
Analisis Perkawinan Beda Agama Menurut Hifz Al-Nasl (Perspektif Jasser Auda)


Interfaith marriage is a social phenomenon that occurs in Indonesia. This is due to the condition of the Indonesian population, which has high pluralism. However, in the positive law of interfaith marriages, there are still conflicting norms. This was followed by the decisions of the Surabaya District Court and the Central Jakarta District Court, followed by SEMA. SEMA has not been able to provide legal certainty regarding interfaith marriages. In the end, interfaith marriages remain controversial, and there is no legal clarity. With the majority of Indonesia's population being Muslim, it raises the question of whether marriage between different religions is in line with the benefit of society according to Islamic law. One review that can be used is by Hifz al-Nasl Jasser Auda's perspective. Therefore, research examines how interfaith marriages look when viewed from Hifz al-Nasl Jasser Auda's perspective. This research uses normative research methods with supporting literature. The results of this research are that interfaith marriages are contrary to the objectives of Islamic law, namely Hifz al-Nasl, from Jasser Auda's perspective. Where interfaith marriages have an impact and are detrimental to the family, especially to children, This is because, according to Islamic law, interfaith marriages are invalid. Thus, the child's civil relationship with the father is severed, meaning that the father has no responsibility for his child

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