2,644 research outputs found

    Charge trapping in polymer transistors probed by terahertz spectroscopy and scanning probe potentiometry

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    Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and scanning probe potentiometry were used to investigate charge trapping in polymer field-effect transistors fabricated on a silicon gate. The hole density in the transistor channel was determined from the reduction in the transmitted terahertz radiation under an applied gate voltage. Prolonged device operation creates an exponential decay in the differential terahertz transmission, compatible with an increase in the density of trapped holes in the polymer channel. Taken in combination with scanning probe potentionmetry measurements, these results indicate that device degradation is largely a consequence of hole trapping, rather than of changes to the mobility of free holes in the polymer.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Lorentz angle measurements in irradiated silicon detectors between 77 K and 300 K

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    Future experiments are using silicon detectors in a high radiation environment and in high magnetic fields. The radiation tolerance of silicon improves by cooling it to temperatures below 180 K. At low temperatures the mobility increases, which leads to larger deflections of the charge carriers by the Lorentz force. A good knowledge of the Lorentz angle is needed for design and operation of silicon detectors. We present measurements of the Lorentz angle between 77 K and 300 K before and after irradiation with a primary beam of 21 MeV protons.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ICHEP2000, Osaka, Japa

    Measuring the equation of state of a hard-disc fluid

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    We use video microscopy to study a two-dimensional (2D) model fluid of charged colloidal particles suspended in water and compute the pressure from the measured particle configurations. Direct experimental control over the particle density by means of optical tweezers allows the precise measurement of pressure as a function of density. We compare our data with theoretical predictions for the equation of state, the pair-correlation function and the compressibility of a hard-disc fluid and find good agreement, both for the fluid and the solid phase. In particular the location of the transition point agrees well with results from Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in EPL, slightly corrected versio

    Interleukin-4 (IL-4) enhances and soluble interleukin-4 receptor (sIL-4R) inhibits histamine release from peripheral blood basophils and mast cells in vitro and in vivo

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the effect of interleukin-4 (IL-4) on allergen and anti-IgE mediated histamine release from basophils and human skin mast cells and to assess whether soluble recombinant interleukin-4 receptor (sIL4R) can inhibit these effects. Anti-IgE stimulated histamine release from peripheral blood basophils and mast cells of atopic donors was enhanced after preincubation with IL-4, whereas after preincubation with sIL-4R it was inhibited. These effects were even more pronounced when samples were stimulated with a clinically relevant allergen. In IL-4 preincubated skin mast cells, there was a similar enhancement of anti-IgE stimulated histamine release, which could again be inhibited by sIL-4R. The effects of IL-4 and sIL4R were dose- and time-dependent. Mice sensitized to ovalbumin and treated with soluble recombinant murine sIL-4R showed significantly reduced immediate-type cutaneous hypersensitivity responses compared with untreated mice. These in vivo effects were IgE independent, since there were no significant differences in total and allergen specific IgE/IgG1 antibody titres between treated and untreated mice. This indicates that IL4 exerts priming effects on histamine release by effector cells of the allergic response and that these effects are potently antagonized by soluble IL-4R both in vitro and in vivo

    Distances sets that are a shift of the integers and Fourier basis for planar convex sets

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    The aim of this paper is to prove that if a planar set AA has a difference set Δ(A)\Delta(A) satisfying Δ(A)⊂Z++s\Delta(A)\subset \Z^++s for suitable ss than AA has at most 3 elements. This result is motivated by the conjecture that the disk has not more than 3 orthogonal exponentials. Further, we prove that if AA is a set of exponentials mutually orthogonal with respect to any symmetric convex set KK in the plane with a smooth boundary and everywhere non-vanishing curvature, then # (A \cap {[-q,q]}^2) \leq C(K) q where C(K)C(K) is a constant depending only on KK. This extends and clarifies in the plane the result of Iosevich and Rudnev. As a corollary, we obtain the result from \cite{IKP01} and \cite{IKT01} that if KK is a centrally symmetric convex body with a smooth boundary and non-vanishing curvature, then L2(K)L^2(K) does not possess an orthogonal basis of exponentials

    Exciton bimolecular annihilation dynamics in supramolecular nanostructures of conjugated oligomers

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    We present femtosecond transient absorption measurements on π\pi-conjugated supramolecular assemblies in a high pump fluence regime. Oligo(\emph{p}-phenylenevinylene) monofunctionalized with ureido-\emph{s}-triazine (MOPV) self-assembles into chiral stacks in dodecane solution below 75∘^{\circ}C at a concentration of 4×10−44\times 10^{-4} M. We observe exciton bimolecular annihilation in MOPV stacks at high excitation fluence, indicated by the fluence-dependent decay of 111^1Bu_{u}-exciton spectral signatures, and by the sub-linear fluence dependence of time- and wavelength-integrated photoluminescence (PL) intensity. These two characteristics are much less pronounced in MOPV solution where the phase equilibrium is shifted significantly away from supramolecular assembly, slightly below the transition temperature. A mesoscopic rate-equation model is applied to extract the bimolecular annihilation rate constant from the excitation fluence dependence of transient absorption and PL signals. The results demonstrate that the bimolecular annihilation rate is very high with a square-root dependence in time. The exciton annihilation results from a combination of fast exciton diffusion and resonance energy transfer. The supramolecular nanostructures studied here have electronic properties that are intermediate between molecular aggregates and polymeric semiconductors

    A simple stochastic cellular automaton for synchronized traffic flow

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    We present a very simple stochastic traffic cellular automaton (CA) model to reproduce synchronized traffic. This model aims to be nearly as simple as the well-known Nagel–Schreckenberg model, but to overcome to shortcomings of the latter: The Nagel–Schreckenberg model (NaSch) and its variants achieve collision-free driving by explicitly allowing for unlimited braking capabilities. However, it is rather natural to view the collision-free traffic flow as a consequence of moderate driving instead of infinite braking capabilities. Therefore, our new CA model limits the vehicles’ acceleration and deceleration rates to realistic values. Moreover, our model is able to reproduce several important features of synchronized traffic flow. Earlier models achieve identical goals only by using relatively complicated rules of motion. Our model, however, introduces slight modifications of the easily comprehensible NaSch. These modifications lead to very stable states where all vehicles tend to synchronize their speed. Even though, or perhaps precisely because, the states of synchronized flow are stable in our model, it allows to study several features of this traffic phase in great detail
