370 research outputs found

    Plant protein gels as binders in meat product analogues

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    In response to concerns about the environmental, ethical, and health impacts of meat consumption, plant-based meat analogues have become an important development in the food industry. To obtain prodcts with similar texture and nutritional properties, three major components of meat products (fibrous meat particles, adipose tissue, and myofibrillar meat proteins) need to be replicated. Furthermore, different binding mechanisms, such as heat, acid, and enzyme induction, and drying, are used to create coherent matrices for plant-based meat analogues. In Chapter 2, the study focuses on the use of soy protein gels as binders, with a particular emphasis on a combination of transglutaminase (TG) induced gels. The results indicate that TG-induced soy protein gels offer promising binding strength for meat analogues. Chapter 3 explores a combination of TG and slowly acidifying glucono-delta-lactone (GDL) as a binder, showing that this approach results in acidic gels with enhanced textural properties, making it suitable for acidic meat analogue products like fermented sausages. Chapter 4 applies previously studied soy protein gels as binders for sausage analogues. The research indicates that the choice of binder content influences the cohesiveness and hardness of the sausage analogues, with drying having a significant impact on hardness. In Chapter 5, hydrated gluten is used as a binder, leading to increased cohesiveness and springiness with rising binder content. It emphasizes the importance of adhesive properties between the binder and other particles in achieving desirable meat analogue texture. Overall, the thesis underscores that plant protein suspensions can serve as effective binders for meat analogue products, provided they exhibit both sufficient hardening through network formation and adhesive properties to ensure cohesiveness. It also discusses various formulation and process-based approaches to modulate the texture of meat analogue products.Diskussionen über die ökologischen, ethischen und gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen des Fleischkonsums haben die Entwicklung von pflanzlichen Fleischersatzprodukten gefördert, die zu einem wichtigen Trend der Lebensmittelindustrie geworden sind. Um Produkte mit ähnlicher Textur und ähnlichen Ernährungseigenschaften zu erhalten, müssen drei Hauptbestandteile von Fleischprodukten (faserige Fleischpartikel, Fettgewebe und myofibrilläre Fleischproteine) nachgebildet werden. Außerdem werden verschiedene Bindungsmechanismen wie Hitze-, Säure- und Enzyminduktion sowie Trocknung eingesetzt, um eine kohärente Matrix für pflanzliche Fleischersatzprodukte zu schaffen. In Kapitel 2 konzentriert sich die Dissertation auf die Verwendung von Sojaprotein-Gelen als Bindemittel, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf einer Kombination von Transglutaminase (TG)-induzierten Gelen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass TG-induzierte Sojaprotein-Gele ein vielversprechender Binder für Fleischersatzprodukten sind. In Kapitel 3 wird eine Kombination aus TG und langsam säuerndem Glucono-delta-lacton (GDL) als Binder untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass dieser Ansatz zu Gelen bei saurem pH mit verbesserten texturellen Eigenschaften führt, wodurch er sich für gesäuerte Fleischersatzprodukte wie Rohwürste eignet. In Kapitel 4 werden die zuvor untersuchten TG-und GDL-induzierten Sojaprotein-Gele als Binder für pflanzliche Würste verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Wahl des Binderanteils die Kohäsion und die Festigkeit der pflanzlichen Würste beeinflusst, wobei die Trocknung einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Festigkeit hat. In Kapitel 5 wird hydratisiertes Gluten als Binder verwendet, was mit steigendem Binderanteil zu mehr Kohäsion und Elastizität führt. Es wird gezeigt, wie wichtig die Adhäsionseigenschaften zwischen Binder und anderen Partikeln sind, um die gewünschte fleischähnliche Textur zu erreichen. Insgesamt unterstreicht die Arbeit, dass pflanzliche Proteinsuspensionen als wirksame Binder für fleischanaloge Produkte dienen können, sofern sie sowohl eine ausreichende Festigkeit durch Netzwerkbildung als auch adhäsive Eigenschaften aufweisen, um den Zusammenhalt zu gewährleisten. Außerdem werden verschiedene formulierungs- und prozessbasierte Ansätze zur Modulation der Textur von Fleischersatzprodukten erörtert

    La descolonización de la universidad : una experiencia en el horizonte de la integración latinoamericana

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo compartilhar resultados da pesquisa Universidade, FormaçãoPolíticaeBemViver: EstudodosProjetosdeUniversidades EmergentesnoBrasil (2003-2014),umapesquisaqualitativa, construída coletivamente, envolvendodocentes ediscentesdegraduaçãoepós-graduação. Envolvequatrouniversidades emergentes: Universidade Federal da Integração Latino Americana (UNILA); Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia; Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul e Universidade Federal do Pampa. Compartilhamos aqui os achados relacionados a UNILA - uma experiência quepromovemovimentosdedescolonizaçãodauniversidade edoprocessoformativo. Direcionamos o foco às novas gramáticas, uma das ideias forças que surgiram da análisedas entrevistas.Trazemosfragmentosdas vozes como narrativasdomomento, percorremosdocumentos oficiais e umreferencialteórico objetivando ampliar e atualizar a proposta de integração diante do contexto atual. Consideramos como novas gramáticas:brechasdescoloniaisque contribuemcomaousadapropostade integração latino-americana, uma Ecologia de Saberes (Santos, 2019) em desdobramentos, articulando interculturalidade e interdisciplinaridade, em conexão com o bilinguismo. Uma proposta desafiadora que precisa ser fortalecida e atualizada constantemente, almejandouma formaçãopolítica emdireçãoaoBemViver(Eschenhagen, 2013) como caminho possível e necessário em direção à qualidade social.This paper hasthe objective ofsharing the results of the research named University, Political Education and Good Living: Study of Emerging Universitiesin Brazil (2003-2014), aqualitative research, collectivelybuilt, involvingundergraduate andgraduate students andteachers. It evolvesfour emerginguniversities: FederalUniversityof LatinAmerican Integration(UNILA); FederalUniversityof SouthernBahia; FederalUniversityof Southern Border and FederalUniversity of Pampa. Findingsrelated toUNILA are shared – an experience thatpromotesmovements ofdecolonizationoftheuniversity andoftraining process.One ofthe strengthsideasthathave emergedinthe analysis ofthe interviews are the New grammars which are the focus of the study. Fragments of the voices as narrativesofthemoment are considered, aswell asofficialdocuments anda theoretical framework, in order to broaden and update the integration proposal in face of the current context. New grammars are considered as decolonial gaps that contribute to the bold proposal of Latin America integration as an unfolding Ecology of Knowledge (Santos, 2019), articulating interculturalities and interdisciplinarities, in connection withbilingualism.Achallengingproposalthatneedstobe strengthenedandconstantly updated, aiming at a political education towards a“Good Living”(Eschenhagen, 2013) as a possible and necessary way to social qualityEste artículo tiene el objetivo de compartir losresultados de la investigación Universidad, Formación Política y Buen Vivir: Estudio de Proyectos deUniversidades Emergentes enBrasil(2003-2014),una investigación cualitativa, construida colectivamente, involucrando a profesores y estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado. Se desarrolla en cuatro universidades emergentes: Universidade Federal de Integração Latinoamericana (UNILA); la Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia; la Universidade Federal de Fronteira Sul y laUniversidade Federal do Pampa. Se comparten los hallazgos preliminaresrelacionados con la UNILA, una experiencia que promueve movimientos para la descolonización de la universidad y del proceso de formación. Una de las principales ideas que surgieron del análisis de las entrevistas son las nuevas gramáticas, tema central del estudio. Se toman en consideración fragmentos de voces como narrativas del momento,documentosoficiales yunmarcoteóricoconelobjetivode ampliar y actualizar la propuesta de integración en el contexto actual. Se consideran como nuevasgramáticas a las brechas descoloniales que aportan a la propuesta audaz de la integración latinoamericana, una Ecología del Conocimiento (Santos, 2019) en desarrollo, articulando interculturalidad e interdisciplinas, en conexión con el bilingüismo. Se trata de una propuesta desafiante que necesita ser constantemente fortalecida y actualizada, apuntando a una formación política hacia el Buen Vivir (Eschenhagen, 2013), como un camino posible y necesario para la calidad social.Cet article vise à partagerlesrésultats de la rechercheUniversité,formationpolitique et bien-vivre: étudedesprojetsd’universités émergentesauBrésil(2003-2014), une recherche qualitative, construite collectivement, impliquant des professeurs et des étudiants de premier cycle etdes cyclessupérieurs, impliquantquatreuniversités émergentes: l’Universidade Federal de Integração Latino-americana (UNILA); l’Universidade Federal do SuldaBahia; l’Universidade Federalda Fronteira Sul etl’Universidade FederaldoPampa. Lesrésultatspartagéssontliés à l’UNILA-uneexpériencequipromeutdesmouvements pourladécolonisationde l’université etduprocessusde formation.Unedesidéesprincipales qui a émergée de l’analyse des entretiens ont été les nouvelles grammaires, thème central de cette étude. Des fragments de voix en tant que récits du moment sontmis enreliefdans ce travail, ainsiquedesdocumentsofficiels etuncadre théorique visant à élargir et mettre à jourla proposition d’intégration dansle contexte actuel. Les nouvellesgrammairessont considérées commedes écartsdécoloniauxqui contribuent à la proposition audacieuse d’intégration latino-américaine, une écologie des savoirs (Santos, 2019) en développement, articulant l’interculturalité et l’interdisciplinarité, en lienavec lebilinguisme.Unepropositionstimulantequidoitêtreconstammentrenforcée et mise à jour, visant à une formation politique versle Bien Vivre (Eschenhagen, 2013), comme une voie possible et nécessaire versla qualité sociale

    O mercado de trabalho no Rio Grande do Sul e o Plano Real: principais evidências

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    O foco deste artigo são as mudanças que marcaram o mercado de trabalho no Rio Grande do Sul, no período de vigência do Programa de Estabilização Econômica — Plano Real —, tomando-se como referência o movimento dos principais indicadores do mercado de trabalho nacional. O período de análise inicia em 1993, ano que antecede o Plano Real, e finda em 2002, último ano para o qual se dispõe de informações da PNAD-IBGE, a fonte de dados utilizada no estudo. As principais evidências — aumento do contingente de trabalhadores em ocupações consideradas de vínculos precários, ampliação do desemprego, rendimentos médios reais em queda nos últimos anos do período, ritmo contido de expansão do nível de ocupação — apontam a deterioração das condições gerais do mercado de trabalho, o que foi mais duramente sentido no RS

    Os industriais gaúchos e a política salarial: "Por quem os sinos dobram"

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    This article studies the attitudes of the industrial bourgeoisie of Rio Grande do Sul towards the wage policies followed by the brazilian authoritarian government between 1964 and 1980. The analysis is based on a wider investigation, having as its main objective to achieve a better understanding of the specific characteristics of the attitudes of those entrepreneurs regarding state intervention on the determination of wage levels. The attitudes of the industrialists of São Paulo are taken as a basis for comparison. The main conclusion — derived from an analysis of statements and publication of the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul) - is that the local industrial bourgeoisie always supported state control of wage levels.This article studies the attitudes of the industrial bourgeoisie of Rio Grande do Sul towards the wage policies followed by the brazilian authoritarian government between 1964 and 1980. The analysis is based on a wider investigation, having as its main objective to achieve a better understanding of the specific characteristics of the attitudes of those entrepreneurs regarding state intervention on the determination of wage levels. The attitudes of the industrialists of São Paulo are taken as a basis for comparison. The main conclusion — derived from an analysis of statements and publication of the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul) - is that the local industrial bourgeoisie always supported state control of wage levels