2,203 research outputs found

    La educación vial y su efecto en el comportamiento riesgoso de jóvenes conductores noveles

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    Road Education is part of our daily life and as such, it is fundamental for there to be harmony within a society. In Ecuador, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for young people, mainly due to a lack of education and awareness, which often leads to risky behavior situations among young drivers, being most of these accidents preventable. In this way, the present study proposes the investigation of risky driving behaviors through the use of a driving simulator with 40 participants between ages of 16 to 24, who are in the course for obtaining the nonprofessional type B license of the Auto Club San Francisco in the city of Quito. Participants will be evaluated twice in the simulator before receiving road education and after having received it, in order to identify and compare, through a computerized statistical analysis, those young drivers with less experience who present more risk behaviors and, this way, improve the teaching of road education of new drivers and give way to research in the field of driving and road safety in EcuadorLa Educación Vial forma parte de nuestro diario vivir y como tal, es fundamental para que exista armonía dentro de una sociedad. En el Ecuador, los accidentes de tránsito son la primera causa de muerte de los jóvenes principalmente debido a una falta de educación y concientización, lo que marcadas veces produce situaciones de comportamiento riesgoso entre los jóvenes conductores noveles, siendo la mayor parte de estos accidentes prevenibles. De esta manera, el presente estudio propone la investigación de las conductas de manejo riesgoso mediante el uso de un simulador de conducción con 40 participantes de 16 a 24 años que se encuentren en el curso para la obtención de la licencia tipo B no profesional del Auto Club San Francisco en la ciudad de Quito. Los participantes serán evaluados dos veces en el simulador antes de recibir educación vial y luego de haberla recibido, con el fin de identificar y comparar mediante un análisis estadístico computarizado a aquellos jóvenes conductores con poca experiencia que presentan más conductas de riesgo y así mejorar la impartición de educación vial a los conductores noveles y también dar paso a futuras investigaciones en el ámbito de la conducción y seguridad vial en el Ecuador

    Perspectiva de Tiempo Futuro y su relevancia motivacional en distintos contextos educativos

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    This study aims at systematizing and integrating research findings about Future Time Perspective (FTP) in Peruvian educational contexts. FTP is a motivational psychological variable that allows explaining the present behavior, considering goals set in the future.  The construct demonstrated its theoretical and empirical strength in different contexts. During the second half of the XXth Century Nuttin and Lens (1985) applied the variable in different fields, especially the educational one. Their proposal considered the cognitive and motivational properties of FTP; its density, extension and level of realism was then reported. Empirical research has been conducted to date under this theoretical background; however, a decade ago this concept was redirected to a multidimensional proposal conceptualized as Future Orientation (FO) considering three components: motivational, cognitive and behavioral (Seginer, 2009).In Peru, longitudinal and cross-sectional studies were carried out since 1998. These studies consistently documented that adolescents and youngsters studying in different educational institutions, showed a short FTP, a low level of realism and a keen aspiration for becoming professionals. During the last years, FO measuring was reoriented considering the multidimensional feature of the concept. Recent research findings in Peruvian adolescents and youngsters indicate that there is a positive and intense relation between satisfaction with life and the motivational component of FO. Taking into account these results, researchers consider that it is important to develop this line of investigation, as the analysis of the youngster’s motivation and FO will provide the guidelines for future social interventions in favor of their social insertion and well-being.El presente artículo sistematiza e integra los hallazgos de investigaciones desarrolladas en Perú sobre Perspectiva de Tiempo Futuro (PTF) en contextos educativos. La PTF es una variable psicológica motivacional que permite explicar el comportamiento presente partiendo de metas establecidas en el futuro. El concepto demostró solidez teórica-empírica en distintas latitudes. Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, Nuttin y Lens (1985) aplicaron el concepto en diversos ámbitos, especialmente el educativo. Su propuesta consideró la condición cognitiva y motivacional de la variable reportándose su densidad, extensión y nivel de realismo. Se ha trabajado empíricamente con este supuesto hasta la actualidad, pero hace una década se amplió dicho concepto hacia una propuesta multidimensional conceptualizada como Orientación Futura (OF) la cual posee tres componentes: motivacional, cognitivo y comportamental (Seginer, 2009). En Perú, desde 1998 se implementó estudios longitudinales y transversales que corroboraron consistentemente que, en adolescentes y jóvenes de varias instituciones educativas, la PTF es corta, el nivel de realismo bajo y la aspiración por ser profesional constante. En los últimos años, se ha reorientado la medición resaltando la multidimensionalidad del concepto. Los recientes hallazgos muestran que la relación entre el bienestar y el componente motivacional de la OF tiende a ser positiva e intensa en el dominio de carrera profesional de los jóvenes evaluados. Es importante desarrollar esta línea de investigación porque el análisis de la motivación y OF juvenil brindará la pauta para futuras intervenciones a favor de su óptima inserción social y bienestar

