977 research outputs found

    A method for characterization of coherent backgrounds in real time and its application in gravitational wave data analysis

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    Many experiments, and in particular gravitational wave detectors, produce continuous streams of data whose frequency representations contain discrete, relatively narrowband coherent features at high amplitude. We discuss the application of digital Fourier transforms (DFTs) to characterization of these features, hereafter frequently referred to as lines. Application of DFTs to continuously produced time domain data are achieved through an algorithm hereafter referred to as EFC for efficient time-domain determination of the Fourier coefficients of a data set. We first define EFC and discuss parameters relating to the algorithm that determine its properties and action on the data. In gravitational wave interferometers, these lines are commonly due to parasitic sources of coherent background interference coupling into the instrument. Using GEO 600 data, we next demonstrate that time domain subtraction of lines can proceed without detrimental effects either on features at frequencies separated from that of the subtracted line, or on features at the frequency of the line but having different stationarity properties.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Accepted by Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Robust vetoes for gravitational-wave burst triggers using known instrumental couplings

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    The search for signatures of transient, unmodelled gravitational-wave (GW) bursts in the data of ground-based interferometric detectors typically uses `excess-power' search methods. One of the most challenging problems in the burst-data-analysis is to distinguish between actual GW bursts and spurious noise transients that trigger the detection algorithms. In this paper, we present a unique and robust strategy to `veto' the instrumental glitches. This method makes use of the phenomenological understanding of the coupling of different detector sub-systems to the main detector output. The main idea behind this method is that the noise at the detector output (channel H) can be projected into two orthogonal directions in the Fourier space -- along, and orthogonal to, the direction in which the noise in an instrumental channel X would couple into H. If a noise transient in the detector output originates from channel X, it leaves the statistics of the noise-component of H orthogonal to X unchanged, which can be verified by a statistical hypothesis testing. This strategy is demonstrated by doing software injections in simulated Gaussian noise. We also formulate a less-rigorous, but computationally inexpensive alternative to the above method. Here, the parameters of the triggers in channel X are compared to the parameters of the triggers in channel H to see whether a trigger in channel H can be `explained' by a trigger in channel X and the measured transfer function.Comment: 14 Pages, 8 Figures, To appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Physical instrumental vetoes for gravitational-wave burst triggers

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    We present a robust strategy to \emph{veto} certain classes of instrumental glitches that appear at the output of interferometric gravitational-wave (GW) detectors.This veto method is `physical' in the sense that, in order to veto a burst trigger, we make use of our knowledge of the coupling of different detector subsystems to the main detector output. The main idea behind this method is that the noise in an instrumental channel X can be \emph{transferred} to the detector output (channel H) using the \emph{transfer function} from X to H, provided the noise coupling is \emph{linear} and the transfer function is \emph{unique}. If a non-stationarity in channel H is causally related to one in channel X, the two have to be consistent with the transfer function. We formulate two methods for testing the consistency between the burst triggers in channel X and channel H. One method makes use of the \emph{null-stream} constructed from channel H and the \emph{transferred} channel X, and the second involves cross-correlating the two. We demonstrate the efficiency of the veto by `injecting' instrumental glitches in the hardware of the GEO 600 detector. The \emph{veto safety} is demonstrated by performing GW-like hardware injections. We also show an example application of this method using 5 days of data from the fifth science run of GEO 600. The method is found to have very high veto efficiency with a very low accidental veto rate.Comment: Minor changes, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Bayesian parameter estimation in the second LISA Pathfinder Mock Data Challenge

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    A main scientific output of the LISA Pathfinder mission is to provide a noise model that can be extended to the future gravitational wave observatory, LISA. The success of the mission depends thus upon a deep understanding of the instrument, especially the ability to correctly determine the parameters of the underlying noise model. In this work we estimate the parameters of a simplified model of the LISA Technology Package (LTP) instrument. We describe the LTP by means of a closed-loop model that is used to generate the data, both injected signals and noise. Then, parameters are estimated using a Bayesian framework and it is shown that this method reaches the optimal attainable error, the Cramer-Rao bound. We also address an important issue for the mission: how to efficiently combine the results of different experiments to obtain a unique set of parameters describing the instrument.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Calibration of the LIGO displacement actuators via laser frequency modulation

