2,408 research outputs found

    Crystallography on Curved Surfaces

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    We study static and dynamical properties that distinguish two dimensional crystals constrained to lie on a curved substrate from their flat space counterparts. A generic mechanism of dislocation unbinding in the presence of varying Gaussian curvature is presented in the context of a model surface amenable to full analytical treatment. We find that glide diffusion of isolated dislocations is suppressed by a binding potential of purely geometrical origin. Finally, the energetics and biased diffusion dynamics of point defects such as vacancies and interstitials is explained in terms of their geometric potential.Comment: 12 Pages, 8 Figure

    Avoided Antiferromagnetic Order and Quantum Critical Point in CeCoIn5_5

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    We measured specific heat and resistivity of heavy fermion CeCoIn5 between the superconducting critical field Hc2=5TH_{c2} = 5 T and 9 T, with field in the [001] direction, and at temperatures down to 50mK. At 5T the data show Non Fermi Liquid behavior down to the lowest temperatures. At field above 8T the data exhibit crossover from the Fermi liquid to a Non Fermi Liquid behavior. We analyzed the scaling properties of the specific heat, and compared both resistivity and the specific heat with the predictions of a spin-fluctuation theory. Our analysis leads us to suggest that the NFL behavior is due to incipient antiferromagnetism (AF) in CeCoIn5, with the quantum critical point in the vicinity of the Hc2H_{c2}. Below Hc2H_{c2} the AF phase which competes with the paramagnetic ground state is superseded by the superconducting transition.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Politische Dimensionen von Militärübungen und Manövern – ein Projektbericht

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    Die virtuellen Kriege und Operationen, die in Militärübungen gespielt und geprobt werden, können entweder der Abschreckung dienen oder aber Angriffe vorbereiten bzw. zur Maskierung tatsächlicher Angriffe dienen. Für Beobachter ist es vielfach nicht offensichtlich, um welche Art von Militärübung es sich handelt. Die Ergebnisse eines vierjährigen internationalen Projektes zu politischen Dimensionen von Militärübungen richten das Schlaglicht insbesondere auf Missverständnisse und deren ungewollte politische Auswirkungen, die im Extremfall unbeabsichtigt zum Krieg führen können

    TRACI-XL, the test cooling system for the CBM Silicon Tracking System

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data processing

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    The available and optimal methods for generating SAR imagery for NASA applications were identified. The SAR image quality and data processing requirements associated with these applications were studied. Mathematical operations and algorithms required to process sensor data into SAR imagery were defined. The architecture of SAR image formation processors was discussed, and technology necessary to implement the SAR data processors used in both general purpose and dedicated imaging systems was addressed

    Green's function for a Schroedinger operator and some related summation formulas

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    Summation formulas are obtained for products of associated Lagurre polynomials by means of the Green's function K for the Hamiltonian H = -{d^2\over dx^2} + x^2 + Ax^{-2}, A > 0. K is constructed by an application of a Mercer type theorem that arises in connection with integral equations. The new approach introduced in this paper may be useful for the construction of wider classes of generating function.Comment: 14 page

    3,4-Dehydroproline Inhibits Cell Wall Assembly and Cell Division in Tobacco Protoplasts

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