2,956 research outputs found

    How the Mitoprotein-Induced Stress Response Safeguards the Cytosol: A Unified View

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    Mitochondrial and cytosolic proteostasis are of central relevance for cellular stress resistance and organismal health. Recently, a number of individual cellular programs were described that counter the fatal consequences of mitochondrial dysfunction. These programs remove arrested import intermediates from mitochondrial protein translocases, stabilize protein homeostasis within mitochondria, and, in particular, increase the levels and activity of chaperones and the proteasome system in the cytosol. Here, we describe the different responses to mitochondrial perturbation and propose to unify the seemingly distinct mitochondrial-cytosolic quality control mechanisms into a single network, the mitoprotein-induced stress response. This holistic view places mitochondrial biogenesis at a central position of the cellular proteostasis network, emphasizing the importance of mitochondrial protein import processes for development, reproduction, and ageing

    Pupil Dilation Is Sensitive to Semantic Ambiguity and Acoustic Degradation

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    Speech comprehension is challenged by background noise, acoustic interference, and linguistic factors, such as the presence of words with more than one meaning (homonyms and homophones). Previous work suggests that homophony in spoken language increases cognitive demand. Here, we measured pupil dilation—a physiological index of cognitive demand—while listeners heard high-ambiguity sentences, containing words with more than one meaning, or well-matched low-ambiguity sentences without ambiguous words. This semantic-ambiguity manipulation was crossed with an acoustic manipulation in two experiments. In Experiment 1, sentences were masked with 30-talker babble at 0 and +6 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and in Experiment 2, sentences were heard with or without a pink noise masker at –2 dB SNR. Speech comprehension was measured by asking listeners to judge the semantic relatedness of a visual probe word to the previous sentence. In both experiments, comprehension was lower for high- than for low-ambiguity sentences when SNRs were low. Pupils dilated more when sentences included ambiguous words, even when no noise was added (Experiment 2). Pupil also dilated more when SNRs were low. The effect of masking was larger than the effect of ambiguity for performance and pupil responses. This work demonstrates that the presence of homophones, a condition that is ubiquitous in natural language, increases cognitive demand and reduces intelligibility of speech heard with a noisy background

    Rydel-Seiffer fork revisited: Beyond a simple case of black and white

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    Time-domain numerical simulations of multiple scattering to extract elastic effective wavenumbers

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    Elastic wave propagation is studied in a heterogeneous 2-D medium consisting of an elastic matrix containing randomly distributed circular elastic inclusions. The aim of this study is to determine the effective wavenumbers when the incident wavelength is similar to the radius of the inclusions. A purely numerical methodology is presented, with which the limitations usually associated with low scatterer concentrations can be avoided. The elastodynamic equations are integrated by a fourth-order time-domain numerical scheme. An immersed interface method is used to accurately discretize the interfaces on a Cartesian grid. The effective field is extracted from the simulated data, and signal-processing tools are used to obtain the complex effective wavenumbers. The numerical reference solution thus-obtained can be used to check the validity of multiple scattering analytical models. The method is applied to the case of concrete. A parametric study is performed on longitudinal and transverse incident plane waves at various scatterers concentrations. The phase velocities and attenuations determined numerically are compared with predictions obtained with multiple scattering models, such as the Independent Scattering Approximation model, the Waterman-Truell model, and the more recent Conoir-Norris model.Comment: Waves in Random and Complex Media (2012) XX

    Bimodal and hysteretic expression in mammalian cells from a synthetic gene circuit

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    In order to establish cells and organisms with predictable properties, synthetic biology makes use of controllable, synthetic genetic devices. These devices are used to replace or to interfere with natural pathways. Alternatively, they may be interlinked with endogenous pathways to create artificial networks of higher complexity. While these approaches have been already successful in prokaryotes and lower eukaryotes, the implementation of such synthetic cassettes in mammalian systems and even animals is still a major obstacle. This is mainly due to the lack of methods that reliably and efficiently transduce synthetic modules without compromising their regulation properties. To pave the way for implementation of synthetic regulation modules in mammalian systems we utilized lentiviral transduction of synthetic modules. A synthetic positive feedback loop, based on the Tetracycline regulation system was implemented in a lentiviral vector system and stably integrated in mammalian cells. This gene regulation circuit yields a bimodal expression response. Based on experimental data a mathematical model based on stochasticity was developed which matched and described the experimental findings. Modelling predicted a hysteretic expression response which was verified experimentally. Thereby supporting the idea that the system is driven by stochasticity. The results presented here highlight that the combination of three independent tools/methodologies facilitate the reliable installation of synthetic gene circuits with predictable expression characteristics in mammalian cells and organisms

