1,393 research outputs found

    Wronskian formula for confluent second-order supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    The confluent second-order supersymmetric quantum mechanics, for which the factorization energies tend to a single value, is studied. We show that the Wronskian formula remains valid if generalized eigenfunctions are taken as seed solutions. The confluent algorithm is used to generate SUSY partners of the Coulomb potential.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Physics Letters


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    Objective: The objective of the study was to identify the influence of governance on tourism competitiveness as measured by tourism GDP per capita, using structural equation modeling.Methodology: The study was descriptive correlational and applied quantitative documentary approach. Data from secondary sources from the World Bank and The World Travel & Tourism were used to obtain measures of governance and tourism GDP for 172 countries during the year 2021.Results: Governance was found to have a significant influence on tourism competitiveness, with government effectiveness, regulatory quality and rule of law emerging as the main predictors of governance. It was also found that most countries with high tourism performance have good governance, especially those countries that are small and specialized in tourism. Developed countries enjoy a high governance index, but do not lead the ranking in tourism GDP per capita.  Countries with low tourism performance have poor governance.Conclusions: Governance is a crucial factor in the success or failure of the tourism sector, and the positive and significant relationship between governance and tourism competitiveness has important implications for the formulation of policies and strategies to promote sustainable tourism development

    Stimulated Raman Scattering for All Optical Switches

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    We theoretically and experimentally investigate an all optical switch based on stimulated Raman scattering in optical fibers. The experimental setup consists of a Raman circuit of two stages connected in series through a bandpass filter. In the first stage, we have a saturated amplifier, in this stage the pump pulses are saturated when pump and signal are launched to the input or the pump pulses remain without saturation when pump only is launched at the input. The second stage works as the Raman amplifier; for this stage amplification is directly dependent on the pump power entering from the first stage. For the case when pump pulse only is launched at the input pass to the second stage without saturation and amplifies the signal entering in the second stage, very intense signal pulses appear at the output of this stage. For the case when both pump and signal pulses are launched to the input, the pump pulse is saturated in the first stage and the filter rejected the amplified signal, so that only low power pump enters the second stage and consequently no signal pulses appear at the output. We show that the contrast can be improved when using fibers with normal and anomalous dispersion connected in series in the first stage. The best contrast (the ratio of energies) obtained was 15 dB at 6 W pump peak power

    Zaluzania montagnifolia: essential oil composition and biological properties

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    The chemical composition of the seasonal essential oils (2015-2016) from the leaves and flowers of Zaluzania montagnifolia is presented. The chemical content of those oils showed quantitative and qualitative differences. Germacrene D (19.9-29.8%), camphor (12.4- 19.4%) and β-caryophyllene (13.7-18.5%) were the most abundant volatiles in the leaves. The essential oils from the flowers contained high amounts of camphor (32.7-37.2%) limonene (19.8-24.9%) and germacrene D (3.2-7.3%). All the seasonal essential oils showed a potent in vitro inhibition against HMG-CoA reductase. The essential oils from flowers (IC50, 40.5-55.1 μg mL-1) showed better inhibition properties than those of leaves (IC50, 84.4-123.5 μg mL-1). Camphor (IC50, 72.5 μg mL-1) and borneol (IC50, 84.4 μg mL-1) exerted a non-competitive inhibition on the enzyme. Additionally, the hydrodistillates exhibited antibacterial activity against the phytopathogenic Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci TBR2004 (MIC, 62.7-76.5 μg mL-1) P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (MIC, 45.4-50.4 μg mL-1) and P. syringae pv.phaseolicola NPS3121 (MIC, 26.7-31.9 μg mL-1). Germacrene D (MIC, 35.4-66.2 μg mL-1) and β-caryophyllene (MIC, 36.5-54.2 μg mL-1) were the strongest anti-Pseudomonas syringae agents

    Clinical relevance of monitoring serum levels of adalimumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in daily practice

