2,023 research outputs found

    Documentos inéditos sobre la vanguardia artística española (II). El joven Borges y la vanguardia ultraísta

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    En este artículo se describe y analiza el contenido de cuatro cartas y una tarjeta postal que el escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) dirigió a su amigo, el poeta sevillano Adriano del Valle (1895-1957), adscrito a la vanguardia literaria del ultraísmo, entre 1919 y 1923, que se conservan en el Departamento de Manuscritos de la Biblioteca Nacional.This article describes and analyzes the content of four letters and a postcard that the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) addressed to his friend, the Sevillian poet Adriano del Valle (1895-1957), assigned to the literary vanguard of ultraism, between 1919 and 1923, which are conserved in the Manuscripts Department of the National Library.peerReviewe

    Los momentos decisivos de Buñuel en USA: 1938-1940

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    Durante 8 años, desde septiembre de 1938 hasta agosto de 1946, Buñuel vivió en los Estados Unidos, entre Nueva York y Los Angeles. Estos años son probablemente los más oscuros de su biografía y, como consecuencia, aquellos de los que tenemos menos información y sobre los que más se ha especulado. Una colección de cartas, desconocidas hasta ahora, escritas a su amigo Ricardo Urgoiti, nos ayudan a arrojar luz sobre este periodo, especialmente aquellas que describen su llegada a Nueva York en septiembre de 1940, cuando planeaba ir a Buenos Aires con sus amigos, para reactivar la producción de Filmófono. No pudo llevar a cabo este proyecto, porque comenzó a trabajar en la Filmoteca del MOMA, gracias a la intervención de Irish Barry

    Las Hurdes de Buñuel. Algunas reseñas críticas en la prensa española de la época

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    Este artículo presenta las diferentes críticas y comentarios de prensa que el documental "Las Hurdes/Tierra sin pan" de Buñuel dieron lugar tanto al estudiar su historia y su proceso de producción como en su posterior fase de exhibición y recepción crítica, que provocaron ciertas polémicas, siendo plasmadas en los artículos o críticas cinematográficas.This article presents the different criticisms and press comments that Buñuel's documentary "Las Hurdes / Tierra sin pan" gave rise to both when studying its history and its production process and in its subsequent exhibition and critical reception phase, which provoked certain controversies, being reflected in the articles or cinematographic critiques

    Fundamentos semióticos para la construcción de un país imaginario: escritura, pintura y mestizaje estético en la obra de Eugenio F. Granell

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    La vida y el trabajo del surrealista español Eugenio Granell (1912-2001), recientemente fallecido, caben perfectamente en uma investigación de semióptica visual: el nascimiento y el proceso de un mundo y un país imaginario, a que llamamos Graneland, pueden ser sustanciados, dibujados y creados a través de una combinación original de signos gráficos, pictóricos y escritos, capaces de crear una historia y una sociedad presidida por un humanista dispuesto a integrar culturas distintas.The life and wotk of the Spanish surrealist Eugenio Granell (1912- 2001),-recently deceased, perfectly suit a research on visual semiotics: the birth and process of a world and an imaginary country we call Graneland can be substantiated, designed and created through an original combination of graphical, pictorical and written signs. This combination is capable of creating a history anda society presided by a humanist who intends to integrate different cultures.nul

    «Prensa de Tarragona y provincia conservada en la Biblioteca Provincial de Tarragona» (1897-1936). Inventario

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    Uno de los primeros descubrimientos que me persuadieron de la categoría de la Biblioteca Provincial de Tarragona, al poco tiempo de comenzar a dirigir su gestión, fue el encontrarme con un reducido paquete de fichas antiguas ordenadas alfabética y cronológicamente cuyo contenido se refería a títulos de periódicos. Dada la importancia de la prensa como fuente documental de primera mano para el conocimiento de la historia contemporánea y teniendo en cuenta la absoluta falta de información al respecto dentro del ámbito local, se procedió inmediatamente a su localización, selección, ordenación y colocación en grandes carpetas para facilitar de esa manera su estudio y su inventario. Este trabajo es, pues, la consecuencia de varios meses de investigación orientada a sacar a la luz pública uno de tantos tesoros que guarda esta Biblioteca, a fin de ponerlos a disposición de profesores, estudiantes y especialistas

