76 research outputs found

    Are the Portable Air Cleaners (PAC) really effective to terminate airborne SARS-CoV-2?

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    The transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus through aerosols has become an outstanding issue,where plenty of spread aspects are being analyzed. Portable Air Cleaners (PAC) with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters have been discussed as an adjunctive means for indoor environments coronavirus decontamination. This study evaluates, first, the air and surfaces SARS-COV-2 RNA contamination due to positive patients in households, and second, the efficiency of a PAC with HEPA filter to eliminate virus. A total of 29 air and surface sampleswere collected inside 9 households, by using an air portable collector with gelatin filters and swabs. SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection was performed using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Overall, all the air samples collected before using PAC and 75% of swab samples were positive for SARS-CoV-2. After the PAC usage, all samples except one were negative, displaying a 80% device effectiveness. Portable HEPA cleaners usage allowed the removal of SARS CoV-2 and, therefore, they could be recommended for places with inadequate ventilation, considering the limitations and functionality of the devic

    Dual-labeled nanoparticles based on small extracellular vesicles for tumor detection.

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    Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) are emerging natural nanoplatforms in cancer diagnosis and therapy, through the incorporation of signal components or drugs in their structure. However, for their translation into the clinical field, there is still a lack of tools that enable a deeper understanding of their in vivo pharmacokinetics or their interactions with the cells of the tumor microenvironment. In this study, we have designed a dual-sEV probe based on radioactive and fluorescent labeling of goat milk sEVs. The imaging nanoprobe was tested in vitro and in vivo in a model of glioblastoma. In vitro assessment of the uptake of the dual probe in different cell populations (RAW 264.7, U87, and HeLa) by optical and nuclear techniques (gamma counter, confocal imaging, and flow cytometry) revealed the highest uptake in inflammatory cells (RAW 264.7), followed by glioblastoma U87 cells. In vivo evaluation of the pharmacokinetic properties of nanoparticles confirmed a blood circulation time of ~ 8 h and primarily hepatobiliary elimination. The diagnostic capability of the dual nanoprobe was confirmed in vivo in a glioblastoma xenograft model, which showed intense in vivo uptake of the SEV-based probe in tumor tissue. Histological assessment by confocal imaging enabled quantification of tumor populations and confirmed uptake in tumor cells and tumor-associated macrophages, followed by cancer-associated fibroblasts and endothelial cells. We have developed a chemical approach for dual radioactive and fluorescent labeling of sEVs. This methodology enables in vivo and in vitro study of these vesicles after exogenous administration. The dual nanoprobe would be a promising technology for cancer diagnosis and a powerful tool for studying the biological behavior of these nanosystems for use in drug delivery.This study was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, project “PI20/01632” and “PT20/00044”, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), “A way of making Europe”, by Comunidad de Madrid, project “Y2018/NMT-4949 (NanoLiver-CM)” and “S2017/ BMD-3867 (RENIM-CM)”, co-funded by the European Structural and Invest‑ ment Fund, and by Agencia Estatal de Investigación “PID2019‐110369RB‐I00/ AEI/https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033” grant. This work was also sup‑ ported by “Diagnosis and treatment follow‐up of severe Staphylococcal infec‑ tions with anti‐Staphylococcal antibodies and immune‐PET ‐ Grant Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científca 2018 and Ramon Areces Grant “Imagen molecular de la infección por Clostridiodes difcile”. Grant EQC2019006674-P funded by MCIN/AEI /https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. A. Santos-Coquillat is grateful for fnancial support from Consejería de Educación e Investigación Comunidad de Madrid, co-fnanced by European Social Fund (ESF) grant PEJD-2018-POST/BMD-9592 and the Sara Borrell Fellowship from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Insti‑ tuto de Salud Carlos III grant CD19/00136. M.I. González is funded by Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón, Intramural Programme for the Promotion of R&D&I 2021, Sub-programme "Predoctoral training contract".S

