296 research outputs found

    "Wenn man vom Teufel spricht..."

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit deutsch- und ungarischsprachigen Phraseologismen (Redensarten, Sprichwörtern), die mit dem Teufel zu tun haben bzw. in denen vom Teufel die Rede ist. Das Ziel dabei war, die phraseologischen BestĂ€nde auf dieses Thema hin in beiden Sprachen zu untersuchen, möglichst viele AusdrĂŒcke und Wendungen zu sammeln und anschließend miteinander zu vergleichen. Der Ausgangspunkt dieser kontrastiven Studie bezog sich sowohl auf die sprachlichen als auch die kulturgeschichtlichen HintergrĂŒnde. Die Arbeit besteht aus drei Hauptteilen. Im ersten Teil finden wir eine sprachwissenschaftliche EinfĂŒhrung in das Thema Phraseologie. Der zweite Teil befasst sich mit dem Teufel, von mehreren Standpunkten aus betrachtet (theologische, historisch, sprachwissenschaftlich). Der letzte Teil beinhaltet die Sammlung von 119 deutschen und ungarischen Phraseologismen mit dem Teufel, die im heutigen Sprachgebrauch immer noch aktuell sind

    Inhibition of the photoinduced structural phase transition in the excitonic insulator Ta2_2NiSe5_5

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    Femtosecond time-resolved mid-infrared reflectivity is used to investigate the electron and phonon dynamics occurring at the direct band gap of the excitonic insulator Ta2_2NiSe5_5 below the critical temperature of its structural phase transition. We find that the phonon dynamics show a strong coupling to the excitation of free carriers at the \Gamma\ point of the Brillouin zone. The optical response saturates at a critical excitation fluence FC=0.30 ± 0.08F_C = 0.30~\pm~0.08~mJ/cm2^2 due to optical absorption saturation. This limits the optical excitation density in Ta2_2NiSe5_5 so that the system cannot be pumped sufficiently strongly to undergo the structural change to the high-temperature phase. We thereby demonstrate that Ta2_2NiSe5_5 exhibits a blocking mechanism when pumped in the near-infrared regime, preventing a nonthermal structural phase transition

    Expression and regulation of the neutral amino acid transporter B0AT1 in rat small intestine

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    Absorption of neutral amino acids across the luminal membrane of intestinal enterocytes is mediated by the broad neutral amino acid transporter B0AT1 (SLC6A19). Its intestinal expression depends on co-expression of the membrane-anchored peptidase angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and is additionally enhanced by aminopeptidase N (CD13). We investigated in this study the expression of B0AT1 and its auxiliary peptidases as well as its transport function along the rat small intestine. Additionally, we tested its possible short- and long-term regulation by dietary proteins and amino acids. We showed by immunofluorescence that B0AT1, ACE2 and CD13 co-localize on the luminal membrane of small intestinal villi and by Western blotting that their protein expression increases in distal direction. Furthermore, we observed an elevated transport activity of the neutral amino acid L-isoleucine during the nocturnal active phase compared to the inactive one. Gastric emptying was delayed by intragastric application of an amino acid cocktail but we observed no acute dietary regulation of B0AT1 protein expression and L-isoleucine transport. Investigation of the chronic dietary regulation of B0AT1, ACE2 and CD13 by different diets revealed an increased B0AT1 protein expression under amino acid-supplemented diet in the proximal section but not in the distal one and for ACE2 protein expression a reverse localization of the effect. Dietary regulation for CD13 protein expression was not as distinct as for the two other proteins. Ring uptake experiments showed a tendency for increased L-isoleucine uptake under amino acid-supplemented diet and in vivo L-isoleucine absorption was more efficient under high protein and amino acid-supplemented diet. Additionally, plasma levels of branched-chain amino acids were elevated under high protein and amino acid diet. Taken together, our experiments did not reveal an acute amino acid-induced regulation of B0AT1 but revealed a chronic dietary adaptation mainly restricted to the proximal segment of the small intestine

    Ultrafast Electronic Band Gap Control in an Excitonic Insulator

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    We report on the nonequilibrium dynamics of the electronic structure of the layered semiconductor Ta2_2NiSe5_5 investigated by time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. We show that below the critical excitation density of FC=0.2F_{C} = 0.2 mJ cm−2^{-2}, the band gap narrowsnarrows transiently, while it is enhancedenhanced above FCF_{C}. Hartree-Fock calculations reveal that this effect can be explained by the presence of the low-temperature excitonic insulator phase of Ta2_2NiSe5_5, whose order parameter is connected to the gap size. This work demonstrates the ability to manipulate the band gap of Ta2_2NiSe5_5 with light on the femtosecond time scale

    Instantaneous band gap collapse in photoexcited monoclinic VO2_2 due to photocarrier doping

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    Using femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy we demonstrate that photoexcitation transforms monoclinic VO2_2 quasi-instantaneously into a metal. Thereby, we exclude an 80 femtosecond structural bottleneck for the photoinduced electronic phase transition of VO2_2. First-principles many-body perturbation theory calculations reveal a high sensitivity of the VO2_2 bandgap to variations of the dynamically screened Coulomb interaction, supporting a fully electronically driven isostructral insulator-to-metal transition. We thus conclude that the ultrafast band structure renormalization is caused by photoexcitation of carriers from localized V 3d valence states, strongly changing the screening \emph{before} significant hot-carrier relaxation or ionic motion has occurred

    Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Consequences on Neurobiological, Psychosocial, and Somatic Conditions Across the Lifespan

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    Introduction: Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) such as sexual and physical abuse or neglect are frequent in childhood and constitute a massive stressor with long-lasting adverse effects on the brain, mental and physical health.The aim of this qualitative review is to present a concise overview of the present literature on the impact of ACE on neurobiology, mental and somatic health in later adulthood.Methods: The authors reviewed the existing literature on the impact of ACE on neurobiology, mental and somatic health in later adulthood and summarized the results for a concise qualitative overview.Results: In adulthood, the history of ACE can result in complex clinical profiles with several co-occurring mental and somatic disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, borderline personality disorder, obesity and diabetes. Although a general stress effect in the development of the disorders and neural alterations can be assumed, the role of type and timing of ACE is of particular interest in terms of prevention and treatment of ACE-related mental and somatic conditions. It has been suggested that during certain vulnerable developmental phases the risk for subsequent ACE-related disorders is increased. Moreover, emerging evidence points to sensitive periods and specificity of ACE-subtypes in the development of neurobiological alterations, e.g., volumetric and functional changes in the amygdala and hippocampus.Conclusion: Longitudinal studies are needed to investigate complex ACE-related characteristics and mechanisms relevant for mental and somatic disorders by integrating state of the art knowledge and methods. By identifying and validating psychosocial and somatic risk factors and diagnostic markers one might improve the development of innovative somatic and psychological treatment options for individuals suffering from ACE-related disorders

    Voluntary undergraduate technical skills training course to prepare students for clerkship assignment: tutees’ and tutors’ perspectives

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    BACKGROUND: Skills lab training has become a widespread tool in medical education, and nowadays, skills labs are ubiquitous among medical faculties across the world. An increasingly prevalent didactic approach in skills lab teaching is peer-assisted learning (PAL), which has been shown to be not only effective, but can be considered to be on a par with faculty staff-led training. The aim of the study is to determine whether voluntary preclinical skills teaching by peer tutors is a feasible method for preparing medical students for effective workplace learning in clerkships and to investigate both tutees’ and tutors’ attitudes towards such an intervention. METHODS: A voluntary clerkship preparation skills course was designed and delivered. N = 135 pre-clinical medical students visited the training sessions. N = 10 tutors were trained as skills-lab peer tutors. Voluntary clerkship preparation skills courses as well as tutor training were evaluated by acceptance ratings and pre-post self-assessment ratings. Furthermore, qualitative analyses of skills lab tutors’ attitudes towards the course were conducted following principles of grounded theory. RESULTS: Results show that a voluntary clerkship preparation skills course is in high demand, is highly accepted and leads to significant changes in self-assessment ratings. Regarding qualitative analysis of tutor statements, clerkship preparation skills courses were considered to be a helpful and necessary asset to preclinical medical education, which benefits from the tutors’ own clerkship experiences and a high standardization of training. Tutor training is also highly accepted and regarded as an indispensable tool for peer tutors. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that the demand for voluntary competence-oriented clerkship preparation is high, and a peer tutor-led skills course as well as tutor training is well accepted. The focused didactic approach for tutor training is perceived to be effective in preparing tutors for their teaching activity in this context. A prospective study design would be needed to substantiate the results objectively and confirm the effectiveness

    Das Puppeninterview zur Erfassung subjektiver Krankheitsannahmen krebskranker Kinder