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    [Objectives]: We aimed to assess the usefulness of measuring serum levels of adalimumab (ADL) and anti-ADL antibodies in 57 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treated with ADL for at least 3 months in daily practice. [Methods]: All patients received concomitant disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD). Receiver-operator characteristics (ROC) analysis was used to obtain the cut-off value of ADL for low disease activity (DAS28-ESR ≤3.2). [Results]: Anti-ADL antibodies were detected in 4 (7%) patients with a mean (SD) DAS28 score of 4.6 (0.9). Patients with positive anti-ADL antibodies had significantly lower levels of ADL and higher DAS28 scores than those with negative antibodies. Patients with DAS28 ≤3.2 as compared with patients with DAS28 >3.2 showed significantly better SDAI score, higher serum concentrations of ADL and none of them showed anti-ADL antibodies. The cut-off of serum level of ADL for DAS28 11.3 mg/L. Patients in the medium group were closed to clinical remission (median DAS28 2.7) and patients in the high group were on clinical remission (DAS28 2.1). [Conclusion]: Serum levels of ADL should be maintained >4.3 mg/L. In patients with ADL levels >11.3 mg/L, a decrease of the dose of ADL or an increase in the interval between doses may be planned. The presence of anti-ADL antibodies was associated with a loss of clinical efficacy of ADL.Peer Reviewe

    Polarization Properties of the Solitons Generated in the Process of Pulse Breakup in Twisted Fiber Pumped by ns Pulses

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    Common optical fibers are randomly birefringent, and solitons formatting and traveling in them are randomly polarized. However, it is desirable to have solitons with a well-defined polarization. With pump relatively long pulses, the nonlinear effects of modulation instability (MI) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) are dominant at the initial stage of the process of supercontinuum (SC) generation; modulation instability results in pulse breakup and formation of short pulses that evolve finally to a bunch of solitons and dispersive waves. We do the research of the polarization of solitons formed by the pulse breakup process by the effect of modulation instability with pump pulses of nanoseconds in standard fiber (SMF-28) with circular birefringence introduced by fiber twist, and the twisted fiber mitigates the random linear birefringence. In this work, we found that polarization ellipticity of solitons is distributed randomly; nevertheless, the average polarization ellipticity is closer to the circular than the polarization ellipticity of the input pulse. In the experimental setup. 200 m of SMF-28 fiber twisted by 6 turns/m was used. We used 1 ns pulse to pump the fiber. The results showed that at circular polarization of the input pulse solitons at the fiber output have polarizations close to the circular, while in the fiber without twist, the soliton polarization was random

    Composición espacial y temporal de aves acuáticas y rapaces en humedales del centro de México

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    Introduction: Wetlands play an important role as habitats for various groups of birds, particularly those with aquatic habits. Despite their high biodiversity, in Mexico there are few studies on the composition and dynamics of bird assemblages in these wetlands. Objective: To evaluate the spatial and temporal dynamics of the aquatic bird and raptor community in wetlands. Methods: To characterize waterfowl and raptors, transects of variable distance were checked monthly from November 2019 to February 2022 in wetlands located in the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City. Results: We counted 105 bird species. The highest values of diversity were in Laguna de Zumpango (91 species) and Lake Nabor Carrillo (91). Most of these species are migratory (63%), while 30% are residents, and 7% are introduced. Significant spatial and temporal differences (p<0,05) were found in the composition of the bird community. Conclusion: The highest diversity was in Zumpango and Nabor, and most species are migratory.Introducción: Los humedales cumplen una importante función ecológica como hábitats para diversos grupos de aves, en específico las de hábitos acuáticos. A pesar de su alta diversidad, en México existen escasos estudios sobre la composición y dinámica de la comunidad de aves en humedales. Objetivo: evaluar la dinámica espacial y temporal de la comunidad de aves acuáticas y rapaces en humedales. Métodos: para caracterizar las aves acuáticas y rapaces se realizaron transectos de distancia variable mensualmente durante noviembre de 2019 a febrero de 2022 humedales ubicados en la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México. Resultados: se registraron un total de 105 especies de aves. Los valores más altos de diversidad se encontraron en la Laguna de Zumpango (91 especies) y en el Lago Nabor Carrillo (91). La mayoría de estas especies son migratorias (63%), mientras que 30% son residentes, y 7% son introducidas. Se encontraron diferencias espaciales y temporales significativas (p<0,05) en la composición de la comunidad de aves. Conclusión: La mayor diversidad fue en Zumpango y Nabor Carrillo, y la mayoría fueron especies migratorias

