572 research outputs found

    Irony, Revenge, and the Naqba in Yehuda Amichai’s Early Work

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    This article offers a materialist reading of the poetry of Yehuda Amichai, the most well-known Israeli poet outside Israel. The article explores the political role of irony in Amichai’s early work, situating him as a prominent member of the “State Generation” poetry. Challenging accepted readings, the essay argues that Amichai’s poems that deal with the 1948 war, should be read as a post-traumatic response, which uses irony and rich and bold metaphorical devices to distance itself from the horrors of the war, and therefore also form the political and ethical meanings of the Naqba. That Amichai’s poetry translates the language of horror to that of love involves an extreme depoliticization, which accounts for its popularity in Israel and worldwide. The reification of intimate love by Amichai neutralizes any possibility for resistance. This a-political stance is a result of Amicai’s writing of universalistic civic poetry, which made it possible for him to neutralize the war poet’s need to bear responsibility for the Palestinian Naqba (in which many Palestinians fled Palestine, or were deported from it), which made Israel a state with a Jewish majority. The neutralization of the literary (and political) opposition between the language of Israeli citizenship and the language of nationhood in Israel, which could include Palestinians, is a powerful too of oppression. However, Amichai ignores the fact that the unethical results of the 1948 war still inhere in the Israeli state’s refusal to grant equal citizenship rights to all Palestinians, by recognizing their right of return. This essays discussion of Amichai’s novel deals with the way in which Jewish sovereignty is constructed in the novel. The novel exposes this sovereignty’s founding after the war, through linguistic representations of the power that turns illegitimate the desire to exact revenge on the Germans, which exists outside the law of the Israeli sovereign

    “Nobody speaking his native language:” The Problem of the Post-Western in Contemporary American Cinema

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    This senior thesis has two major purposes: One, to investigate and critique how experts characterize contemporary American post-westerns, second, to demonstrate, and suggest a more inclusive perspective through an analysis of Jim Jarmusch`s Dead Man (1996).Experts from the fields of film and American studies claim that there is a new phase in the genre’s development where post-western films move away from the conventions of the old, racist westerns. Accomplished authors have suggested that these films do not rely on the mythical west or on the regionalist culture but examine the west closely to determine the ways in which it differs from the representations and themes of the classical western. However, the films do not challenge the systematic misrepresentation of the crimes committed against Native Americans during the westward expansion which means that the films have not fully moved away from the old westerns. This cinematic perspective sickens the American conscience through the national narrative, as these films explore the early days of U.S. history. Nevertheless, Jim Jarmusch\u27s Dead Man provides a new, much fuller perspective on the west, and faces the genocidal forces that America has thus far avoided within the western genre. Dead Man is a revisionist western that can help the genre to evolve even further, to include Native Americans and the truth of their history

    The structure and composition statistics of 6A binary and ternary crystalline materials

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    The fundamental principles underlying the arrangement of elements into solid compounds with an enormous variety of crystal structures are still largely unknown. This study presents a general overview of the structure types appearing in an important subset of the solid compounds, i.e., binary and ternary compounds of the 6A column oxides, sulfides and selenides. It contains an analysis of these compounds, including the prevalence of various structure types, their symmetry properties, compositions, stoichiometries and unit cell sizes. It is found that these compound families include preferred stoichiometries and structure types that may reflect both their specific chemistry and research bias in the available empirical data. Identification of non-overlapping gaps and missing stoichiometries in these structure populations may be used as guidance in the search for new materials.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Capacidad de potencia reactiva optimizada de las haciendas eólicas usando el cambiador tap de los transformadores

