708 research outputs found

    Live Load Distribution Factors and UHPC Shear Key Performance of SCDOT NEXT-D Beam

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    Several of the adjacent precast concrete bridge girders (APCBG) that the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) currently use experience shear key cracking within their intended design lives. This leads to a decrease in the transverse load sharing capabilities of these sections. Shear key cracking also leads to reflective cracks developing on the bridge deck, which allows water and other corrosive agents access to the girder reinforcement. APCBGs are often used by SCDOT for short to medium span, accelerated bridge construction (ABC) applications. Thus, SCDOT teamed up with Clemson University (CU) to seek an APCBG section that does not lead to the deficiencies the solid core, voided slab, and other APCBG sections currently used by SCODT experience. Northeast Extreme Tee (NEXT-D) girders were considered as a viable replacement to the currently used APCBG sections, and were implemented on the Hanging Rock Creek Bridge (HRB). The NEXT-D girder has proven to be successful in other states since it was first utilized in Maine in 2007. Its, wide, full depth shear key provides a robust transverse connection between the girders and its geometry makes inspection of the girder easier for state DOT officials. Additionally, utilities may be attached to the girder without sacrificing vertical clearance and it has been employed in ABC applications. The SCDOT/CU research team studied the NEXT-D girder span on the HRB to evaluate its performance. Live load tests were conducted on the HRB NEXT-D span to evaluate the transverse load distribution and shear key durability of the NEXT-D girders. Additionally a live load test was conducted on the solid span to evaluate the shear key durability of the solid core girders. Another purpose of the tests was to determine which (if any) of the AASHTO LRFD standard bridge sections should be considered when calculating moment distribution factors (DFM). The NEXT-D and solid core girders in the test bridge have a 40 foot span length and utilize ultra-high performance concrete as the girder shear key fill. The live load tests consisted of crawling (\u3c 5 mph) loaded dump trucks at several transverse locations across the tested bridge spans while simultaneously measuring bending strain, shear strain, and relative horizontal displacements in the girders. From this data, experimental interior and exterior girder moment distribution factors (DFM) were calculated for both one and two lanes loaded and compared to code-calculated DFMs, shear key deterioration (or lake thereof) was evaluated, and shear strains due to shear forces and torsion were evaluated for calculating experimental shear distribution factors. The live load test results indicate that the solid core girder shear keys crack sooner than the NEXT-D girder shear keys under similar load conditions and that AASHTO LRFD section typology “k” be used when code-calculating moment distribution factors for NEXT-D girders. Finally, the live load test results suggest that strain transducer rosettes be used on either side of each girder web to calculate experimental shear distribution factors

    The role of Christian schools in secondary education

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University N.B.: No title page, Pagination error: pg. i

    S5E3: Can physics help combat COVID-19?

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    Numerous medical professionals, biologists and other experts have been combating COVID-19 and the havoc it has wrought since the pandemic began. Physicists have also joined the fray, including one from the University of Maine. The invention of a new microscope allows Sam Hess, a professor of physics at UMaine, to obtain new insight into the structure of the virus that causes COVID-19 — SARS-COV-2 — and the influenza virus. These findings could help pave the way for effective treatments. In this episode of “The Maine Question,” Hess discusses the development of this breakthrough in microscope technology and his decades-long quest to aid in the fight against these deadly diseases

    The Chain Store License Tax and the Fourteenth Amendment

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    Méthode d'analyse interlocutoire de la progression de la pensée conceptuelle en philosophie pour enfants

