198 research outputs found

    Rapidly quantifying the relative distention of a human bladder

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    A device and method was developed to rapidly quantify the relative distention of the bladder of a human subject. An ultrasonic transducer is positioned on the human subject near the bladder. A microprocessor controlled pulser excites the transducer by sending an acoustic wave into the human subject. This wave interacts with the bladder walls and is reflected back to the ultrasonic transducer where it is received, amplified, and processed by the receiver. The resulting signal is digitized by an analog to digital converter, controlled by the microprocessor again, and is stored in data memory. The software in the microprocessor determines the relative distention of the bladder as a function of the propagated ultrasonic energy. Based on programmed scientific measurements and the human subject's past history as contained in program memory, the microprocessor sends out a signal to turn on any or all of the available alarms. The alarm system includes and audible alarm, the visible alarm, the tactile alarm, and the remote wireless alarm

    Rapidly quantifying the relative distention of a human bladder

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    A device and method of rapidly quantifying the relative distention of the bladder in a human subject are disclosed. The ultrasonic transducer which is positioned on the subject in proximity to the bladder is excited by a pulser under the command of a microprocessor to launch an acoustic wave into the patient. This wave interacts with the bladder walls and is reflected back to the ultrasonic transducer, when it is received, amplified and processed by the receiver. The resulting signal is digitized by an analog-to-digital converter under the command of the microprocessor and is stored in the data memory. The software in the microprocessor determines the relative distention of the bladder as a function of the propagated ultrasonic energy; and based on programmed scientific measurements and individual, anatomical, and behavioral characterists of the specific subject as contained in the program memory, sends out a signal to turn on any or all of the audible alarm, the visible alarm, the tactile alarm, and the remote wireless alarm

    Dendronized fluorosurfactant for highly stable water-in-fluorinated oil emulsions with minimal inter-droplet transfer of small molecules

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    Fluorosurfactant-stabilized microfluidic droplets are widely used as pico- to nanoliter volume reactors in chemistry and biology. However, current surfactants cannot completely prevent inter-droplet transfer of small organic molecules encapsulated or produced inside the droplets. In addition, the microdroplets typically coalesce at temperatures higher than 80 °C. Therefore, the use of droplet-based platforms for ultrahigh-throughput combination drug screening and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based rare mutation detection has been limited. Here, we provide insights into designing surfactants that form robust microdroplets with improved stability and resistance to inter-droplet transfer. We used a panel of dendritic oligo-glycerol-based surfactants to demonstrate that a high degree of inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonding, as well as the dendritic architecture, contribute to high droplet stability in PCR thermal cycling and minimize inter-droplet transfer of the water-soluble fluorescent dye sodium fluorescein salt and the drug doxycycline

    Balance assessment in Multiple Sclerosis and cerebellar ataxia: rationale, protocol and demographic data

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    A core set of standardized balance measures are required for use in rehabilitation among people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and cerebellar ataxia. An earlier systematic review and Delphi survey identified the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), the Timed Up and Go test (TUG), Posture and Gait sub-component of the International Co-operative Ataxia Rating Scale (PG of ICARS) and the gait, sitting and stance sub-components of the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA Bal) as suitable balance measures. This study aims to estimate the reliability, validity and interpretability of these measures. This study will recruit 60 participants with multiple sclerosis with secondary cerebellar involvement across four centres in New Zealand and the United States of America. Participants will be assessed and videotaped performing the BBS, TUG, SARA Bal and PG of ICARS by trained physiotherapists. Barthel Index, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), Disease duration, ICARS and SARA will also be assessed to determine validity. A second assessment to determine reliability will be conducted by assessors watching the video-recording. Data collection is in progress, 44 samples have been collected and the demographic data are presented. The findings of this study will recommend a core set of reliable, valid and interpretable measures that are suitable for clinical practice and research for the assessment of balance among adults with MS and cerebellar ataxia. Minimal Clinically Important Difference (MCID) and cut-off scores to predict the use of assistive walking device will be established

    Complex-Distance Potential Theory and Hyperbolic Equations

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    An extension of potential theory in R^n is obtained by continuing the Euclidean distance function holomorphically to C^n. The resulting Newtonian potential is generated by an extended source distribution D(z) in C^n whose restriction to R^n is the delta function. This provides a natural model for extended particles in physics. In C^n, interpreted as complex spacetime, D(z) acts as a propagator generating solutions of the wave equation from their initial values. This gives a new connection between elliptic and hyperbolic equations that does not assume analyticity of the Cauchy data. Generalized to Clifford analysis, it induces a similar connection between solutions of elliptic and hyperbolic Dirac equations. There is a natural application to the time-dependent, inhomogeneous Dirac and Maxwell equations, and the `electromagnetic wavelets' introduced previously are an example.Comment: 25 pages, submited to Proceedings of 5th Intern. Conf. on Clifford Algebras, Ixtapa, June 24 - July 4, 199

