2,490 research outputs found

    Closing the Window on Strongly Interacting Dark Matter with IceCube

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    We use the recent results on dark matter searches of the 22-string IceCube detector to probe the remaining allowed window for strongly interacting dark matter in the mass range 10^4<m_X<10^15 GeV. We calculate the expected signal in the 22-string IceCube detector from the annihilation ofsuch particles captured in the Sun and compare it to the detected background. As a result, the remaining allowed region in the mass versus cross sectionparameter space is ruled out. We also show the expected sensitivity of the complete IceCube detector with 86 strings.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures. Uppdated figures 2 and 3 (y-axis normalization and label) . Version accepted for publication in PR

    Proceedings of the First Workshop on Exotic Physics with Neutrino Telescopes, EPNT06

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    The first Workshop on Exotic Physics with Neutrino Telescopes was held in Uppsala, Sweden, between September 20-22, 2006. The workshop was based on talks giving an overview of relevant subjects both from experiments and theorists. The theory talks provided guidelines for experimental searches, and covered the signatures expected in neutrino telescopes from different dark matter candidates, micro black holes, models with extra dimensions, non--standard neutrino oscillation scenarios and new neutrino interactions. The existing and planned neutrino telescopes presented their results and perspectives on the mentioned subjects.Comment: 28 contributions, 164 pages. C. de los Heros (editor

    Neurociencias, educación y salud mental

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    The following article presents a series of investigations, reflections, and quotes about neuroscience, education, and psychology. Each area is specialized in some matters but at some point they share territory and mutually benefit one another, and help us to increasingly understand the complex world of learning, the brain, and human behavior. We hope them to be of interest and a promoter of new thoughts.El siguiente artículo presenta una serie de investigaciones, reflexiones y citas sobre las Neurociencias, la Educación y la Psicología. Áreas cada una especializada en ciertas materias, pero que en algún momento se encuentran y comparten territorio, se nutren entre ellas y nos ayudan a entender –cada vez más– el complejo mundo del aprendizaje, el cerebro y el comportamiento humano. Esperamos que sea de interés y dé impulso a nuevas reflexiones

    El cine como herramienta docente en psicología

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    En la labor docente organizamos de tanto en cuanto, ciclos de cine-fórum; un pretexto para prolongar las clases y propiciar el debate psicológico-social, para agudizar la observación, fomentar la escucha atenta, la capacidad de análisis, de paso repasar las teorías vistas en clase y, posteriormente, el sano hábito de la conversación. Un darnos tiempo para ver una buena película y reflexionar al respecto, nada tan humano como la reflexión, además de sentir, sea alegría, cólera, vergüenza, temor, todas aquellas emociones que una película (como una buena novela, un cuento, una canción o una fotografía) nos puede generar

    Status of direct and indirect dark matter searches

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    I review the current status of dark matter searches using direct, indirect and accelerator techniques. A detailed review of individual experiments is beyond the scope of these proceedings. I focus instead on the challenges (sometimes limitations) faced by each of the approaches, which is what make them complementary, and the reason we must ensure that they are developed concurrently.Comment: Proceedings of European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics - EPS-HEP2019, 10-17 July, 2019. Submitted to Proceedings of Scienc