23 research outputs found
Abstrak: Masa era new normal yang diterapkan selama pandemi covid 19 menuntut adanya penerapan protocol kesehatan di semua sector termasuk sector pariwisata. Homestay di desa wisata sebagai bagian dari sector pariwisata pun tidak luput dari penerapan protocol kesehatan yaitu penerapan Cleanliness, Healthy, Safety and Environment (CHSE). Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman CHSE kepada pengelola-pengelola homestay di Desa Wisata Mandiraja, kecamatan Moga Kabupaten Pemalang Jawa Tengah. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian diawali dengan survey awal dilanjukan dengan kegiatan Fokus Grup diskusi kemudian pelatihan terkait pengelolaan pengembangan dan penerapan CHSE dan diakhiri dengan monitoring langsung ke homestay-homestay yang telah diberi pelatihan. Hasil akhir dari kegiatan ini diperoleh bahwa 90% pengelola homestay yang tadinya kurang memahami adanya CHSE menjadi paham dan 100% menyatakan perlu adanya penerapan CHSE pada masa era new normal selama pandemi Covid 19 demi kenyamanan dan keselamatan wisatawan yang dating ke desanya. Abstract: The period of the new normal era which was implemented during the Covid 19 pandemic requires the application of health protocols in all sectors including the tourism sector. Homestay in tourist villages as part of the tourism sector must also implement a health protocol, namely the application of Cleanliness, Healthy, Safety and Environment (CHSE). The purpose of this community service activity is to provide an understanding of the CHSE to homestay managers in Mandiraja Tourism Village, Moga sub-district, Pemalang Regency, Central Java. The method of implementing the service begins with an initial survey followed by Focus Group discussion activities then training related to the management of the development and implementation of the CHSE and ends with direct monitoring to the homestays that have been given training. The final result of this activity was that most of the homestay managers who previously did not understand the CHSE became aware and 100% stated that there was a need to implement CHSE during the new normal era during the Covid 19 pandemic for the comfort and safety of tourists who came to their villages
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak program Penugasan Khusus Ekspor (PKE) Industri Kereta Api terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dengan menghitung besar nilai keterkaitan sektor tersebut dengan sektor yang lain dan efek multiplier sektor ekonomi tersebut terhadap produksi output, pendapatan, dan tenaga kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis input-output yang meliputi analisis derajat kepekaan, indeks daya penyebaran dan analisis keterkaitan antar sektor, dan menghitung efek multipliernya. Tabel input-output Indonesia yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tabel Tahun 2016 yang diklasifikasikan menjadi 14 sektor perekonomian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan sektor industri kereta api memberikan pengaruh positif dalam peningkatan output sektor lain yang menjadi input bagi sektor industri kereta api. Industri pengolahan, pertanian, kehutanan, perikanan, transportasi pergudangan, serta pertambangan dan penggalian merupakan sektor yang paling terpengaruh dengan adanya peningkatan output sektor industri kereta api.
Kata kunci: Analisis Input Output, Efek Multiplier, Industri Kereta Api, Keterkaitan Antar sektor, Penugasan Khusus Ekspor
Navigation and Guidance for Autonomous Quadcopter Drones Using Deep Learning on Indoor Corridors
Autonomous drones require accurate navigation and localization algorithms to carry out their duties. Outdoors drones can utilize GPS for navigation and localization systems. However, GPS is often unreliable or not available at all indoors. Therefore, in this research, an autonomous indoor drone navigation model was created using a deep learning algorithm, to assist drone navigation automatically, especially in indoor corridor areas. In this research, only the Caddx Ratel 2 FPV camera mounted on the drone was used as an input for the deep learning model to navigate the drone forward without a collision with the wall in the corridor. This research produces two deep learning models, namely, a rotational model to overcome a drone's orientation deviations with a loss of 0.0010 and a mean squared error of 0.0009, and a translation model to overcome a drone's translation deviation with a loss of 0.0140 and a mean squared error of 0.011. The implementation of the two models on autonomous drones reaches an NCR value of 0.2. The conclusion from the results obtained in this research is that the difference in resolution and FOV value in the actual image captured by the FPV camera on the drone with the image used for training the deep learning model results in a discrepancy in the output value during the implementation of the deep learning model on autonomous drones and produces low NCR implementation values
