48 research outputs found

    Death receptor 5 expression is inversely correlated with prostate cancer progression.

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    Prostate carcinoma (PCa) is one of the most common cancers in men. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) has been widely used to predict the outcome of PCa and screening with PSA has resulted in a decline in mortality. However, PSA is not an optimal prognostic tool as its sensitivity may be too low to reduce morbidity and mortality. Consequently, there is a demand for additional robust biomarkers for prostate cancer. Death receptor 5 (DR5) has been implicated in the prognosis of several cancers and it has been previously shown that it is negatively regulated by Yin Yang 1 (YY1) in prostate cancer cell lines. The present study investigated the clinical significance of DR5 expression in a prostate cancer patient cohort and its correlation with YY1 expression. Immunohistochemical analysis of protein expression distribution was performed using tissue microarray constructs from 54 primary PCa and 39 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) specimens. DR5 expression was dramatically reduced as a function of higher tumor grade. By contrast, YY1 expression was elevated in PCa tumors as compared with that in PIN, and was increased with higher tumor grade. DR5 had an inverse correlation with YY1 expression. Bioinformatic analyses corroborated these data. The present findings suggested that DR5 and YY1 expression levels may serve as progression biomarkers for prostate cancer

    Hablando de belleza figuras y recursos de relatos cotidianos

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    This paper is part of a wider study aiming to explore forms and senses of beauty in daily life. Among the questions being studied, the following are relevant: In what words and ways is daily beauty described? What could these forms mean? Trying to find answers to these questions, we have interpreted 15 stories and we found figures and resources. The figures suggested are: the right to illusion, from the sublime to trivial, short names used as loving words, ¡oy of senses, color everywhere, torment and pain, manias and other diseases, wholeness and life, good actions, good and bad manners, the perfection, the ugly, the pretentious and the beauty as a source of happiness... The identified resources are: signaling difficulties, talking from my heart, and indifference.Este texto forma parte de un estudio más amplio que busca explorar formas y sentidos de la belleza en la vida cotidiana. Entre las preguntas que se hace el estudio se destacan aquí las siguientes: ¿en cuáles términos y maneras se relata la belleza cotidiana?, ¿qué podrían significar esas maneras de decir la belleza? Tratando de responder esas preguntas interpretamos 15 relatos, y encontramos figuras y recursos. Las figuras sugeridas son: el derecho a la ilusión, de lo sublime a lo trivial, los diminutivos del cariño, la alegría de los sentidos, por todas partes el color, tormentos y dolores, manías y demás enfermedades, totalidad y vida, buenitas acciones, bonitas (y feas) maneras, la perfección, lo feo, lo cursi y la belleza hace la felicidad... Los recursos identificados son: señalar dificultades, hablar desde mí, e indiferenciar

    Conocimientos y prácticas de riesgo ante el VIH/SIDA en adolescentes de la Facultad de Planeación Urbana y Regional de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

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    El VIH/SIDA en los últimos años se ha expandido de manera alarmante, traspasando las fronteras que inicialmente los asociaban a comportamientos específicos como la homosexualidad, la promiscuidad sexual y el consumo de drogas. En la actualidad la pandemia afecta en forma indiscriminada a diversos sectores de la sociedad, haciendo cada vez más difícil su control.Introducción: El VIH/SIDA ha tenido gran impacto en la población mundial. Actualmente 33.3 millones de personas viven con VIH/SIDA, y cerca de la mitad de los nuevos casos reportados se encuentran entre los 15 a los 24 años. Objetivo: Identificar los conocimientos y prácticas de riesgo ante el VIH en adolescentes de la Facultad de Planeación Urbana y Regional (FaPUR) de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMEX) Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal, descriptivo y prospectivo, se aplicaron 200 encuestas a adolescentes de 17-19 años de ambos sexos que fueran alumnos de la FaPUR de la UAEMEX, durante el mes de Septiembre del año 2012 y se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo de la información obtenida. Resultados: Las principales características encontradas en los adolescentes fueron: la mayoría son del sexo masculino, de 18 años de edad, y con religión católica; su lugar de residencia es urbano, y con orientación sexual heterosexual, del total el 82% de los adolescentes tienen conocimientos suficientes sobre el VIH/SIDA y un 43% poseen de 1-4 prácticas de riesgo para adquirir la infección. Conclusiones: Los adolescentes de la FAPUR de la UAEMEX, poseen un nivel suficiente de conocimientos básicos sobre el VIH/SIDA, a pesar de esto siguen realizando prácticas de riesgo para adquirir el virus; lo que refleja de manera clara que aunque posean los cocimientos, estos no son traducidos a acciones y por lo tanto no son aplicados de manera preventiva y efectiva a su vida sexual

