82 research outputs found

    The struggle of five characters to achieve the target in Paulo Coelgo's the Winner Stands Alone Novel: new criticism

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    This thesis is entitled The Struggle of Five Characters To Achieve The Target In Paulo Coelhoā€™s The Winner Stands Alone Novel: New Criticism Study. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the five character struggles in acheiving goals in life and knowing the process of achievement. This study identifies the five characters struggle process in the achievement of life which they call victory in life. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method by analyzing the intrinsic element by using characters theory to know the character of five characters and plot to know the process of achievement. This type of study is based on a literature which collect books. Journals and internet resources that are associated with this study. According to new criticism, the appropriate method used in this study is the intensity in reading. The result of the study shows that each character has their own way to reach their goals as depicted in the plot of the story. The study of plot is purposed to get description how those five characters. Above struggle for their goals, by analyzing the stages of plot it can be identified the struggle of the character studied


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    Sebagian besar ibu di Posyandu mengetahui cara membersihkan botol susu yang benar, ibu tahu tetapi tidak melakukannya. Salah satu penyebabnya yaitu kurangnya dalam pemberian pendidikan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengatahui adanya pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap perilaku ibu tentang pencegahan diare pada batita di Posyandu RT 08 RW 03 Desa Plumbungan. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan Pre Eksperiment dengan jenis One Group Pre Post Test design. Populasinya adalah ibu batita di Posyandu usia 1-3 tahun sebesar 23 orang. Sampel sebesar 22 responden diambil secara Probability Sampling dengan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Variabel independen pendidikan kesehatan dan variabel dependen perilaku ibu tentang pencegahan diare. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner, dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test dengan tingkat kemaknaan Ī±=0.05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hampir setengahnya (45.5%) pre test memiliki perilaku cukup dan hampir seluruhnya (86.4%) post test perilaku baik. Berdasarkan uji statistik didapatkan Ļ=0.000 < Ī± = 0.05, maka H0 ditolak artinya ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap perilaku ibu tentang pencegahan diare. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah ibu yang mendapatkan informasi tentang pencegahan diare mempunyai perilaku baik dalam mencegah terjadinya diare. Posyandu Batita diharapakan aktif melaksanakan koordinasi dengan puskesmas untuk melakukan pendidikan kesehatan


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    Abstrak Kembang goyang adalah kue kering tradisional yang berbentuk bulat seperti bunga dan dimatangkan dengan cara digoreng. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh subsitusi tepung tempe dan penambahan margarin terhadap mutu organoleptik Kembang goyang tempe yang meliputi warna, aroma, kerenyahan, rasa ,tingkat kesukaan dan kandungan gizi hasil produk terbaik kembang goyang tempe. Penelitian menggunakan desain pola faktor tunggal, yaitu subsitusi tepung tempe 20%, 30%, 40% dan penambahan margarin 10% dan 20%. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi terhadap mutu organoleptik yang dilakukan oleh 35 panelis. Analisis data mutu organoleptik menggunakan analisis varian tunggal (one way anava) dan uji lanjut Duncan. Produk terbaik selanjutnya dilakukan uji kimia untuk mengetahui protein, lemak, serat dan karbohidrat. Subsitusi tepung tempe dan penambahan margarin berpengaruh terhadap warna, kerenyahan dan tingkat kesukaan namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap aroma dan rasa, produk terbaik kembang goyang dengan subsitusi tepung tempe 20% penambahan margarin 10% dan 20% dengan kriteria mutu organoleptik warna coklat cukup kekuningan, cukup beraroma khas tempe, renyah, memiliki rasa manis, gurih dan meninggalkan rasa khas (after teste) tempe dan disukai oleh panelis. Produk kembang goyang terbaik per 100 g memiliki kandungan protein 7.59%-7.97%, lemak 34.41%-41.22%, karbohidrat 42.44%-47.39%, dan serat 0.61%-0.82%. Kata Kunci : Kembang Goyang, Tepung Tempe, Mutu Organoleptik. Abstract Kembang goyang is traditional snack that has round shape like a flower and ripened by frying. The aims of this study are to determine the effect of tempe flour substitution and margarine addition on organoleptic quality of kembang goyang tempewhich includes color, aroma, crispness, taste, level of preference and nutrient content of the best product. This research is an experimental study with a single factor pattern design, namely substition of tempe flour 20%, 30%, 40% and the addition of margarine 10% and 20%. Data collection techniques using observation sheets on organoleptic quality carried out by 35 panelists. Organoleptic quality data analysis using single variant analysis (one way anava) and Duncans further test. The best product results then tested for nutrient content to determine protein, fat, fiber and carbohydrates. The substitution of tempe flour and the addition of margarine affect the color, crispness and level of preference but did not affect the aroma and taste of the best product of kembang goyang with 20%tempe flour substitution and the addition of margarine 10% and 20%with the criteria of the quality of organoleptik brown color yellowish, quite flavorful typical tempe, crisp, have a sense of sweet, the typical taste of savory and distinctive taste(after teste) tempe and favored by panelists. The nutrient content of the best product per 100 g, which is kembang goyang with 20% tempe flour substitution and 10% margarine addition includes 7.97% protein, 34.41% fat, 47.39% carbohydrate and 0.82% fiber while 20% tempe flour substitution and 20% margarine addition includes 7.59% protein, 41.22% fat, 42.44% carbohydrate and 0.61% fiber. Keywords: Kembang Goyang, Tempe Flour, Organoleptic quality

