249 research outputs found

    La calidad de la educación en territorios rurales desde las políticas públicas

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    The objective of this article is to deepen the concept of educational quality in the reality ofthe Mexican Educational System. As a problem, it assumes the asymmetry of results and realitiesexperienced in the rural and urban context to question whether there is a common criterion on‘educational quality’. The concept of educational quality is explored in the face of the federal normsthat protect the right to education. On the other hand, it explains the conceptual change that hasoccurred in the conception of rurality, becoming increasingly diverse. A specific section describesthe Community School Model, which educationally serves dispersed and underpopulatedcommunities in Mexico. Methodologically, a hermeneutic reflection of three sources is proposed:the concept of education, the wording of Article 3 of the Mexican Constitution with its variouschanges and description of the rural educational environment in that period, and the MultigradeSchools promoted by CONAFE as the system that reaches those territories. It is concluded thateducational quality is delimited by the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and theconditions in which it is developed, the above framed by the following factors: (i) the dignificationof the person, (ii) the legal terms described in Art. 3, (iii) contextualized in the geographical realityof the student.El objetivo de este artículo es profundizar el concepto de calidad educativa en la realidad delSistema Educativo Mexicano. Como problema se asume la asimetría de resultados y realidadesvividas en el contexto rural y urbano para cuestionar si existe un criterio común sobre la ‘calidadeducativa’. Se explora el concepto de calidad educativa cara a las normas federales que amparanel derecho a la educación. Por otro lado, se explica el cambio conceptual que ha habido en laconcepción de ruralidad, volviéndose cada vez más diverso. En un apartado concreto se describeel Modelo de Escuelas Comunitarias, quienes atienden educativamente a poblaciones dispersas ycon menos pobladores de México. Metodológicamente se propone una reflexión hermenéuticade tres fuentes: el concepto de educación, la redacción del Artículo 3 constitucional mexicanocon sus diversos cambios y descripción del entorno educativo rural en dicha temporalidad y lasEscuelas Multigrado impulsadas por el CONAFE como el sistema que llega a dichos territorios.Se concluye que la calidad educativa está delimitada por la Constitución Política de los EstadosUnidos Mexicano y las condiciones en las que se desarrolla la misma, lo anterior enmarcado porlos siguientes factores: (i) la dignificación de la persona, (ii) los términos jurídicos descritos en elArt. 3, (iii) contextuados en la realidad geográfica del estudiante. &nbsp

    Neonatal molecular pathologies induced by maternal anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies

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    Maternal antinuclear antibodies with anti-Ro or anti-La specificity might be pathogenic to the fetus and could induce molecular neonatal pathologies, such as neonatal lupus (NL) with or without congenital heart block (CHB). The cutaneous manifestations of neonatal lupus appear at birth or a few weeks later, and skin lesions may persist for weeks. While CHB is characterized by intrauterine bradycardia or low heart rates at birth and may persist for months, depending on the degree of blockage. Clinical and experimental data demonstrated that anti-Ro and anti-La autoantibodies functionally inhibit L-type calcium channels and induce abnormalities in electrical conduction of the cardiac myocytes. It has been 38 years since the first clinical description of CHB. Presently, the pathophysiology of CHB has been clarified through clinical and basic research studie

    Compromiso del profesor universitario ante el reto de la formación de profesionales integrales*

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    PALABRAS CLAVE: formación integral, mediación, investigación, competencias, docencia universitaria, dimensiones

    Cutaneous manifestations of spondyloarthritis

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    Spondyloarthritis comprises a group of inflammatory rheumatic disorders with a genetic predisposition involving multiple genes that interact with environmental factors. The skin manifestations of spondyloarthritis are diverse, particularly psoriatic arthritis related to the overexpression of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF, IL-6, IL-12, IL-2 and IFN-g; this psoriatic dermatitis is a common skin feature of spondyloarthritis. Spondyloarthritis mainly affects the spine, sacroiliac joints, ligaments and other tissues. Psoriatic lesions are erythematous plaques covered with silvery whitish scales distributed on the scalp, elbows, knees, trunk and gluteus creases, and the fingernails are frequently involved. Individuals with reactive arthritis and Crohn’s disease may exhibit psoriasiform dermatitis and other manifestations including ocular inflammation, oral ulceration, erythema nodosum and/or thrombophlebitis. In the case of reactive arthritis, male patients may exhibit circinate balanitis and keratoderma blennorrhagica. In summary, dermatological manifestations of spondyloarthritis represent clinical clues and a unique scenario to explore the related pathophysiology and therapeutic approaches

    Bromatological and Microbiological Characterization of Andean Tubers Mashwa (Tropaeolum Tuberosum) and Oca (Oxalis Tuberosa)

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    The objective of this research was to analyze the bromatological and microbiological composition of Andean tubers, to determine whether their state of maturation influences their composition. Mashwa (Tropaeolum tuberosum) and oca (Oxalis tuberosa) tubers were analyzed. Different degrees of maturation (tender, ripe) were considered. In each analysis, three treatments were carried out, using 100g of sample. The data were analyzed through a two-factor analysis of variance with several samples per group. The average values obtained from the bromatological data of tender mashwa were: 12.33% protein, 0.87% fat, 5.17% ash and 6.41% moisture. The values for mature mashwa were: 15.27% protein, 1.00% fat, 6.74% ash and 5.85% moisture. For tender oca, the values were: 7.47% protein, 0.65% fat, 4.59% ash and 7.03% moisture. Finally, the values for mature oca were 8.92% protein, 0.64% fat, 5.40% ash and 6.03% moisture. In terms of the microbiological evaluation, a minimal presence of the following aerobic bacteria was observed: Stapylococus aureos, coliforms, Eschericha coli. The results showed that the microbiological values ​​for Andean tubers (mashwa and oca) were within the safe parameters, so the tubers are suitable for consumption. Keywords: bromatological, microbiological, Tropaeolum tuberosum, Oxalis tuberosa, maturation. RESUMEN El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la composición bromatológica, microbiológica, y determinar si el estado de maduración influye en la composición de los tubérculos andinos. Los tubérculos analizados, mashwa (Tropaeolum tuberosum) y oca (Oxalis tuberosa), donde se considero diferentes grados de maduración (tierno, maduro), en cada análisis se empleo 3 tratamientos utilizando 100g de muestra. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el programa Excel con un análisis de varianza de dos factores con varias muestras por grupo. El promedio obtenido en los datos bromatológicos de mashwa tierna son: proteína de 12,33%, grasa 0,87%, ceniza 5,17% y humedad 6,41%, mashwa madura 15,27% de proteína, 1,00% de grasa, 6,74% de ceniza y 5,85% de humedad, para la oca tierna en proteína de 7,47%, grasa 0,65%, ceniza 4,59% y humedad 7,03%, oca madura son de 8,92% de proteína, 0,64% de grasa, 5,40% de ceniza y 6,03% de humedad. En el caso de la evaluación microbiológica se observó la presencia mínima de Bacterias Aerobias, Stapylococus Áureos, Coliformes, Eschericha Coli. Determinando que los valores microbiológicos para los tubérculos andinos (mashwa, oca) se encuentran dentro de los parámetros por lo que están libres de patógenos y son aptos para el consumo. Palabras claves: bromatológico, microbiológico, Tropaeolum tuberosum, Oxalis tuberosa, maduración

    The Caspase Pathway as a Possible Therapeutic Target in Experimental Pemphigus

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    Apoptosis plays a role in pemphigus IgG-dependent acantholysis; theoretically, the blockade of the caspase pathway could prevent the blistering that is caused by pemphigus autoantibodies. Using this strategy, we attempted to block the pathogenic effect of pemphigus IgG in Balb/c mice by using the caspase inhibitor Ac-DEVD-CMK. This inhibitor was administrated before the injection of pemphigus IgG into neonatal mice. The main results of the present investigation are as follows: (1) pemphigus IgG induces intraepidermal blisters in Balb/c neonatal mice; (2) keratinocytes around the blister and acantholytic cells undergo apoptosis; (3) the caspases inhibitor Ac-DEVD-CMK prevents apoptosis; (4) the inhibition of the caspase pathway prevents blister formation. In conclusion, inhibition of the caspase pathway may be a promising therapeutic tool that can help in the treatment of pemphigus flare ups

    Pathogenic effects of maternal antinuclear antibodies during pregnancy in women with lupus

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    Lupus is an autoimmune disease that primarily affects young women of childbearing age. Fertility rates in lupus patients depend on various factors, including disease activity, nephritis, and the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies; however, after lupus patients become pregnant, different factors may affect the course of pregnancy, such as the production of autoantibodies, pre-existing renal disease, and eclampsia, among others. The placenta is a temporary hemochorial organ that prevents immunological conflict due to exposure to alloantigens at the maternal-fetal interface; placental regulatory T cells play a major role in maternal-fetal tolerance. Typically, significant amounts of maternal IgG class antibodies cross the placenta and enter the fetal circulation. This transition depends on the distribution of Fc receptors along the syncytiotrophoblast. The production of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) is a hallmark of lupus, and these autoantibodies can form immune complexes that are typically trapped in the placenta during gestation. However, the entry of ANA into the fetal circulation depends on the IgG-ANA concentration and the FcR placental density. Maternal antinuclear antibodies with anti-Ro or anti-La specificity might be pathogenic to the fetus if transfused by the placental pathway and could induce neonatal pathologies, such as neonatal lupus and congenital heart block. Here, we review the experimental and clinical data supporting a pathogenic role for maternal autoantibodies transmitted to the fetus

    Microstructural Study of a Zn-Ni Alloy Prepared by Ball Milling Using Two Different Devices

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    Metallic zinc (Zn) has ben extensively used as protective coating of iron and steel for decades, but problems related with its high permeability has reduced its application. It was found that the corrosion resistance of zinc in form of alloys is increased by adding some transition metals. Recently, the Zn-Ni system is under research as an efficient alternative as anticorrosion coating for metals. Zn-Ni is mostly prepared by electroplating or thermal spray technologies, but there are some problems like: (i) fluctuation of Zn-Ni contents, (ii) the pollution caused by plating solutions and (iii) irregular thickness of the coating. The mechanical alloying (MA) technique can be used to fulfill the above issues because this route facilitates the synthesis of homogeneous materials from powder mixtures . Also, MA is frequently employed for the preparation of new materials based on mechanochemical reactions performed at room temperature, while avoiding the conventional ingot metallurgy [3]. This work deals with the preparation and study of a Zn-Ni alloy prepared by MA using two types of milling devices: a planetary which works manly through abrasion and impact of grinding balls and the Spex which works through the high-energy impact of balls. Zn-Ni was prepared from pure Ni and Zn powders, the equiatomic compositions were weighed and milled for 4 hours followed by sintering at 357°C during 1h

    Diferencias de género a través de la atenuación e intensificación en el debate político electoral en Nuevo León, México

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    This paper analyzes campaign political discourse in the first debate pronounced by the only woman candidate for governor of Nuevo Leon, Ivonne Álvarez, which was broadcasted on April 19, 2015 in the mass media. The intention is to study the mitigation and intensifying resources used by Álvarez, in contrast to the speech given by the two male candidates, to construct an acceptable image in the electorate and to show if they are a determining factor by gender in making political decisions.Se analiza el discurso político electoral en el primer debate pronunciado por la única mujer candidata a la Gubernatura de Nuevo León, Ivonne Álvarez, que fue emitido en los medios masivos de comunicación el 19 de abril de 2015. La intención es estudiar los recursos atenuadores e intensificadores empleados por la aspirante, en contraste con el discurso pronunciado por los dos candidatos varones, para construir una imagen aceptable en los electorados y mostrar si éstos constituyen un factor determinante por la condición de género por  a la hora de tomar decisiones políticas

    The vegetation as a control system for the urban heat Islands in ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

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    Globally the territory has undergone a process of urbanization, which has modi ed the physical and climatological conditions as a consequence of the densi cation and construction of the urban areas, above all with the use of materials that retain the heat and that favor the phenomenon of Urban heat island (ICU), a term established by Gordon Manley in 1958 (Fernandez, 1996). This work evaluates the impact of green areas to act as a heat island control system over Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, during the summer of 2016. The methodology consisted of analyzing four green areas to determine the temperature difference between Wooded areas and non-wooded areas, recording temperatures with Hobo® sensors every 15 minutes. The results obtained showed that there is a temperature difference of 3.82 ° C between the wooded and non-wooded areas in the green area with the highest vegetation level, while the green area with the lowest vegetation level found a difference of 0, 53 ° C. However, the impact they will have on the urban area will be based on the con guration and characteristics of the same green area.A nivel mundial, el territorio ha experimentado un proceso de urbanización, el cual ha modificado las condiciones físicas y climatológicas como consecuencia de la densificación y construcción de las zonas urbanas, sobre todo a partir de la utilización de materiales que retienen el calor y que propician el fenómeno de isla de calor urbano (ICU), término establecido por Gordon Manley en 1958 (Fernández, 1996). Este trabajo evalúa el impacto que tienen las áreas verdes para actuar como sistema de control de isla de calor sobre Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, durante el verano del 2016. La metodología consistió en analizar cuatro áreas verdes para determinar la diferencia de temperatura que existe entre las zonas arboladas y las no arboladas, registrando temperaturas con sensores Hobo®, cada 15 minutos. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que existe una diferencia de temperatura de 3,82 °C entre los lugares arbolados y no arbolados en el área verde con mayor nivel de vegetación, mientras que el área verde con menor nivel de vegetación se encontró una diferencia de 0,53 °C. Sin embargo, el impacto que tendrán sobre la zona urbana dependerá de la configuración y características de la misma área verde.   Documeto fianciado bajo el marco Tesis de Maestría en Planificación y Desarrollo Urbano " Áreas verdes como sistema de control para las Islas de Calor Urbano en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua".Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juáre