    Perspectiva de Tiempo Futuro y su relevancia motivacional en distintos contextos educativos

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    This study aims at systematizing and integrating research findings about Future Time Perspective (FTP) in Peruvian educational contexts. FTP is a motivational psychological variable that allows explaining the present behavior, considering goals set in the future.  The construct demonstrated its theoretical and empirical strength in different contexts. During the second half of the XXth Century Nuttin and Lens (1985) applied the variable in different fields, especially the educational one. Their proposal considered the cognitive and motivational properties of FTP; its density, extension and level of realism was then reported. Empirical research has been conducted to date under this theoretical background; however, a decade ago this concept was redirected to a multidimensional proposal conceptualized as Future Orientation (FO) considering three components: motivational, cognitive and behavioral (Seginer, 2009).In Peru, longitudinal and cross-sectional studies were carried out since 1998. These studies consistently documented that adolescents and youngsters studying in different educational institutions, showed a short FTP, a low level of realism and a keen aspiration for becoming professionals. During the last years, FO measuring was reoriented considering the multidimensional feature of the concept. Recent research findings in Peruvian adolescents and youngsters indicate that there is a positive and intense relation between satisfaction with life and the motivational component of FO. Taking into account these results, researchers consider that it is important to develop this line of investigation, as the analysis of the youngster’s motivation and FO will provide the guidelines for future social interventions in favor of their social insertion and well-being.El presente artículo sistematiza e integra los hallazgos de investigaciones desarrolladas en Perú sobre Perspectiva de Tiempo Futuro (PTF) en contextos educativos. La PTF es una variable psicológica motivacional que permite explicar el comportamiento presente partiendo de metas establecidas en el futuro. El concepto demostró solidez teórica-empírica en distintas latitudes. Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, Nuttin y Lens (1985) aplicaron el concepto en diversos ámbitos, especialmente el educativo. Su propuesta consideró la condición cognitiva y motivacional de la variable reportándose su densidad, extensión y nivel de realismo. Se ha trabajado empíricamente con este supuesto hasta la actualidad, pero hace una década se amplió dicho concepto hacia una propuesta multidimensional conceptualizada como Orientación Futura (OF) la cual posee tres componentes: motivacional, cognitivo y comportamental (Seginer, 2009). En Perú, desde 1998 se implementó estudios longitudinales y transversales que corroboraron consistentemente que, en adolescentes y jóvenes de varias instituciones educativas, la PTF es corta, el nivel de realismo bajo y la aspiración por ser profesional constante. En los últimos años, se ha reorientado la medición resaltando la multidimensionalidad del concepto. Los recientes hallazgos muestran que la relación entre el bienestar y el componente motivacional de la OF tiende a ser positiva e intensa en el dominio de carrera profesional de los jóvenes evaluados. Es importante desarrollar esta línea de investigación porque el análisis de la motivación y OF juvenil brindará la pauta para futuras intervenciones a favor de su óptima inserción social y bienestar

    La objeción de conciencia del médico frente al método anticonceptivo de esterilización ante un servicio público sanitario

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    La conciencia juega un papel importante en la actuación del hombre, puesto que le permite vivir de acuerdo a sus convicciones morales, éticas o religiosas. El derecho no puede proteger el fuero interno de la persona pero sí su manifestación externa en la sociedad, esta exteriorización, es regulada por el Estado y se obliga a garantizar su ejercicio sin que haya intromisión de nadie, es allí donde nace la tutela del derecho de objeción de conciencia. Esta consiste en el incumplimiento de una obligación de naturaleza legal, contractual o administrativa por cuanto vulnera gravemente su conciencia de la persona, ante este supuesto el individuo se ve en la necesidad de desobedecerla, por ser injusta para su conciencia. Es así que surge la necesidad de reflexionar en este derecho y los alcances que tiene en el ejercicio médico en el caso concreto de no querer utilizar sus conocimientos para la aplicación de métodos anticonceptivos en los pacientes por afectar su conciencia, hablamos específicamente del método anticonceptivo de esterilización. Para ello, se analizará que parámetros normativos y jurisprudenciales tiene el médico para defenderse en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico

    Alcohol consumption and domestic violence against women: a study with university students from mexico

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    La violencia doméstica contra la mujer y el consumo de alcohol son considerados problemas de salud pública. Esta investigación descriptiva presentó como objetivo general determinar la ocurrencia de violencia doméstica contra mujeres estudiantes de una Facultad de Enfermería y Obstetricia de la Ciudad de Celaya, en Guanajuato, México, y su relación con el consumo de alcohol por las parejas de estas mujeres. La muestra fue compuesta por 73 alumnas, seleccionadas aleatoriamente. Para efectos de recolección de datos, se utilizó el cuestionario estructurado y validado denominado CASIQUE-QUEJ TUN. Los datos fueron analizados con el paquete estadístico SPPS. En lo que se refiere a la violencia física, 91,9% manifestaron no haber sido maltratadas por sus parejas. En lo que se refiere al consumo de alcohol, 57,5% de las entrevistadas y 67,1% de sus parejas lo consumen en reuniones sociales. Los resultados apuntaron también que 41,1% de las participantes no conocen sus derechos con relación a la violencia doméstica. De esta forma, son necesarias acciones de concientización de las mujeres sobre sus derechos, y las posibilidades de buscar ayuda legal en casos de violencia.A violência doméstica contra a mulher e o consumo de álcool são considerados problemas de saúde pública. Esta pesquisa descritiva apresentou como objetivo geral determinar a ocorrência de violência doméstica contra mulheres, alunas da Faculdade de Enfermagem e Obstetrícia da cidade de Celaya, México, e sua relação com o consumo de álcool por seus parceiros íntimos. A amostra foi composta por 73 alunas, selecionadas aleatoriamente. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizado o questionário estruturado e validado, denominado CASIQUE-QUEJ TUN. Os dados foram analisados através do programa SPSS. Quanto à violência física, 91,9% manifestaram não ter sido maltratadas por seus parceiros. Com relação ao consumo de álcool, 57,5% das entrevistadas e 67,1% de seus parceiros consomem álcool, especialmente em reuniões sociais. Os resultados apontaram também que 41,1% não conhecem seus direitos em relação à violência doméstica. Dessa forma, são necessárias ações de conscientização das mulheres sobre seus direitos e possibilidades de ajuda legal em casos de violência.Domestic violence against women and alcohol consumption are considered public health problems. This descriptive study aimed at determining the occurrence of domestic violence against women enrolled in the Nursing and Midwifery Program at the University of Celaya, Mexico and its relation with alcohol consumption by their partners. A sample of 73 students was randomly selected. Data were collected using the CASIQUE-QUEJ TUN questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS. With respect to physical violence, results showed that 91.9% were not maltreated by their partners. Regarding alcohol consumption, 57.5% of the women interviewed and 67.1% of their partners drank alcohol, especially at social events. Results also showed that 41.1% of the subjects did not know about their rights in cases of domestic violence. Thus, there is a need for actions which increase women’s awareness of their rights and the possibilities of legal support in cases of violence