    Caracterización nutricional de salsas a base de Xoconostle (Opuntia oligacantha C. F. Först)

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    Se elaboraron salsas a base de Xoconostle Ulapa, de la variedad Opuntia oligacantha C. F. Först, de un huerto comercial establecido en el municipio de Tezontepec de Aldama, Hidalgo, utilizando ingredientes como chile seco cascabel y, ajos, se obtuvieron en plantaciones establecidas en Zacatecas, Zac., México. Las salsas fueron elaboradas bajo la norma NMX-F-377-1986. Se obtuvieron cuatro tratamientos; con dos formulaciones (asada y cosida) y dos tratamientos térmicos (marmita: 80°C durante 20 min y autoclave: 121°C durante 15 min); T1: Xoconostle cocido y tratamiento térmico en autoclave, T2: Xoconostle asado y tratamiento térmico en autoclave, T3: Xoconostle cocido y tratamiento térmico en marmita, T4: Xoconostle asado y tratamiento térmico en marmita. Las variables evaluaron fueron: pH, acidez titulable, color, grasas, carbohidratos, valor energético, cenizas humedad, proteína y fibra cruda. Para el análisis de resultados se utilizó el programa estadístico SAS, el diseño completamente al azar. Se realizó el análisis de varianza y la prueba de comparaciones múltiples de Tukey con una p≤0.05. El mayor contenido de sólidos solubles totales o °Bx, se encontró en la salsa de Xoconostle asada (A/m) y con tratamiento térmico en marmita y tratamiento térmico en autoclave (A/a), cenizas: en salsa de Xoconostle cocido y tratamiento térmico en autoclave (C/a); el mayor contenido de humedad en salsa cocida y tratamiento térmico en autoclave C/a y cocida y con tratamiento térmico en marmita (C/m), proteína en A/m y C/a; y el mayor contenido de fibra cruda lo presento C/a

    Controlled transdermal release of antioxidant ferulate by a porous Sc(III) MOF

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    The Sc(III) MOF-type MFM-300(Sc) is demonstrated in this study to be stable under physiological conditions (PBS), biocompatible (to human skin cells), and an efficient drug carrier for the long-term controlled release (through human skin) of antioxidant ferulate. MFM-300(Sc) also preserves the antioxidant pharmacological effects of ferulate while enhancing the bio-preservation of dermal skin fibroblasts, during the delivery process. These discoveries pave the way toward the extended use of Sc(III)-based MOFs as drug delivery systems (DDSs)


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    Objective. To elaborate an inventory of tourism resources identified in the mountain area of Texcoco, which serve as an instrument for planning and organizing the local tourism system. Design/Methodology/Approach. We considered the application of a survey to the auxiliary authorities, as well as to local and external actors that would allow contextualizing the tourism dynamics in the area. The task was supported by field trips applying the ethnographic method. From the collected data, eight localities were selected within the characteristics, a greater number of tourism resources were identified. Results. It was determined that some of the selected localities have sufficient attributes to potentiate some of their resources as a strategy for local development. Limitations/Implications. The restriction to access information in local offices of the municipal government limited the approach to some resources; thus, self-reported data had to be constructed through the perception of some individuals. Conclusions. It is necessary to develop tourism land-planning instruments through mechanisms of management that include training for local actors on various topics for the sustainable use of tourism resources