    Recurrent anal fistulae: Limited surgery supported by stem cells

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    AIM: To study the results of stem-cell therapy under a Compassionate-use Program for patients with recurrent anal fistulae. METHODS: Under controlled circumstances, and approved by European and Spanish laws, a Compassionate-use Program allows the use of stem-cell therapy for patients with very complex anal fistulae. Candidates had previously undergone multiple surgical interventions that had failed to resolve the fistulae, and presented symptomatic recurrence. The intervention consisted of limited surgery (with closure of the internal opening), followed by local implant of stem cells in the fistula- tract wall. Autologous expanded adipose-derived stem cells were the main cell type selected for implant. The first evaluation was performed on the 8th postoperative week; outcome was classified as response or partial response. Evaluation one year after the intervention confirmed if complete healing of the fistula was achieved. RESULTS: Ten patients (8 male) with highly recurrent and complex fistulae were treated (mean age: 49 years, range: 28-76 years). Seven cases were non- Crohn’s fistulae, and three were Crohn’s-associated fistulae. Previous surgical attempts ranged from 3 to 12. Two patients presented with preoperative incontinence (Wexner scores of 12 and 13 points). After the intervention, six patients showed clinical response on the 8th postoperative week, with a complete cessation of suppuration from the fistula. Three patients presented a partial response, with an evident decrease in suppuration. A year later, six patients (60%) remained healed, with complete reepithelization of the external opening. Postoperative Wexner Scores were 0 in six cases. The two patients with previous incontinence improved their scores from 12 to 8 points and from 13 to 5 points. No adverse reactions or complications related to stem-cell therapy were reported during the study period. CONCLUSION: Stem cells are safe and useful for treating anal fistulae. Healing can be achieved in severe cases, sparing fecal incontinence risk, and improving previous scorin

    Patrimonio natural antropizado del area minera de Río Tinto (España)

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    España Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia CGL2008-06270-C y CTM2005-05832 .España Junta de Andalucía P09-RNM-516

    The ribosome assembly gene network is controlled by the feedback regulation of transcription elongation

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    Ribosome assembly requires the concerted expression of hundreds of genes, which are transcribed by all three nuclear RNA polymerases. Transcription elongation involves dynamic interactions between RNA polymerases and chromatin. We performed a synthetic lethal screening in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a conditional allele of SPT6, which encodes one of the factors that facilitates this process. Some of these synthetic mutants corresponded to factors that facilitate pre-rRNA processing and ribosome biogenesis. We found that the in vivo depletion of one of these factors, Arb1, activated transcription elongation in the set of genes involved directly in ribosome assembly. Under these depletion conditions, Spt6 was physically targeted to the upregulated genes, where it helped maintain their chromatin integrity and the synthesis of properly stable mRNAs. The mRNA profiles of a large set of ribosome biogenesismutants confirmed the existence of a feedback regulatory network among ribosome assembly genes. The transcriptional response in this network depended on both the specific malfunction and the role of the regulated gene. In accordance with our screening, Spt6 positively contributed to the optimal operation of this global network. On the whole, this work uncovers a feedback control of ribosome biogenesis by fine-tuning transcription elongation in ribosome assembly factor-coding genes.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2013-48643-C3-1-P, BFU2016-77728-C3-1-P, BFU2013-48643-C3- 3-P, BFU2013-42958-PJunta de Andalucía P12-BIO1938MO, P08-CVI-03508Comunidad Valenciana 2015/00

    Breastfeeding and cognitive development; interference evaluation by "5 digits test"

