669 research outputs found

    La colaboración del especialista en un estudio terminológico específico

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    Este trabajo describe un caso concreto de la colaboración del especialista en un estudio terminológico. Se enmarca dentro de un trabajo de investigación que consiste en el análisis de una estructura colocacional concreta asociada a la terminología propia de una disciplina. En el planteamiento general se pretende demostrar que, partiendo del hecho de que la estructura cognitiva de una disciplina se conceptualiza a través de la terminología representada, básicamente, por el componente nominal, no son solo son estos elementos léxicos los que aportan información especializada, sino que también los adjetivos, modificadores gramaticales del nombre, incorporan una carga importante de contenido especializado. A partir del corpus elaborado, y con la ayuda de un software de extracción de datos, se ha podido constatar la existencia recurrente de esta estructura colocacional, la formada por un adjetivo y un término de especialidad pertenecientes al discurso de especialidad de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TICs). A partir de este presupuesto y como aspecto concreto del desarrollo de este análisis terminológico se propone la colaboración del especialista concibiéndose, por tanto, un grupo interdisciplinar, lingüista y experto, que nos ayude a confirmar con más datos este supuesto. Se define, en primer lugar, el significado que asume el concepto de “interdisciplinaridad”. Se establecen los perfiles de los especialistas participantes. Se diseña y justifica, seguidamente, el formato de recogida de información procedente de los especialistas. Se contrastan los resultados del corpus con los que han facilitado los especialistas y se estudian las conclusiones obtenidas. A partir de este presupuesto y como aspecto concreto del desarrollo de este análisis terminológico se propone la colaboración del especialista concibiéndose, por tanto, un grupo interdisciplinar, lingüista y experto, que nos ayude a confirmar con más datos este supuesto. Se define, en primer lugar, el significado que asume el concepto de ¿interdisciplinaridad¿. Se establecen los perfiles de los especialistas participantes. Se diseña y justifica, seguidamente, el formato de recogida de información procedente de los especialistas. Se contrastan los resultados del corpus con los que han facilitado los especialistas y se estudian las conclusiones obtenidas. Palabras clave: interdisciplinariedad, discurso especializado, combinaciones léxica

    Steps to Identify Collocations with Adjectives in a Specialized Subject Field Context

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    These abstract deals with the procedure to identify collocations with adjectives in a specialized subject field context. Furthermore it is intended to analyze them and propose a list of these collocations within the context of Information and Communication Technologies. The study will be done both for English and Spanish collocations. It has been identified that for any kind of linguistic production in this special language discourse, the percentage of usage of such collocations is very high compared to the amount of new information and terminological expressions. Since terminology is mainly understood as a technical noun or noun group, pre-modification of such terminology is syntactically performed by adjectives. In this specialized discourse there seems to be a trend for some particular technical nouns or noun groups to be pre-modified by certain adjectives restrictively. Consequently it should be assumed that in order to convey specialized meaning it is not only necessary to properly select terminology but also to combine adequately these fixed expressions which support specialized information as well. This present abstract aims at selecting adjective collocations and identifying their lexical functions of both English and Spanish occurrences. For this purpose it has been used a corpus of specialized subject field texts, some of them parallel texts, i.e. English version and the corresponding Spanish translated version, and other English-written texts and Spanish-written texts. Next the most frequently lexical occurrences formed by an adjective and its co-ocurrents (single technical noun or terminological group) have been identified. The next step is to find the definition of the adjective in the different lexicographical sources and finally attempt to identify its lexical function. The results are analyzed. This study has taken into account the research on phraseology made in Spain by Corpas (1996) as well as Mel’čuk’s Meaning-Text theory (1996). Particularly useful for this work it has been Marie-Claude L’Homme’s papers, especially the one entitled “Capturing the Lexical Structure in Special Subject Fields with Verbs and Verbal Derivatives. A Model for Specialized Lexicography” (2003)

    Lineas De Investigación En La Museología Española

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    Con este artículo pretendemos analizar brevemente cuál ha sido la trayectoria que la museología española ha seguido a lo largo de estos últimos decenios. Si en sus comienzos, España no ha destacado por ser pionera en las investigaciones museológicas, podemos decir que, poco a poco, fue calando entre los museólogos y estudiosos del museo los renovadores aires de la nueva museología. Como consecuencia de ello, comienzan a interesarse por la pedagogía museística y la didáctica museológica, en un intento de incentivar las exposiciones programadas dentro de los museos para que su contenido pueda llegar al público. De este modo, tomarán conciencia de la importancia que tiene considerar al museo como un espacio de comunicación y de diálogo, capaz de cuestionarse la realidad museal existente, adoptando para ello las claves hermenéuticas y epistemológicas que les proporciona la museología crítica. Deudora de las tradiciones museológicas francófonas y anglosajonas, la museología española ha tratado de buscar su propio camino e intenta afrontar los retos que el siglo XXI le presenta con creatividad e imaginación, procurando nuevos espacios para la reflexión, el diálogo y la apertura a las exigencias del museo posmoderno

