199 research outputs found

    «Volviendo a los valientes cimarrones»: Visiones e historia del cimarronaje en Panamá a través de los versos de la Dragontea de Lope de Vega

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    En 1595, el corsario Francis Drake regresó al istmo panameño para repetir sus famosos saqueos y ataques. Sin embargo, se encontró con la enemistad de sus antiguos aliados, los cimarrones, quienes ahora combatían en el bando de los españoles. Sobre los acontecimientos que sucedieron entre 1595-1596 encontramos relaciones e informes de la época conservados en el Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla, aunque también el poeta Lope de Vega quiso con su obra épica La Dragontea dejar testimonio de lo ocurrido, convirtiéndose así en una obra literaria que puede ser utilizada como fuente histórica para el estudio del cimarronaje en el istmo panameño

    The margins in the Iberian manuscripts of John Gower's "Confessio Amantis": language, authority and readership

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    The pages of the Confessio Amantis display an interesting blend of English text and Latin commentary in which the Latin apparatus enhances the vernacular text forming a strongly interrelated entity. The Latin captions and the glosses in the Confessio appear in a remarkably regular way in the English manuscripts and the presentation of the elements in the pages follows, in general, a pre-established pattern of marginal and in-column annotations.However, the Iberian translations of the Confessio translated the Latin captions and skipped most of the marginal annotations, leaving behind an integral part of the work that probably carne from Gower himself. In a work such as the Confessio Amantis, in which bilingualism is central to the text as planned by its author, the absence of all the Latin elements results in an important change in the textual dynamics of the poem. Why did they fail to cross the geographical borders in an era when Latin was lingua franca? What does their absence te\l us about the origin of the translations and their intended readership

    La localización de la villa de Santiago del Príncipe, Panamá.

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    En este ensayo se presentan los estudios, llevados a cabo desde la historia, que han servido para desarrollar una campaña arqueológica con el fin de ubicar la Villa de Santiago del Príncipe; primer pueblo de negros libres en América. Para este trabajo, se consultaron las distintas fuentes bibliográficas sobre cimarronaje en Panamá; en paralelo, se llevó a cabo la compilación de fuentes manuscritas complementadas con fuentes cartográficas de la época, muy escasas y de poca utilidad exceptuando un mapa trazado por Francis Drake (cerca de 1580), que sitúa una iglesia en el interior del territorio al este del poblado de Nombre de Dios. Al cruzar la información de archivo con la toponimia, planimetría y orografía actuales, e ir incorporando como fuente novedosa La Dragontea -poema épico de Lope de Vega (1935) en el que recoge los ataques de Drake a las posesiones españolas en América, se procedió a implementar dos campañas de prospección arqueológica, la segunda de las cuales arrojó restos de materiales cerámicos del siglo XVI que -debido a sus características tipológicas, temporalidad y ubicación- nos permitió llegar a la conclusión de que habíamos finalmente localizado la villa de Santiago del Príncipe, primer pueblo de negros libres de las Américas

    Las tobas cuaternarias del río Añamaza (provincia de Soria, Cordillera Ibérica): aproximación cronológica

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    High-gradient, stepped fluvial tufa systems with dammed areas existed in the River Añamaza valley (NW Iberian Ranges, Spain) during Quaternary times. Single deposits range from a few meters to about 70 m thick, in which prograding-aggrading wedges separated by erosional surfaces exist. Several episodes of tufa formation have been distinguished by means of U-series, Amino-acid racemization and radiocarbon techniques. These correlate to MIS 8, 7, 5 and 1. The presence of MIS 9 is uncertain, as chronological data may also correspond to older stages. Most tufas in this area formed in MIS 5. Distinct tufa episodes can also be distinguished in the Holocene. These are the first chronological data presented for one of the northernmost Quaternary tufa systems in the Iberian Ranges

    Análisis preliminar de las tobas cuaternarias del río Ebrón (Castielfabib, Valencia, Cordillera Ibérica)

