48 research outputs found


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    Pharmacy is a business area that leads to the field of pharmacy, of course must follow the development of information technology. Pharmacies Glagah Farma until now in the process of business is still using the standard operating procedure in which a long sales process, purchasing and other related processes therein, purchasing reports and sales reports carried out by a special book of notes and conducted regularly every transaction made. A good information system and detailed are required to facilitate the entire operational needs Pharmacies Glagah Farma start perekapan the data drugs and medical devices, a data supplier, buyer data, physician data, perekapan sales transactions both prescription and non-prescription, perekapan purchase of drugs and medical devices, and reports related to some of these things with a relatively short time. Implementing information systems in accordance with the pharmacy business is expected to help the pharmacy to cover all the needs of transactions ranging from the procurement process, the sale in detail and detail so as to facilitate the pharmacies in the reporting process and to verify the data quickly and appropriately in the event of an error perekapan data

    Model Komunikasi Kyai Dengan Santri di Pesantren

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    The existence of Islamic boarding school (pesantren) can’t be separated from the figure of a clerics (kyai) and the communication between clerics and students (santri). Using qualitative research approach, this study aims to to prepare, understand and analyze communication models between clerics and students in Pesantren Raudhatul Qur’an An-Nasimiyyah. Communication Model between clerics and students in Islamic boarding school is influenced by the concept of Morals, status and charisma of clerics. Moral education is a way to establish communication that facilitates management of transfer of knowledge to students. Status and charisma of clerics are enhancer factor communicator legitimacy in the context of Islamic boarding school. The research concludes that the construction of communications models of clerics and students was formed by high-intensity interactions between clerics and students

    Islamic Eco-Theology: Religious Narratives in the Climate Crisis in Indonesia

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    This article delves into the adaptation of Islamic eco-theology as an analytical lens to dissect religious narratives surrounding the climate crisis in Indonesia. With insights derived from a spectrum of interpretations and diverse affiliations, this eco-theology provides a foundation for varied understandings and reactions to environmental challenges. The study is designed to synthesize theory and hermeneutics within a critical-qualitative framework, exploring the interplay between theology and ecology. Ecological and theological behavioural theories are employed to elucidate the data. The findings reveal two main aspects: Firstly, the representation of eco-theology in Islam has undergone a metamorphosis, expanding from its role as a catalyst for uniform responses to environmental issues to a factor enriching the dynamics of understanding and response. Secondly, although the network of Islamic eco-theology influences the perspectives of the Muslim community, its capacity to reach a broader spectrum is still limited. The study underscores that Islamic eco-theology plays a pivotal role as a subsystem in navigating responses to environmental crises, particularly in responding to the climate crisis increasingly integrated within the framework of religious thought and practice in Indonesia


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    Jurnal Bina’ Al-Ummah edisi ini dipublish ditengah suasana masyarakat dunia sedang dirundung suasana abnormal dan sedikit mencekam; suasana pandemic covid 19 yang membawa perubahan pada beberapa prilaku dan kebiasaan yang selama ini ada dalam kehidupan umat manusia, khususnya masyarakat muslim

    Interaksionisme Simbolik dalam Moderasi Dakwah KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri di Instagram

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    The digital era encourages Kiai to convey da'wah messages through Instagram. This study describes the symbolic interactionism that occurs in the moderation of KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri’s da’wah on Instagram. The study was conducted on the Instagram account of @s.kakung managed by KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri. The analytical method uses qualitative data collection techniques utilizing observation, notes, and documentation. The results of this study show that: First, the concept of moderation of da'wah uploaded by KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri consists of three symbols, namely: the display of pictures, the display of videos, and the display of writing related to national commitment, respect for local culture, love of the motherland, faith in Allah, love of peace, and being forgiving. Second, in general, the symbolic interactionism that occurs between KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri and his followers can be divided into three parts, namely: Mind occurs when KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri and his followers understand each other what they are talking about. Self occurs when followers respond by liking posts or leaving comments. Meanwhile, society occurs when followers can actualize the influence gained daily

    Desain Prototipe Aplikasi Sistem Monitoring Browser Ponsel Anak Untuk Menerapkan Internet Sehat Dengan Kontrol Orang Tua

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    The use of the internet among children currently have become a trend, even many parents already gives android phones to children in doing everyday communication. It is so impacting to the child in the utilization of internet technologies that are less healthy as get data and information through browsing the internet without monitoring parents so children easily get words or information that is not feasible is consumed by the child. This research aims to design a monitoring system of the mobile browser app to implement a healthy internet parental control method using prototype. The results of such research in the form of a draft application monitoring these children which can be used to monitor the activities of internet browsing on mobile child online on the android platform with automatic notification to send a message to parents and parents can give a response or reply directly when the child was trying to do internet browsing activity that is not healthy

    Penerapan metode dakwah infiltrasi dalam film “Mama Cake”

