24 research outputs found

    Evolution of the maintainability of HPC facilities at CIEMAT headquarters

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    Desde su creación en 1951, el CIEMAT ha estado impulsando continuamente el uso de la computación como un método de investigación, desplegando plataformas de cómputo innovadoras. De esta manera, arquitecturas vectoriales, MPP, NUMA y otras completamente distribuidas han sido gestionadas en el CIEMAT, acumulando un extenso conocimiento sobre su sostenibilidad y sobre las necesidades de las comunidades científicas relacionadas con proyectos internacionales. Actualmente, la evolución del hardware y el software para HPC es cada vez más rápida e implica un desafío constante para aumentar su disponibilidad debido al número de iniciativas que el centro apoya. Para abordar esta tarea, el equipo TIC ha estado cambiando su gestión hacia un modelo flexible, con una mirada puesta en las adquisiciones futuras.Since its establishment in 1951, CIEMAT has been continuously boosting the use of computation as a research method, deploying innovative computing facilities. Hence, Vectorial, MPP, NUMA, and distributed architectures have been managed at CIEMAT, resulting in an extensive expertise on HPC maintainability as well as on the computational needs of the community related to international projects. Nowadays, the evolution of HPC hardware and software is progressively faster and implies a continuous challenge to increase their availability for the greater number of different initiatives supported. To address this task, the ICT team has been changing towards a flexible management model, with a look toward future acquisitions

    Human Milk Secretory Antibodies against Attaching and Effacing Escherichia coli Antigens

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    Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is a primary factor responsible for preventing attachment of enteropathogens to gut epithelium in breastfeeding infants. We compared the frequency of sIgA to major surface antigens of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) in milk of 123 women from the United States and Mexico to determine whether regional differences existed in the frequency of antibodies to these surface antigens. In both groups of women, milk commonly has sIgA against various EHEC lipopolysaccharides, EspA, EspB, intimin, and less frequently against Shiga toxin. The study suggests that persons living in the U.S. are exposed to attaching/effacing enteropathogens more frequently than is generally assumed. The low frequency of antibodies to Stx1 (in 12% of Mexican and in 22% of U.S. samples) suggests that the rare appearance of hemolytic uremic syndrome in adults is not due to neutralization of toxin at the gut level. Only anti-EspA is found in most milk samples from both populations of women. EspA may represent a useful target for an immunization strategy to prevent EHEC disease in humans

    Lactoferrin Protects Rabbits from Shigella flexneri-Induced Inflammatory Enteritis

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    Shigella species cause bacillary dysentery in humans by invasion, intracellular multiplication, spread to adjacent cells, and induction of brisk inflammatory responses in the intestinal epithelium. In vitro data suggest that lactoferrin, a glycoprotein present in human mucosal secretions, has a role in protection from bacterial enteric infections. We sought to determine the activity of lactoferrin in vivo, using the concentration present in human colostrum, to investigate its effect on the development of clinical and pathological evidence of inflammation in a rabbit model of enteritis. Lactoferrin protected rabbits infected with Shigella flexneri from developing inflammatory intestinal disease. Typical histological changes in ill animals included villous blunting with sloughing of epithelial cells, submucosal edema, infiltration of leukocytes, venous congestion, and hemorrhage. Lactoferrin at a concentration normally found in human colostrum blocks development of S. flexneri-induced inflammatory enteritis