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    In this paper the Alpine cleavage affecting the Permo-Triassic series of the Espadan Range (Castellón) is studied. Cleavage affects to argillites and sandstones in Saxonian and Buntsandstein facies. At cartographic scale it is linked with the Espadan box anticline with constant ONO-ESE trend. At microscoscopic scale it constitutes a “spaced cleavage” with a predominance of pressure solution and passive rotation mechanisms. At outcrop scale the cleavage characterizes by a sigmoidal geometry linked both the post-cleavage flexural slip as a cleavage-related flexural flow mechanism. The proposed kinematic model to explain its origin includes three main stages: 1) incipient development of cleavage linked to layer-parallel shortening, 2) buckling and increasing of cleavage penetrativity and 3) folfing amplification and layer-parallel shear. RESUMEN Se estudia la esquistosidad alpina que afecta a la serie Permo-Triásica de la Sierra de Espadán, (Castellón). La esquistosidad afecta a los tramos argilíticos y areniscosos en facies Saxoniense y Buntsandstein, con distinto grado de penetratividad. A escala cartográfica se asocia al anticlinal de Espadán con geometría en cofre y orientación ONO-ESE. A escala microestructural se clasifica como esquistosidad espaciada con predominio de los mecanismos de disolución por presión y rotación mecánica de filosilicatos. A escala de afloramiento destaca la geometría sigmoidal de las superficies de esquistosidad atribuida tanto a un mecanismo post-esquistoso de flexodeslizamiento en las capas competentes como a flexofluencia sin-esquistosa en capas incompetentes. El modelo cinemático para su génesis contempla tres estadios: 1) desarrollo incipiente de esquistosidad en relación a acortamiento paralelo a las capas, 2) buckling e incremento del grado de penetratividad y 3) amplificación de los pliegues y cizalla simple paralela a las capa

    Increasing Cervical Cancer Screening Coverage: A Randomised, Community-based Clinical Trial

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    Background: Opportunistic cervical cancer screening can lead to suboptimal screening coverage. Coverage could be increased after a personalised invitation to the target population. We present a community randomized intervention study with three strategies aiming to increase screening coverage. Methods: The CRICERVA study is a community-based clinical trial to improve coverage of population-based screening in the Cerdanyola SAP area in Barcelona. A total of 32,858 women residing in the study area, aged 30 to 70 years were evaluated. A total of 15,965 women were identified as having no registration of a cervical cytology in the last 3.5 years within the Public Health data base system. Eligible women were assigned to one of four community randomized intervention groups (IGs): (1) (IG1 N = 4197) personalised invitation letter, (2) (IG2 N = 3601) personalised invitation letter + informative leaflet, (3) (IG3 N = 6088) personalised invitation letter + informative leaflet + personalised phone call and (4) (Control N = 2079) based on spontaneous demand of cervical cancer screening as officially recommended. To evaluate screening coverage, we used heterogeneity tests to compare impact of the interventions and mixed logistic regression models to assess the age effect. We refer a "rescue" visit as the screening visit resulting from the study invitation. Results: Among the 13,886 women in the IGs, 2,862 were evaluated as having an adequate screening history after the initial contact; 4,263 were lost to follow-up and 5,341 were identified as having insufficient screening and thus being eligible for a rescue visit. All intervention strategies significantly increased participation to screening compared to the control group. Coverage after the intervention reached 84.1% while the control group reached 64.8%. The final impact of our study was an increase of 20% in the three IGs and of 9% in the control group (p<0.001). Within the intervention arms, age was an important determinant of rescue visits showing a statistical interaction with the coverage attained in the IGs. Within the intervention groups, final screening coverage was significantly higher in IG3 (84.4%) (p< 0.001). However, the differences were more substantial in the age groups 50-59 and those 60+. The highest impact of the IG3 intervention was observed among women 60+ y.o with 32.0% of them being rescued for screening. The lowest impact of the interventions was in younger women. Conclusions: The study confirms that using individual contact methods and assigning a fixed screening date notably increases participation in screening. The response to the invitation is strongly dependent on age

    Ensayo cronológico de las tobas cuaternarias del río Piedra (Cordillera Ibérica)

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    A preliminary absolute chronology for the Quaternary calcareous tufa deposits from the Piedra River valley (Iberian Range, NE Spain) has been carried out based on U series dating, Amino Acid Racemization, Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Radiocarbon dating techniques. Although the age uncertainties of the obtained dates are substantial, four stages of tufa accumulation correlated to MIS 9, 7-6, 5 and 1 can be distinguished. The most favourable period for tufa accumulation is located around the isotopic stage

    Functional signatures in non-small-cell lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of sex-based differences in transcriptomic studies

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    While studies have established the existence of differences in the epidemiological and clinical patterns of lung adenocarcinoma between male and female patients, we know relatively little regarding the molecular mechanisms underlying such sex-based differences. In this study, we explore said differences through a meta-analysis of transcriptomic data. We performed a meta-analysis of the functional profiling of nine public datasets that included 1366 samples from Gene Expression Omnibus and The Cancer Genome Atlas databases. Meta-analysis results from data merged, normalized, and corrected for batch effect show an enrichment for Gene Ontology terms and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways related to the immune response, nucleic acid metabolism, and purinergic signaling. We discovered the overrepresentation of terms associated with the immune response, particularly with the acute inflammatory response, and purinergic signaling in female lung adenocarcinoma patients, which could influence reported clinical differences. Further evaluations of the identified differential biological processes and pathways could lead to the discovery of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Our findings also emphasize the relevance of sex-specific analyses in biomedicine, which represents a crucial aspect influencing biological variability in diseaseThis work was supported by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (ISCIII PI15-00209), GV/2020/ 186, and ISCIII PT17/0009/0015 FEDE