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    Film “Mama Cake” merupakan sebuah film pop urban drama komedi yang mengisahkan tentang perjalanan tiga orang sahabat selama tiga hari dari Jakarta ke Bandung dan kembali lagi ke Jakarta. Sebuah film sederhana karena hanya mengisahkan tentang perjalanan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu, yaitu kue brownies. Akan tetapi, dalam perjalanan banyak makna yang tersirat dan nilai yang sangat luas untuk dijadikan pelajaran hidup. Film yang disutradarai oleh Anggy Umbara ini, merupakan film Indonesia yang sangat jarang. Walaupun film “Mama Cake” termasuk ke dalam film bergenre komedi, namun banyak nilai-nilai religi yang tersirat dari film tersebut. Karenanya peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian dengan rumusan masalah: Bagaimana penerapan metode dakwah infiltrasi dalam film ”Mama Cake”. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk mendapatkan jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut. Menggunakan analisis semiotik Roland Barthes dengan mencari signifikansi antara penanda (signifier) dan petanda (signified) melalui tahap denotasi dan tahap konotasi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah film Mama Cake dengan menggunakan data melalui metode dokumentasi. Data-data yang diperoleh dari DVD sebagai sumber utama dan didukung dengan referensi baik audio visual maupun sumber tertulis lainnya yang relevan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah yang pertama, penerapan metode dakwah infiltrasi dalam film “Mama Cake” menggunakan al hikmah dalam percakapan (keimanan, perilaku, dan ibadah) berupa mempercayai hari kiamat atau hari akhir, etika makan dan minum dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan makna shalat. Kedua, penerapan metode dakwah infiltrasi dalam model (bidang ibadah) berupa tata cara berwudhu yang benar menurut ajaran agama Islam

    Peningkatan keaktifan belajar siswa pada pembelajaran PAI materi Thaharah melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD di kelas VII-A SMP NU 07 Brangsong Kendal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD pada pembelajaran PAI di kelas VII SMP NU 07 Brangsong Kendal. (2) Untuk mengetahui dapat atau tidaknya model pembelajaran kooperaif tipe STAD meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran PAI di kelas VII SMP NU 07 Brangsong Kendal.. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan tiga tahapan siklus dimana tiap siklus terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas kelas VII SMP NU 07 Brangsong Kendal. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada keaktifan belajar siswa pra silus termasuk dalam kategori kurang dengan skor rata-rata keseluruhan aspek sebesar 1,69. pada siklus I keaktifan belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,26 poin dari dari skor 1,69 menjadi 1,95, pada siklus I ini keaktifan belajar siswa termasuk dalam kategori cukup. Sedangkan pada siklus II keaktifan belajar siswa masih tergolong dalam kategori cukup tetapi terdapat peningkatan skor keaktifan belajar dari skor 1,95 meningkat sebesar 0,22 poin menjadi 2,17. pada siklus III keaktifan belajar siswa semakin baik dengan peningkatan skor keaktifan belajar dari skor 2,17 meningkat sebesar 0,53 poin menjadi 2,70 pada sklus III. Dari hasil analisis data tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dalam proses pembelajaran PAI di SMP NU 07 Brangsong Kendal dapat meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa.. Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas disarankan agar model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran PAI di sekolah. Pada proses pembelajaran PAI juga disarankan agar menggunakan model dan metode pembelajaran yang bervariasi sesuai dengan situasi di dalam kelas

    Model Komunikasi Kyai Dengan Santri di Pesantren

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    The existence of Islamic boarding school (pesantren) can’t be separated from the figure of a clerics (kyai) and the communication between clerics and students (santri). Using qualitative research approach, this study aims to to prepare, understand and analyze communication models between clerics and students in Pesantren Raudhatul Qur’an An-Nasimiyyah. Communication Model between clerics and students in Islamic boarding school is influenced by the concept of Morals, status and charisma of clerics. Moral education is a way to establish communication that facilitates management of transfer of knowledge to students. Status and charisma of clerics are enhancer factor communicator legitimacy in the context of Islamic boarding school. The research concludes that the construction of communications models of clerics and students was formed by high-intensity interactions between clerics and students

    Perbaikan Teknik Relining Tanur Induksi Untuk Mencegah Terbentuknya Rongga Lining dan Penghematan Biaya Proses Peleburan

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    The lining is coil’s protector componen and metal liquid reservoir, the lining is required to own endurance towards chemical reaction and high temperature emitted by the smelting process. The lining commonly problem on the lining damage (cavity) after the sintering process. This damage cause the smelting process force-stopped, due to endangering the induction furnace operator and the surrounding. According to the analysis result, the lining damage occured because of the improper pulverization and sintering process with the casting term. The uncontinued comprssion process and the improper sintering with the used fireproof material, cause the lining can not maximally functioned. The upcoming refinement will apply proper compression process according to metal casting theories and economically anallyzed