    Desempeño Laboral y Clima Organizacional de Los Trabajadores En LA EMPRESA DE TRANSPORTES EXPRESO INTERNACIONAL PALOMINO SAC 2018.

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    La investigación titulada: “Desempeño laboral y clima organizacional de los trabajadores en la empresa de transportes expreso internacional palomino SAC 2018”, tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre el Desempeño laboral y el clima organizacional de los trabajadores en la Empresa de Transportes Expreso Internacional Palomino SAC 2018. El estudio de investigación es de tipo básico, con el diseño tipo descriptivo - correlacional, de corte transversal (transaccional) no experimental, aplicando el método hipotético deductivo, la población de estudio estuvo conformada por 156 personas y una muestra de 111 trabajadores, para recopilar los datos se utilizó el cuestionario de desempeño laboral que en el procesamiento de datos alcanzo un nivel de confiabilidad del 0,786 indicando que es una correlación positiva muy alta y el cuestionario de clima organizacional que en el procesamiento de datos alcanzo un nivel de confiabilidad del 0,285 indicando que es una correlación positiva muy alta. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, estos evidenciaron que el nivel de percepción de la relación que existe entre el clima organizacional, y el desempeño laboral fue de p= 0,027, evidenciando que existe una correlación positiva alta.The research entitled: "Labor performance and organizational climate of workers in the international express palomino transport company SAC", aimed to determine the relationship between the work performance and the organizational climate of workers in the Transport Company Palomino International Express SAC 2018. The research study is basic, with descriptive type design - correlational, cross - sectional (transactional) non - experimental, applying the deductive hypothetical method, the study population consisted of 156 people and a sample of 111 workers, to collect the data was used the labor performance questionnaire that in data processing reached a reliability level of 0.786 indicating that it is a very high positive correlation and the organizational climate questionnaire that in data processing reached a confidence level of 0.285 indicating that it is a very high positive correlation. According to the obtained results, they showed that the level of perception of the relationship that exists between the organizational climate, and the work performance was p = 0.027, evidencing that there is a high positive correlation.Tesi

    Responsabilidad social del estado en la gestión del patrimonio cultural en la Región Lima, 2019 - 2021

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    El estudio realizado tiene que ver mucho con el cuidado de nuestro patrimonio cultural, el cual es importante, porque nos representa e identifica en nuestra historia, además es responsabilidad del Estado proteger nuestras reliquias, asimismo las instituciones y empresas encargadas de brindar un servicio turístico, el cual es necesario el ingreso de divisas, siendo beneficiosos para la población, así como de la sociedad en general para la implementación, construcción, refaccionamiento, entre otros. La investigación de acuerdo al tema, se trabajó a nivel del Ministerio de Cultura, tomando en cuenta a los directores, quienes ayudaron a su desarrollo, se utilizó como técnica la encuesta con diferentes preguntas, que ayudaron a desarrollar la parte interpretativa, así como la estadística de acuerdo a los lineamientos que fueron establecidos para este tipo de estudio.The study carried out has a lot to do with the care of our cultural heritage, which is important, because it represents and identifies us in our history, it is also the responsibility of the State to protect our relics, as well as the institutions and companies in charge of providing a tourist service, which is necessary the income of foreign currency, being beneficial for the population, as well as for society in general for the implementation, construction, refurbishment, among others. The investigation according to the theme, was worked at the level of the Ministry of Culture, taking into account, the directors who helped its development, the survey with different questions was used as a technique, which helped to develop the interpretive part, as well as the statistics according to the guidelines that were established for this type of study

    OAI-PMH and Linked Open Data in the context of Hispana and Europeana. Some historical reflections

