24 research outputs found

    Characteristics of patients hospitalised in an emergency department observation unit in Japan

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    In Japan, transporting elderly patients to emergency departments has recently posed serious problems, including a longer average time from patients’ initial emergency calls to their arrival at hospitals. To manage emergency departments more efficiently, many hospitals in the United States and some other developed countries, including Japan, introduced emergency department observation units (EDOU). However, because the usefulness of EDOUs in managing elderly patients remains uncertain, we analysed data of patients admitted to a Japanese university hospital’s EDOU to gauge its efficacy. We followed 1,426 patients admitted to the hospital’s EDOU from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2014. The average age of patients who stayed in the EDOU increased, whereas the average length of time that they spent there decreased. Although the percentage of patients older than 65 years increased slightly, from 36.42% (2011–2012) to 37.73% (2013–2014), the proportion of those patients between the two periods did not significantly change (P = .61). Moreover, their average length of stay was 2.16 ± 0.91 days, whereas patients younger than 65 years stayed for significantly less time (1.92 ± 0.82 days). By condition, approximately 36% of patients older than 65 years presented with non-neurosurgical trauma, approximately 59% presented with other forms of trauma, but proportions of both categories of trauma were significantly smaller in patients younger than 65 years (nonneurosurgical trauma, 23%; all trauma, 47%). Most elderly patients with limb trauma prepped for surgery were transferred to other hospitals after a few days. Results suggest that the EDOU at the university hospital has served to as a buffer for regional emergency medical systems in Japan, especially given the continued ageing of the Japanese population

    Кривичните аспекти на азил во меѓународното и македонското кривично право“

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    Краток извадок Меѓународниот институт азил, како и неговата меѓународна кривичноправна рамка, е област на постојано надополнување и акумулација на материјални и формално - правни факти, со цел за изградба на универзален кривичноправен систем на азил кој би имал широкоопфатна примена. Теоретската рамка на поставениот проблем, низ годините на историјата, постојано била надополнувана во егзактните моменти на проблеми со именуваниот институт. Целта на мојот труд е искористување на изворите на правото и политиките на азил, нивна структурна анализа и дефиниција на имплементација. Миграцијата е поим тесно поврзан со азилот. Токму затоа, не може а да не се спомене нејзиното влијание врз правната форма на азилот како институт. Човештвото, во својата еволуција, тенденциозно дејствува кон создавање на универзални, регионални и национални правни лица кои ја претставуваат унилатералната желба за солидарност и сплотеност. Ваквите организации неопходно бараат консолидирано законодавство, во сите сегменти на општествениот живот. Токму затоа, анализата на ваквите организации во мојот труд е со цел да покаже во колкава мера и каква форма се конструираат и имплементираат правните норми на азилот. Исто така, ќе покаже во колкав капацитет е легислативата на азилот и од каде треба да се продолжи надградбата на правниот систем. Надградбата на системот на азил е сеопфатна и ги засега сите. Како европска држава со мултилатерални односи и желба за членство во евроатланската и европската заедница, Република Македонија настојува да го надградува својот правен систем секогаш кога ќе ѝ се овозможи терен за такво нешто. Мојата анализа го води трудот и до разградба на македонскиот правен систем, воочување на фактичката состојба во однос на азилот и привремената заштита, и критички анализирајќи ја поврзаноста на материјално - правните и формално - правните аспекти на азилните норми. Заклучокот на сето ова мора да биде објективен и во согласност со позитивното право, без остапување од начелата на непристрасност, јасност, еквивалентност, совестност и чесност. Клучни зборови: миграција, азил, кривично право, бегалци, бегалска криза, меѓународни организации

    Randomized, crossover questionnaire survey of acceptabilities of controlled-release mesalazine tablets and granules in ulcerative colitis patients

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    Background/Aims Oral mesalazine is an important treatment for ulcerative colitis (UC), and non-adherence to mesalazine increases the risk of relapse. Controlled-release (CR) mesalazine has 2 formulations: tablets and granules. The relative acceptabilities of these formulations may influence patient adherence; however, they have not been compared to date. This study aimed to evaluate the acceptabilities of the 2 formulations of CR mesalazine in relation to patient adherence using a crossover questionnaire survey. Methods UC patients were randomly assigned to 2 groups in a 1:1 ratio. Patients in each group took either 4 g of CR mesalazine tablets or granules for 6 to 9 weeks, and then switched to 4 g of the other formulation for a further 6 to 9 weeks. The acceptability and efficacy were evaluated by questionnaires, and adherence was assessed using a visual analog scale. The difference in acceptabilities between the 2 formulations and its impact on adherence were assessed. Results A total of 49 patients were prospectively enrolled and 33 patients were included in the analysis. Significantly more patients found the tablets to be less acceptable than the granules (76% vs. 33%, P=0.0005). The granules were preferable to the tablets when the 2 formulations were compared directly (73% vs. 21%, P=0.004), for their portability, size, and numbers of pills. The adherence rate was slightly better among patients taking the granules (94% vs. 91%) during the observation period, but the difference was not significant (P=0.139). Conclusions CR mesalazine granules are more acceptable than tablets, and may therefore be a better option for long-term medication

