7 research outputs found

    Violencias basadas en género: la otra tragedia de Colombia

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    This book, a product of academic and discursive activity, develops five chapters of scientific dissemination in which it presents an interdisciplinary analysis of the phenomena that extend in gender violence against women. The first chapter deals with the factual circumstances for the imputation of femicide in Colombia; the second chapter constructs a clinical psychological approach to the aggressor; the third chapter establishes an analysis of femicide from the logics of evolutionary and developmental psychology; the fourth chapter refers to the warp and woof of the brand of violence against women; the fifth chapter analyzes the cultural, social and educational elements of hegemonic machismo as a precipitating, maintaining and creating factor of violence against women. This publication seeks to contribute to the social, academic and scientific expansion of gender-based violence as another of Colombia's most atrocious tragedies that require a refined view on the part of divergent and critically grounded thinking.PublishedEste libro, producto de la actividad académica y discursiva, desarrolla cinco capítulos de divulgación científica en los cuales presenta un análisis interdisciplinario de los fenómenos que se extienden en las violencias basadas en género en contra de la mujer. El primer capítulo trabaja las circunstancias fácticas para la imputación del feminicidio en Colombia; el segundo construye una aproximación clínica psicológica del feminicida, el tercero establece un análisis del feminicidio desde las lógicas de la psicología evolutiva y del desarrollo, el cuarto refiere las urdimbres a propósito de la marca de violencia en contra de la mujer; el quinto capítulo analiza los elementos culturales, sociales y educativos del machismo hegemónico como factor precipitador, mantenedor y creador de las violencias en contra de la mujer. Con esta publicación se busca contribuir a la expansión social, académica y científica de las violencias basadas en género como otra de las tragedias más atroces de Colombia que requieren de miradas afinadas por parte del pensamiento divergente y crítico fundamentado

    Aging impairs hippocampal- dependent recognition memory and LTP and prevents the associated RyR up-regulation

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    © 2017 Arias-Cavieres, Adasme, Sánchez, Muñoz and Hidalgo.Recognition memory comprises recollection judgment and familiarity, two different processes that engage the hippocampus and the perirhinal cortex, respectively. Previous studies have shown that aged rodents display defective recognition memory and alterations in hippocampal synaptic plasticity. We report here that young rats efficiently performed at short-term (5 min) and long-term (24 h) hippocampus-associated object-location tasks and perirhinal cortex-related novel-object recognition tasks. In contrast, aged rats successfully performed the object-location and the novel-object recognition tasks only at short-term. In addition, aged rats displayed defective long-term potentiation (LTP) and enhanced long-term depression (LTD). Successful long-term performance of object-location but not of novel-object recognition tasks increased the protein levels of ryanodine receptor types-2/3 (RyR2/RyR3) and of IP3R1 in young rat hippocampus

    Latin American perceptions of fear and exaggeration transmitted by the media with regard to COVID-19: frequency and association with severe mental pathologies

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    IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the spread of abundant misinformation by the media, which caused fear and concern.ObjectiveTo determine the association between the pathologies of the mental sphere and the perceptions of fear and exaggeration transmitted by the media with respect to COVID-19 in Latin America.MethodologyThe present study has an analytical cross-sectional design that is based on a validated survey to measure fear and exaggeration transmitted by the media and other sources (Cronbach's α: 0.90). We surveyed more than 6,000 people, originally from 12 Latin American countries, who associated this perceived exaggeration with stress, depression, and anxiety (measured through DASS-21, Cronbach's α: 0.96).ResultsSocial networks (40%) or television (34%) were perceived as the sources that exaggerate the magnitude of the events. In addition, television (35%) and social networks (28%) were perceived as the sources that generate much fear. On the contrary, physicians and health personnel are the sources that exaggerated less (10%) or provoked less fear (14%). Through a multivariate model, we found a higher level of global perception that was associated with whether the participant was older (p = 0.002), had severe or more serious anxiety (p = 0.033), or had stress (p = 0,037). However, in comparison with Peru (the most affected country), there was a lower level of perception in Chile (p < 0.001), Paraguay (p = 0.001), Mexico (p < 0.001), Ecuador (p = 0.001), and Costa Rica (p = 0.042). All of them were adjusted for gender and for those having severe or major depression.ConclusionThere exists an association between some mental pathologies and the perception that the media does not provide moderate information

    Seminario de Investigación Aplicada 2017 – I

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar la internacionalización y la importancia de cada uno de los temas a tratar en este libro que se llevó a cabo en el seminario de investigación aplicada que tomo por nombre de gestión financiera y contable bajo estándares internacionales. Colombia al ser uno de los últimos países de américa latina en implementar las normas de información financiera – NIIF busca la necesidad de llevar a cabo esta nueva normatividad logrando aplicar el decreto 1314 del 2009, por ende los estudiantes de último semestre del programa de contaduría pública de la Universidad Piloto de Colombia Seccional Alto Magdalena quienes tomaron por opción de grado el seminario de investigación aplicada, buscan consolidar por medio de varias problemáticas que se presentan actualmente en la mayoría de empresas tanto de personas naturales como jurídicas, obteniendo de esta manera aclarar dudas e inquietudes que se generan por medio de un trabajo realizado como una monografía de grado

    Hyponatremia: a new predictor of mortality in patients with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli hemolytic uremic syndrome

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    (1) Evaluate mortality rate in patients with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli hemolytic uremic syndrome, (2) determine the leading causes of death, and (3) identify predictors of mortality at hospital admission. We conducted a multicentric, observational, retrospective, cross-sectional study. It included patients under 18 years old with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli hemolytic uremic syndrome hospitalized between January 2005 and June 2016. Clinical and laboratory data were obtained from the Argentine National Epidemiological Surveillance System of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. Clinical and laboratory variables were compared between deceased and non-deceased patients. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. ROC curves and area under the curve were obtained. Seventeen (3.65%) out of the 466 patients died, being central nervous system involvement the main cause of death. Predictors of death were central nervous system involvement, the number of days since the beginning of diarrhea to hospitalization, hyponatremia, high hemoglobin, high leukocyte counts, and low bicarbonate concentration on admission. In the multivariate analysis, central nervous system involvement, sodium concentration, and hemoglobin were independent predictors. The best cut off for sodium was ≤ 128 meq/l and for hemoglobin ≥ 10.8 g/dl. Mortality was low in children with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli hemolytic uremic syndrome, being central nervous system involvement the main cause of death. The best mortality predictors found were central nervous system involvement, hemoglobin, and sodium concentration. Hyponatremia may be a new Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli hemolytic uremic syndrome mortality predictor.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Perspectivas y desafíos para la competitividad: una mirada global desde los territorios

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    Este libro de investigación, titulado Perspectivas y desafíos para la competitividad: una mirada global desde los territorios, presenta capítulos de investigación agrupados en cuatro núcleos temáticos. El primero está relacionado con la prospectiva, vigilancia tecnológica, inteligencia de negocios y gestión de proyectos como factores de desarrollo perdurable de los territorios. El segundo aborda los retos del marketing y del capital humano en la sociedad digital. El tercero, el desarrollo humano integral sostenible como apuesta de paz en los territorios. Y, el cuarto, el emprendimiento para el desarrollo humano. Con estas propuestas teóricas se busca brindar algunas pautas para potenciar la incorporación de competencias de gestión y el impacto que el uso de técnicas de prospectiva, vigilancia tecnológica, inteligencia de negocios y gestión de proyectos tienen para el desarrollo armónico y sustentable de los territorios y las organizaciones.