33,407 research outputs found

    Reducing Fluid Type Uncertainty with Well Test Analysis

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    Imperial Users onl


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    This study was conducted to determine the relationship of the intensity on school wifi utilization on learning performance, the relationship between interest on school wifi utilization with learning performance and the relationship between the intensity and interest on the wifi school facilities utilization on learning performance. This study was a corelational research and using quantitative research methodology. The population were the X, XI, and XII class in the Academic Year of 2011/2012 in SMA N 1 Jetis Bantul totaling of 576 students, divided into 18 classes, which were than sampled of 93 students according to Suharsimi Arikunto and using purposive sampling technique. The test instrument was conducted on 30 respondents in the study population beyond the sample. Methods for collecting data were using questionnaires and documentation. Questionnaire method was using to collect the variable data for interests on wifi school facilities utilization. While the documentation a method was using to collect the variable data for intensity on wifi school utilization and the value of students’ learning performance data. The techniques of data analysis was product moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. The criteria for rejection and acceptance of hypothesis test was using a significance level of 5%. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between the intensity of wifi school facilities utilization with students’ learning performance on ICT subjects, it mean that the higher intensity on wifi school facilities utilization, the higher students’ learning performance. There was a positive and significant relationship between the interest of wifi school facilities utilization with the students’ learning performance on ICT subjects, it mean that the higher interest of wifi school facilities utilization, the higher students’ learning performance. There was a positive and significant relationship between the intensity and interest of wifi school facilities utilization with the students’ learning performance on ICT subjects. It could be seen from the determinant coefficient of R2 for 0327. This might imply that the intensity and interest in the use of wifi facilities contribute to the students’ success on ICT subjects of 32% while the remaining was explained by other factors. Keywords: The intensity of wifi school facilities utilization, the interest of wifi school facilities utilization and the learning performance of ICT subject

    The Community Increasing Participation in Developing Infrastructure on National Standard Schools at Brebes District

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    National Standard Schools are examples or real manifestations of schools that develop themselves to meet the National Education Standard. The first step that the National Standard School usually does is developing their infrastructures. The development of the infrastructures is generally funded by the government annual budget. However, in fact, the budget is limited. On the other hand, the burden of the school to hold their educational activities is very heavy. Therefore, it is necessary to have a community participation in developing the school infrastructures. Research approach used is the combined approach of quantitative and qualitative sampling techniques using proportional sampling technique. The analysis includes quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis as well as using cross tabulation analysis to formulate a direction to find community participation in infrastructure development activities at Brebes National Standard School. Finally, the result of the research shows that the infrastructures of the school being studied, in fact, have met the infrastructures of National Education Standard. Commonly, the characteristics of the community are state officers and university graduates who have income or salary ranging from IDR 1,5 millions to IDR 3 millions. The participations that are generally given by the parents on infrastructure development activities in junior National Standard Schools are donated money or funds


