocean that can produce more complexity in depositional process and will reflect to its characteristic of grain-size profiles. Utilizing thirteen sediment samples in two areas that correspond to inside (Mandeh Bar) and outside (Nyalo Bar) coverage of Cubadak Island, this study attempted to compare and contrast both grain-size profiles as well as interpretation of depositional process based on well-known analysis such as bivariate scatter plots, Linear Discriminant Function plot (LDF), Log probability curves and C-M diagram. Result of this study can be integrated by other researches to gain better policy in maintaining the shipwreck conservation. High energy of Indian Ocean wave supported by strong current clearly dominated depositional process in Nyalo Bar with coarser grain-size; good sortation, lower Y2 of LDF plot; extremely high population of traction materials and lower range of C-M. By contrast, presence of Cubadak Island disrupted the wave effectively and created lower and fluctuated energy in Mandeh Bar. This phenomenon was clearly depicted in its characteristic of finer grain-size with higher Y2 value; high abundance of saltation materials and greater ratio of C-M value

    Development of Game Based basic Speed Running Movement Training for Children Age 7 - 9 Years

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    The aim of this research is to develop basic sprint movement training for 7-9 year olds, and to determine the effectiveness of the model developed. The method in this research is the Research & Development model approach from Borg and Gall. The aim of this research is to develop a game-based basic movement training model for sprinting for ages 7-9 years. The small group trial consisted of 20 people, while the large group trial consisted of 30 people. Data collection in this research is by reviewing various literature or literature studies related to the model concept that will be developed according to the product to be made and referring to the needs of analysis, expert reviews and field trials. To calculate effectiveness, the t-test procedure is used. The research results of the game-based basic movement training model for sprinting are appropriate to the characteristics of children aged 7-9 years and are effective for improving sprinting

    Regional Depositional Model Of South Makassar Basin Depocenter, Makassar Strait, Based On Seismic Facies

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    South Makassar Basin Depocenter (SMBD) is located in Southern Makassar Strait which has petroleum potential by the presence of oil and gas indications within the area based on Airborne Laser Fluorescence survey. However, detail studies within this area are not developed well. One of the studies which can be utilized for further discoveries of oil and gas field in SMBD is a study of depositional model using seismic facies method to maximize limited seismic and well data. Interpretation of depositional model in Eocene (syn-rift phase) was varied from alluvial plain and alluvial fan complex, continued gradually to platform. In Oligocene time (post-rift phase), massive transgression caused a major deepening in entire SMBD where the depositional environment changed to basinal plain. In early Miocene – recent interval (syn-orogenic phase), SMBD was relatively in stable condition at basinal plain environment. Lower Tanjung Sequence will be the most prolific petroleum play in SMBD due to its adequate source rock, reservoir rock and seal rock as well. Keywords: South Makassar basin, depositional model, seismic facie

    Development of Game Based basic Speed Running Movement Training for Children Age 7 - 9 Years

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    The aim of this research is to develop basic sprint movement training for 7-9 year olds, and to determine the effectiveness of the model developed. The method in this research is the Research & Development model approach from Borg and Gall. The aim of this research is to develop a game-based basic movement training model for sprinting for ages 7-9 years. The small group trial consisted of 20 people, while the large group trial consisted of 30 people. Data collection in this research is by reviewing various literature or literature studies related to the model concept that will be developed according to the product to be made and referring to the needs of analysis, expert reviews and field trials. To calculate effectiveness, the t-test procedure is used. The research results of the game-based basic movement training model for sprinting are appropriate to the characteristics of children aged 7-9 years and are effective for improving sprinting

    Analisis Kualitas Perairan di Wilayah Reklamasi: Tinjauan pada Perairan Pantai Seruni, Kabupaten Bantaeng

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    Dalam pasal 1 Butir 23 UU Nomor 01 tahun 2014 perubahan atas UU nomor 27 tahun 2007, reklamasi diartikan sebagai kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan manfaat sumber daya lahan ditinjau dari sudut lingkungan dan sosial ekonomi dengan cara pengurugan, pengeringan lahan atau drainase. Dalam perkembangannya, banyak kasus yang terjadi sebagai akibat dari pelaksanaannya yang tidak mengikuti kaidah-kaidah lingkungan yang tepat. Pada kasus reklamasi pantai misalnya, perubahan kualitas perairan di sekitar lokasi kegiatan dapat saja terjadi sebagai akibat dari pelaksanaan yang tidak sesuai dengan kaidah lingkungan, pada akhirnya memberikan pengaruh terhadap kehidupan organisme seperti fitoplankton. Untuk mencermati hal itu, telah dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk mencermati perubahan kualitas perairan pantai pada wilayah yang direklamsi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai Mei 2017 di perairan Pantai Seruni Kabupaten Bantaeng di mana pada perairan ini pernah dilakukan kegiatan reklamasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ternyata bahwa nilai parameter kualitas perairan seperti suhu, salinitas, derajat keasaman (pH), kecerahan perairan, kecepatan arus, Total Suspended Solid (TSS) dan oksigen terlarut (DO) secara umum berada dalam kisaran yang masih bersesuaian dengan kehidupan fitoplankton. Hal ini berarti, untuk kasus kegiatan reklamasi yang dilaksanakan di perairan pantai Seuni Kabupaten Bantaeng tidak banyak merubah kualitas perairan. Kata kunci: Pantai, Reklamasi, Kualitas air, Bantaeng