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    Plants live in a microbial world and microbes have been known to influence plant health for more than a century. Remarkable progress has been made in elucidating the molecular, physiological and ecological processes in various instances of plant-microbe interactions. This has been possible thanks to a reductionist paradigm that emphasizes testing binary interactions involving only one type of microbe and one type of plant at the same time. In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that plants harbour an enourmous diversity of microbes. These observations raise important questions such as: what is the microbial diversity of the plant associated microbiota? How is the microbial diversity in the plant determined by external factors like soil biodiversity and nutritional composition? What is the role that the plant host plays in structuring the observed microbial biodiversity patterns? What are the plant genes and pathways that modulate the root microbiome and how do those interact with the environment? Finally, what is the function that the plant microbiome performs for the host? How does it influence phenotypic plasticity? and how can we manipulate the plant microbiome to modulate plant phenotypes? The work described in this dissertation provides some answers to those main questions. We characterized the bacterial diversity in and around Arabidopsis roots, and we showed that the root environment reproducibly selects for a subset of soil taxa, but we also established that the soil type is the second most important factor in explaining the observed communities inside the plant (Chapter 2). We also showed that there is weak but statistically significant effect of plant developmental stage and genotype in the root microbiome (Chapter 2). These results have been reproduced multiple times, in a variety of contexts, and represent the overarching principles of root microbiome assembly. These principles are reviewed in chapter 1 in light of current data from us and others. While natural variation revealed limited differences in root microbiome, reverse genetics approaches showed stronger effects (Chapters 4 and 5). We used mutant panels in a natural soil to find that the plant phytohormone salicylic acid, which controls a sector of plant immunity, modulates the abundance of specific taxa in the root (Chapter 4). A similar approach, found that an intact phosphate starvation response in Arabidopsis is required to assemble a wild-type root microbiome (Chapter 5). Our studies based on natural soil surveys, while useful, are limited by a lack of genomic context that is inherent to single marker surveys. To overcome this limitation, we pioneered a synthetic community approach by leveraging a large collection of wild root isolates. We have shown that we can use this approach to separate the host and environmental effects on the root microbiome (Chapter 3). We have used this synthetic community approach to delve deeper into the insights obtained in the natural soil surveys. We have shown that there is natural host genetic variation that is associated with the abundance of specific bacterial strains (Chapter 3); that plants deficient for various aspects the salicylic acid pathway can be colonized by bacteria that would be normally excluded, and that salicylic acid exerts its effect on specific strains in a direct manner (Chapter 4); finally, we have shown that a bacterial community can induce the activation of the plant phosphate starvation response, and that the master transcriptional regulator of this response is also a negative regulator of immunity (Chapter 5). Most of the synthetic community work, by us and others, is based on single synthetic communities that try to maximize diversity. While this approach has been successful, it cannot differentiate between correlation and causation, and it limits the questions that can be asked. We have developed experimental designs, and analytical pipelines that allow us to overcome these limitations. By systematically varying the microbial community composition we have shown that we can directly estimate how bacterial groups (Chapter 6) or strains (Chapter 7) will influence plant phenotypes. We can do this from a community context thereby obviating the need for binary association assays. We have shown that bacterial groups act mostly additively (Chapter 6) and that bacterial strains can act either additively or interactively depending on the plant phenotype (Chapter 7). Finally, we have shown that we can manipulate plant phenotypes by designing novel bacterial consortia (Chapters 6 and 7). Understanding plant-microbe interactions is essential for plant health and, by extension, for human health. Abating hunger is one of the great unsolved challenges of humanity. Currently, about one in nine people on Earh (∼800 million people) are hungry every day. The consequences of hunger are devastating and long-lasting. A sustainable increase in agricultural productivity is neccessary to reduce hunger and sustain projected population growth over the next century and beyond. The work described here attempts to bring together the best of reductionist and systems-level approaches, and provides key insights into plant microbiome function and manipulation that will impact conservation, mangement and agriculture.Doctor of Philosoph

    Rendimiento productivo de la vieja colorada (Mesoheros festae) alimentada con dietas basadas en torta de palmiste durante la etapa juvenil

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    Background: The increasingly aquaculture development have favored the searching of new protein sources for fish feeding. Goals: 1) trying to present the first data on the culture of an important commercial species in Ecuador, 2) replacing the protein source for feeding in order to minimize the global problem of the fish-based meals in aquaculture. Methods: Guayas cichlid juvenile fish were submitted to 4 feeding treatments: 0%, 4%, 8% and 12% palm cake replacement for 30 days. Several zootechnnical indexes were calculated and analyzed at the end of the experimental culture, as well as the feed proximal composition. Results: The inclusion up to 8% palm cake did not affect the digestibility coefficients of dry matter, gross protein or gross energy.  No differences were found in final weight, growth rate, food conversion rate, protein efficiency rate and productive value of the protein among 0, 4 and 8% palm meal content treatments. As the percentage of palm kernel meal in the diets was increased, the food conversion rate decreased. Increasing palm meal in diets decreased costs.  Conclusions: The productive performance was not affected by the palm cake replacement in diets up to 8% with palm meal, and deriving in lower feed production costs.Antecedentes: La expansión de la acuicultura ha favorecido el estudio de fuentes de proteínas para la alimentación de peces. Objetivos: 1) tratar de presentar los primeros datos sobre el cultivo de una importante especie comercial en Ecuador, 2) reemplazar la fuente de proteína para la alimentación con el fin de minimizar el problema global de las comidas a base de harina de pescado en la acuicultura. Métodos: Juveniles de vieja colorada fueron sometidos a 4 tratamientos de alimentación: 0%, 4%, 8% y 12% de sustitución por torta de palmiste durante 30 días. SE calcularon y analizaron varios índices zootécnicos al final del cultivo experimental, así como la composición proximal de las dietas experimentales. Resultados: La inclusión de hasta un 8% de torta de palmiste no afectó a los coeficientes de digestibilidad de materia seca, proteína bruta o energía bruta. No se encontraron diferencias en peso final, tasa de crecimiento, tasa de eficiencia de la proteína y valor productivo de la proteína entre los tratamientos de 0, 4 y 8% de contenido en torta de palmiste. Conforme creció el porcentaje de torta de palmiste en la dieta aumentó la tasa de conversión del alimento. El aumento de la torta de palmiste en las dietas redujo los costes.  Conclusiones: El rendimiento productivo no se vio afectado por la sustitución de dietas incluyendo hasta un 8% por torta de palmiste, y derivando en menores costes de producción