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    Se resume la gestación y desarrollo de Hispana: Acceso en línea al patrimonio cultural sobre el protocolo Open Archives Initiative, y su evolución basada en una estrategia del Ministerio de Cultura de España de convocar ayudas para el desarrollo de proyectos de digitalización normalizados. Se analizan brevemente los efectos de los cambios en la estructura de datos de Europeana y su reflejo en las instituciones de memoria europeas y españolas.This paper summarizes the gestation and development of Hispana, that provides online access to Spanish cultural heritage on the Open Archives Initiative protocol, and its evolution based on a strategy of the Spanish Ministry of Culture to grant the development of standardized digitization projects. It is analyzed the effects of the data structure of Europeana, Europeana Data Model, and its reflection in the European and Spanish memory institutions. Finally, the main problems of Hispana and Europeana as cultural heritage information systems are analyzed, especially from the point of view of the search interfaces, and the dissemination and visibility of cultural heritage in other areas such as education.This paper summarizes the gestation and development of Hispana, that provides online access to Spanish cultural heritage on the Open Archives Initiative protocol, and its evolution based on a strategy of the Spanish Ministry of Culture to grant the development of standardized digitization projects. It is analyzed the effects of the data structure of Europeana, Europeana Data Model, and its reflection in the European and Spanish memory institutions. Finally, the main problems of Hispana and Europeana as cultural heritage information systems are analyzed, especially from the point of view of the search interfaces, and the dissemination and visibility of cultural heritage in other areas such as education

    Organic Acids, Sugars, and Anthocyanins Contents in Juices of Tunisian Pomegranate Fruits

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    Juices made from fruits of 30 Tunisian accessions of pomegranate were studied for their organic acids, sugars, and anthocyanin contents, using high performance liquid chromatography. Among the detected organic acids, malic acid was the major one (>50%) followed by citric acid (>22%), while among sugars, fructose and glucose were most present in pomegranate juice contributing 53.9 and 43.4% of the total sugar content, respectively. The total anthocyanin content ranged from 9-115 mg per litre of juice with the following ranges of the six compounds found: cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside (3.1-74.4 mg/L), delphinidin-3-glucoside (0.7-22.0 mg/L), cyanidin-3-glucoside (0.8-21.0 mg/L), pelargonidin-3-glucoside (0.5-16.1 mg/L), pelargonidin-3,5-diglucoside (0.0-11.8 mg/L), and delphinidin-3,5-diglucoside (0.0-5.4 mg/L). Based on the analyzed parameters, cluster analysis allowed grouping cultivars into two main clusters. One was made of sour cultivars and the second of the sweet ones. Principle component and cluster analyses suggested that the composition of the pomegranate fruits is determined by cultivar rather than cultivation location

    Phytochemical Attributes of Some Dried Fig (Ficus carica L.) Fruit Cultivars Grown in Iran

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    In the present study, total phenolic, total flavonoids, total anthocyanins, total antioxidant capacity, total soluble solids, colour parameters (such as L*, a*, b*, C*, and H°) and phenolic compounds, including catechin, total catechin, quercetin-3- glucoside, total quercetin, and chlorogenic acid of nine dried fig fruit cultivars in Fars province, Iran, were studied since only limited information on that topic is available in the literature. Results showed that the total phenolic content in ‘Khafrak’ cultivar was significantly higher than other examined cultivars. Regarding to the values of total antioxidant capacity, there were no statistically significant differences among the majority of cultivars except between ‘Khafrak’ and ‘Rowno’. Except for ‘Khafrak’ and ‘Rowno’, TF content in ‘Sigoto’ was significantly higher than the other examined cultivars. Anthocyanin content in all cultivars was negligible and it was not detected in some cultivars. Based on colorimetric results, the lightest skin color was observed in ‘Shahanjir’, while the darker color was in ‘Seyah’. Significant differences were determined among the cultivars with respect to the distribution of phenolic compounds. Catechin and total quercetin contents in ‘Matti’ were significantly higher than the other examined cultivars. Results suggest that chlorogenic acid played a trifling role in determination of antioxidant capacity of the fruits. In addition, the cluster analysis based on Euclidean distance with Unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic average (UPGMA) method separated the cultivars into three main groups

    Productive response of lambs fed Crescentia alata and Guazuma ulmifolia fruits in a tropical region of Mexico

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    polyethylene glycol (PEG) of the fruits of Crescentia alata and Guazuma ulmifolia was evaluated, the degradation kinetics of lamb diets with added fruit of the tree was determined, and the ration intake and growth rate of lambs fed these diets were measured. Twenty-five entire male lambs of 23.5± 0.44 kg body weight were used and distributed in treatments: T0 (control without fruit); T1 and T2, 15 and 30 % of the fruit of C. alata; and T3 and T4, 15 and 30 % of the fruit of G. ulmifoli