379 research outputs found

    The optimal method to make inferences about a linear combination of proportions

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    Asymptotic inferences about a linear combination of K independent binomial proportions are very frequent in applied research. Nevertheless, until quite recently research had been focused almost exclusively on cases of K≤2 (particularly on cases of one proportion and the difference of two proportions). This article focuses on cases of K>2, which have recently begun to receive more attention due to their great practical interest. In order to make this inference, there are several procedures which have not been compared: the score method (S0) and the method proposed by Martín Andrés et al. (W3) for adjusted Wald (which is a generalization of the method proposed by Price and Bonett) on the one hand and, on the other hand, the method of Zou et al. (N0) based on the Wilson confidence interval (which is a generalization of the Newcombe method). The article describes a new procedure (P0) based on the classic Peskun method, modifies the previous methods giving them continuity correction (methods S0c, W3c, N0c and P0c, respectively) and, finally, a simulation is made to compare the eight aforementioned procedures (which are selected from a total of 32 possible methods). The conclusion reached is that the S0c method is the best, although for very small samples (n i ≤ 10, ∀ i) the W3 method is better. The P0 method would be the optimal method if one needs a method which is almost never too liberal, but this entails using a method which is too conservative and which provides excessively wide CIs. The W3 and P0 methods have the additional advantage of being very easy to apply. A free programme which allows the application of the S0 and S0c methods (which are the most complex) can be obtained at http://www.ugr.es/local/bioest/Z_LINEAR_K.EXE

    Conditional and Unconditional Tests (and Sample Size) Based on Multiple Comparisons for Stratified 2 × 2 Tables

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    The Mantel-Haenszel test is the most frequent asymptotic test used for analyzing stratified 2x2 tables. Its exact alternative is the test of Birch, which has recently been reconsidered by Jung. Both tests have a conditional origin: Pearson’s chi-squared test and Fisher’s exact test, respectively. But both tests have the same drawback that the result of global test (the stratified test) may not be compatible with the result of individual tests (the test for each stratum). In this paper, we propose to carry out the global test using a multiple comparisons method (MC method) which does not have this disadvantage. By refining the method (MCB method) an alternative to the Mantel-Haenszel and Birch tests may be obtained. The new MC and MCB methods have the advantage that they may be applied from an unconditional view, a methodology which until now has not been applied to this problem. We also propose some sample size calculation methods.This research was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spanish, Grant no. MTM2012-35591

    Estructura del sistema de gestión de calidad de acuerdo con la norma ISO 9001: 2015 para los procesos de producción y recursos humanos en la empresa Selmec

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    Visita Técnica InternacionalCon este trabajo se busca realizar la propuesta para estructura del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad de los procesos de producción y recursos humanos de la empresa Selmec, con la finalidad de mejorar la calidad del servicio prestado y estandarización de sus procesos.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. DIAGNÓSTICO DEL NIVEL DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE LOS REQUISITOS DE LA ISO 9001:2015 EN LA EMPRESA SELMEC 3. ANÁLISIS DEL ESTADO DE LA EMPRESA SELMEC FRENTE A LOS REQUISITOS ESTABLECIDOS EN LA NORMA ISO 9001:2015 4. DISEÑAR LA PROPUESTA DE DOCUMENTACIÓN PARA EL SISTEMA DE GESTIÓN DE CALIDAD ISO 9001: 2015 5. CONCLUSIONES 6. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Industria

    Theoretical study of the N N --> N N pi pi reaction

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    We have developed a model for the N N --> N N pi pi reaction and evaluated cross sections for the different charged channels. The low energy part of those channels where the pions can be in an isospin zero state is dominated by N* excitation, driven by an isoscalar source recently found experimentally, followed by the decay N* --> N (pi pi, T=0, s-wave). At higher energies, and in channels where the pions are not in T=0, Delta excitation mechanisms become relevant. A rough agreement with the experimental data is obtained in most channels. Repercussions of the present findings for the ABC effect and the p p --> p p pi0 reaction close to threshold are also suggested.Comment: 22 pages, 12 postscripts figures, revised: a more general N* N pi pi Lagrangian is considered, to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    El lobo y su interacción con la ganadería

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    El lobo ibérico es una especie sujeta a diferentes consideraciones legales dentro de la Península Ibérica. Esta especie forma parte de la fauna típica de la península y es una figura importante en el ecosistema, así como también es un eslabón crucial en la cadena trófica. Sin embargo con frecuencia se considera incompatibe con la ganadería extensiva, ya que el lobo ha evolucionado para depredar a rumiantes vulnerables. El objetivo de este trabajo de fin de grado es en primer lugar aproximarnos al estudio del comportamiento de estos animales y analizar la situación del lobo y su interaccion con las actividades económicas en el medio rural, valorando las posibles medidas de mejora para su situación, protegiéndolo sin perjuicio de la ganadería

    The High Content of Quercetin and Catechin in Airen Grape Juice Supports Its Application in Functional Food Production.

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    Ensuring healthy lives and well-being constitutes one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 agenda. Consequently, research into how natural products may promote health is essential for the new generation of nutraceuticals and functional foods that are in high demand today. Grape juice is a natural foodstuff composed of water, sugars, minerals, vitamins and a wide array of polyphenols. Polyphenols are bioactive compounds of great interest due to their antioxidant properties and benefits to health, supporting antimicrobial, anti-aging, and anticarcinogenic activity. The majority of grape juice produced in the world is used for the production of wine, although a small part is used in the food industry, mainly in baby food and sports drinks. The aim of this work is to determine the polyphenol content in the natural and concentrated juice of Airen grapes, the main white grape variety produced in Spain. For this, fresh juices from five grape varietals (Airen, Sauvignon Blanc, Gewürztraminer, Verdejo and Tempranillo) and concentrated Airen juice were analyzed and compared. Results showed similar contents of phenolic acids and stilbenes in all grape varietals studied, although the Airen variety demonstrated a higher concentration of two flavonoids: quercetin and catechin. It can be concluded that the grape juice concentration process negatively affects the stability of these compounds, causing a reduction in the polyphenol content that ranges between 54–71%, with the exception of quercetin and catechin.post-print1881 K

    Análisis de la implementación de la industria 4.0 en el territorio español.

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    La industria 4.0 está relacionada con el uso e implementación de las nuevas tecnologías para una mejora continua de los procesos industriales. Una sociedad con elevada adopción de estas tecnologías tendrá una mejor organización y, en consecuencia, un mejor nivel de vida. Esta implementación se da de un modo gradual en la industria española. Algunas de las medidas que están realizando las empresas son la incorporación de equipos autónomos, robótica, simuladores de procesos, impresoras 3D, inteligencia artificial y equipos que están en constante comunicación entre sí y con otros equipos externos a la organización. Es importante conocer en qué medida las empresas españolas conocen y participan en esta revolución industrial, así como ver el alcance que tendrá en los años venideros. También es importante conocer en qué situación se encuentra España respecto al resto de países con los que compite. Es por ello por lo que en este trabajo se pretende abordar los fundamentos teóricos que conforman la industria 4.0 y las limitaciones que España presenta ante el mercado global. También se realiza un estudio estadístico sobre el nivel de madurez digital que tienen las empresas españolas en la actualidad, dependiendo de factores como el sector de actividad económica a la que pertenecen, la comunidad autónoma donde se sitúan y el tamaño de la empresa según número de empleados y según el valor de facturación anual.<br /