    DBscan Algorithm and Decision Tree to Automate Trip Purpose Detection

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    One of transportation research topic is detecting trip purpose. Given a collection of GPS mobility records, researchers endeavored to infer useful information such as trip, travel mode, and trip purpose. Obtaining these attributes will help researcher in transportation modelling. Ā This work proposed an approach in defining a trip or a trip segmentation which is a part of trip purpose problem as well as inferring the trip purpose. By Utilizing Dbscan clustering algorithm, decision tree, and some useful features, we are able to detect the trips and their purposes as well as building the model to automate the trip derivation


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    This study aims to determine the improvement of fine motor skills in children aged 5-6 years through meronce activities using loose parts at the Kindergarten in Keledang, Samarinda. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research. Classroom Action Research is research carried out in the classroom using actions to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process in order to obtain better results. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique in this Classroom Action Research will use qualitative descriptive analysis. The research subjects were students aged 5-6 years at Keledang Kindergarten, Loa Janan Ilir District, Samarinda. To obtain valid results, research techniques are carried out using two cycle steps, and each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. Based on the research results, it turns out that activities to improve children's fine motor skills through loose part activities in Keledang Saminda Kindergarten appeared to have increased in the good category in cycle I reaching 61%, while in cycle II it was 83%. The meronce activity using loose parts in group B at the Keledang Kindergarten, Loa Janan Ilir District, Samarinda, is very beneficial for students, so it can be used as a method of playing and learning to improve children's fine motor skill

    Pengaruh E-Commerce, Modal Usaha, Ekspektasi Pendapatan, dan Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Berwirausaha dengan Self-Efficacy Sebagai Variabel Moderasi

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    This study aims to determine the effect of e-commerce, business capital, income expectations, and the use of accounting information systems on entrepreneurial decision making moderated by self-efficacy variables in accounting study program students of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University. The population in this study was 761 students. The sample used was 88 respondents' answers, with sampling using the slovin formula and sampling using random sampling. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. The analysis technique uses data analysis in the form of a Partial Least Square (PLS) approach with the SmartPLS software tool verisi 3.2.9. The results of this study show that e-commerce (X1), working capital (X2) and income expectations (X3), self-efficacy (Z) affect entrepreneurial decision making. While the use of accounting information systems (X4) does not affect entrepreneurial decision making. Self-efficacy does not play a role in moderating the relationship between e-commerce variables (X1), working capital (X2), use of accounting information systems (X4) on decision making for entrepreneurship. While self-efficacy plays a role in moderating the relationship between variables of income expectations on entrepreneurial decision making

    Penerapan Paikem dengan metode Jigsaw Learning untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Fiqih di MTs Maā€™Arif NU Radegansari Driyorejo Gresik