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    Descargue el texto completo en el repositorio institucional de la Universidade Estadual de Campinas: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12733/1639832Con los recientes avances en electrónica de potencia para turbinas eólicas, las plantas de energía eólica (WPP) se han convertido en activos valiosos para el soporte de energía reactiva de sistemas de energía a granel. En este trabajo, presentamos una metodología para optimizar la capacidad de potencia reactiva del WPP vista desde el punto de acoplamiento común (PCC). Con este fin, la metodología propuesta determina la configuración de los transformadores de cambio de tomas dentro del WPP que maximiza la cantidad de potencia reactiva que el WPP puede consumir o inyectar en la red, considerando niveles inciertos de generación de energía eólica y magnitud de voltaje en el PCC. El problema de la capacidad de potencia reactiva optimizada (ORPC) se formula inicialmente como un modelo de programación no lineal de enteros mixtos (MINLP). Luego, se utiliza un conjunto de técnicas de linealización eficientes para obtener un modelo de programación lineal de enteros mixtos (MILP) que se puede resolver mediante solucionadores de programación matemática disponibles en el mercado. Los resultados demuestran que el modelo MILP propuesto es un método escalable, flexible y preciso para maximizar la capacidad de potencia reactiva de WPP como se ve desde el PCC.With the recent advancements in power electronics for wind turbines, wind power plants (WPPs) have become valuable assets for reactive power support of bulk power systems. In this paper, we present a methodology to optimize the WPP's reactive power capability as seen from the point of common coupling (PCC). To this end, the proposed methodology determines the configuration of the tap-changing transformers within the WPP that maximizes the amount of reactive power the WPP can either consume or inject into the network, considering uncertain levels of wind power generation and voltage magnitude at the PCC. The optimized reactive power capability (ORPC) problem is initially formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model. Then, a set of efficient linearization techniques are used to obtain a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model that can be solved via off-the-shelf mathematical programming solvers. The results demonstrate that the proposed MILP model is a scalable, flexible and accurate method to maximize the reactive power capability of WPP as seen from the PCC.Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes

    How does a city law firm deal with leadership development?

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    Leadership capability is acknowledged as a critical success factor for most businesses. Traditionally, law firms have not accorded this significance to leadership and its development. This has been because of the nature of law firms as professional service firms, with their emphasis on individual autonomy, and a sole practitioner mentality on the part of lawyers. Over the last fifteen years, the legal industry in the United Kingdom has witnessed a dramatic growth in size, revenue and profitability of a small number of law firms. More recently, leadership capability has been acknowledged as having played a critical role in achieving their success. Leadership in these firms has been compared to that in corporate organizations and regarded as contributing to the corporatisation of law firms and undermining the autonomy of partners in particular. This is an exploratory study to investigate how a City law firm addresses the issue of leadership development. The research problem addressed is: How does a City law firm deal with leadership development? This is a study in the fields of leadership, leadership development and organizational development with particular reference to professional service firms. It has been acknowledged as the first systematic research on leadership development in the legal industry. Seven research questions were developed from the literature. These provided a focus for data collection. The single case study methodology was used to provide an in-depth investigation and information rich data. Data was gathered from the five strategic business units of the firm, which constituted five embedded sub-cases, thereby providing the advantages of multiple case study methodology. In-depth interviews were conducted with six members of each division, chosen by means of purposive sampling to provide investigation at six levels in accordance with organizational role and level of qualification as lawyers. The research design was based on the established procedures and quality controls of qualitative and case study methodology within the critical realism paradigm. Analysis was based primarily on cross-case analysis and pattern matching for the purpose of analytic generalization about the research issues. Because of the significance of the role played by experiential and organizational learning in leadership development the iterative learning cycle is used to map and report the progress of the investigation itself, thereby constituting the study as one in experiential and organizational learning. Overall, the findings challenge much of the existing literature on law firm management. They also challenge some of the existing literature on change in law firms based on quantitative research. The major contribution of the study is the discovery of how lawyers perceive the impact of change on their business and profession, what skills and abilities they perceive as essential for effective leadership in a law firm now, how partners in particular see their own roles in these contexts, and how lawyers suggest leadership capability should be developed. The study makes an additional contribution by developing a model to understand how the interplay of individual perceptions of change, leadership and one's own role affects the development of the firm. This model could be used to analyse the interplay of these perceptions and how these can be modified in implementing change. Directions for further research are proposed

    The Church of Economics: 'Capital and its Crisis', a Book by Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan (כנסיית בתי הספר לכלכלה: בעקבות הספר 'ההון ושברו' מאת שמשון ביכלר ויהונתן ניצן)