    Propuesta para la declaración de área de conservación y usos sostenible de la cascada Candela Fazo localizada en Saquisilí, Játun Era

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    The purpose of this research project is the proposal for the declaration of an area of conservation and sustainable use of the Candela Fazo waterfall located in Saquisili parish Jatun Era where natural attractions stand out ecosistematicos, which has as objectives; Characterize the study area subject to the declaration; Determine the procedures, techniques and regulations for the declaration of the study area as ACUS; Establish the proposal for the declaration of ACUS, through the bibliographic methodology and the analysis of information collected with the help of various bibliographic sources, for the theoretical foundation and for the creation of an ordinance that contributes to the conservation of the Candela Fazo waterfall; In conjunction with the field research method for data collection and information gathering with the use of GPS georeferencing equipment to achieve the objective of declaring the waterfall an ACUS; This selective design allowed us to answer questions about the species of plants or groups of species that predominate in their natural form in the study area and also helped us to discover which species are more important as resources according to the technique of direct observation and sampling for the analysis of results, we can characterize, determine techniques and regulations as established by the National System of Protected Areas in the Ministerial Agreement 083 and its Article 7. - (ACUS), which is an area created by decentralized autonomous governments, communities or private owners whose purpose is the conservation of biodiversity and development of sustainable activities to ensure the maintenance of ecosystem services. With the purpose of developing a proposal for the declaration of ACUS of the Candela Fazo waterfall in the Játun Era community, for the understanding and analysis of the Buffer Zones, thanks to the joint work they carry out in the care of the Natural Protected Areas. Thus, by getting into the conservation of the environment, they will discover the importance of caring for nature, in order to guarantee a healthy and ecologically balanced environment and above all to achieve a sustainable balance in the relationship between natural resources and human beings.El propósito del presente proyecto de investigación es la propuesta para la declaración de área de conservación y uso sostenible de la cascada Candela Fazo localizada en Saquisilí parroquia Játun Era donde se destacan atractivos naturales ecosistematicos, que tiene como objetivos; Caracterizar el área de estudio sujeto a la declaratoria; Determinar los procedimientos, técnicas y normativas para la declaración de área de estudio como ACUS; Establecer la propuesta de declaratoria de ACUS, mediante la metodología bibliográfica el análisis de información recopilada con la ayuda de diversas fuentes bibliográficas, para la fundamentación teórica y para la creación de ordenanza que contribuya a la conservación de la cascada Candela Fazo; Conjuntamente con el método de investigación de campo para la toma de datos y recopilación de información con la utilización del equipo de georreferenciación GPS para lograr cumplir el objetivo para la declaración de ACUS de la cascada; asimismo como el método inventario cualitativo de la flora y fauna, este diseño selectivo nos facilitó a responder preguntas sobre las especies de plantas o grupos de especies que predominen en su forma natural en el área de estudio igualmente nos ayudó a descubrir qué especies son más importantes como recursos conforme a la técnica de observación directa y de muestreo para el Análisis de resultados, se puedo caracterizar, determinar técnicas y normativas como lo establece el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas en el Acuerdo ministerial 083 y su Artículo 7.- (ACUS) que es un área creada por los gobiernos autónomas descentralizados, comunidades o propietarios privados ya que cuyo fin es el de conservación de la biodiversidad y desarrollo de actividades sustentables para garantizar el mantenimiento de los servicios ecositémicos. Con el propósito de desarrollar una propuesta para la declaración de ACUS de la cascada Candela Fazo en la comunidad Játun Era, para la comprensión y análisis de las Zonas de Amortiguamiento, gracias al trabajo conjunto que desempeñan en el cuidado de las Áreas Naturales Protegidas. Es así que adentrándose en la conservación del ambiente, permitirán descubrir la importancia que tiene el cuidado de la naturaleza, para de esta manera garantizar un ambiente sano y ecológicamente equilibrado y sobre todo para lograr un equilibrio sostenible en relación recursos naturales con el ser humano