    Novel, Objective, Multivariate Biomarkers Composed of Plasma Amino Acid Profiles for the Diagnosis and Assessment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic intestinal disorder that is associated with a limited number of clinical biomarkers. In order to facilitate the diagnosis of IBD and assess its disease activity, we investigated the potential of novel multivariate indexes using statistical modeling of plasma amino acid concentrations (aminogram). METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We measured fasting plasma aminograms in 387 IBD patients (Crohn's disease (CD), n = 165; ulcerative colitis (UC), n = 222) and 210 healthy controls. Based on Fisher linear classifiers, multivariate indexes were developed from the aminogram in discovery samples (CD, n = 102; UC, n = 102; age and sex-matched healthy controls, n = 102) and internally validated. The indexes were used to discriminate between CD or UC patients and healthy controls, as well as between patients with active disease and those in remission. We assessed index performances using the area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC AUC). We observed significant alterations to the plasma aminogram, including histidine and tryptophan. The multivariate indexes established from plasma aminograms were able to distinguish CD or UC patients from healthy controls with ROC AUCs of 0.940 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.898-0.983) and 0.894 (95%CI: 0.853-0.935), respectively in validation samples (CD, n = 63; UC, n = 120; healthy controls, n = 108). In addition, other indexes appeared to be a measure of disease activity. These indexes distinguished active CD or UC patients from each remission patients with ROC AUCs of 0.894 (95%CI: 0.853-0.935) and 0.849 (95%CI: 0.770-0.928), and correlated with clinical disease activity indexes for CD (r(s) = 0.592, 95%CI: 0.385-0.742, p<0.001) or UC (r(s) = 0.598, 95%CI: 0.452-0.713, p<0.001), respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: In this study, we demonstrated that established multivariate indexes composed of plasma amino acid profiles can serve as novel, non-invasive, objective biomarkers for the diagnosis and monitoring of IBD, providing us with new insights into the pathophysiology of the disease

    Usefulness of fecal calprotectin for the early prediction of short-term outcomes of remission-induction treatments in ulcerative colitis in comparison with two-item patient-reported outcome.

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    Fecal calprotectin (FC) is well accepted as a non-invasive biomarker which objectively reflects colonic inflammation in ulcerative colitis (UC). However, its value as a marker of response during the early phase of remission induction treatment has not been well studied. The aim of this study is to evaluate the significance of FC for predicting the short-term outcomes of remission induction treatment in patients with UC.A prospective observational study was conducted among 31 patients with active UC. FC was monitored with two-item patient-reported outcome (PRO2), partial Mayo score (PMS), and Lichtiger clinical activity index (CAI) during the first 4 weeks of remission induction treatment. Clinical response was defined as a decrease in CAI of 3 or more points below baseline. Mucosal healing (MH) was defined as Mayo endoscopic subscore 0 or 1. Within-day and within-stool variability of FC were assessed during the first week of treatment.In week 4-clinical responders, PRO2, PMS, and CAI significantly decreased from day 3, however, FC did not show significant reduction until week 2. Among all markers, the decrease in PRO2 at week 4 most accurately predicted MH at week 12. Within-day variability of FC was remarkably wide even at the first week in clinical responders. Within-stool variability was extremely small.PRO2 predicted the short-term outcomes of remission induction treatment earlier than FC possibly because of the wide within-day variability of FC in active UC

    Combination of colonoscopy and magnetic resonance enterography is more useful for clinical decision making than colonoscopy alone in patients with complicated Crohn's disease.

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    Background/aimsThe small bowel is affected in more than half of patients with Crohn's disease (CD) at the time of diagnosis, and small bowel involvement has a negative impact on the long-term outcome. Many patients reportedly have active lesions in the small intestine even in patients in clinical remission. This study was performed to compare findings of magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) and ileocolonoscopy.MethodsA single-center retrospective study was conducted in 50 patients (60 imaging series) with CD, for whom MRE was additionally performed during the bowel preparation for subsequent ileocolonoscopy. Endoscopic remission was defined as a Simple Endoscopic Score for CD (SES-CD) of ResultsImportantly, 7 of 29 patients (24.1%) with endoscopic remission had a MaRIA score of ≥50. Both SES-CD and MaRIA correlated with the need for treatment escalation (P = 0.025, P = 0.009, respectively). MRE predicted the need for treatment escalation even in patients with endoscopic remission. Although no correlation was present between SES-CD and MaRIA score in patients with structuring/penetrating disease, or insufficient ileal insertion (ConclusionsThe MaRIA score predicts the need for treatment escalation even in patients with endoscopic remission, indicating that addition of MRE to conventional ileocolonoscopy alone can be a useful, noninvasive tool for monitoring CD especially in stricturing or penetrating disease

    Lipocalin 2 prevents intestinal inflammation by enhancing phagocytic bacterial clearance in macrophages

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    Lipocalin 2 (Lcn2), also called neutrophil gelatinase B-associated lipocalin (NGAL), is an anti-microbial peptide originally identified in neutrophil granules. Although Lcn2/NGAL expression is increased in the inflamed intestinal tissues of patients with inflammatory bowel disease, the role of Lcn2/NGAL in the development of intestinal inflammation remains unclear. Here we investigated the role of Lcn2/NGAL in intestinal inflammation using a spontaneous mouse colitis model, interleukin-10 knock out (IL-10 KO) mice. Lcn2 expression in the colonic tissues of IL-10 KO mice increased with the development of colitis. Lcn2/IL-10 double-KO mice showed a more rapid onset and development of colitis compared to IL-10 KO mice. Lcn2 enhanced phagocytic bacterial clearance in macrophages in vitro after infection with Escherichia coli. Transfer of Lcn2-repleted macrophages prevented the development of colitis in Lcn2/IL-10 double-KO mice in vivo. Our findings revealed that Lcn2 prevents the development of intestinal inflammation. One crucial factor seems to be the enhancement of phagocytic bacterial clearance in macrophages by Lcn2