    Mechanical discrete simulator of the electro-mechanical lift with n:1 roping

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    El proceso de diseño de nuevos productos de ingeniería de elevación es una tarea difícil debido, principalmente, a la complejidad y esbeltez del sistema de elevación, exigiendo una herramienta predictiva para la elevación mecánica. Una mecánica ad-hoc simulador discreto, como una alternativa a la "mecánica" de propósito general simuladores está propuesto. En primer lugar, la síntesis y la experimentación, proceso que ha llevado a establecer un modelo adecuado capaz de simular con precisión la respuesta del ascensor electromecánico es discutido. Entonces, las ecuaciones de movimiento se derivan. El modelo consta de un sistema discreto de 5 masas desplazables verticalmente (coche, contrapeso, bastidor del vehículo, los pasajeros/carga y accionamiento de elevación), una masa inercial de la asamblea del eje del rotor de la polea de tensión que puede girar alrededor del eje de la máquina y 6 conectores mecánicos con diseño de suspensión 1:1. El modelo se extiende a cualquier n:1 roping estableciendo 6 equivalente de elevación mecánica (sistemas de suspensión para automóviles y contrapeso, accionamiento de elevación bloques silenciosos, polea tensora-accionamiento de elevación el estator y pasajeros/carga equivalente muelle-amortiguador) por inferencia inductiva de 1:1 y 2:1 generalizado del sistema de soga. La aplicación para simular sistemas elevador real es propuesto por la integración numérica de las ecuaciones que rigen utilizando el algoritmo Kutta-Meden e implementado en un programa informático de simulación de elevador ad-hoc denominada ElevaCAD.The design process of new products in lift engineering is a difficult task due to, mainly, the complexity and slenderness of the lift system, demanding a predictive tool for the lift mechanics. A mechanical ad-hoc discrete simulator, as an alternative to ‘general purpose’ mechanical simulators is proposed. Firstly, the synthesis and experimentation process that has led to establish a suitable model capable of simulating accurately the response of the electromechanical lift is discussed. Then, the equations of motion are derived. The model comprises a discrete system of 5 vertically displaceable masses (car, counterweight, car frame, passengers/loads and lift drive), an inertial mass of the assembly tension pulley-rotor shaft which can rotate about the machine axis and 6 mechanical connectors with 1:1 suspension layout. The model is extended to any n:1 roping lift by setting 6 equivalent mechanical components (suspension systems for car and counterweight, lift drive silent blocks, tension pulley-lift drive stator and passengers/load equivalent spring-damper) by inductive inference from 1:1 and generalized 2:1 roping system. The application to simulate real elevator systems is proposed by numeric time integration of the governing equations using the Kutta-Meden algorithm and implemented in a computer program for ad-hoc elevator simulation called ElevaCAD.peerReviewe

    Attachment-based compassion therapy and adapted mindfulness-based stress reduction for the treatment of depressive, anxious and adjustment disorders in mental health settings: A randomised controlled clinical trial protocol

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    Introduction Depressive, anxiety and adjustment disorders are highly prevalent among mental health outpatients. The lack of funding for mental health problems produces inefficient results and a high burden of disease. New cost-effective group interventions aimed at treating these symptoms might be an appropriate solution to reduce the healthcare burden in mental health units. Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) have shown significant reductions in anxious, depressive and adjustment symptomatology. Recent research highlights the influence of compassion as a key mechanism of change. However, MBIs only address compassion implicitly, whereas compassion-based protocols consider it a core aspect of psychotherapy. In this randomised controlled trial, we hypothesise that the provision of attachment-based compassion therapy (ABCT), which is a compassion-based protocol, will be more effective than mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), which is a conventional MBI programme, for the treatment of depressive, anxious and adaptive symptoms in patients in mental health settings. Methods and analysis Approximately 90 patients suffering from depressive, anxious or adjustment disorders recruited from Spanish mental health settings will be randomised to receive 8 weekly 2 hours group sessions of ABCT, 8 weekly 2.5 hours group sessions of adapted MBSR (with no full-day silent retreat) or treatment as usual (TAU), with a 1:1:1 allocation rate. Patients in the ABCT and adapted MBSR groups will also receive TAU. The main outcome will be general affective distress measured by means of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21'' at post-test as primary endpoint. Other outcomes will be quality of life, mindfulness, self-compassion and the use of healthcare services. There will be a 6-month follow-up assessment. Intention-to-treat analysis will be conducted using linear mixed models. Per-protocol and secondary outcome analyses will be performed. A data monitoring committee comprising the trial manager, the ABCT and MBSR teachers and an independent clinical psychologist will monitor for possible negative side effects. Ethics and dissemination Approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the General University Hospital of Castellón, Spain. The results will be submitted to peer-reviewed specialised journals, and brief reports will be sent to participants on request

    Efficacy of a mindful-eating programme to reduce emotional eating in patients suffering from overweight or obesity in primary care settings: a cluster-randomised trial protocol

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    Introduction Little is known about the applicability of mindfulness-based interventions in Spanish adults with overweight/obesity. The objective of the present study protocol is to describe the methods that will be used in a cluster randomised trial (CRT) that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a mindfulness eating (ME) programme to reduce emotional eating (EE) in adults with overweight/obesity in primary care (PC) settings. Methods and analysis A CRT will be conducted with approximately 76 adults with overweight/obesity from four PC health centres (clusters) in the city of Zaragoza, Spain. Health centres matched to the average per capita income of the assigned population will be randomly allocated into two groups: ME +treatment as usual (TAU)'' and TAU alone''. The ME programme will be composed of seven sessions delivered by a clinical psychologist, and TAU will be offered by general practitioners. The primary outcome will be EE measured by the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ) at post test as primary endpoint. Other outcomes will be external and restrained eating (DEBQ), binge eating (Bulimic Investigatory Test Edinburgh), eating disorder (Eating Attitude Test), anxiety (General Anxiety Disorder-7), depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9), mindful eating (Mindful Eating Scale), dispositional mindfulness (Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire) and self-compassion (Self-Compassion Scale). Anthropometric measures, vital signs and blood tests will be taken. A primary intention-to-treat analysis on EE will be conducted using linear mixed models. Supplementary analyses will include secondary outcomes and 1-year follow-up measures; adjusted models controlling for sex, weight status and levels of anxiety and depression; the complier average causal effect of treatment; and the clinical significance of improvements. Ethics and dissemination Positive results of this study may have a significant impact on one of the most important current health-related problems. Approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the Regional Authority. The results will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals, and reports will be sent to participants