    The neighbourhood of El Carmen in the urban and territorial context of the Vega de Triana

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    Las principales transformaciones de la ciudad de Sevilla han estado siempre vinculadas a las infraestructuras realizadas para controlar el cauce del río Guadalquivir. Muchas de estas transformaciones de las infraestructuras, junto al crecimiento de su trama urbana, han condicionado de forma clara la relación de la barriada de El Carmen con la ciudad y su territorio más inmediato, la vega de Triana. En este sentido, el objetivo de este capítulo ha sido reflexionar sobre la relación de la barriada con ambos contextos, así como su papel en el paisaje urbano histórico (PUH) de la vega de Triana, para poder comprender el resultado de la conformación urbana actual. De acuerdo con esas tres escalas y aproximaciones se ha estructurado el desarrollo metodológico expresado en el presente capítulo, el cual se ha construido a partir de la combinación de diferentes documentos administrativos y de textos científicos junto a un análisis visual del lugar. La investigación desarrollada pone de manifiesto que la ausencia de una planificación adecuada del crecimiento de Triana ha propiciado que lo que hoy día se conoce como periferia de Triana llegue hasta nosotros como un conjunto desordenado y difuso, en el que la barriada de El Carmen se encuentra aislada de su contexto urbano inmediato. Asimismo, desde el punto de vista de la escala ciudadana y debido a las infraestructuras, la barriada se encuentra aislada de su territorio inmediato, la vega de Triana. Sin embargo, la vega del Guadalquivir, y en concreto la vega de Triana, por su situación, forma parte del imaginario colectivo debido a su representación por pintores y fotógrafos. El recorrido efectuado a lo largo del desarrollo de la vega de Triana pone de manifiesto que su valor cultural y patrimonial reside en el trinomio territorio-río-ciudad. Las imágenes han permitido identificar claramente cuáles son los hitos territoriales, naturales y construidos que conforman el PUH de la vega, entre los que se encuentra el conjunto urbano generado por la barriada de El Carmen. Se trata de visiones que no solamente contemplan el valor patrimonial que posee una determinada pieza, sino que recogen una ciudad dinámica, cambiante y en expansión que muestra sus valores más allá del estricto sentido de lo patrimonial. El frente erigido tras el muro de defensa que se extiende desde la barriada de Nuestra Señora del Carmen hasta Torre Triana conforma el único borde construido de la zona oeste de Sevilla, adquiriendo dichas edificaciones una importancia testimonial de la evolución urbana y territorial de la ciudad y, en consecuencia, un protagonismo realmente significativo en la construcción del PUH de Sevilla.The most significant transformations of the city of Seville have always been linked to infrastructures created to control the flow of the River Guadalquivir. Many of these infrastructure transformations, combined with the growth of its urban area, have had a perceptible impact on the neighbourhood of El Carmen, determining its relationship with the city and with the territory in its immediate vicinity, the Vega de Triana. This chapter aims to analyse the neighbourhood’s relationship with both areas and its role in the historic urban landscape (HUL) of the Vega de Triana in order to understand the process that shaped its current urban identity. These three scales and approaches have determined the structure of the methodological process described in this chapter, based on a combination of various official documents and scientific texts as well as a visual survey of the site. The research conducted reveals that the lack of urban planning initiatives to match the pace of Triana’s growth has resulted in the disorderly, sprawling nature of the area now known as the Triana outskirts, in which the neighbourhood of El Carmen finds itself isolated from its urban surroundings. Moreover, owing to the existence of certain infrastructures, on a human scale the quarter is also cut off from its closest neighbouring area, the Vega de Triana. However, given its location, painters and photographers have repeatedly depicted the alluvial plain of the River Guadalquivir, and specifically the part known as the Vega de Triana, fixing it firmly in the collective imagination. Having surveyed the length and breadth of the Vega de Triana, it is clear that the territory-river-city triad defines the cultural and heritage value of this area. Images have made it possible to clearly identify the territorial, natural, and manmade landmarks that constitute the HUL of the Vega de Triana, one of which is the urban cluster of the neighbourhood of El Carmen. These perspectives do not just contemplate the heritage value of a specific part, for they also reveal a dynamic, changing, expanding city whose worth cannot be assessed solely in terms of heritage. The barrier erected behind the flood wall, stretching from the neighbourhood of Nuestra Señora del Carmen to Torre Triana, is the only constructed border on the western edge of Seville; today those structures stand as eloquent reminders of the city’s urban and territorial evolution over the years and, as such, must be credited with playing a central role in the construction of the HUL of Seville

