1,485 research outputs found

    Scaling from single-point sap velocity measurements to stand transpiration in a multi-species deciduous forest: uncertainty sources, stand structure effect, and future scenarios impacts

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    ABSTRACT A major challenge in studies estimating stand water use in mixed-species forests is how to effectively scale data from individual trees to the stand. This is the case for forest ecosystems in the northeastern USA where differences in water use among species and across different size classes have not been extensively studied, despite their relevance for a wide range of ecosystem services. Our objectives were to assess the importance of different sources of variability ontranspiration upscaling and explore the potential impacts of future shifts in species composition on forest water budget. We measured sap velocity in five tree species (Fagus grandiflora, Acer rubrum, A. saccharum, Betula alleghaniensis, B. papyrifera) in a mature and young stand in NH (USA). Our results showed that the greatest potential source of error was radial variability and that tree size was more important than species in determining sap velocity. Total sapwood area was demonstrated to exert a strong controlling influence on transpiration, varying depending on tree size and species. We conclude that the effect of potential species shifts on transpirationwill depend on the sap velocity, determined mainly by radial variation and tree size, but also on the sapwood area distribution in the stand

    Scaling from single-point sap velocity measurements to stand transpiration in a multi-species deciduous forest: uncertainty sources, stand structure effect, and future scenarios impacts

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    ABSTRACT A major challenge in studies estimating stand water use in mixed-species forests is how to effectively scale data from individual trees to the stand. This is the case for forest ecosystems in the northeastern USA where differences in water use among species and across different size classes have not been extensively studied, despite their relevance for a wide range of ecosystem services. Our objectives were to assess the importance of different sources of variability ontranspiration upscaling and explore the potential impacts of future shifts in species composition on forest water budget. We measured sap velocity in five tree species (Fagus grandiflora, Acer rubrum, A. saccharum, Betula alleghaniensis, B. papyrifera) in a mature and young stand in NH (USA). Our results showed that the greatest potential source of error was radial variability and that tree size was more important than species in determining sap velocity. Total sapwood area was demonstrated to exert a strong controlling influence on transpiration, varying depending on tree size and species. We conclude that the effect of potential species shifts on transpirationwill depend on the sap velocity, determined mainly by radial variation and tree size, but also on the sapwood area distribution in the stand

    Dorman v. Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc

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    Oral Histories Help Document the Impact of COVID-19 on Cache Valley\u27s Latinx Community

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    Sophomore Jasmine, of Box Elder, is president of the USU LatinX Creative Society, the Parent Committee for Centro de la Familia in Box Elder, and the Region Policy Council for the Migrant Program. She studies social work and Spanish. Junior Virginia is a Spanish teaching major and recipient of an Institute for Mexicans Abroad scholarship for her studies in Mexican language and culture. Jasmine led this project to interview a dozen Cache Valley families about their personal experiences during the pandemic as members of the Latinx community. The documentary these students are producing will discuss the ways that their culture and identity gave the families a different prospective and created unique challenges for them. Jasmine wanted to bring together her coursework with her community service with this project. “To create diversity and give a voice to the Latinx community through these types of research projects, is empowering.” As Virginia’s first research experience, she feels that her public speaking and communication skills have grown


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    Revista DEVERAS del ComecytEl proceso productivo de la tortilla: nixtamalición y moienda del maíz, o empleo de harina de maíz nixtamalizada. La masa obtenido es la materia prima para preparar tortillas; para su fabricación, se requiere un cocimiento a 170-190°C durante 4 o 5 minutos, mismo que se lleva a cabo en planchas metálicas o de barro. La producción de tortillas representa una fuente de ingresos y una actividad económica muy importante en nuestro país. De acuerdo con el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), hay más de 85 mil tortillerías en nuestro país. Además, tenemos que añadir a esta actividad económica a las señoras que venden tortillas hechas a mano en los mercados locales.Consejo Mexiquense de Ciencia y Tecnologí


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    En un artículo publicado en la revista Deveras del COMECyTEl maíz tiene una presencia ancestral en la vida de los pobladores de los países del centro y sur de América; de los cuales, México puede considerarse como la cuna del maíz ya que, hasta la fecha, en su territorio se ha encontrado la variedad más antigua de éste. Desde hace mucho tiempo, las personas lo siembran, lo muelen, amasan y comen de distintas formas, el maíz es uno de los alimentos principales de la dieta de los mexicanos

    Modelo estratégico de pensamiento creativo para producir textos narrativos: cuentos en cuarto grado de primaria – Lambayeque

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    The present research denominated "Strategic model of creative thought to produce narrative texts: stories in fourth grade of primary - Lambayeque", was realized with the objective of proposing a strategic model of creative thought to produce stories in fourth grade of primary of IE 10132 Jesus Divine Master - Mochumí. In order to formalize the research, the IE director's authorization was requested, in which he provided the facilities to evaluate the level of text production, in the selected sample of 96 students. The results of the evaluation indicate that only 14% of the students in the four sections are planning in the dimension of planning by grade when planning a text, also as it is observed in the present study, in the dimension of textualization only 35% of the students apply the processes of textualization for the correct elaboration of a text. Finally, it is recommended that the director and teachers of EI No. 10132 Jesus Divine Master of Mochumí give greater emphasis on the strategic model of creative thinking through internal policies and meaningful learning sessions that contributes to raising the production of narrative texts and reading comprehension.La presente investigación denominado “Modelo estratégico de pensamiento creativo para producir textos narrativos: cuentos en cuarto grado de primaria – Lambayeque”, se realizó con el objetivo de proponer un modelo estratégico de pensamiento creativo para producir cuentos en cuarto grado de primaria de la I.E 10132 Jesús Divino Maestro – Mochumí. Para formalizar la investigación se solicitó la autorización del director de la I.E, en cuyo marco brindó las facilidades para evaluar el nivel de producción de textos, en la muestra seleccionada de 96 estudiantes. Los resultados de la evaluación indican que en la dimensión de planificación por grado solo el 14% del total de los alumnos de las cuatro secciones planifica al momento de elaborar un texto, asimismo según se observa en el presente estudio, en la dimensión de textualización solo el 35% de los alumnos aplica los procesos de textualización para la correcta elaboración de un texto. Finalmente, se recomienda que el director y los docentes de la I.E N° 10132 Jesús Divino Maestro de Mochumí den mayor énfasis sobre el modelo estratégico de pensamiento creativo mediante las políticas internas y sesiones de aprendizaje significativo que contribuya a elevar la producción de textos narrativos y comprensión lectora

    La tostada química

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    Revista para niños del Consejo Mexiquense de Ciencia y TecnologíaLa tostada es un alimento muy completo ya que aporta muchos nutrientes.Consejo Mexiquense de Ciencia y Tecnologí