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    We present a frequency modulation technique for calibration of the displacement actuators of the LIGO 4-km-long interferometric gravitational-wave detectors. With the interferometer locked in a single-arm configuration, we modulate the frequency of the laser light, creating an effective length variation that we calibrate by measuring the amplitude of the frequency modulation. By simultaneously driving the voice coil actuators that control the length of the arm cavity, we calibrate the voice coil actuation coefficient with an estimated 1-sigma uncertainty of less than one percent. This technique enables a force-free, single-step actuator calibration using a displacement fiducial that is fundamentally different from those employed in other calibration methods.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Postprocessing subtraction of tilt-To-length noise in LISA

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    Is cardiac surgery warranted in children with Down syndrome? A case-controlled review

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    Objectives. To compare children with Down syndrome and children without Down syndrome and investigate whether there is a significant difference in the burden that is placed on the health care system between these two groups only in respect of the repair of congenital heart disease at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa. Design. This study is a retrospective case control review. Setting. Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa.Subjects. The sample group of 50 Down syndrome children who had received cardiac surgery between January 1998 and June 2003 was compared with a control group of 50 nonsyndromic children who had received cardiac surgery during the same period. Outcome measures. Sex and diagnoses (cardiac and noncardiac), number of days spent in hospital and in ICU, complication rates, re-operation rates, early mortality rates, planned further cardiac surgery. Costs of these outcomes were not quantified in exact monetary terms. Results. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of the burden that was placed on the health care system. Similar complication rates, re-operation rates and early mortality rates were recorded for both groups. The Down syndrome group appeared to benefit more from cardiac surgery than the non-Down syndrome group. Conclusion. Denying cardiac surgery to children with Down syndrome does not improve the efficiency of resource allocation. It is therefore not reasonable to suggest that the problem of scarce resources can be ameliorated by discriminating against children with Down syndrome

    Accurate calibration of test mass displacement in the LIGO interferometers

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    We describe three fundamentally different methods we have applied to calibrate the test mass displacement actuators to search for systematic errors in the calibration of the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors. The actuation frequencies tested range from 90 Hz to 1 kHz and the actuation amplitudes range from 1e-6 m to 1e-18 m. For each of the four test mass actuators measured, the weighted mean coefficient over all frequencies for each technique deviates from the average actuation coefficient for all three techniques by less than 4%. This result indicates that systematic errors in the calibration of the responses of the LIGO detectors to differential length variations are within the stated uncertainties.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted on 31 October 2009 to Classical and Quantum Gravity for the proceedings of 8th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Wave

    DC-readout of a signal-recycled gravitational wave detector

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    All first-generation large-scale gravitational wave detectors are operated at the dark fringe and use a heterodyne readout employing radio frequency (RF) modulation-demodulation techniques. However, the experience in the currently running interferometers reveals several problems connected with a heterodyne readout, of which phase noise of the RF modulation is the most serious one. A homodyne detection scheme (DC-readout), using the highly stabilized and filtered carrier light as local oscillator for the readout, is considered to be a favourable alternative. Recently a DC-readout scheme was implemented on the GEO 600 detector. We describe the results of first measurements and give a comparison of the performance achieved with homodyne and heterodyne readout. The implications of the combined use of DC-readout and signal-recycling are considered.Comment: 11 page

    Photon pressure induced test mass deformation in gravitational-wave detectors

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    A widely used assumption within the gravitational-wave community has so far been that a test mass acts like a rigid body for frequencies in the detection band, i.e. for frequencies far below the first internal resonance. In this article we demonstrate that localized forces, applied for example by a photon pressure actuator, can result in a non-negligible elastic deformation of the test masses. For a photon pressure actuator setup used in the gravitational wave detector GEO600 we measured that this effect modifies the standard response function by 10% at 1 kHz and about 100% at 2.5 kHz
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