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan upaya pembudayaan karakter peduli sosial dan bersahabat pada anggota komunitas Deaf Volunteering Organization di Kota Surakarta. Studi ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan informan penelitian yang terdiri dari ketua, anggota komunitas, volunteer, orang tua, dan kelompok tunarungu. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi, untuk menguji validitas data digunakan dua validasi, yaitu triangulasi teknik dan sumber data, sedangkan analisis data menggunakan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunitas Deaf Volunteering Organization di Kota Surakarta dapat membudayakan karakter peduli sosial dan bersahabat pada anggota melalui Kelas Bahasa Indonesia, Iqra’, dan Makrab. Beberapa hambatan muncul diantaranya yaitu keterbatasan kemampuan Bahasa Isyarat antara anggota dan para tunarungu, serta konsistensi keterlibatan volunteer dalam berbagai kegiatan. Untuk mengatasi beberapa kendala tersebut, komunitas ini mengupayakan peningkatan kemampuan Bahasa Isyarat kepada para anggota dan volunteer. Berbagai program dalam komunitas Deaf Volunteering Organization berpeluang membudayakan karater peduli sosial dan bersahabat melalui interaksi dan keterlibatan langsung dengan para tunarungu
Quadcopter Take Off and Landing System with Blob Detection Method and Optical Flow
Quadcopter is a type of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) which is currently developing and very useful in various fields. With four motors as the main propulsion, the quadcopter has the ability to maneuver, take-off and land vertically in places that have limited space. However, in an autonomous system, the quadcopter is still difficult to operate, one of which is to keep it stable, when in a position where there is minimal GPS signal. Therefore, in this study, we will use the Blob detection method that uses the OpenCV library to determine the landing place and is assisted by an optical flow sensor, aiming to catch roll, pitch and yaw motions. The results of this study indicate that the accuracy of the lidar sensor as a height sensor with an accuracy of 82.16 % is more accurate above 30 cm, the results of distance accuracy for image processing successfully detect up to a height of 600 cm with a light intensity value of around 50-70 lux. optical flow, light intensity and altitude distance greatly affect the motion produced by the quadcopter, but it can still move stably at a minimum value of light intensity of approximately 300 lux at an altitude of 300 cm
Cross-sectoral role and community empowerment in controlling schistosomiasis in Indonesia
The role of cross-sectors in synergy with community empowerment in controlling schistosomiasis is a very effective model. Until mid-2017, the incidence rate of disease in humans in 28 endemic villages still ranged 0.00-2.15%. This research aims to evaluate schistosomiasis control activities that have been carried out across sectors based on a road map for schistosomiasis eradication and community empowerment in controlling schistosomiasis. The study was mixed method. Data were obtained by in-depth interview with key informants and evaluation of the results of cross-sectoral and community activities. The research was carried out in an endemic area for schistosomiasis on the Bada Plateau, Indonesia, from January to November 2019. In conclusion, the potential of cross-sector collaboration in controlling schistosomiasis has not been fully realized due to budget constraints. Community empowerment is carried out to eliminate snail foci, increase the scope of feces collection and change community behavior for the better in order to avoid infection and always try to clean up snail foci
Determinants of regional entrepreneurship development: empirical study of batik clusters in Indonesia
This study aims to identify the factors that trigger and inhibit regional entrepreneurship and the development of regional entrepreneurship networks in terms of the economic environment, cultural environment, regulatory environment, business environment, and support environment. Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics, where data were obtained from distributing questionnaires to 100 batik entrepreneurs in the Tegal batik cluster and the Klaten batik cluster. The results of this study indicate the factors that triggered regional entrepreneurship in the Tegal and Klaten batik clusters, including the desire to invest, the desire to be creative, the desire to have autonomy, the desire to have status, the desire to have wealth, and market opportunities. The factors that become obstacles to regional entrepreneurship in the Batik Tegal and Klaten Clusters are fierce of competition, risk and cost. The development of regional networks of entrepreneurship in the Tegal batik cluster is supported by the economic environment, regulatory environment, and business environment, while in the Klaten batik cluster, it is supported by the cultural environment, business environment, and support environment.Â
Perencanaan Sistem Pengereman Otomatis Sepeda Motor dengan Menggunakan Aktuator Rem Tromol