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    Introducción y objetivo: Numerosos estudios han intentado demostrar que la duración de la lactancia materna se relaciona con un mejor desarrollo cognitivo en la edad escolar. En el pre- sente estudio se evalúa el potencial efecto beneficioso a largo plazo de la alimentación con leche materna durante los prime- ros meses de vida, no sólo sobre el desarrollo cognitivo, sino también como posible prevención del déficit de atención e hipe- ractividad. Esta valoración resulta de especial interés en la so- ciedad actual en la que se han incrementado de forma muy nota- ble los déficits de atención en la infancia, unidos o no a trastornos de hiperactividad. Material y Métodos: Un total de 103 niños, escolarizados en primer curso de Educación Primaria, 6 años de edad, (47 niños y 56 niñas), fueron reclutados en diferentes colegios de la provin- cia de Granada de áreas urbanas, semiurbanas y rurales. Se analizó la velocidad de procesamiento cognitivo y la capacidad de enfocar la atención y reorientarla tras un suceso de distrac- ción, mediante el test de los cinco dígitos (5-DGT), variante del test de interferencia de Stroop. Resultados: Los datos demuestran una correlación lineal en- tre una mayor duración de la lactancia materna y mejores resul- tados en todas las pruebas del test. Resultan altamente significa- tivas (P ≤ 0,001) las comparaciones para las pruebas de lectura y alternancia, entre aquellos niños que fueron alimentados con le- che materna durante 6 meses frente a los que sólo recibieron es- ta alimentación durante su primer mes de vida. Conclusión: El estudio valida la hipótesis inicial, demostrando una mayor velocidad de resolución y una menor interferencia en el grupo de niños alimentados con pecho al menos durante los 6 primeros meses. Los datos obtenidos deberían refrendarse en un posterior estudio, con una mayor muestra, ya que resulta de su- ma importancia reforzar el consejo de lactancia materna duran- te al menos los 6 primeros meses de vida ante neonatos con sospe- cha clínica de posible desarrollo de TDAH.Background and objective: Different publications have analyzed the possible correlation between breastfeeding length and a better cognitive development during school age. The present study evaluates the possible long term beneficial effects of breastfeeding during the first months of life on the cognitive development, as well as its possible role on the attention deficit and hyperactivity prevention. Currently this evaluation is of special interest considering the increasing number in western societies of childhood attention deficits, with or without, hyper - activity disorders. Material and methods: 103 children, during the first year of elementary education, 6 years of age (47 boys and 56 girls), were recruited in different schools of the Granada province, inclu- ding urban, semi-urban and rural areas. The speed of cognitive processing and the ability to focus attention and reorient after an incident of distraction, using the five digits test (5-DGT), - variant of the Stroop interference test- were analyzed. Results: Data show a linear correlation between longer breastfeeding and better scores in the test. Particularly signifi- cant (P ≤ 0.001) are the reading and alternation tests for chil- dren who were breastfed for 6 months when compared with those that only received this nutrition during their first month of life. Conclusion: This study validates the initial hypothesis, showing faster resolution speed and less interference in the group of children breastfed, at least during the first 6 months of life. Further well designed studies are necessary for reinforced breastfeeding recommendation, at least during the first 6 months of life, for children underclinical suspicion of possible ADHD development

    Efectos de la fatiga sobre la actividad muscular durante sucesivos test de sentadilla (30 seg).

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    Resumen:  Introducción: La fatiga se define como la incapacidad del Sistema neuromuscular para mantener un nivel determinado de potencia. La monitorización de la pérdida de Altura de salto ha sido utilizada como un indicador de fatiga muscular. La Electromiografía (EMG) es también una herramienta adecuada para determinar la fatiga ya que tiene una alta correlación con las unidades motoras activas (reclutamiento de fibras musculares). El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar los efectos de la fatiga sobre la actividad muscular en las extremidades inferiores durante sucesivos test de media sentadilla (30 segundos). Métodos: 5 sujetos sanos entrenados participaron en el estudio. Realizaron 2 sesiones de test, un test de potencia máxima de media sentadilla y 4 series de un test de capacidad anaeróbica de media sentadilla (30 seg.). Resultados: Se observaron diferencias significativas (P=0.002) en la comparativa de los efectos inter-sujetos (Vasto lateral vs. Recto femoral). Observamos también diferencias significativas en la comparación por pares (P<0.001). Conclusiones: Observamos cómo la fatiga modifica la activación neuromuscular del vasto lateral y el recto femoral durante la ejecución de 4 test consecutivos de media sentadilla (30 seg.).Peer Reviewe