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    Identifier la progression de la pensée, dans la pratique et l’apprentissage du philosopher, constitue une préoccupation inhérente à toute application méthodologique en philosophie pour enfants. Du point de vue de la méthode, tout d’abord, celle-ci exige pour sa validité constitutive de reposer sur une structure paradigmatique autant fondatrice qu’apte à garantir son essence même, soit son applicabilité. L’exigence théorétique et l’exigence pratique s’appellent donc mutuellement pour fonder la nécessité d’un instrument d’identification de la progression de la pensée, qui soit imprégné autant d’une conception dynamique du penser que d’une conception pratique de l’apprendre à penser. Le conflit dialectique permet de structurer cette progression. Il est au coeur autant des fondements lipmanniens de philosophie pour enfants que dans ceux du socioconstructivisme, tout en étant indissociable de toute linguistique pragmatique. Cette position paradigmatique fédératrice en fait le domaine privilégié de la constitution d’un instrument qui soit à mène de rendre compte d’une progression de la pensée dans le processus d’apprentissage de la communauté de recherche. À partir de là, il devient envisageable d’entreprendre la mise en place d’un cadre tant méthodologique que conceptuel qui conçoit le conflit dialectique en solidarité avec la pensée dialectique elle-même, qui se dévoile aporétique. L’apprentissage du penser est ainsi mis en résonance avec l’exercice du penser, lui-même rendu par le langage en communauté interlocutoire. L’analyse interlocutoire de la progression de la pensée conceptuelle en philosophie pour enfants peut donc, sur cette base, permettre la constitution d’une méthode qui, si elle est schématisée formellement, peut être en mesure d’assumer la cohésion fondée par le conflit dialectique. La schématisation d’une progression dialectique apparaît ainsi comme un instrument permettant l’identification du processus constitutif de la pensée conceptuelle. Cette schématisation se compose d’un système de cotation signalant les dénominateurs communs constituant la possibilité même de la pensée : l’un et le multiple, l’identique et le différent, le relatif et l’absolu et enfin la partie et le tout. Ce premier volet présente cet instrument schématique, tout d’abord en exposant son processus constitutif, puis en déroulant son protocole opératoire, pour terminer sur un exemple d’application. Il préfigure une application plus généralisée qui viserait une méthodologie satisfaisant davantage la solidarité de ses exigences fondatrices.Any methodological application in the field of philosophy for children implies a study of the progression of thinking processes and practical learning capacities that result from the program. A valid method must be based on sound paradigmatic structures in order to be applicable in practice. It is an essential concept of both Lipman’s theories of philosophy for children and of socio-constructivism in general, that it is dialectical conflict that enables progression in thinking and learning. A tool that can chart this movement in terms of pragmatic linguistics is an essential element in accounting for the progression of thinking in the learning process in the community of inquiry. The tool also needs to be able to chart the dialectical processes of dialogical thinking, and to recognize and record the use of common denominators of thinking—that is, the one and the many, identity and difference, the relative and the absolute, and part and whole. This first draft of such a tool describes the schematics according to which it was constructed, lists its operative procedures, and concludes with an example of its application.Identificar la progresión del pensar, dentro de la práctica y del aprendizaje del filosofar, constituye una preocupación inherente a toda aplicación metodológica en el campo de la filosofía para niños. Primeramente, desde el punto de vista del método, se exige para su validad constitutiva que se apoye sobre estructuras paradigmáticas fundadoras que sean capaces de garantizar su propia esencia, esto es, su aplicabilidad. Las exigencias teórica y práctica se integran para demandar juntas un instrumento que identifique el progreso del proceso de pensamiento, que sea impregnado tanto de una concepción dinámica del pensar, cuanto de una concepción práctica del aprender a pensar. El conflicto dialéctico permite estructurar esta progresión. Esa parte es esencial, tanto de los fundamentos de Lipman de filosofía para niños, cuanto del socio-constructivismo: ambos son inseparables de la lingüística pragmática. Esa postura pragmática federal hace de ese conflicto el elemento privilegiado de la construcción de un instrumento que sea capaz de crear un registro del progreso del pensar en el proceso de aprendizaje en la comunidad de investigación. A partir de allí, se vuelve posible concebir una estructura tanto metodológica cuanto conceptual que considere el conflicto dialéctico en solidaridad con el propio pensamiento dialéctico, que se muestra aporético. El aprendizaje del pensar es, por lo tanto, puesto en resonancia con el ejercicio del pensar, este mismo producido por el lenguaje en la comunidad de interlocución. El análisis del progreso del pensar conceptual en el diálogo en filosofía para niños puede, entonces, sobre esta base, permitir la construcción de un método que, si es esquematizado formalmente, puede ser apropiado para asumir la cohesión fundada por el conflicto dialéctico. La esquematización de una progresión dialéctica aparece, por lo tanto, como un instrumento que permite la identificación del proceso constitutivo del pensar conceptual. Esa esquematización se compone de un sistema de cotación que señala los denominadores comunes que constituyen la posibilidad misma del pensar : el uno y lo múltiple, la identidad y la diferencia, lo relativo y lo absoluto y, en fin, la parte y el todo. Este primer borrador presenta ese instrumento de manera esquemática, primero exponiendo sus procesos constitutivos, después desarrollando su protocolo operacional, y, finalmente, termina con un ejemplo de aplicación. Prefigura una aplicación más generalizada que apunte a una metodología que de cuenta de la solidaridad de sus exigencias fundadoras.Identificar a progressão do pensar, dentro da prática e da aprendizagem do filosofar, constitui uma preocupação inerente a toda aplicação metodológica no campo da filosofia para crianças. Primeiramente, do ponto de vista do método, é exigido para sua validade constitutiva basear-se sobre estruturas paradigmáticas fundadoras que sejam capazes de garantir sua essência mesma, isto é, sua aplicabilidade. As exigências teórica e prática integram-se para demandar juntas um instrumento que identifique o progresso do processo de pensamento, que seja impregnado tanto de uma concepção dinâmica do pensar, quanto de uma concepção prática do aprender a pensar. O conflito dialético permite estruturar esta progressão. Ele é parte essencial tanto dos fundamentos de Lipman do ensino de filosofia para crianças, quanto do socioconstrutivismo, ambos são indissociáveis da lingüística pragmática. Essa postura pragmática federal faz desse conflito o elemento privilegiado da construção de um instrumento que seja capaz de criar uma contagem do progresso do pensar no processo de aprendizagem na comunidade de investigação. A partir disso, torna-se possível conceber uma estrutura tanto metodológica quanto conceitual que considere o conflito dialético em solidariedade com o próprio pensamento dialético, que se revela aporético. A aprendizagem do pensar é, portanto, colocada em ressonância com o exercício do pensar, este mesmo produzido pela linguagem na comunidade de interlocução. A análise interlocutória do progresso do pensar conceitual na filosofia para crianças pode, então, sobre esta base, permitir a construção de um método que, se é esquematizado formalmente, pode ser apropriado para assumir a coesão fundada pelo conflito dialético. A esquematização de uma progressão dialética aparece, portanto, como um instrumento que permite a identificação do processo constitutivo do pensar conceitual. Essa esquematização se compõe de um sistema de cotação que sinaliza os denominadores comuns que constituem a possibilidade mesma do pensar : o uno e o múltiplo, a identidade e a diferença, o relativo e o absoluto e, enfim, a parte e o todo. Este primeiro postigo apresenta esse instrumento esquemático, primeiramente expondo seus processos constitutivos, depois desenvolvendo seu protocolo operacional, e, por fim, termina com um exemplo de aplicação. Ele prefigura uma aplicação mais generalizada que aponte uma metodologia que satisfaça a solidariedade de suas exigências fundadoras

    Fabrication of ballistic suspended graphene with local-gating

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    Herein we discuss the fabrication of ballistic suspended graphene nanostructures supplemented with local gating. Using in-situ current annealing, we show that exceptional high mobilities can be obtained in these devices. A detailed description is given of the fabrication of bottom and different top-gate structures, which enable the realization of complex graphene structures. We have studied the basic building block, the p-n junction in detail, where a striking oscillating pattern was observed, which can be traced back to Fabry-Perot oscillations that are localized in the electronic cavities formed by the local gates. Finally we show some examples how the method can be extended to incorporate multi-terminal junctions or shaped graphene. The structures discussed here enable the access to electron-optics experiments in ballistic graphene

    A Conceptual replication of the differential price framing effect in the field

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    Across a series of 10 laboratory and online studies, Allard, Hardisty, and Griffin (2019) demonstrated an increased preference for premium, higher-priced products over standard products when consumers were presented with the additional cost of the higher-priced option (i.e., differential price framing; e.g., “for 20more”)ratherthanwithitstotalprice(i.e.,inclusivepriceframing;e.g.,“for20 more”) rather than with its total price (i.e., inclusive price framing; e.g., “for 60 total”); a phenomenon referred to as the differential price framing effect. In this paper, we conceptually replicate this effect in a field experiment that focuses on the application of a differential price framing strategy to a specific product format; namely, multipacks of identical products. Consistent with the differential price framing effect, the present study shows—based on 45,626 add-to-cart events and 30,426 completed product purchases on an online retailer’s website—that the choice shares of higher-priced options increase when a differential price framing strategy is used. However, compared to non-consequential add-to-cart activities, this bias is considerably less pronounced in actual purchase patterns

    Proteomic characterization of thiazolidinedione regulation of obese adipose secretome in Zucker obese rats

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    Signaling molecules released by adipose tissue have been implicated in inflammation, adipocyte dysfunction and systemic insulin resistance. In this study, we used 2-D LC-MS/MS and quantitative proteomics approaches to characterize the obese adipose secretory proteins that are responsive to the thiazolidinediones class of PPAR-Îł agonizts. We first showed the differential secretion profiling between obese and lean adipose tissue; 87 proteins were detected from the conditioned medium of adipose tissue of Zucker obese rats compared with 31 from lean rats. A total of 57 proteins comprising immune factors, inflammatory molecules, collagens, proteases, and extracellular matrix proteins were detected from obese, but not lean adipose tissue. More importantly, a quantitative proteomics approach using ^(18)O proteolytic labeling allowed quantification of the difference in the secretion levels of 77 proteins, and thiazolidinediones treatment suppressed the secretion of most of the obese adipose tissue secretome, thus resembling a lean tissue. We have demonstrated an application of identifying the obese adipose secretome and characterizing the regulation of adipose secretion in obesity and insulin resistance. Our data provide the first evidence of changes in adipose secretion in obesity at a global level and show that such changes are correlated with systemic insulin resistance
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