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    Proses pembuatan cetakan pada mesin pencetak briket ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui identifikasi gambar kerja dari bentuk beserta ukuran, identifikasi bahan yang yang tepat untuk pembuatan cetakan dan landasan, alat yang dipakai dalam proses pembuatan perangkat cetakan dan landasan mesin pencetak briket, konsep yang digunakan pada proses pembuatan cetakan dan landasan mesin, uji fungsional cetakan pada mesin pencetak briket system rotary. Konsep yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatan perangkat cetakan dan landasan pada mesin pencetak briket ini meliputi persiapan alat dan bahan, pengurangan volume bahan (pemotongan bahan, pengeboran, penggerindaan, pengikiran), metode pembentukan meliputi (pengerolan dan penempaan), konsep penyambungan bagian (las OAW, las SMAW), finishing permukaan (proses penggerindaan, proses pengampasan proses pendempulan, proses pengamplasan), bahan yang digunakan pada pembuatan cetakan adalah plat eyser St 34 dengan ketebalan 1 mm dan 6 mm. Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membuat perangkat cetakan dan landasan pada mesin pencetak briket ini adalah mesin las SMAW, las OAW, mesin potong hidrolik, mesin rol manual, mesin gerinda tangan, mesin bor, kompessor udara, penggaris siku, penggores, penitik garis, penitik pusat, mistar baja, ragum, landasan pelana untuk kerja plat, palu, gergaji tangan, kikir, amplas dan spray gun. Secara keseluruhan waktu yang diperlukan untuk pembuatan cetakan dan landasan pada mesin pencetak briket sistem rotary ini adalah 27 jam 10 menit. Hasil dari proses pembuatan cetakan pada mesin pencetak briket sistem rotary ini mempunyai prosentase kesalahan -2,84%, pada cetakan berdimensi dengan panjang 189 mm dan lebar 129 mm, dan tebal 1 mm, pada perangkat cetakan dilakukan pengujian fungsional dan pengujian kinerja mesin dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kelemahan-kelemahan yang ada. Pada pengujian kinerja mesin pencetak briket ini mampu melakukan proses pencetakan briket 12 briket/menit atau 720 briket/jamnya, untuk kendala kinerja pengoperasian mesin pencetak briket ini yaitu untuk penempatan cetakan pada dudukan cetakan kurang sesuai sehingga sedikit sesak, briket yang dihasilkan mempunyai berat ½ kg dengan diameter 60 mm dan tinggi 100 mm. Pada uji kinerja cetakan mesin pencetak briket kotoran lembu sistem rotary ini dapat berfungsi dengan baik yaitu landasan dapat menahan cetakan supaya tidak bergerak dan cetakan dapat mencetak briket secara seragam


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari kompetensi profesional guru, motivasi kerja dan disiplin kerja baik secara sendiri-sendiri maupun secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru otomotif SMK Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman. Subyek penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru otomotif di SMK Negeri 2 Depok dan SMK Negeri 1 Seyegan yang berjumlah 28 guru. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian ex-post facto. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan angket model skala Likert untuk variabel Kompetensi Profesional Guru, Motivasi Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja, sedangkan variabel Kinerja Guru menggunakan metode kuesioner, dan dokumentasi dari Kepala Sekolah. Teknik analisis data yang dipakai untuk menguji hipotesis adalah dengan teknik analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari kompetensi profesional guru terhadap kinerja guru otomotif SMK Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman yang dibuktikan dengan Fhitung Ftabel (17,141 > 4,22); kontribusi disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 39,73%; (4) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari kompetensi profesional guru, motivasi kerja dan disiplin kerja secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru otomotif SMK Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman yang dibuktikan dengan Fhitung > Ftabel (5,832 > 3,01); kontribusi kompetensi profesional guru, motivasi kerja dan disiplin kerja secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 42,16%

    Analisis Perkawinan Beda Agama Menurut Hifz Al-Nasl (Perspektif Jasser Auda)

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    Interfaith marriage is a social phenomenon that occurs in Indonesia. This is due to the condition of the Indonesian population, which has high pluralism. However, in the positive law of interfaith marriages, there are still conflicting norms. This was followed by the decisions of the Surabaya District Court and the Central Jakarta District Court, followed by SEMA. SEMA has not been able to provide legal certainty regarding interfaith marriages. In the end, interfaith marriages remain controversial, and there is no legal clarity. With the majority of Indonesia's population being Muslim, it raises the question of whether marriage between different religions is in line with the benefit of society according to Islamic law. One review that can be used is by Hifz al-Nasl Jasser Auda's perspective. Therefore, research examines how interfaith marriages look when viewed from Hifz al-Nasl Jasser Auda's perspective. This research uses normative research methods with supporting literature. The results of this research are that interfaith marriages are contrary to the objectives of Islamic law, namely Hifz al-Nasl, from Jasser Auda's perspective. Where interfaith marriages have an impact and are detrimental to the family, especially to children, This is because, according to Islamic law, interfaith marriages are invalid. Thus, the child's civil relationship with the father is severed, meaning that the father has no responsibility for his child