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    ABSTRAK Pendidikan merupakan hal yang paling penting yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap orang. Karena terjadinya akselerasi perkembangan IPTEK pada era globalisasi ini, manusia membutuhkan pendidikan dalam kehidupannya. Di MTs Maā€™arif NU Randegansari Driyorejo Gresik ini pelaksanaan pembelajaran Fiqih masih secara konvensional dan mengunakan metode yang monoton yaitu metode ceramah dan tanya jawab. Hal ini menyebabkan siswa kurang bersemangat dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran dan berpengaruh juga pada prestasi siswa yang masih rendah. Menyekapi hal tersebut untuk meningkatkan prestasi siswa PAIKEM sebagai salah satu strategi pembelajaran yang efektif, efisien dan menyenangkan dengan menggunakan metode Jigsaw Learning dapat meningkatkan prestasi siswa kelas VIII A pada mata pelajaran Fiqih. Beranjak dari permasalahan di atas, maka rumusan masalah yang peneliti ambil adalah: 1). Bagaimana proses perencanaan pembelajaran dengan srategi PAIKEM mengunakan metode jigsaw learning untuk meningkatkan prestasi siswa pada pelajaran fiqih pada siswa kelas VIII A MTs Maā€™arif NU Randegansari Driyorejo Gresik?, 2). Bagaiaman proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan srategi PAIKEM mengunakan medote jigsaw learning untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada pelajaran Fiqh kelas VIII A MTs Maā€™arif NU Randegansari Driyorejo,Gresik?, 3). Bagaimana hasil pembelajaran dengan strategi PAIKEM mengunakan metode jigsaw learning untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada pelajaran fiqh kelas VIII A MTs Maā€™arif NU Randegansari Driyorejo, Gresik? Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan kelas (Class room Action Research) dengan jenis kolaboratif partisipatoris, menggunakan model yang dikembangkan kurt lewin. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Data yang bersifat kualitatif dianalisis dengan deskriptif kualitatif sedangkan data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut adalah penilaian proses menunjukkan bahwa siswa senang mengikuti pelajaran Fiqih dan secara kuantitatif ditunjukkan dengan hasil tes siswa siswa pada pre test prestasi siswa rata-rata kelas 67.16 setelah diadakan tindakan siklus I rata-rata kelas 72, 25, pada siklus II rata-rata kelas 80,16 dan pada siklus III mengalami kenaikan dengan rata-rata kelas 83,70. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa prestasi siswa pada pelajaran Fiqih meningkat dari siklus I sampai siklus III. ABSTRACT Education is something that is very important that everyone must have. Caused by the development of science acceleration, human being need education in their life. In MTs Maā€™arif NU Randegansari Driyorejo Gresik, the application of learning Fiqh is still using the conventional and monotone method that is preaching method and ask-and-question method. This thing makes the students spiritless in joining the learning process and also gives an effect to the studentsā€™ achievement thatā€™s still low. Responding on this phenomenon, in order to increase the achievement of PAIKEM Student as one of the effective, efficient, and fun learning strategy by using Jigsaw Learning method that can increase the students in VIII A grade in Fiqh Subject. Due to those problems, the statements of the problem that the researcher has taken are: 1). How are the process of learning planning with PAIKEM strategy by using jigsaw learning method to increase students learning achievement in VIII A grader of Mts Maā€™arif NU Randegansari Driyorejo Gresik?, 2). How are the process of the implementation of the learning with PAIKEM strategy by using jigsaw learning method to increase students learning achievement in VIII A grader of Mts Maā€™arif NU Randegansari Driyorejo Gresik?. 3). what are the results of the implementation of the learning with PAIKEM strategy by using jigsaw learning method to increase students learning achievement in VIII A grader of Mts Maā€™arif NU Randegansari Driyorejo Gresik?. This research is using class action room research with participators collaborative by using the model that was developed by Kurt Lewin. The data collection technique is done by observation, documentation, and interview. The qualitative data are analyzed by descriptive qualitative while quantitative data are analyzed by descriptive quantitative. The result of those research is the process of evaluation that shows that the students are happy in joining Fiqh subject and in quantitative are shown by the result of the students examination in the students pre-test that is 67.16 in average. After the cycle action I was held that were 72.25 in average. In cycle II, the average points are 80.16 and in the cycle III, it shows an increasing the students achievement which shows 83.70 in average. By those result, we can conclude that the studentsā€™ achievement in Fiqh subject is increasing from the cycle I until the cycle III

    The analysis of ideology in Martin Luther King speeches

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    This thesis critically analyses the three speeches of Martin Luther King which was delivered on the 17th May, 1957; 4th April 1967; 16th August 1967. The three speeches are about the struggle of Negro against discrimination, injustice, and violence. In carrying out the analysis, Van Dijkā€™s structure of text models was adapted. Following the model, the speech was subjected to analysis structure of text; macrostructure (topic), superstructure (framework of discourse), and microstructure (local meaning of discourse). This study used qualitative method as research approach. The result of the analysis reveals that the topic or macrostructure of three speech texts are about the injustice happens because of the oppression of power class. Schema of all speech texts or superstructure began with the opening section, content section, and the last is closing section. All of schema of three speeches began with the information about the condition of poor people or the Negro. Analyzing the microstructure, the writer found the semantic aspect those are the justice for Negro to get the right to vote (first speech), the story of tragedy in Vietnam (second speech), the bad impact of the oppression of White (third speech). In the stylistic aspect, Martin Luther King used the positive words in all speech texts. In the syntactic aspect, Martin as a speaker wants to show his big hope that is the justice for Negro (first speech); Martin worried about the people who live in the war (second speech); Negro would get their freedom by all their efforts (third speech). In the rhetoric aspect, Martin used metaphor to describe the condition of people who are oppressed by power class. Then, the ideology that represented in the text is socialism
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