    Deconstructing the Late Phase of Vimentin Assembly by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (TIRFM)

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    Quantitative imaging of intermediate filaments (IF) during the advanced phase of the assembly process is technically difficult, since the structures are several µm long and therefore they exceed the field of view of many electron (EM) or atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. Thereby quantitative studies become extremely laborious and time-consuming. To overcome these difficulties, we prepared fluorescently labeled vimentin for visualization by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM). In order to investigate if the labeling influences the assembly properties of the protein, we first determined the association state of unlabeled vimentin mixed with increasing amounts of labeled vimentin under low ionic conditions by analytical ultracentrifugation. We found that bona fide tetrameric complexes were formed even when half of the vimentin was labeled. Moreover, we demonstrate by quantitative atomic force microscopy and electron microscopy that the morphology and the assembly properties of filaments were not affected when the fraction of labeled vimentin was below 10%. Using fast frame rates we observed the rapid deposition of fluorescently labeled IFs on glass supports by TIRFM in real time. By tracing their contours, we have calculated the persistence length of long immobilized vimentin IFs to 1 µm, a value that is identical to those determined for shorter unlabeled vimentin. These results indicate that the structural properties of the filaments were not affected significantly by the dye. Furthermore, in order to analyze the late elongation phase, we mixed long filaments containing either Alexa 488- or Alexa 647-labeled vimentin. The ‘patchy’ structure of the filaments obtained unambiguously showed the elongation of long IFs through direct end-to-end annealing of individual filaments

    Effect of the Nordmøre grid bar spacing on size selectivity, catch efficiency and bycatch of the Barents Sea Northern shrimp fishery

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    The introduction of the Nordmøre grid in shrimp trawls has reduced the bycatch of non-target species. In the Norwegian Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) fishery, the mandatory selective gear consists of a Nordmøre grid with 19 mm bar spacing combined with a 35 mm mesh size diamond mesh codend. However, fish bycatch in shrimp trawls remains a challenge and further modifications of the gear that can improve selectivity are still sought. Therefore, this study estimated and compared the size selectivity of Nordmøre grids with bar spacings of 17 and 21 mm. Further, the effect of applying these two grids on trawl size selectivity was predicted and compared to the legislated gear configuration. Experimental fishing trials were conducted in the Barents Sea where the bottom trawl fleet targets Northern shrimp. Results were obtained for the target species and two by-catch species: cod (Gadus morhua) and American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides). This study demonstrated that reducing bar spacing can significantly reduce fish bycatch while only marginally affecting catch efficiency of Northern shrimp. This is a potentially important finding from a management perspective that could be applicable to other shrimp fisheries where flexibility in the use of different grid bar spacings may be beneficial to maximize the reduction of unwanted bycatch while minimizing the loss of target species.publishedVersio

    Giant half-cycle attosecond pulses

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    Half-cycle picosecond pulses have been produced from thin photo-conductors, when applying an electric field across the surface and switching on conduction by a short laser pulse. Then the transverse current in the wafer plane emits half-cycle pulses in normal direction, and pulses of 500 fs duration and 1e6 V/m peak electric field have been observed. Here we show that single half-cycle pulses of 50 as duration and up to 1e13 V/m can be produced when irradiating a double foil target by intense few-cycle laser pulses. Focused onto an ultra-thin foil, all electrons are blown out, forming a uniform sheet of relativistic electrons. A second layer, placed at some distance behind, reflects the drive beam, but lets electrons pass straight. Under oblique incidence, beam reflection provides the transverse current, which emits intense half-cycle pulses. Such a pulse may completely ionize even heavier atoms. New types of attosecond pump-probe experiments will become possible.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be presented at LEI2011-Light at Extreme Intensities and China-Germany Symposium on Laser Acceleratio

    Tactical Voting in Plurality Elections

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    How often will elections end in landslides? What is the probability for a head-to-head race? Analyzing ballot results from several large countries rather anomalous and yet unexplained distributions have been observed. We identify tactical voting as the driving ingredient for the anomalies and introduce a model to study its effect on plurality elections, characterized by the relative strength of the feedback from polls and the pairwise interaction between individuals in the society. With this model it becomes possible to explain the polarization of votes between two candidates, understand the small margin of victories frequently observed for different elections, and analyze the polls' impact in American, Canadian, and Brazilian ballots. Moreover, the model reproduces, quantitatively, the distribution of votes obtained in the Brazilian mayor elections with two, three, and four candidates.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure