1,050 research outputs found

    The Media's Paradox Towards Democracy a Case of the Clash Between Media Indonesia and Vivanews in Munas Golkar 2009

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    Persaingan antara Aburizal Bakrie dan Surya Paloh dalam menduduki kursi ketuaumum Golkar tidak hanya terjadi di internal partai Golkar saja. Lebih dari itu, persaingan inidibawa ke hadapan public dengan terlibatnya Media Indonesia Grup yang dimiliki oleh Palohdan Vivanews yang dimiliki oleh Bakrie. Kedua Perusahaan media tersebut berlomba-lombauntuk mencuri perhatian publik untuk mengkampanyekan pemiliknya. Hal ini menyebabkanmedia yang seharusnya netral, non-partisan dan independen hanya menjadi alat darikekuasaan, tak ubahnya seperti peran militer di masa lalu. Oleh karena itulah, kehadiranmedia yang dianggap sebagai pilar keempat demokrasi patut untuk dipertanyakan. Semakinbesarnya kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh media menjadi sebuah paradoks dari nilai-nilaidemokrasi itu sendiri, dimana semakin kuat suatu media maka ia dapat dengan mudahdijadikan alat oleh pemiliknya untuk mengebiri nilai-nilai demokrasi yang melahirkannya.Dalam Munas Golkar yamg telah selesai digelar tersebut, publik benar-benar dicekokidengan segala macam pemberitaan tentang persaingan dalam munas walaupun hal itubukanlah sesuatu yang urgent atau berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kehidupanmereka


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    Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian survey dengan judul “Pengaruh Upah Terhadap Produktifitas Kerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi Pada Perusahaan Shuttlecock UD Almina Nganjuk” Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pertama untuk mengetahui pemberian upah yang diterima karyawan bagian produksi pada perusahaan Shuttlecock UD. Almina Nganjuk, Kedua untuk mengetahui prduktifitas kerja karyawan bagian prduksi pada perusahaan Shuttlecock UD. Almina Nganjuk, Ketiga untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian upah terhadap produktifitas kerja karyawan bagian produksi pada perusahaan Shuttlecock UD. Almina Nganjuk Alat analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh (nyata) signifikan terhadap produktifitas kerja karyawan bagian produksi dengan menggunakan uji-t, sebelum melakukan pengujian tersebut, penulis menggunakan uji validitas dan reabilitas. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian upah yang diberlakukan di perusahaan Shuttlecock UD. Almina Nganjuk sudah dirasakan baik oleh karyawan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan diperolehnya skor rata-rata total variabel upah sebesar 201,7 yang berada pada rentang skala 195 – 239 atau bisa dikatakan nilai upah sudah dirasakan baik oleh karyawan. Hasil tersebut membuktikan bahwa selama ini para karyawan mampu untuk menyelesaikan tugas atau pekerjaan yang dibebankan dengan baik secara kualitas, kuantitas, dan waktu penyelesaian pekerjaan. Yang ditunjukkan oleh rata - rata total variabel produktifitas kerja sebesar 200,7 yang berada pada skala penilaian tinggi. Hasil dari regresi linier sederhana dengan variabel upah sebagai variabel bebasnya (X) dan variabel produktifitas sebagai variabel terikatnya (Y) sehingga diperoleh Y = 3,346 + 0,663 X + e dengan nilai R sebesar 0,384. Dari hasil uji t diperoleh nilai t sebesar 6,016 > t sebesar 2,00 sehingga (Ho) ditolak dan (Ha) diterima yang berarti variabel (X) upah mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap variabel produktifitas kerja (Y)

    Literature Review: Physical Activity In Elementary School Students' Outdoor Educational Learning

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    Outdoor education is an activity outside the school which is an activity outside the classroom. Such as playing in the school environment, parks, camping, and others. However, outdoor education does not just move lessons out of the classroom, but is carried out by inviting students to unite with nature and carry out activities that lead to the realization of changes in students' behavior towards the surrounding environment through the stages of awareness, understanding, responsibility, and behavior. The purpose of this study was to be able to examine the effect of outdoor education on the physical activity of students in elementary schools. The writing of this scientific article uses the literature review research method which originally came from 581 literature sources and then reviewed into 16 literature taken from two databases (Google Scholar and PubMed) which show physical activity and outdoor education. The results showed that every student with high physical activity had a good level of fitness. Students who do a lot of physical activity will get better physical fitness. It can be concluded that both learning activities outside the classroom have a significant positive impact, with learning outside the classroom focusing on academic development and a holistic learning experience, while physical activity focuses on physical health and individual well being

    Analisis Penelusuran Transaction Fraud dalam Perekayasaan Pelaporan Keuangan

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    Globalization has resulted in remarkable changes in all aspects of life, including in managing firm's financial transaction in corporate sector. Financial reporting reengineering in large private company frequently brings about financial fraudaulous practices. The objective of this article is to shed light on fraudaulous transaction in financial reporting reengineering, which was commonly observed in private companies. Reengineered financial reporting containing transaction fraud has widely been practiced in private companies in form of increasing fantastic profits, hiding out debts, reporting ficticious incomes, cutting taxes and increasing ficticious cash flows, while it is most probable these companies have been gone bankcruptcy. Financial reporting engineering manipulation is aimed at making up with favourable financial performance of the firm in order that firm's stocks remains attractive for investors. Keywords: fradaulous transaction, financial reporting engineering, private companie