    Temporal variability measurements of PM2.5 and its associated metals and microorganims on a suburban atmosphere in the central Iberian Peninsula

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    A novel and multidisciplinary observational analysis of atmospheric components in the Central Iberian Peninsula is presented here. PM2.5 concentrations and both populations of cultivable and non-cultivable microorganisms and concentrations of a wide range of trace elements associated have been simultaneously studied during multiple events along one year. The aim has been to characterize their potential relations and dependencies, and their seasonal, daily and hourly evolution. Tools that could explain the atmospheric mechanisms and sources from all these elements have been also evaluated. As it would be expected from a suburban environment, ab- solute levels obtained were not close to legislation limits. Anthropogenic and natural sources, such as heating home, soil resuspension, or Sahara dust intrusion; and atmospheric factors are responsible for higher PM2.5 and metals concentrations in months with both low and high temperatures. Daily and hourly evolution depends on University Campus activity, especially on traffic flow and resuspended dust due to human transit. No statistical significant differences on daily or seasonal scales between cultivable counts of fungi and bacteria were displayed. However, using the q-PCR technique, the bacterial population was lower in winter. Positive correlations between PM2.5 and relative humidity; and PM2.5 and cultivable microorganism have been established. It was also the case among 7 of the 11 trace elements, indicating then common natural or anthropogenic sources. In summary, this work illustrates the interest of a combined inspection of elements, interactions and dependencies when studying the unique and continuous atmospheric environment, which are typically analysed separatel

    To what extent the traffic restriction policies applied in Barcelona city can improve its air quality?

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    Barcelona city (Spain) is applying a series of traffic restriction measures that aim at renewing and reducing the amount of circulating vehicles to improve air quality. The measures include changes in the built environment to reduce private vehicle space in specific areas through the so-called “superblocks” and tactical urban planning actions, along with the implementation of a city-wide Low Emission Zone (LEZ) that restricts the entry of the most polluting vehicles to the city. Our study quantifies the impact of these measures in the greater area of Barcelona combining a coupled macroscopic traffic and pollutant emission model with a multi-scale air quality model. Our modelling system allows estimating the effect of different traffic restrictions upon traffic and the associated emissions and air quality levels at a very high resolution (20 m). The measures were evaluated both individually and collectively to assess both their relative and overall impact upon emissions and air quality. We show that in the absence of traffic demand reductions, the application of isolated measures that reduce private vehicle space, either through superblocks or tactical urban planning, have no overall emission impacts; only localized street-level NOx positive and negative changes (±17%) are found due to traffic re-routing and the generation of new bottlenecks. It is only when these measures are combined with optimistic fleet renewal as a result of the LEZ implementation and demand reductions, that relevant global emission reductions in NOx are obtained (-13% and -30%, respectively) with estimated NO2 reductions of -36% and -23% at the two traffic air quality monitoring stations. Despite the potential improvements, our simulations suggest that current measures are insufficient to comply with EU air quality standards and that further traffic restriction policies to reduce traffic demand are needed.The authors acknowledge CARNET-The Future Mobility Research HUB to allow the usage and work on the BCN-VML network, as well as PTV VISUM for the traffic software license. The author thankfully acknowledges the computer resources at MareNostrum and the technical support pro- vided by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (PRACE, AECT-2020-1-0007, AECT-2021-1-0027). The authors also acknowledge the support from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN) as part of the BROWNING project RTI2018-099894-B-I00 and NUTRIENT project CGL2017-88911-R and the support from the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) as part of the VITALISE project (PID2019-108086RA- I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). Carlos Pérez García-Pando acknowl- edges the long-term support from the AXA Chair in Sand and Dust Storms (AXA Research Fund), as well as the support received through the Ramón y Cajal programme (grant RYC-2015-18690) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version