Sistem rem dari suatu kendaraan merupakan hal penting dalam sebuah sistem pengamanan maupun Kenyamanan dan mengendarai sepeda motor. Rem harus mampu mengurangi kecepatan atau menghentikan sepeda motor secara aman dalam kondisi ramai/macet maupun sepi. Dalam proses pengereman manual kesadaran kontrol otak mempunyai peranan penting untuk memberikan perintah pada tangan atau kaki untuk melakukan pengereman, oleh karena itu untuk melakukan proses pengereman otak harus dalam kondisi sadar (on controll) dan tidak dalam keadaan tidak sadar (out off controll). Untuk memperbaiki kekurangan pada sistem pengereman manual, perlu digunakan sistem pengereman otomatis. Pada sistem pengereman otomatis, sistem pengereman akan mengontrol jarak antara kendaraan bermotor pengguna rem otomatis dengan kendaraan bermotor yang ada di depannya. Sensor Fotoelektrik akan mengaktifkan motor listrik pengaktif rem apabila sensor telah mendeteksi jarak kritis tabrakan sejauh 0,5 meter. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kerja dari sistem pengereman otomatis pada sepeda motor, dan melakukan perancangan sistem pengereman otomatis pada sepeda.Dengan menggunakan pengereman otomatis diharapkan bisa mempermudah berkendara. Dan tingkat kecelakaan akibat kelalaian si pengemudi dapat di eliminir
Rancang Bangun Sistem Penyewaan Sepeda Listrik Dengan Pembayaran Menggunakan Qris Dan Monitoring Keamanan GPS Berbasis ESP32 Di Tempat Wisata
Electric bicycles are two-wheeled vehicles equipped with an electric motor as an additional drive, offering advantages such as reduced rider effort, longer travel range, and environmental friendliness. This research develops an electric bicycle rental system with QRIS payment and ESP32-based GPS security monitoring for tourist destinations. The system consists of a Laravel-based web interface for booking and payment, as well as hardware for bicycle control and location monitoring. The main components used include ESP32 microcontrollers, Ublox Neo 6MV2 GPS modules, and ESP-NOW wireless communication.The research method includes hardware and software design, QRIS payment system integration, GPS tracking implementation, and development of a Blynk-based monitoring application. The system is designed with two main units: Master for user interface and Slave for bicycle control and GPS monitoring. Payment testing using QRIS shows successful transactions for various rental durations from 30 to 180 minutes, with accurate recording in the system database.Testing was conducted in the UMS campus environment to evaluate system performance in real conditions.Test results show the system can send unique codes up to 24 meters using ESP-NOW, with an average transmission time of 12.59 seconds. GPS accuracy shows an average difference of 7.75 meters inside the zone and 6 meters outside the zone at 8 test points, compared to smartphone GPS. The system successfully distinguishes bicycle positions inside and outside the designated zone, activating alarms and deactivating the bicycle when leaving the zone. Integration with Blynk enables real-time location monitoring.This research produces an efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly electric bicycle rental solution to support the tourism sector, with digital payment features and an integrated location-based security system. The system demonstrates the potential for enhancing tourist experiences while promoting sustainable transportation in tourist areas
Peningkatan Partisipasi Politik dalam Kerangka Otonomi Desa
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi implementasi dan efektivitas program pemerintahan desa dalam meningkatkan partisipasi politik masyarakat di Desa Gonilan Kecamatan Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan informan yang dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling. Informan terdiri dari enam orang yaitu sekretaris desa, kepala seksi (kasi) pemerintahan, kepala urusan (kaur) umum dan tata usaha, kaur perencanaan, ketua Panitia Pemungutan Suara (PPS), dan sekretaris Panitia Pemungutan Suara (PPS). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi, sedangkan keabsahan data diuji dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber data dan teknik. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menerapkan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pemerintahan Desa Gonilan, berupa Warung Pethuk, forum desa, dan mobility broadcasting mendapat tanggapan yang positif dari masyarakat, karena menjadi salah satu daya tarik untuk meningkatkan jumlah kehadiran pemilih. Efektivitas program-program tersebut dapat meningkatkan partisipasi politik di Desa Gonilan, hal ini dapat terlihat dari antusiasme warga dalam mengikuti kegiatan pemilihan umum, baik di tingkat pemilihan kepala desa, kepala daerah, gubernur dan wakil gubernur, legislatif, dan presiden serta wakil presiden. Upaya pemerintahan Desa Gonilan memunculkan alternatif upaya untuk meningkatkan partisipasi politik masyarakat melalui berbagai program yang menarik dan implementatif