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    The purpose of this study was to produce a butterfly style swimming learning model for junior high school students. The subjects in this research and development are students of Middle School. The research method used is the research and development model of Borg and Gall. Data collection techniques used are the results of expert validation and effectiveness testing through assessment instruments with t-test statistical data analysis. The results of research and development of a butterfly style swimming skill learning model for junior high school students shows that (1) the butterfly swimming skill learning model for junior high school students significantly improved the butterfly swimming skill of the students (2) Based on data analysis, the average value of pre-test 9.3750 and post-test average 17.6250 standard deviations of pretest 3.78721 and post-test 2.99305 average pretest and post-test 8.25000 and standard deviation 3.11119 value of t - 16.771 significance level 0.05 can be said that the Butterfly Style Swimming Skill Learning Model can improve butterfly style swimming skills and is effective to be applied in the learning process of butterfly style swimming skills for junior high school students. &nbsp


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    menghasilkan produk model latihan bertahan bolavoli untuk pemula. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini dilakukan untuk dapat memperoleh informasi tentang pengembangan dan penerapan model latihan bertahan bolavoli untuk pemula serta untuk mengetahui efektivitas model yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research & Development (R&D) dari Borg and Gall. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa ekstrakurikuler SMP yang terdiri dari 30 siswa / atlet. Tahapan-tahapan dalam penelitian ini adalah: analisis kebutuhan, evaluasi ahli (evaluasi produk awal), ujicoba kelompok kecil, dan ujicoba kelompok besar (field testing). Uji efektivitas model menggunakan tes bertahan bolavoli yang digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan bertahan siswa ekstrakurikuler sebelum dan sesudah pemberian perlakuan model latihan bertahan yang dikembangkan. Tes awal yang dilakukan diperoleh tingkat kemampuan bertahan siswa / atlet adalah 45.40. Setelah diberikan perlakuan model latihan bertahan didapatkan tingkat kemampuan bertahan 51.77. Pada uji signifikan perbedaan dengan spss 16 didapatkan mean= -6.37 menunjukan selisih dari hasil pre-test dan hasil post-test, hasil t-hitung= -6.291 df=29 dan p-value= 0.00 < 0.05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan model latihan bertahan bolavoli. Dengan demikian  model latihan bertahan bolavoli untuk pemula efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bertahan bolavoli

    Table Tennis Forehand Drive Learning Model for Application based Elementary School Students

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    This research produces a learning model for table tennis forehand drive strokes for upper elementary school students and tests the effectiveness of an application-based table tennis forehand stroke skill model for upper elementary school students. The research approach and method for this table tennis Forehand drive stroke skill learning model uses the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) research and development model. The subjects involved in this research were 34. The subjects of this research were upper elementary school students. The data analysis technique was created by conducting a pretest and posttest using a forehand drive stroke skill movement instrument. The results are analyzed, the point is to find out whether there is a percentage increase in skills through the learning model given to students. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that there was an increase in the ability of table tennis forehand drive strokes for elementary school IV students after implementing the forehand drive movement learning model. The results obtained were 6.41% pre-test and 8.65% post-test

    The Impact of Training Methods and Leg Muscle Strength to the Long Jumping Squat Style Skills of SMA Pesantren Pancasila Bengkulu

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the Training methods (Plyometrik and Weight Training ) and in terms the high strength of leg muscle and the low strength of leg muscle. Based on the problems, the design of this study was the treatment by the level of 2 x 2. Analysis of variance between the group at a significant level α = 0.05. This study also aims to determine the interaction between exercise and leg muscle strength against to the long jumping squat style skills.This study was done in SMA Pesantren Pancasila, Bengkulu. The sample was consisted of 24 athletes in this study, then divided into four groups, each group consisting of 6 athletes which as the object of this study.The data analysis technique was the analysis of variance of two lanes and then followed by Tukey test with significance level α = 0.05. The results of this study indicate that (1) Overall, the results of long jumping skills to the group that trained with exercise methods of Plyometrik better than the group trained with the type of Weight  Training, (2) There are interactions between the Training methods with leg muscle strength to the results of Long Jumping Squat Style Skills, (3) For those athletes who have high leg muscle strength, the result of long jumping skills through the implementation of exercise methods Plyometrik better than the method of Weight  Training, (4) For those athletes who have low leg muscle strength, the result of long jumping skill through the implementation of Weight Training methods not better than the Training methods of Plyometrik

    Literature Review: Sedentary Behavior In Outdoor Education Learning Elementary School Students

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    Sedentary behavior is a wakeful behavior or activity characterized by expenditure of energy such as sitting or lying down, as distinct from passive behavior. Sedentary behavior in outdoor education learning is a learning strategy that is carried out outdoors. Learning strategies like this are carried out by inviting students to unite with nature and do some outdoor activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors of sedentary behavior in outdoor education learning. Method: This study uses a literature study approach. Article search used 2 databases, namely Google Scholar and Pubmed with the keywords outdoor education and sedentary behavior. The criteria for the article are original published from 2013 to 2023. Results: Of the 16 articles that have been reviewed, the results show that all articles explain sedentary habits as bad habits that are prone to disease. There fore outdoor learning is one of the factors to reduce the occurrence of diseases that come as a result of sedentary habits, because a child will be more active and move a lot when outside the room. Conclusion: The results of the review of the 16 articles explained that there are factors that influence sedentary behavior in a child which can make a child lazy to move and do other activities. There fore outdoor learning is one of the supporting factors for reducing the occurrence of diseases that come as a result of sedentary habits, because a child will be more active and move a lot when outside the roo
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