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    Hintergrund Subjektive Krankheitsannahmen beinhalten Annahmen ĂŒber Symptome, emotionale Reaktionen, Verlauf, Konsequenzen und Kontrollierbarkeit einer Erkrankung. Aktuelle Studien zeigen, dass subjektive Krankheitsannahmen mit der Krankheitsverarbeitung und dem psychischen Wohlbefinden assoziiert sind. Bisher gibt es kein Erhebungsinstrument zur Befragung von Kindern, sodass hier oftmals nur der Bericht der Eltern verfĂŒgbar ist. Ziel der Arbeit Das Ziel ist die Entwicklung und psychometrische ÜberprĂŒfung eines Puppeninterviews zur altersgerechten Erfassung subjektiver Krankheitsannahmen fĂŒr Kinder ab 4 Jahren. Beschreibung von DurchfĂŒhrungsempfehlungen mit Indikation und Kontraindikation. Methode Das Puppeninterview zur Erfassung subjektiver Krankheitsannahmen wurde auf Grundlage des „Illness Perception Questionnaire“ (IPQ-R) und des „Berkeley Puppet Interviews“ entwickelt und an zwei Stichproben (n = 11 und n = 64) ĂŒberprĂŒft. Ergebnisse Die Anwendbarkeit, VerstĂ€ndlichkeit und NĂŒtzlichkeit des Puppeninterviews wurde fĂŒr die Akut- und Nachsorgephase gezeigt, wobei sich die Krankheitsannahmen je nach Krankheitsphase unterscheiden können. Es zeigten sich erwartungskonforme Interskalenkorrelationen im Puppeninterview (z. B. ChronizitĂ€t – Konsequenzen fĂŒr die LebensfĂŒhrung: r = 0,690, p ≀ 0,05), hypothesenkonforme Ergebnisse zur KonstruktvaliditĂ€t (z. B. ChronizitĂ€t – internale Kontrolle r = −0,711, p ≀ 0,05) und zufriedenstellende interne Konsistenzen. Mitunter besprachen die Kinder mit den Puppen mögliche BewĂ€ltigungsstrategien, was zu einer Entlastung beitrug. Schlussfolgerung Die EinschĂ€tzungen der Eltern können zukĂŒnftig durch eine zuverlĂ€ssige Erhebung von subjektiven Krankheitsannahmen bei Kindern ab 4 Jahren ergĂ€nzt werden, um medikamentöse und psychosoziale Interventionen gezielt anzupassen.Background Illness perceptions comprise assumptions about symptoms, timeline, consequences, controllability, and emotional responses of an illness. Recent evidence shows that illness perceptions are associated with coping and well-being. Until now, assessment is based on parental report only, since no instrument for the direct assessment of children is available. Objectives Development of a puppet interview for the age-appropriate assessment of illness perceptions in children up to the age of 4 years. Recommendations for the application (including indications and contraindications) and assessment of psychometric properties. Materials and methods The puppet interview was developed based on the Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) and the Berkeley Puppet Interview and examined in two samples of patient–parent dyads (n = 11 und n = 64). Results The puppet interview is applicable (comprehensible, useful) in acute treatment and follow-up care. Illness perceptions may vary in different treatment phases. We saw confirming intercorrelation of scales (chronicity – consequences: r = 0.690, p ≀ 0.05) and adequate psychometric properties (construct validity: chronicity – internal control: r = −0.711, p ≀ 0.05, internal consistency). Some children even discussed potential coping strategies with the puppets. Conclusion Parental report can be complemented by a self-report measure of illness perceptions in affected children aged 4 years and older. This will allow for the further adaptation of medical and psychosocial treatment

    International medical students’ expectations and worries at the beginning of their medical education: a qualitative focus group study

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    Background: The number of international students has increased substantially within the last decade. Due to cultural barriers, this specific group faces diverse challenges. In comparison to German colleagues, international medical students perform significantly lower in clinical examinations and exceed the average duration of study; they suffer from personal distress as well as insufficient support. Within the present study, their individual perspectives, expectations, hopes and fears were examined. Methods: Four focus groups with first-year international medical students (N = 16) were conducted in October 2013. Each 60- to 90-min discussion was audiotaped, transcribed and analysed using qualitative methods. Results: International medical students go abroad in search of good study-conditions. For the choice of place of study, affordability, social ties as well as an educational system following the achievement principle are decisive factors. While contact with German-students and other international students is seen as beneficial, international medical students are most concerned to encounter problems and social exclusion due to language deficits and intercultural differences. Conclusions: Facilitating the access to university places, the provision of financial aid and, moreover, social support, nurturing cultural integration, would greatly benefit international medical students. Hereby, the establishment of specific medical language courses as well as programs fostering intercultural-relations could prove to be valuable
