179 research outputs found

    Predictive Guidance Control for Autonomous Kites with Input Delay

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    In this paper we consider the design of a model predictive guidance controller in a cascaded control scheme for an autonomous kite with significant input delay. The input rate of the guidance is bounded to ensure robust performance of the underlying tracking controller. This is achieved by analysisng the limitations of the tracking controller arising from model parameter uncertainty and input delay. The delay is accounted for in the control design by predicting the values of the feedback variables ahead of time based on the past inputs and the system models. To account for changing operating conditions the model parameters are updated online. The proposed method has been tested in a real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation study

    Modeling, identification, estimation and adaptation for the control of power-generating kites

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    Large-scale kites, flying high-force crosswind trajectories, have been proposed for wind power generation. A two phase operational cycle generates net positive power using a ground-based motor/generator. In the traction phase the kite flies a high-force trajectory while reeling out the generator-connected tethers. A low-force retraction phase reels in the tethers and returns the kite to the start of the cycle. Highly variable conditions and significant uncertainty in the dynamics pose challenges to autonomous, well-controlled flight. The control task is divided into trajectory generation and tracking components and the most uncertain parameters in the model are identified online. The control structure uses these parameters in a robust framework resulting in an experimentally verified adaptive control scheme

    Emergence and Global Spread of a Dengue Serotype 3, Subtype III Virus

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    Over the past two decades, dengue virus serotype 3 (DENV-3) has caused unexpected epidemics of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Sri Lanka, East Africa, and Latin America. We used a phylogenetic approach to evaluate the roles of virus evolution and transport in the emergence of these outbreaks. Isolates from these geographically distant epidemics are closely related and belong to DENV-3, subtype III, which originated in the Indian subcontinent. The emergence of DHF in Sri Lanka in 1989 correlated with the appearance there of a new DENV-3, subtype III variant. This variant likely spread from the Indian subcontinent into Africa in the 1980s and from Africa into Latin America in the mid-1990s. DENV-3, subtype III isolates from mild and severe disease outbreaks formed genetically distinct groups, which suggests a role for viral genetics in DHF

    Theater im Gespräch

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    Conversation in the theatrical break is traditionally associated with the ideal of a public which, inspired by the previous stage experience, rhetorically skillfully communicates about aesthetic and socio-political issues. On the other hand, it is assumed from a critical perspective that such conversations primarily served social distinction, with a banal content. This study empirically reconstructs the practices characteristic of such situations between art communication and recreation, sociability and informal learning on a conversational basis

    Spatial divergence in the proportions of genes encoding toxic peptide synthesis among populations of the cyanobacterium Planktothrix in European lakes

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    It has been frequently reported that seasonal changes in toxin production by cyanobacteria are due to changes in the proportion of toxic/nontoxic genotypes in parallel to increases or decreases in population density during the seasonal cycle of bloom formation. In order to find out whether there is a relationship between the proportion of genes encoding toxic peptide synthesis and population density of Planktothrix spp. we compared the proportion of three gene regions that are indicative of the synthesis of the toxic heptapeptide microcystin (mcyB), and the bioactive peptides aeruginoside (aerB) and anabaenopeptin (apnC) in samples from 23 lakes of five European countries (n=153). The mcyB, aerB, and apnC genes occurred in 99%, 99%, and 97% of the samples, respectively, and on average comprised 60 ± 3%, 22 ± 2%, and 54 ± 4% of the total population, respectively. Although the populations differed widely in abundance (10−3–103 mm3 L−1) no dependence of the proportion of the mcyB, aerB, and apnC genes on the density of the total population was found. In contrast populations differed significantly in their average mcyB, aerB, and apnC gene proportions, with no change between prebloom and bloom conditions. These results emphasize stable population-specific differences in mcyB, aerB, and apnC proportions that are independent from seasonal influences

    2nd International External Quality Control Assessment for the Molecular Diagnosis of Dengue Infections

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    Dengue viruses (DENV) are the most widespread arthropod-borne viruses which have shown an unexpected geographic expansion, as well as an increase in the number and severity of outbreaks in the last decades. In this context, the accurate diagnosis and reliable surveillance of dengue infections are essential. The laboratory diagnosis of dengue relies on the use of several methods detecting markers of DENV infection present in patient serum. Molecular diagnosis methods are usually rapid, sensitive, and simple when correctly standardized. Moreover, PCR-based diagnosis techniques are able to readily detect DENV during the acute phase of the disease and may assume an important role in dengue diagnosis and surveillance. Different reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) methods have been developed and are currently available and should be standardized in each laboratory to maintain high quality performance. In this work an External quality assessment (EQA) activity has been carried out to evaluate the accuracy and quality of laboratory data for the molecular diagnosis and surveillance of dengue, which involved worldwide dengue reference laboratories. In conclusion, RT-PCR techniques for dengue diagnosis applied by the participating laboratories demonstrated the need of further improvement in most laboratories

    Klotho Lacks a Vitamin D Independent Physiological Role in Glucose Homeostasis, Bone Turnover, and Steady-State PTH Secretion In Vivo

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    Apart from its function as co-receptor for fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF23), Klotho is thought to regulate insulin signaling, intracellular oxidative stress, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion in an FGF23 independent fashion. Here, we crossed Klotho deficient (Kl−/−) mice with vitamin D receptor (VDR) mutant mice to examine further vitamin D independent functions of Klotho. All mice were fed a rescue diet enriched with calcium, phosphorus, and lactose to prevent hyperparathyroidism in VDR mutants, and were killed at 4 weeks of age after double fluorochrome labeling. Kl−/− mice displayed hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, dwarfism, organ atrophy, azotemia, pulmonary emphysema, and osteomalacia. In addition, glucose and insulin tolerance tests revealed hypoglycemia and profoundly increased peripheral insulin sensitivity in Kl−/− mice. Compound mutants were normocalcemic and normophosphatemic, did not show premature aging or organ atrophy, and were phenocopies of VDR mutant mice in terms of body weight, bone mineral density, bone metabolism, serum calcium, serum phosphate, serum PTH, gene expression in parathyroid glands, as well as urinary calcium and phosphate excretion. Furthermore, ablation of vitamin D signaling in double mutants completely normalized glucose and insulin tolerance, indicating that Klotho has no vitamin D independent effects on insulin signaling. Histomorphometry of pancreas islets showed similar beta cell volume per body weight in all groups of animals. In conclusion, our findings cast doubt on a physiologically relevant vitamin D and Fgf23 independent function of Klotho in the regulation of glucose metabolism, bone turnover, and steady-state PTH secretion in vivo

    Dengue Incidence in Urban and Rural Cambodia: Results from Population-Based Active Fever Surveillance, 2006–2008

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    Dengue is a major public health problem in South-East Asia. Several dengue vaccine candidates are now in late-stage development and are being evaluated in clinical trials. Accurate estimates of true dengue disease burden will become an important factor in the public-health decision-making process for endemic countries once safe and effective vaccines become available. However, estimates of the true disease incidence are difficult to make, because national surveillance systems suffer from disease under-recognition and reporting. Dengue is mainly reported among children, and in some countries, such as Cambodia, the national case definition only includes hospitalized children. This study used active, community-based surveillance of febrile illness coupled with laboratory testing for DENV infection to identify cases of dengue fever in rural and urban populations. We found a high burden of dengue in young children and late adolescents in both rural and urban communities at a magnitude greater than previously described. The study also confirmed the previously observed focal nature of dengue virus transmission