2,741 research outputs found

    The decays h+- -> W-+ h0(a0) within an extension of the MSSM with one complex Higgs triplet

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    The vertex H+-W-+h0, involving the gauge bosons W-+, the charged (H+-) and the lightest neutral (h0) Higgs bosons, arises within the context of many extensions of the SM, and it can be used to probe the Higgs sector of such extensions via the decay H+- -> W+- h0. We discuss the strength of this vertex for an extension of the MSSM with an additional complex Higgs triplet. By using this model, we find regions of the parameter space where the decay H+- -> W+- h0 is not only kinematically allowed, but it also becomes an important decay mode and in some cases the dominant one.Comment: 10 figure

    Russian economic report No. 17 (November 2008), The World Bank

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    After a decade of high growth, the Russian econoomy is experiencing a slowdown in the wake of the global financial crisis. While Russia's strong short-term macroeconomic fundamentals make it better than many emerging economies to deal with the crisis, its underlying structural weaknesses and high dependence on the price of a single commodity make its impact more pronounced than otherwise. But the crisis also presents an opportunity to address the medium- to longer term challenges of competitiveness, economic diversification, and financial sector modernization which are necessary to boost growth and living standards.Russia; Russian economy; Russian financial crisis; energy efficiency

    Modélisation eulérienne de l'habitat de ponte et de la dynamique des larves des anchois et sardines dans le système d'upwelling du Pérou

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    Le Système du Courant de Humboldt est l'écosystème le plus productif au monde en termes de biomasse de poisson. Ses espèces principales, l'anchois Engraulis ringens et la sardine Sardinops sagax, ont connu d'importantes variations historiques de leurs stocks, une particularité dont l'origine est encore débattue. L'objectif de ce travail est d'implémenter pour la première fois une approche eulérienne se focalisant sur les premiers stades de vie des anchois et sardines du Pérou, et visant à étudier l'influence des paramètres environnementaux et de la variabilité climatique sur la dynamique des populations et les variations de leurs stocks. Le modèle est adapté du modèle eulérien de dynamique spatiale des écosystèmes SEAPODYM, initialement développé pour les grands poissons pélagiques à l'échelle du bassin océanique, et utilise le modèle couplé physico-biogéochimique ROMS-PISCES en entrée. Afin de contraindre les paramètres du modèle, nous avons développé une approche par assimilation de données basée sur un jeu unique de données de densités d'oeufs et de larves, acquis par l'Institut de la Mer du Pérou au cours des 40 dernières années. Le modèle permet de tester différents mécanismes susceptibles de contrôler l'habitat de ponte et le recrutement larvaire : température optimale, abondance des proies, présence/absence de prédateurs, et influence des courants sur la rétention et la dispersion. Nous montrons que la combinaison de quelques concepts simples permet d'expliquer raisonnablement la répartition spatiale des oeufs et larves ainsi que la variabilité interannuelle, mais la description actuelle ne permet pas d'expliquer la saisonnalité observée dans les zones côtières.The Humboldt Current System is the most productive oceanic system in terms of fish biomass. Its main species, the Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and sardine (Sardinops sagax), have known important historical variations of their stocks, a particularity which has questioned oceanographers for many years. The goal of the present work is to implement an eulerian approach focusing on the early life stages of peruvian anchovy and sardine, in order to study the influence of environmental parameters and climate variability on population dynamics and stocks variability. The model is adapted from the "Spatial Eulerian Ecosystem and Population Dynamic Model" SEAPODYM, initially developed for large pelagic fishes at ocean basin scale. It uses the outputs of a regional ROMS-PISCES coupled physical-biogeochemical model as environmental forcing. In order to constrain model parameters, we developed a data assimilation framework using a unique dataset of eggs and larvae abundances, collected by the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) in the HCS waters over the last 40 years. This framework allows to test different mechanisms proposed to control fish spawning habitat and larval recruitment: optimal temperature, prey abundance, trade-off between preys and predators, and influence of currents on retention and dispersion. We show that the combination of a few simple concepts can reasonably explain the overall spatial distribution of eggs and larvae and the interannual variability, but the current description is still not sufficient to explain the observed abundance seasonality in coastal areas

    Effective Coping Mechanisms for Caregivers of Dialysis Patients

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    In the United States, approximately 9 million informal caregivers, such as family and friends, assist other adults with essential activities, and more than 20 million adult Americans in the United States suffer from some level of chronic kidney disease. Research on the burden and satisfaction of caregivers of dialysis patients has focused on patients and caregivers who have been dealing with long-term kidney disease; however, this study addressed patients and their caregivers who were first transitioning from wellness to illness. The main intent of this study was to identify the coping mechanisms of effective caregivers at this point in time. The theoretical framework for this study was Lazarus and Folkmanâs theory of cognitive appraisal, which focused on emotions and how an individual appraises a situation. A total of 128 caregivers completed the survey. A multiple regression analysis, with backward elimination method was used. Results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the coping skills of being optimistic and emotive manifested by caregivers during the transition from wellness to illness of patients with end-stage renal disease significantly positively predict scores on the physical health domain, as well as the coping skill of being emotive on the psychological domain, and the coping skill of being optimistic on the environment domain. Identifying caregiver coping mechanisms during the initial transition from wellness to illness could contribute to future therapeutic techniques for caregivers; it could also contribute to positive social change in terms of government legislation for caregivers of kidney dialysis patients and in the global community for caregivers of kidney dialysis patient

    Apoyo en programas de sanidad animal y buenas practicas ganaderas en la asociación de ganaderos del altiplano Cundiboyacense y occidente de Boyaca (ASOGABOY)

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    Este informe se realizó con base en la pasantía efectuada con la Asociación de Ganaderos del Altiplano Cundiboyasence y Occidente de Boyacá (ASOGABOY) en labor desempeñada en cargo de programador en el primer ciclo de vacunación del año 2018 para la erradicación de la enfermedad de Fiebre Aftosa y Brucelosis Bovina en el Municipio de Caldas y la evaluación de los criterios fundamentales, elementales y minoritarios que se requieren para lograr la certificación en Buenas Practicas Ganaderas (BPG) en cuatro predios ubicados en los Municipios de Chiquinquirá y Simijaca

    Inflammation: The Link between Neural and Vascular Impairment in the Diabetic Retina and Therapeutic Implications

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    Diabetic retinopathy; Inflammation; RetinaRetinopatia diabètica; Inflamació; RetinaRetinopatía diabética; Inflamación; RetinaThe etiology of diabetic retinopathy (DR) is complex, multifactorial and compromises all the elements of the retinal neurovascular unit (NVU). This diabetic complication has a chronic low-grade inflammatory component involving multiple inflammatory mediators and adhesion molecules. The diabetic milieu promotes reactive gliosis, pro-inflammatory cytokine production and leukocyte recruitment, which contribute to the disruption of the blood retinal barrier. The understanding and the continuous research of the mechanisms behind the strong inflammatory component of the disease allows the design of new therapeutic strategies to address this unmet medical need. In this context, the aim of this review article is to recapitulate the latest research on the role of inflammation in DR and to discuss the efficacy of currently administered anti-inflammatory treatments and those still under development.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the projects ICI20/00129 and PI22/01670 and co-funded by the European Union. Hugo Ramos is the recipient of a grant from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BES-2017-081690)

    2015-2016 Master Class - Agustin Anievas (Piano)

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