    Estrutura e concentração fundiária no Território Cantuquiriguaçu/PR: problemas históricos e dinâmicas recentes

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    O Território da Cidadania Cantuquiriguaçu se caracteriza como uma região com indicadores socioeconômicos abaixo das médias paranaenses. Com isso, este trabalho tem por objetivo abordar as características da estrutura fundiária do Território Cantuquiriguaçu, assim como as modificações pelas quais passou, considerando o período 2006-2017, hiato temporal que abrange a realização dos dois últimos censos agropecuários. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados foram a revisão bibliográfica e documental, com o uso de dados estatísticos, especialmente os gerados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e pelo Instituto Paranaense de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (IPARDES). Os resultados apontam para a elevação da concentração fundiária na região, indicada por uma concentração de forte a muito forte em 80% dos municípios

    Geografia y ecologia: convergencia necesaria para el logro de un desarrollo sostenible

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    El objetivo de este trabajo esta fundamentalmente en argumentarla importancia de las interrelaciones que se dan entre la Ecologia y la Geografiapara el estudio más completo dei medio ambiente, si se quiere garantizar un desarrollo sostenible

    Spatial Distribution of Taenia solium Porcine Cysticercosis within a Rural Area of Mexico

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    Cysticercosis is caused by Taenia solium, a parasitic disease that affects humans and rurally bred pigs in developing countries. The cysticercus may localize in the central nervous system of the human, causing neurocysticercosis, the most severe and frequent form of the disease. There appears to be an association between the prevalence of porcine cysticercosis and domestic pigs that wander freely and have access to human feces. In order to assess whether the risk of cysticercosis infection is clustered or widely dispersed in a limited rural area, a spatial analysis of rural porcine cysticercosis was applied to 13 villages of the Sierra de Huautla in Central Mexico. Clustering of cases in specific households would indicate tapeworm carriers in the vicinity, whereas their dispersal would suggest that the ambulatory habits of both humans and pigs contribute to the spread of cysticercosis. A total of 562 pigs were included in this study (August–December 2003). A global positioning system was employed in order to plot the geographic distribution of both cysticercotic pigs and risk factors for infection within the villages. Prevalence of pig tongue cysticercosis varied significantly in sampled villages (p = 0.003), ranging from 0% to 33.3% and averaging 13.3%. Pigs were clustered in households, but no differences in the clustering of cysticercotic and healthy pigs were found. In contrast, the presence of pigs roaming freely and drinking stagnant water correlated significantly with porcine cysticercosis (p = 0.07), as did the absence of latrines (p = 0.0008). High prevalence of porcine cysticercosis proves that transmission is still quite common in rural Mexico. The lack of significant differentiation in the geographical clustering of healthy and cysticercotic pigs weakens the argument that focal factors (e.g., household location of putative tapeworm carriers) play an important role in increasing the risk of cysticercosis transmission in pigs. Instead, it would appear that other wide-ranging biological, physical, and cultural factors determine the geographic spread of the disease. Extensive geographic dispersal of the risk of cysticercosis makes it imperative that control measures be applied indiscriminately to all pigs and humans living in this endemic area

    Intervention guidelines: resilience and entrepreneurship in microempresaries of the health tourism sector. A psychological innovation

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    Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre la resiliencia y el emprendimiento del sector turismo en salud de la ciudad de Cúcuta–Colombia. Método: cuantitativo no experimental de tipo transversal con un alcance correlacional-descriptivo. Resultados: la puntuación alta de los microempresarios frente a la dos variables establecidas (resiliencia y emprendimiento) mediante los instrumentos de escala de habilidad emprendedora (EHE)1 y la adaptación a población colombiana del inventario de factores de resiliencia ante la adversidad (IFRA)2. Como resultado no se encontró correlación entre las dos variables, obteniendose un coeficiente de correlación de 0,032 y una significancia de 0,787. Conclusión: un emprendedor no necesariamente puede ser resiliente para generar y mantener una buena idea de negocio. Se hacen lineamientos de intervención con los ejes temáticos de resiliencia y emprendimiento.Objective: To analyze the relationship between resilience and entrepreneurship in the health tourism sector of the city of Cúcuta–Colombia. Method: quantitative non-experimental transversal type with a correlational-descriptive scope. Results: the high score of micro-entrepreneurs against the two established variables (resilience and entrepreneurship) through the tools of entrepreneurial skill scale (EHE) and the adaptation to the Colombian population of the inventory of resilience factors against adversity (IFRA). As a result, no correlation was found between the two variables, obtaining a correlation coefficient of 0.032 and a significance of 0.787. Conclusion: an entrepreneur cannot necessarily be resilient to generate and maintain a good business idea. Intervention guidelines are made with the thematic axes of resilience and entrepreneurship