49 research outputs found

    Ensemble creation and reconfiguration for activity recognition: An information theoretic approach.

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    Technological advances in sensing and portable computing devices and wireless communication has lead to an increase in the number and variety of sensing enabled devices (e.g. smartphones or sensing garments). Pervasive computing and activity recognition systems should be able to take advantage of these sensors, even if they are not always available, or appear during the system operation. These sensors can be integrated into an ensemble where information from each sensor is then fused to obtain the system decisions. There is therefore a need for mechanisms to select which sensors should compose the ensemble, as well as techniques for dynamically reconfigure the ensemble so as to integrate new sensors. From the machine learning point of view, this approach corresponds to the combination of classifiers where measures of the accuracy and diversity of the ensemble are used to select the elements that may lead to the highest performance. Recent works have proposed measures of accuracy and diversity based on an information theoretical approach. In this paper we study the use of these measures for selecting ensembles in activity recognition based on body sensor networks. In addition to compare the obtained performance with traditional diversity measures (e.g., Q-, Îş-statistics) we also present mechanisms to exploit these measures for the dynamic reconfiguration of the ensemble and detection of changes in the network (e.g. due to sensor noise or malfunction)

    On-line anomaly detection and resilience in classifier ensembles

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    Detection of anomalies is a broad field of study, which is applied in different areas such as data monitoring, navigation, and pattern recognition. In this paper we propose two measures to detect anomalous behaviors in an ensemble of classifiers by monitoring their decisions; one based on Mahalanobis distance and another based on information theory. These approaches are useful when an ensemble of classifiers is used and a decision is made by ordinary classifier fusion methods, while each classifier is devoted to monitor part of the environment. Upon detection of anomalous classifiers we propose a strategy that attempts to minimize adverse effects of faulty classifiers by excluding them from the ensemble. We applied this method to an artificial dataset and sensor-based human activity datasets, with different sensor configurations and two types of noise (additive and rotational on inertial sensors). We compared our method with two other well-known approaches, generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) and One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM), which detect anomalies at data/feature level. We found that our method is comparable with GLR and OCSVM. The advantages of our method compared to them is that it avoids monitoring raw data or features and only takes into account the decisions that are made by their classifiers, therefore it is independent of sensor modality and nature of anomaly. On the other hand, we found that OCSVM is very sensitive to the chosen parameters and furthermore in different types of anomalies it may react differently. In this paper we discuss the application domains which benefit from our method

    A hybrid BCI based on the fusion of EEG and EMG activities

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    Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) are representing a recent approach to develop practical BCIs. In such a system disabled users are able to use all their remaining functionalities as control possibilities in parallel with the BCI. Sometimes these people have residual activity of their muscles. Therefore, in the presented hybrid BCI framework we want to explore the parallel usage of electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) activity, whereby the control abilities of both channels are fused. Results showed that the participants could achieve a good control of their hybrid BCI independently of their level of muscular fatigue. Thereby the multimodal fusion approach of muscular and brain activity yielded better and more stable performance compared to the single conditions. Even in the case of an increasing muscular fatigue a good control (moderate and graceful degradation of the performance compared to the non-fatigued case) and a smooth handover could be achieved. Therefore, such systems allow the users a very reliable hybrid BCI control although they are getting more and more exhausted or fatigued during the day

    The Opportunity challenge: A benchmark database for on-body sensor-based activity recognition

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    There is a growing interest on using ambient and wearable sensors for human activity recognition, fostered by several application domains and wider availability of sensing technologies. This has triggered increasing attention on the development of robust machine learning techniques that exploits multimodal sensor setups. However, unlike other applications, there are no established benchmarking problems for this field. As a matter of fact, methods are usually tested on custom datasets acquired in very specific experimental setups. Furthermore, data is seldom shared between different groups. Our goal is to address this issue by introducing a versatile human activity dataset recorded in a sensor-rich environment. This database was the basis of an open challenge on activity recognition. We report here the outcome of this challenge, as well as baseline performance using different classification techniques. We expect this benchmarking database will motivate other researchers to replicate and outperform the presented results, thus contributing to further advances in the state-of-the-art of activity recognition methods

    Benchmarking classification techniques using the Opportunity human activity dataset

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    Human activity recognition is a thriving research field. There are lots of studies in different sub-areas of activity recognition proposing different methods. However, unlike other applications, there is lack of established benchmarking problems for activity recognition. Typically, each research group tests and reports the performance of their algorithms on their own datasets using experimental setups specially conceived for that specific purpose. In this work, we introduce a versatile human activity dataset conceived to fill that void. We illustrate its use by presenting comparative results of different classification techniques, and discuss about several metrics that can be used to assess their performance. Being an initial benchmarking, we expect that the possibility to replicate and outperform the presented results will contribute to further advances in state-of-the-art methods

    Activity Recognition in Opportunistic Sensor Environments

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    OPPORTUNITY is project under the EU FET-Open funding1 in which we develop mobile systems to recognize human activity in dynamically varying sensor setups. The system autonomously discovers available sensors around the user and self-configures to recognize desired activities. It reconfigures itself as the environment changes, and encompasses principles supporting autonomous operation in open-ended environments. OPPORTUNITY mainstreams ambient intelligence and improves user acceptance by relaxing constraints on body-worn sensor characteristics, and eases the deployment in real-world environments. We summarize key achievements of the project so far. The project outcomes are robust activity recognition systems. This may enable smarter activity-aware energy-management in buildings, and advanced activity-aware health assistants