    Analisis Kualitas Perairan untuk Pemanfaatan Pantai Boe Sebagai Tempat Wisata Permandian Pada Musim Barat di Desa Mappakalompo Kec. Galesong Kab. Takalar

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    Skripsi tentang kualitas air pada daerah wisata renang pantaiPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas dan tingkat \ud pencemaran perairan pantai Boe sebagai lokasi wisata pantai. Hasil \ud penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan informasi dasar terhadap \ud Pemerintah dan Masyarakat setempat terkait kondisi kualitas air perairan \ud di pantai Boe pada musim barat. \ud Pada penelitian ini ditentukan tiga titik stasiun yang diduga mempunyai \ud perbedaan kualitas air, dalam tiap stasiun ditentukan tiga titik sampling. \ud Penelitian ini dilakukan selama dua bulan (Januari-Februari) 2013. Adapun \ud parameter-parameter yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah kecerahan, \ud kekeruhan, suhu, salinitas, pH, oksigen terlarut (DO), kebutuhan oksigen kimiawi \ud (BOD), fosfat, amoniak, sampah, rasa dan bau. Serta data prakiraan cuaca dan \ud iklim dari Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG Makassar). Untuk \ud parameter BOD, fosfat, amoniak dan kekeruhan dianalisis di Laboratorium \ud Oseanografi Kimia Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Hasanuddin. \ud Dari hasil pengukuran di lapangan dan analisis di laboratorium dengan \ud menggunakan analisis indeks pencemaran, didapatkan hasil pada stasiun I, II \ud dan III bahwa kondisi objek wisata pantai Boe dalam keadaan cemar berat pada \ud musim barat. \ud \ud Kata kunci: kualitas air, wisata permandian, pantai Boe galeson

    Correlation Between Cognitive Function with Disease Activity of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients in Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung: An Analytical Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Cognitive dysfunction was found in 55-80% Neuropsychiatry Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (NPSLE) patients. Serious concern from clinicans was needed as its impact to patient’s quality of life. Disease activity is expected to be affecting patient’s cognitive function. Previous studies regarding correlation between disease activity and cognitive dysfunction showed various results. This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between disease activity and cognitive function in SLE patients.Methods: This study is an analytical cross-sectional study. Subjects were SLE patients at the rheumatology clinic of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung during June-August 2017. Subject’s evaluations included disease activity assessment using SLE disease activity index-2K (SLEDAI-2K) and cognitive function assessment using MoCA-Ina test. Data were analyzed by using Spearman Rank correlation test. Results: Mean age of the subjects was 31 ± 8 years old, most of them were senior high school graduates (65.8 %) and median length of study was 12 years. Subject’s median duration of illness was 44 months. Their MoCA-Ina median score was 25, while SLEDAI-2K median score was 6. Cognitive dysfunctions were found in more than half of subjects (52.63%), which memory domain (78.95%) was most frequently impaired. Most of subjects were patients with active SLE (63.2%). Correlation test showed there was no correlation between SLEDAI-2K score and MoCA-Ina score (rs=0.023, p=0.445).Conclusion: There was no correlation between disease activity (SLEDAI-2K score) and cognitive function (MoCA-Ina score). Keywords: Cognitive dysfunction, MoCA-Ina, Systemic lupus erythematosus, SLEDAI-2

    Perubahan Struktur Ekonomi dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kemiskinan di Provinsi Jambi

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    The purpose of this research is to know changes the structure economy in the range of time  in  1996 – 2009  and  the  all  factors  that  affect  changes  the  structure  economy  was  also  know  the impact of career safety and a reduction poverty in Provinces Jambi. Of Result research is so well known changes structure economic that was started  with  growth  economic a then had an impact on  in  changes  pattern  consumption  society  relative  low,  but  there is a shift in 1996-1997.  advanced  known  factors-  factors  that  affect  changes  the structure  in  Province  Jambi  which  is divided  according to his  sector  (primary, industry, tools & services). Then  impact  changes  the  structure  economic  in  Province  Jambi  to : (a)  Career Summary : changes structure economic that  happened  in  Provinces  Jambi  (four  sectors economy)  did  not  have an effect  on  significant  the  enforced  career  safety  in  Province Jambi; (b) Poverty: only share sector industry and share the sector  tools  that  have  influence  significant  to decrease the number poverty in Province Jambi.Keywords: Poverty, Sector Economy, Career Safet


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    This research is a survey research on users of SISKEUDES application in Batu City. The purpose ofthis research is none other than to know the behavior ofusage and acceptance of SISKEUDES application using UTAUT method consisting of performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence, facilitating condition, and behavioral intention factor. The population in this research is village apparatus in Batu City using SISKEUDES application in village financial management. The number of respondents is 38 people in 19 villages in Batu City with various levels of positions in village government. The results of this research based on data analysis using SEM (Stuctural Equation Modeling) which indicates that: (1) performance expectation can increase behavioral intention to use SISKEUDES application, (2) expectation of effort can increase behavioral intention to use SISKEUDES application, (3) social influence can increase behavioral intention to use SISKEUDES application, (4) facilitating conditions are able to improve the use behavior of SISKEUDES applications, and (5) behavioral intention to use can increase use behavior of SISKEUDES application. Keywords: UTAUT, SISKEUDES, performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence, facilitating condition, behavioral intention, and use behavior