    Pitfalls of Professionalism? Military Academies and Coup Risk

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    Military academies tend to be strongly linked to the professionalization of the armed forces. This explains why many countries in the world have created such institutions. The following article studies a potential negative externality stemming from military schools: increased coup risk. We argue that military academies may create, inculcate, and strengthen cohesive views that could conflict with incumbent policies, and that these schools establish networks among military officers that may facilitate coordination necessary for plotting a putsch. We also contend and empirically demonstrate that these negative side effects of military academies are in particular pronounced in nondemocracies, that is, military academies have diverse effects across regime types. This work has significant implications for our understanding civil–military relations. Furthermore, we contribute to the literature on military education and professionalization, as we suggest that military academies are important vehicles through which coups can emerge predominantly in authoritarian states

    A five-year perspective on the situation of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and status of the hantavirus reservoirs in Europe, 2005-2010

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    Hantavirus infections are reported from many countries in Europe and with highly variable annual case numbers. In 2010, more than 2,000 human cases were reported in Germany, and numbers above the baseline have also been registered in other European countries. Depending on the virus type human infections are characterised by mild to severe forms of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. The member laboratories of the European Network for diagnostics of Imported Viral Diseases present here an overview of the progression of human cases in the period from 2005 to 2010. Further we provide an update on the available diagnostic methods and endemic regions in their countries, with an emphasis on occurring virus types and reservoirs

    Human Rights in the Context of Environmental Conservation on the US-Mexico Border

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    At Cabeza Priesta National Wildlife Refuge, a wilderness area on the US-Mexico border in Arizona, conflicting policies permit the provision of supplementary water for wildlife but not for undocumented immigrants passing through the area. Federal refuge environmental policy prioritizes active management of endangered and threatened species. Vast systems of water resources have been developed to support wildlife conservation in this extremely hot and dry environment. At the same time, humanitarian groups are not allowed to supply water to undocumented border crossers in the park. Human border-crossers must utilize non-potable wildlife water guzzlers for survival and face risk of illness or death by dehydration. This article analyzes human rights via an ethnographic lens. From this perspective, water policy at the wildlife refuge brings into question the value of human life in a border conservation context, especially for those entering the site illegally

    Racism and hate speech – A critique of Scanlon’s Contractual Theory

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    The First Amendment is an important value in American liberal polity. Under this value, racism, hate speech and offensive speech are protected speech. This article scrutinizes one of the clear representatives of the American liberal polity - Thomas Scanlon. The paper tracks the developments in his theory over the years. It is argued that Scanlon’s arguments downplay tangible harm that speech might inflict on its target victim audience. Scanlon’s distinction between participant interests, audience interests, and the interests of bystanders is put under close scrutiny. The article criticizes viewpoint neutrality and suggests a balancing approach, further arguing that democracy is required to develop protective mechanisms against harm-facilitating speech as well as profound offences. Both should be taken most seriously

    Impact of Obesity on Pediatric Acute Recurrent and Chronic Pancreatitis

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the impact of obesity on pediatric acute recurrent pancreatitis or chronic pancreatitis (CP). METHODS: We determined body mass index (BMI) status at enrollment in INSPPIRE (INternational Study group of Pediatric Pancreatitis: In search for a cuRE) cohort using CDC criteria for pediatric-specific BMI percentiles. We used the Cochran-Armitage test to assess trends and the Jonckheere-Terpstra test to determine associations. RESULTS: Of 446 subjects (acute recurrent pancreatitis, n = 241; CP, n = 205), 22 were underweight, 258 normal weight, 75 overweight, and 91 were obese. The BMI groups were similar in sex, race, and age at presentation. Hypertriglyceridemia was more common in overweight or obese. Obese children were less likely to have CP and more likely to have acute inflammation on imaging. Compared with children with normal weight, obese or overweight children were older at first acute pancreatitis episode and diagnosed with CP at an older age. Obese or overweight children were less likely to undergo medical or endoscopic treatment, develop exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and require total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation. Diabetes was similar among all groups. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity or overweight seems to delay the initial acute pancreatitis episode and diagnosis of CP compared with normal weight or underweight. The impact of obesity on pediatric CP progression and severity deserves further study
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