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) merumuskan langkah pengembangan modul pembelajaran las oksi-asetilen sebagai pendukung bagi proses pembelajaran Las Oksi-Asetilen di SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari, 2) mengetahui kelayakan modul las oksi-asetilen, dan 3) mengetahui hasil belajar siswa setelah menggunakan modul las oksi-asetilen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitan pengembangan (research and development). Waktu pelaksanaan penelitian dimulai bulan Mei 2011 hingga Oktober 2011 di SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari. Obyek penelitian berupa pengembangan modul las oksi-asetilen yang meliputi materi menyiapkan material untuk pengelasan, mengidentifikasi peralatan las oksi-asetilen, merakit peralatan las, mengidentifikasi metode pencegahan distorsi dan melakukan pengelasan dengan proses las oksi-asetilen pada bahan baja karbon. Tahapan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian pengembangan ini meliputi: (1) tahap studi pendahuluan (studi pustaka, studi lapangan dan menyusun draf modul), (2) tahap pengembangan (validasi materi dan media, validasi guru, serta uji coba keterbacaan terhadap siswa pengguna, (3) tahap uji kinerja/pemakaian. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode angket sedangkan analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif persentase yang diterjemahkan dalam persentase terhadap kategori skala kelayakan yang telah ditentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Langkah pengembangan modul meliputi: (a) tahap studi pendahuluan (studi pustaka, studi lapangan dan menyusun draf modul), (b) tahap pengembangan (validasi materi dan media, validasi guru, serta uji coba keterbacaan terhadap siswa pengguna, (c) tahap uji kinerja/pemakaian; 2) Kelayakan modul diperoleh dari: validasi ahli materi memperoleh kelayakan 90%, ahli media pembelajaran memperoleh kelayakan 86,25%; sedangkan menurut guru mata pelajaran memperoleh kelayakan 89,38%; dari uji coba keterbacaan mendapat kelayakan 80,27%. Berdasarkan persentase kelayakan yang didapat dari ahli materi dan media, guru mata pelajaran dan siswa sebagai pengguna membuktikan bahwa modul Las Oksi-Asetilen yang dikembangkan sangat layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran di SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari; 3) Hasil belajar siswa ditinjau dari nilai rata-rata kelas sebesar 7,7 dengan siswa tuntas belajar sebesar 24 siswa (75%) dan daya serap sebesar 77%, serta 8 orang siswa (25%) belum tuntas belajar sehingga perlu mengikuti remidial


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    The objective of the design optimization of solar cells using 2N3055 transistors former ATmega 16 microcontroller based solar cells is as a substitute for the source of electrical energy using electronic waste using directional solar cells. Making this tool to find out the performance of the components that are used as the main constituent of this tool. The design optimization of solar cells using the former 2N3055 transistor based microcontroller ATmega 16 using a light sensor (LDR) as a detector of the sun, and servo motors to drive the transistor in order to receive maximum sunlight. This tool works when the light sensor (LDR) detects the presence of light and then it will run the servo motors are used to drive the transistor in order to produce a voltage. The method used in solar cell design optimization using ATmega microcontroller based electronic waste 16 is an experimental method, the method is obtained design technique that consists of several stages: (1) identification of requirements, (2) Needs Analysis, (3) design tools hardware and software, (4) Preparation of equipment, (5) Testing and Tools (6) Operational Equipment. The hardware consists of (1) The minimum ATmega16 as the main controller, (2) LDR as light sensor is used to find the maximum light, (3) servo motor is used as a driver transistor (4) LCD as the viewer direction and angle of the motor goal servo. Based on the results of testing that has been done, it can be concluded that the tool design optimization of solar cells using the former 2N3055 transistor based microcontroller ATmega 16 can work in accordance with the working principles designed. It is shown that the transistor can produce a voltage of 5.6 Vdc, and a current of 0.00028 A was more than expected is 5.0 Vdc voltage and current 0.00025. Keywords: LDR light sensor, ATmega16, servo motor, 2N3055 transistors, solar cells vi
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