135 research outputs found

    Validation of the Scale of Basic Psychological Needs towards Physical Exercise, with the Inclusion of Novelty

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    The purpose of this study was to validate and adapt to the Spanish context of Physical Education, the Spanish version of the Scale of Basic Psychological Needs in the context of physical exercise, with the incorporation of novelty to the scale. The sample that took part in the study was 2372 people from 16 to 48 years old from the province of Almeria. In order to analyze the psychometric properties of the scale, several analyses have been carried out. The results have offered support both for the eight-factor structure and for the higher-order double model where the eight subscales are joined into two constructs called frustration and satisfaction. The structure of both models was invariant with respect to gender and age. Cronbach’s alpha values were above 0.70 in the subscales and scales; and adequate levels of temporal stability. In addition, the subfactors pertaining to the satisfaction of basic psychological needs positively predicted the intrinsic motivation for physical activity, while each of the subfactors of the frustration of psychological needs predicted it negatively. The results of this study provide evidence of the reliability and validity of the BPNS in the Spanish context of physical activity

    Rational stabilization of the C-LytA affinity tag by protein engineering

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    The C-LytA protein constitutes the choline-binding module of the LytA amidase from Streptococcus pneumoniae. Owing to its affinity for choline and analogs, it is regularly used as an affinity tag for the purification of proteins in a single chromatographic step. In an attempt to build a robust variant against thermal denaturation, we have engineered several salt bridges on the protein surface. All the stabilizing mutations were pooled in a single variant, C-LytAm7, which contained seven changes: Y25K, F27K, M33E, N51K, S52K, T85K and T108K. The mutant displays a 7 degrees C thermal stabilization compared with the wild-type form, together with a complete reversibility upon heating and a higher kinetic stability. Moreover, the accumulation of intermediates in the unfolding of C-LytA is virtually abolished for C-LytAm7. The differences in stability become more evident when the proteins are bound to a DEAE-cellulose affinity column, as most of wild-type C-LytA is denatured at approximately 65 degrees C, whereas C-LytAm7 may stand temperatures up to 90 degrees C. Finally, the change in the isoelectric point of C-LytAm7 enhances its solubility at acidic pHs. Therefore, C-LytAm7 behaves as an improved affinity tag and supports the engineering of surface salt bridges as an effective approach for protein stabilization

    Physical Education Classes as a Precursor to the Mediterranean Diet and the Practice of Physical Activity

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    Physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet are remaining unresolved issues among young people. According to the World Health Organization, young people do not get enough exercise during the week, and physical education classes are the best way to promote healthy habits. This study aims to analyze how the role of the teacher influences the frustration of psychological needs, coping strategies, motivation, and the adoption of healthy eating habits through the Mediterranean diet and the regular practice of physical activity. The study involved 1031 boys and 910 girls between the ages of 13 and 18. To explain the relationships between the different variables included in this study, a model of structural equations has been developed. The results showed that autonomy support negatively predicted the frustration of four psychological needs. The failure to meet four psychological needs negatively predicted resilience. Likewise, resilience positively predicted autonomous motivation, and this positively predicted the Mediterranean diet and the practice of physical activity. Thus, the results obtained in the present study are in line with those of various studies wherein physical education classes were seen to help consolidate healthy living habits

    Anàlisis de cas: La història de la Sara, el Joel i l'Òscar (II)

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    El document que es presenta és un material docent amb orientacions per a fer un anàlisis de la situació familiar de tres nens (Sara, Joel i Òscar) que pateixen maltractament infantil a l’àmbit domèstic. La pràctica proposada es continuació de la pràctica "anàlisis de cas: la història de la Sara, el Joel i l'Òscar (1)" disponible en: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/62925. En aquesta segona pràctica, "anàlisis de cas: la història de la Sara, el Joel i l'Òscar (2)", es proposa l’estudi del cas des d'un equip d'atenció a la infància i l'adolescència (EAIA). Per desenvolupar la pràctica cal que l'alumnat valori els factors de risc, factors de protecció, factors de pronòstic i indicadors de maltractament del cas que s'exposa. Per fer aquest primer estudi, es proposa la utilització de l'eina de cribatge publicada pel Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Un cop elaborat aquest primer anàlisis, es demana a l'alumnat, que redacti alguns dels apartats que constitueixen una síntesis avaluativa. En concret, han de redactar, en format informe els següents apartats: la situació actual de la família, la valoració del cas i la proposta administrativa

    Real time monitoring of peptidoglycan synthesis by membrane-reconstituted penicillin binding proteins

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    Peptidoglycan is an essential component of the bacterial cell envelope that surrounds the cytoplasmic membrane to protect the cell from osmotic lysis. Important antibiotics such as β-lactams and glycopeptides target peptidoglycan biosynthesis. Class A penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) are bifunctional membrane-bound peptidoglycan synthases that polymerize glycan chains and connect adjacent stem peptides by transpeptidation. How these enzymes work in their physiological membrane environment is poorly understood. Here, we developed a novel Förster resonance energy transfer-based assay to follow in real time both reactions of class A PBPs reconstituted in liposomes or supported lipid bilayers and applied this assay with PBP1B homologues from Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacter baumannii in the presence or absence of their cognate lipoprotein activator. Our assay will allow unravelling the mechanisms of peptidoglycan synthesis in a lipid-bilayer environment and can be further developed to be used for high-throughput screening for new antimicrobials