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    FROM THE REVIEW: שמשון ביכלר ויהונתן ניצן פרסמו באחרונה את ספרם "ההון ושברו" (פרדס, 2022, 602 עמ'), בו הם דנים במשותף בתהפוכות כלכליות ותיאורטיות עדכניות. הספר ראה אור כעשרים שנה לאחר שספרם "מרווחי מלחמה לדיווידנדים של שלום" הכה גלים בחוגים הביקורתיים בישראל. בעשרים השנים האחרונות פרסמו ביכלר וניצן כמה ספרים ועשרות מאמרים באנגלית. בין השאר, ייסדו באוניברסיטת יורק בטורונטו אסכולה כלכלית חדשה, אשר עוררה דיונים סוערים בקרב כלכלנים ברחבי העולם. למרות ששורשי המחקר האמפירי של ביכלר וניצן נטועים בכלכלה הישראלית , בישראל דווקא לא שמעו על מחקרם. הספר החדש בעברית הוא אפוא קריאת חובה עבור כלכלנים ביקורתיים. מדובר בספר מאתגר לקריאה. סגנון הכתיבה הציני ואף הלעגני של ביכלר וניצן לא מתחנף לקוראים. כדי להבין את הספר נדרשת מידה ניכרת של צניעות וסבלנות, וגם גישה נכונה – יש לקרוא אותו כרומן בלשי .הספר אינו מספק תשובה לתעלומה, אלא מלמד את מלאכת הבילוש. באמצעות 82 תרשימים המבטאים מחקר אמפירי בן עשורים, מזמין הספר את הקורא לפענח את נתוני הכלכלה ולהסיק מסקנות בעצמו. מחציתו הראשונה של הספר היא ביקורת נוקבת על תיאוריות כלכליות קיימות. קריאת 300 העמודים הראשונים תבטיח לכל סטודנט לכלכלה בישראל ציון 100 בכל קורס מבוא (את המתמטיקה והסטטיסטיקה עליו ללמוד בכל זאת). זאת בתנאי שיצליח להתגבר על תחושת הקבס העולה כאשר מורדת המסיכה מפניה של הכלכלה הניאו-קלסית השמרנית. קוראים שמאליים ייהנו מאוד מהביקורת על הכלכלה השמרנית, אך גם להם צפויה הפתעה לא נעימה: הספר מפנה ביקורת גם כלפי הכלכלה המרקסיסטית, ומנסה להפריך ביסודיות את עיקריה. גם כאן משתמש הספר באותה דקדקנות מדעית, אך גם צינית ולעגנית, שבעזרתה הוא מבקר את הכלכלה הניאו-קלאסית. חלקו השני של הספר מציג תיאוריה כלכלית מורכבת, הבנויה על כלכלה פוליטית מוסדית מבית מדרשו של תורסטין ובלן. נוסף לכך, שזורים בו ניתוחים מרקסיסטים של סוויזי, קלצקי, ברן ועוד רבים. התיאוריה נבנית בהדרגה בעזרת ניתוח כלכלי-פוליטי של נתונים אמפיריים. בדרך מוצעים כלים לניתוח ואף חיזוי מגמות כלכליות. ביכלר וניצן חוקרים את ההון ככוח. הם מנתחים את המבנה והתפקוד של תאגידי הענק, הממשלות וציבור המשקיעים העשירים. הספר חושף את האסטרטגיות של השחקנים הגדולים והחזקים ביותר בכלכלה העולמית – הם מתחרים זה בזה, אך גם משתפים פעולה; הם מייצרים ציות וכניעות בקרב הציבור הרחב, אך מוכנים להסתכן בהתרת הרסן כדי להתמודד עם משברים

    Solid Waste Management at Florida Technological University

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    This paper is a report on a study of the management of solid wastes at Florida Technological University (FTU). This study endeavors to provide a basis for effective planning for disposal of FTU\u27s solid wastes, both in the next few years and at the time of maximum FTU population. Essentially, the study affirms that the present system of refuse collection by a private contractor is the best method of disposal, with the possibility that recycling of mixed paper may become feasible at some future time

    Herramientas digitales y rendimiento académico en los estudiantes en una institución educativa secundaria Ayabaca, 2023

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    La presente investigación denominada: Herramientas digitales y rendimiento académico en los estudiantes en una institución educativa secundaria Ayabaca, 2023, tuvo como objetico principal determinar la relación que existe entre las Herramientas digitales y rendimiento académico en los estudiantes en una institución educativa secundaria Ayabaca. La metodología empleada para la investigación fue un enfoque cuantitativo, tipo básica, diseño no experimental de corte transversal y nivel correlacional. La población estuvo constituida por 193 estudiantes de una institución educativa de Ayabaca, cuya muestra calculada resultó 133 estudiantes, los cuales fueron elegidos para la aplicación de los instrumentos mediante el muestreo probabilístico. Los cuestionarios estuvieron constituidos por 30 ítems para la variable herramientas digitales y por 27 ítems para la variable rendimiento académico a través de la escala de Likert, así mismo la confiabilidad para herramientas digitales y rendimiento académico fue de 0.867 y 0.833 respectivamente según el alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el p-valor es 0,000 y el estadístico Rho de Spearman r= 0,300 lo cual indica que la relación es directa, con lo cual se concluye que la relación entre herramientas digitales y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de una institución educativa de Ayabaca es directa y poco significativa