    Obsolescence in the neighbourhood of Nuestra Señora del Carmen

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    Actualmente, áreas urbanas donde habita un importantísimo sector poblacional están afectadas por una compleja problemática que se materializa en cuestiones arquitectónicas (desencaje tipológico, deficiencias técnicas, deterioro físico), urbanísticas (aislamiento, carencias funcionales, degradación del espacio público) y sociales (desempleo, segregación, conflictividad). El análisis del estado de obsolescencia de la barriada de El Carmen ha sido el punto de inicio de este trabajo de investigación. A partir de indicadores de obsolescencia socioeconómicos y físicos, anteriormente definidos por el proyecto de investigación «Intervención en barriadas residenciales obsoletas: manual de buenas prácticas» (G-GI3001/IDIH), financiado por la Unión Europea –Fondos FEDER– y gestionado por la Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía, se ha establecido la situación de la barriada con referencia a valores máximos y mínimos, hallados a través del estudio de un número representativo de barriadas andaluzas. Tras la valoración del estado de obsolescencia de la barriada, se profundizó en su estudio a través de la comparación del cumplimiento de las recomendaciones establecidas como buenas prácticas en la publicación Intervención en barriadas residenciales obsoletas. Manual de buenas prácticas. Esta verificación permitió la elaboración de un diagnóstico pormenorizado basado en el análisis de los diferentes aspectos atendidos por las buenas prácticas, donde se evaluaban las deficiencias de El Carmen a escala urbana y arquitectónica, y dentro de estas, en diferentes categorías, siendo las urbanas: compacidad, conectividad, zonas verdes, funcionalidad, seguridad e inclusividad; y las arquitectónicas: hibridación, diversidad y flexibilidad, comunidad y accesibilidad. Esta evaluación detallada de las deficiencias y potencialidades de la barriada establecía los fundamentos para la definición de criterios y estrategias de intervención. Estos criterios de intervención tenían como base una selección de las buenas prácticas más adecuadas de acuerdo con las circunstancias halladas en la barriada, sistematizando las actuaciones que priorizan la atención de aspectos primordiales o que actúan mitigando carencias graves. Los criterios que se establecen son: sostenibilidad, la mejora de la calidad de vida de sus residentes y la atracción de nueva población a la barriada. Respondiendo a este estudio y la definición de criterios se proponen actuaciones estratégicas englobadas en cuatro líneas de trabajo: relación con la ciudad y su contexto, cualificación del espacio público y dotaciones existentes, cualificación de edificios existentes y actualización tipológica.Today, a number of high-occupancy urban areas are being affected by a complex problem that materialises in architectural issues (typological mismatch, technical deficiencies, physical deterioration), urban planning issues (isolation, functional inadequacies, deterioration of public space) and social issues (unemployment, segregation, conflict). Analysing the state of obsolescence of the neighbourhood of El Carmen was the starting point of this research project. Using socio-economic and physical obsolescence indicators established in an earlier research project–“Intervention in Obsolete Residential Neighbourhoods: Manual of Best Practices” (G-GI3001/IDIH), funded by the ERDF and managed by the Regional Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Andalusia–the situation of this neighbourhood was defined with reference to minimum and maximum values identified by studying a representative number of Andalusian neighbourhoods. After assessing the neighbourhood’s state of obsolescence, it was then studied to determine the degree of compliance with the best practices recommended in the publication Intervención en barriadas residenciales obsoletas. Manual de buenas prácticas. This verification made it possible to come up with a detailed diagnosis based on the analysis of different aspects addressed in that manual of best practices, evaluating the urban and architectural deficiencies of El Carmen and subdividing each into different categories. Urban deficiencies included compactness, connectivity, green areas, functionality, safety and inclusiveness; and architectural deficiencies were hybridisation, diversity, flexibility, community and accessibility. This detailed analysis of the neighbourhood’s shortcomings and potential improvements provided a solid foundation for defining intervention criteria and strategies. Those intervention criteria were based on a selection of the best practices deemed most appropriate in light of the neighbourhood’s current situation, systematising actions that address the most important aspects or attempt to mitigate serious deficiencies. The established criteria are as follows: sustainability, improving the residents’ quality of life, and bringing new residents to the neighbourhood. Based on this study and the defined criteria, strategic courses of action were proposed in four general areas: relationship with the city and its context, qualification of existing facilities and public spaces, qualification of existing buildings, and typological modernisation